use cursive::direction::Direction; use cursive::event::{Event, EventResult, Key}; use cursive::theme::{Effect, Style}; use cursive::view::View; use cursive::{Printer, Vec2}; use chrono::prelude::*; use chrono::{Local, NaiveDate}; use crate::habit::{Bit, Count, Habit, TrackEvent, ViewMode}; use crate::theme::cursor_gen; use crate::utils::VIEW_WIDTH; use crate::CONFIGURATION; pub trait ShadowView { fn draw(&self, printer: &Printer); fn required_size(&mut self, _: Vec2) -> Vec2; fn take_focus(&mut self, _: Direction) -> bool; fn on_event(&mut self, e: Event) -> EventResult; } // the only way to not rewrite each View implementation for trait // objects of Habit is to rewrite the View trait itself. impl ShadowView for T where T: Habit, T::HabitType: std::fmt::Display, { fn draw(&self, printer: &Printer) { // let now = if self.view_month_offset() == 0 { // Local::today() // } else { // Local::today() // .checked_sub_signed(Duration::weeks(4 * self.view_month_offset() as i64)) // .unwrap() // }; let now = self.cursor().0; let is_today = now == Local::now().naive_local().date(); let year = now.year(); let month = now.month(); let goal_reached_style = Style::from(CONFIGURATION.reached_color()); let todo_style = Style::from(CONFIGURATION.todo_color()); let future_style = Style::from(CONFIGURATION.inactive_color()); let cursor_style = cursor_gen(); let strikethrough = Style::from(Effect::Strikethrough); let goal_status = is_today && self.reached_goal(Local::now().naive_local().date()); printer.with_style( Style::merge(&[ if goal_status { strikethrough } else { Style::none() }, if !printer.focused { future_style } else { Style::none() }, ]), |p| { p.print( (0, 0), &format!(" {:.width$} ",, width = VIEW_WIDTH - 6), ); }, ); let draw_week = |printer: &Printer| { let days = (1..31) .map(|i| NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(year, month, i)) .flatten() // dates 28-31 may not exist, ignore them if they don't .collect::>(); for (week, line_nr) in days.chunks(7).zip(2..) { let weekly_goal = self.goal() * week.len() as u32; let is_this_week = week.contains(&Local::now().naive_local().date()); let remaining = week.iter().map(|&i| self.remaining(i)).sum::(); let completions = weekly_goal - remaining; let full = VIEW_WIDTH - 8; let bars_to_fill = if weekly_goal > 0 { (completions * full as u32) / weekly_goal } else { 0 }; let percentage = if weekly_goal > 0 { (completions as f64 * 100.) / weekly_goal as f64 } else { 0.0 }; printer.with_style(future_style, |p| { p.print((4, line_nr), &"─".repeat(full)); }); printer.with_style(goal_reached_style, |p| { p.print((4, line_nr), &"─".repeat(bars_to_fill as usize)); }); printer.with_style( if is_this_week { Style::none() } else { future_style }, |p| { p.print((0, line_nr), &format!("{:2.0}% ", percentage)); }, ); } }; let draw_day = |printer: &Printer| { let mut i = 0; while let Some(d) = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(year, month, i + 1) { let mut day_style = cursor_style.combine(todo_style); if self.reached_goal(d) { day_style = day_style.combine(goal_reached_style); } let coords: Vec2 = ((i % 7) * 3, i / 7 + 2).into(); if let Some(c) = self.get_by_date(d) { printer.with_style(day_style, |p| { p.print(coords, &format!("{:^3}", c)); }); } else { printer.with_style(future_style, |p| { p.print(coords, &format!("{:^3}", CONFIGURATION.look.future_chr)); }); } i += 1; } }; match self.view_mode() { ViewMode::Day => draw_day(printer), ViewMode::Week => draw_week(printer), _ => draw_day(printer), }; } fn required_size(&mut self, _: Vec2) -> Vec2 { (25, 6).into() } fn take_focus(&mut self, _: Direction) -> bool { true } fn on_event(&mut self, e: Event) -> EventResult { let now = self.cursor().0; if self.is_auto() { return EventResult::Ignored; } match e { Event::Key(Key::Enter) | Event::Char('n') => { self.modify(now, TrackEvent::Increment); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } Event::Key(Key::Backspace) | Event::Char('p') => { self.modify(now, TrackEvent::Decrement); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } _ => return EventResult::Ignored, } } } macro_rules! auto_view_impl { ($struct_name:ident) => { impl View for $struct_name { fn draw(&self, printer: &Printer) { ShadowView::draw(self, printer); } fn required_size(&mut self, x: Vec2) -> Vec2 { ShadowView::required_size(self, x) } fn take_focus(&mut self, d: Direction) -> bool { ShadowView::take_focus(self, d) } fn on_event(&mut self, e: Event) -> EventResult { ShadowView::on_event(self, e) } } }; } auto_view_impl!(Count); auto_view_impl!(Bit);