/* Copyright (C) 2019 Akshay Oppiliappan * Refer to LICENCE for more information. * */ use std::iter::ExactSizeIterator; use crate::lex; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum CalcError { Math(Math), Syntax(String), Parser(String), Help, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Math { DivideByZero, OutOfBounds, UnknownBase, } pub fn handler(e: CalcError) -> String { match e { CalcError::Math(math_err) => match math_err { Math::DivideByZero => "Math Error: Divide by zero error!".to_string(), Math::OutOfBounds => "Domain Error: Out of bounds!".to_string(), Math::UnknownBase => "Base too large! Accepted ranges: 0 - 36".to_string(), }, CalcError::Syntax(details) => format!("Syntax Error: {}", details), CalcError::Parser(details) => format!("Parser Error: {}", details), CalcError::Help => { // calculate max width but ideally this should be calculated once let mut max_width = 79; // capped at 79 if let Some((w, _)) = term_size::dimensions() { if w < max_width { max_width = w; } } let operators: Vec<_> = lex::OPERATORS.keys().map(|c| c.to_string()).collect(); format!( "Constants\n{}\nFunctions\n{}\nOperators\n{}\n", blocks(max_width, lex::CONSTANTS.keys().cloned()), blocks(max_width, lex::FUNCTIONS.keys().cloned()), operators.join(" ") ) } } } /// Convert iterator into strings of chunks of 8 right padded with space. fn blocks( max_width: usize, mut iter: impl Iterator + ExactSizeIterator, ) -> String { // multiply by eight since we are formatting it into chunks of 8 let items_per_line = max_width / 8; let full_bytes = (iter.len() - iter.len() % items_per_line) * 8; let part_bytes = iter.len() % items_per_line * 8; // leftovers let n_newlines = iter.len() / items_per_line + if part_bytes > 0 { 1 } else { 0 }; let mut s = String::with_capacity(full_bytes + part_bytes + n_newlines); for _ in 0..n_newlines { for item in iter.by_ref().take(items_per_line) { s.extend(format!("{:>8}", item).chars()); } s.push('\n'); } debug_assert_eq!(s.capacity(), s.len()); // check capacity calculation s }