# pista > a simple {bash, zsh} prompt for programmers ![pista.png](https://u.peppe.rs/GZ.png) ### features - shortened current working directory - git info (branch/commit, ahead/behind status, repo status) - superuser indicator - fully configurable - m̶̛̩̬͎̲͚͙͇͂͌̏͒̎͗̆̚i̡̛̬̩͙̣̤͈̥̟͔͆̈͑̑͠͝ņ̵̛̟̥̹͍̻͍̐͛̑͋ì̴̛̗̫͍̯͈̖̝͍͊̏͗̍̈́̾m̨̼̦͈͍͕͊̀̾̽̿̅͋͆͜a̵͔̥̫̲͙͒̎͋͌̑͘̚͜͡l̵̨̧̛̪̭̣͚͇͌̇͋̌͘͢ ### installation - Step 0: install rust ```shell $ curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh Rust is installed now. Great! # check if you have the latest version. # pista works with rustc >= 1.34 $ rustc --version rustc 1.36.0 (a53f9df32 2019-07-03) # update rust if required $ rustup update ``` - Step 1a (install from crates.io): install `pista` with `cargo` (rust's package manager): ```shell # if you want to install from source, skip over to 1b $ cargo install pista $ ~/.cargo/bin/pista -V Pista 0.1.2 # yay! ``` - Step 1b (install from source): if you *do not* want install from crates.io, you can install from source: ```shell # install from source $ git clone https://github.com/nerdypepper/pista --recurse-submodules $ cargo install --path ./pista --force $ ~/.cargo/bin/pista -V Pista 0.1.2 # yay! ``` - Step 2a (bash): bash users, set your `PS1`: ```shell PS1='$(pista)' # regular variant PS1='$(pista -m)' # minimal variant ``` - Step 2b (zsh): zsh users, add this to your `.zshrc`: ```shell autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook _pista_prompt() { PROMPT="$(pista -z)" # `pista -zm` for the miminal variant } add-zsh-hook precmd _pista_prompt ``` `pista` handles prompt modifications when you enter virtual environments. make sure to disable `virtualenv`'s changes. ```shell export VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT=1 ``` thats it! read on if you aren't happy with the defaults. ### configuration this is the default configuration. drop this in your `.bashrc` (or `.zshrc`) to get started. remember to `source ~/.bashrc` (or `source ~/.zshrc`) to observe the changes! ``` # prompt string to display, for regular users export PROMPT_CHAR="$" export PROMPT_CHAR_COLOR="green" # prompt string to display, for the root user export PROMPT_CHAR_ROOT="#" export PROMPT_CHAR_ROOT_COLOR="red" # if SHORTEN_CWD is set to 1, `/home/nerdypepper/code` is shortened to # `/h/n/code` export SHORTEN_CWD=1 export CWD_COLOR="white" # if EXPAND_TILDE is set to 0, `/home/nerdypepper` is shortened to `~` export EXPAND_TILDE=0 # there are three possible states for a git repo # - unstaged (working tree has been modified) # - staged (staging area has been modified) # - clean (all staged changes have committed) # symbol to represent clean repo state export GIT_CLEAN="·" export GIT_CLEAN_COLOR="green" # symbol to represent unstaged repo state export GIT_WT_MODIFIED="×" export GIT_WT_MODIFIED_COLOR="red" # symbol to represent staged repo state export GIT_INDEX_MODIFIED="±" export GIT_INDEX_MODIFIED_COLOR="yellow" # if HEAD ref peels to branch export BRANCH_COLOR="green" # if HEAD ref peels to a commit (detached state) export COMMIT_COLOR="green" ``` all 16 colors are available: ``` black red green yellow blue magenta (or purple) cyan white bright black bright red bright green bright yellow bright blue bright magenta (or purple) bright cyan bright white ```