

dijo is a habit tracker. It is curses-based, it runs in your terminal. dijo is scriptable, hook it up with external programs to track events without moving a finger. dijo is modal, much like a certain text editor.


  • vim like motions: navigate dijo with hjkl!
  • dijo is modal: different modes to view different stats!
  • vim like command mode: add with :add, delete with :delete and above all, quit with :q!.
  • fully scriptable: configure dijo to track your git commits!


To get the latest release of dijo, prefer installing it via cargo. Unofficial packages exist for some package managers as well. You can also browse the Releases page for prebuilt binaries.


# dijo requires rustc >= v1.42
$ rustup update

$ cargo install dijo

If you aren't familiar with cargo or Rust, read the complete installation guide.


dijo on nixpkgs (maintained by @Infinisil):

$ nix-env -f channel:nixpkgs-unstable -iA dijo

Arch Linux

Install dijo-bin or dijo-git from the AUR.


# the default termion backend dosen't run on windows yet
$ cargo install --no-default-features --features "crossterm-backend"


dijo has a detailed wiki, here are some good places to start out:

Day mode, shows days of the current month:


Week mode, shows weekly summary for the weeks of the month:


Awesome Humane Tech