# xcursorlocate > cursor location indicator for x11 ![preview.gif](screencap.gif) # install to build, `xcursorlocate`, you require the `libxcb-devel` package. ```shell $ git clone https://github.com/nerdypepper/xcursorlocate $ cd xcursorlocate $ cargo install --force --path ./ ``` # usage have your window manager trigger `xcursorlocate` on a key press, i use `sxhkd` to handle key bindings: ```shell # ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc ctrl + Escape: xcursorlocate ``` # configuration `xcursorlocate` is configured via a `.toml` file, which is present in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xcursorlocate`. a basic config is generated on first run, a sample config can be found in the [`examples`](./examples/sample_config.toml) directory. # uninstall :( ``` $ rm -rf xcursorlocate/ $ rm -rf ~/.config/xcursorlocate/ $ rm -f $HOME/.cargo/bin/xcursorlocate ``` # todo: - use `xrender` for smooth circles - use opengl for fancy fx maybe? - add interface - ~~toml config~~