use std::f64; use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions}; use std::io::prelude::*; use cursive::direction::{Absolute, Direction}; use cursive::event::{Event, EventResult, Key}; use cursive::view::View; use cursive::{Printer, Vec2}; use chrono::{Local, NaiveDate}; use crate::habit::{Bit, Count, Habit, HabitWrapper}; use crate::utils; use crate::Command; use crate::CONFIGURATION; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; #[derive(PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum ViewMode { Day, Month, Year, } impl std::default::Default for ViewMode { fn default() -> Self { ViewMode::Month } } struct StatusLine(String, String); #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct App { // holds app data habits: Vec<Box<dyn HabitWrapper>>, // serialization of the rest can be skipped #[serde(skip)] focus: usize, #[serde(skip)] view_mode: ViewMode, #[serde(skip)] view_month_offset: u32, } impl App { pub fn new() -> Self { return App { habits: vec![], view_mode: ViewMode::Day, focus: 0, view_month_offset: 0, }; } pub fn add_habit(&mut self, h: Box<dyn HabitWrapper>) { self.habits.push(h); } pub fn delete_by_name(&mut self, name: &str) { self.habits.retain(|h| h.get_name() != name); } pub fn set_mode(&mut self, set_mode: ViewMode) { if set_mode != self.view_mode { self.view_mode = set_mode; } } pub fn set_view_month_offset(&mut self, offset: u32) { self.view_month_offset = offset; for v in self.habits.iter_mut() { v.set_view_month_offset(offset); } } pub fn sift_backward(&mut self) { self.view_month_offset += 1; for v in self.habits.iter_mut() { v.set_view_month_offset(self.view_month_offset); } } pub fn sift_forward(&mut self) { if self.view_month_offset > 0 { self.view_month_offset -= 1; for v in self.habits.iter_mut() { v.set_view_month_offset(self.view_month_offset); } } } fn set_focus(&mut self, d: Absolute) { let grid_width = CONFIGURATION.grid_width; match d { Absolute::Right => { if self.focus != self.habits.len() - 1 { self.focus += 1; } } Absolute::Left => { if self.focus != 0 { self.focus -= 1; } } Absolute::Down => { if self.focus + grid_width < self.habits.len() - 1 { self.focus += grid_width; } else { self.focus = self.habits.len() - 1; } } Absolute::Up => { if self.focus as isize - grid_width as isize >= 0 { self.focus -= grid_width; } else { self.focus = 0; } } Absolute::None => {} } } fn status(&self) -> StatusLine { let today = chrono::Local::now().naive_utc().date(); let remaining = self.habits.iter().map(|h| h.remaining(today)).sum::<u32>(); let total = self.habits.iter().map(|h|<u32>(); let completed = total - remaining; let timestamp = if self.view_month_offset == 0 { format!( "{:>width$}", Local::now().date().format("%d/%b/%y"), width = CONFIGURATION.view_width * CONFIGURATION.grid_width ) } else { let months = self.view_month_offset; format!( "{:>width$}", format!("{} months ago", self.view_month_offset), width = CONFIGURATION.view_width * CONFIGURATION.grid_width ) }; StatusLine { 0: format!("Today: {} completed, {} remaining", completed, remaining), 1: timestamp, } } fn max_size(&self) -> Vec2 { let grid_width = CONFIGURATION.grid_width; let width = { if self.habits.len() > 0 { grid_width * CONFIGURATION.view_width } else { 0 } }; let height = { if self.habits.len() > 0 { (CONFIGURATION.view_height as f64 * (self.habits.len() as f64 / grid_width as f64).ceil()) as usize } else { 0 } }; Vec2::new(width, height + 2) } pub fn load_state() -> Self { let data_file = utils::data_file(); if let Ok(ref mut file) = File::open(data_file) { let mut j = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut j); return serde_json::from_str(&j).unwrap(); } else { Self::new() } } // this function does IO // TODO: convert this into non-blocking async function fn save_state(&self) { let j = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&self).unwrap(); let data_file = utils::data_file(); match OpenOptions::new().write(true).create(true).open(data_file) { Ok(ref mut file) => file.write_all(j.as_bytes()).unwrap(), Err(_) => panic!("Unable to write!"), }; } pub fn parse_command(&mut self, input: &str) { let c = Command::from_string(input); match c { Command::Add(name, kind, goal) => { if kind == "count" { self.add_habit(Box::new(Count::new(name, goal.unwrap_or(0)))); } else if kind == "bit" { self.add_habit(Box::new(Bit::new(name))); } } Command::Delete(name) => { self.delete_by_name(&name); self.focus = 0; } Command::Quit => self.save_state(), Command::MonthNext => self.sift_forward(), Command::MonthPrev => self.sift_backward(), _ => { eprintln!("UNKNOWN COMMAND!"); } } } } impl View for App { fn draw(&self, printer: &Printer) { let grid_width = CONFIGURATION.grid_width; let mut offset = Vec2::zero(); for (idx, i) in self.habits.iter().enumerate() { if idx >= grid_width && idx % grid_width == 0 { offset = offset.map_y(|y| y + CONFIGURATION.view_height).map_x(|_| 0); } i.draw(&printer.offset(offset).focused(self.focus == idx)); offset = offset.map_x(|x| x + CONFIGURATION.view_width + 2); } offset = offset.map_x(|_| 0).map_y(|_| self.max_size().y - 2); printer.print(offset, &self.status().1); // right printer.print(offset, &self.status().0); // left } fn required_size(&mut self, _: Vec2) -> Vec2 { let grid_width = CONFIGURATION.grid_width; let view_width = CONFIGURATION.view_width; let view_height = CONFIGURATION.view_height; let width = { if self.habits.len() > 0 { grid_width * view_width } else { 0 } }; let height = { if self.habits.len() > 0 { (view_height as f64 * (self.habits.len() as f64 / grid_width as f64).ceil()) as usize + 2 // to acoomodate statusline and commandline } else { 0 } }; Vec2::new(width, height) } fn take_focus(&mut self, _: Direction) -> bool { false } fn on_event(&mut self, e: Event) -> EventResult { match e { Event::Key(Key::Right) | Event::Key(Key::Tab) | Event::Char('l') => { self.set_focus(Absolute::Right); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } Event::Key(Key::Left) | Event::Shift(Key::Tab) | Event::Char('h') => { self.set_focus(Absolute::Left); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } Event::Key(Key::Up) | Event::Char('k') => { self.set_focus(Absolute::Up); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } Event::Key(Key::Down) | Event::Char('j') => { self.set_focus(Absolute::Down); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } Event::Char('d') => { if self.habits.is_empty() { return EventResult::Consumed(None); } self.habits.remove(self.focus); self.focus = self.focus.checked_sub(1).unwrap_or(0); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } Event::Char('w') => { let j = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&self).unwrap(); let mut file = File::create("foo.txt").unwrap(); file.write_all(j.as_bytes()).unwrap(); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } Event::Char('q') => { self.save_state(); return EventResult::with_cb(|s| s.quit()); } /* We want sifting to be an app level function, * that later trickles down into each habit * */ Event::Char(']') => { self.sift_forward(); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } Event::Char('[') => { self.sift_backward(); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } Event::Char('}') => { self.set_view_month_offset(0); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } /* Every keybind that is not caught by App trickles * down to the focused Habit We sift back to today * before performing any action, "refocusing" the cursor * */ _ => { if self.habits.is_empty() { return EventResult::Ignored; } self.set_view_month_offset(0); self.habits[self.focus].on_event(e) } } } }