extern crate clap; extern crate cursive; extern crate reqwest; extern crate serde_json; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; use cursive::traits::*; use cursive::views::{ Dialog, DummyView, EditView, LinearLayout, OnEventView, SelectView, TextView, }; use cursive::Cursive; use serde_json::Value; use clap::{App, Arg}; pub mod content; use content::*; pub mod theme; use theme::*; struct Configuration { wiki_url: String, } lazy_static! { static ref CONFIGURATION: Configuration = parse_arguments(); } fn main() { // Initial setup let mut main = Cursive::default(); // Set theme main.set_theme(theme_gen()); main.add_global_callback('q', |s| s.quit()); main.add_global_callback('s', |s| search(s)); main.run(); } fn parse_arguments() -> Configuration { let matches = App::new(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME")) .version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) .author(env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS")) .about(env!("CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION")) .arg( Arg::with_name("URL") .help("The URL of the wiki to be viewed") .index(1), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("lang") .short("l") .long("lang") .value_name("CODE") .help("Choose the language for Wikipedia") .takes_value(true), ) .get_matches(); if matches.is_present("HELP") { std::process::exit(0); } let lang = matches.value_of("lang").unwrap_or("en").to_string(); let wiki_url = matches .value_of("URL") .unwrap_or(&format!("https://{}.wikipedia.org", lang)) .to_string(); Configuration { wiki_url } } fn search(s: &mut Cursive) { fn go(s: &mut Cursive, search: &str) { s.pop_layer(); let mut result = vec![]; match get_search_results(&search) { Ok(x) => result = x, Err(e) => pop_error(s, &handler(&e)), }; let choose_result = SelectView::::new() .with_all_str(result) .on_submit(|s, name| { s.pop_layer(); on_submit(s, name); }) .scrollable(); s.add_layer( Dialog::around(choose_result) .title("Search Results") .button("Cancel", |s| match s.pop_layer() { _ => (), }) .fixed_size((45, 10)), ); } s.add_layer( Dialog::around(EditView::new().on_submit(go).with_id("search")) .title("Search for a page") .button("Go", |s| { let search_txt = s .call_on_id("search", |v: &mut EditView| v.get_content()) .unwrap(); go(s, &search_txt); }) .button("Cancel", |s| match s.pop_layer() { _ => (), }) .fixed_size((35, 5)), ); } fn on_submit(s: &mut Cursive, name: &str) { // get article data let url = query_url_gen(name); let mut extract = String::new(); let mut link_vec: Vec = vec![]; let mut res = reqwest::get(url).unwrap(); let v: Value = res.json().expect("Failed to parse json"); match get_extract(&v) { Ok(x) => extract = x, Err(e) => pop_error(s, &handler(&e)), }; match get_links(&v) { Ok(x) => link_vec = x, Err(e) => pop_error(s, &handler(&e)), }; // get the act together let article_content = TextView::new(extract_formatter(&extract)).scrollable(); let links = SelectView::::new() .with_all_str(link_vec) .on_submit(on_submit) .scrollable() .fixed_width(20); s.add_layer( Dialog::around( OnEventView::new( LinearLayout::horizontal() .child(article_content.fixed_width(72)) .child(DummyView) .child(links), ).on_event('t', |s| match s.pop_layer() { _ => (), }), ).title(name), ); }