" insert fancy signifiers with abbrevs iabbrev todo · iabbrev done × " select the task list and hit `gq` to sort and group by status set formatprg=sort\ -V " syntax highlighting augroup JournalSyntax autocmd! autocmd BufReadPost * set filetype=journal autocmd BufReadPost * syntax match JournalAll /.*/ " captures the entire buffer autocmd BufReadPost * syntax match JournalDone /^×.*/ " lines containing 'done' items: × autocmd BufReadPost * syntax match JournalTodo /^·.*/ " lines containing 'todo' items: · autocmd BufReadPost * syntax match JournalEvent /^o.*/ " lines containing 'event' items: o autocmd BufReadPost * syntax match JournalNote /^- .*/ " lines containing 'note' items: - autocmd BufReadPost * syntax match JournalMoved /^>.*/ " lines containing 'moved' items: > autocmd BufReadPost * syntax match JournalHeader /^\<\u\+\>.*/ " lines starting with caps autocmd BufReadPost * highlight JournalAll ctermfg=12 autocmd BufReadPost * highlight JournalHeader ctermfg=12 autocmd BufReadPost * highlight JournalDone ctermfg=12 autocmd BufReadPost * highlight JournalMoved ctermfg=12 autocmd BufReadPost * highlight JournalEvent ctermfg=6 " cyan autocmd BufReadPost * highlight JournalMoved ctermfg=5 " pink autocmd BufReadPost * highlight JournalNote ctermfg=3 " yellow autocmd BufReadPost * highlight VertSplit ctermfg=0 ctermbg=0 " hide vert splits augroup END augroup JournalHideUIElements autocmd! " hide junk autocmd VimEnter * set laststatus=0 autocmd VimEnter * set noruler nonumber nocursorline nocursorcolumn norelativenumber " pin scrolling autocmd VimEnter * set scrollbind augroup END syntax on