use std::env; use std::path::Path; use git2::{ Repository, Status }; use colored::*; pub fn vcs_status() -> Option<(colored::ColoredString, colored::ColoredString)> { let current_dir = env::var("PWD").unwrap(); let mut repo: Option = None; let current_path = Path::new(¤t_dir[..]); for path in current_path.ancestors() { match Repository::open(path) { Ok(r) => { repo = Some(r); break; } Err(_) => {}, } } if repo.is_none() { return None } let repo = repo.unwrap(); let mut commit_dist: String = "".into(); if let Some((ahead, behind)) = get_ahead_behind(&repo) { if ahead > 0 { commit_dist.push_str(" ↑"); } if behind > 0 { commit_dist.push_str(" ↓"); } } let reference = match repo.head() { Ok(r) => r, Err(_) => return None }; let mut branch; let branch_color = env::var("BRANCH_COLOR").unwrap_or("bright black".into()); let commit_color = env::var("COMMIT_COLOR").unwrap_or("bright black".into()); if reference.is_branch() { branch = format!("{}{}", reference.shorthand().unwrap(), commit_dist).color(branch_color); } else { let commit = reference.peel_to_commit().unwrap(); let id =; branch = format!("{:.6}{}", id, commit_dist).color(commit_color); } let git_clean_color = env::var("GIT_CLEAN_COLOR").unwrap_or("green".into()); let git_wt_modified_color = env::var("GIT_WT_MODIFIED_COLOR").unwrap_or("red".into()); let git_index_modified_color = env::var("GIT_INDEX_MODIFIED_COLOR").unwrap_or("yellow".into()); let stat_char = env::var("GIT_CLEAN").unwrap_or("·".into()); let mut repo_stat = stat_char.color(&git_clean_color[..]); let file_stats = repo.statuses(None).unwrap(); for file in file_stats.iter() { match file.status() { // STATE: unstaged (working tree modified) Status::WT_NEW | Status::WT_MODIFIED | Status::WT_DELETED | Status::WT_TYPECHANGE | Status::WT_RENAMED => { let stat_char = env::var("GIT_WT_MODIFIED").unwrap_or("×".into()); repo_stat = stat_char.color(&git_wt_modified_color[..]); break; }, // STATE: staged (changes added to index) Status::INDEX_NEW | Status::INDEX_MODIFIED | Status::INDEX_DELETED | Status::INDEX_TYPECHANGE | Status::INDEX_RENAMED => { let stat_char = env::var("GIT_INDEX_MODIFIED").unwrap_or("±".into()); repo_stat = stat_char.color(&git_index_modified_color[..]); }, // STATE: committed (changes have been saved in the repo) _ => { } } } return Some((branch, repo_stat)) } fn get_ahead_behind(r: &Repository) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { let head = (r.head().ok())?; if !head.is_branch() { return None } let head_name = (head.shorthand())?; let head_branch = (r.find_branch(head_name, git2::BranchType::Local).ok())?; let upstream = (head_branch.upstream().ok())?; let head_oid = (; let upstream_oid = (upstream.get().target())?; r.graph_ahead_behind(head_oid, upstream_oid).ok() }