use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; mod animations; use animations::Animation; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] enum Kind { Grow, GrowOutline, Shrink, ShrinkOutline, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct IndicatorConfig { max_size: u16, // display pixels duration: u64, // milliseconds thickness: u32, // display pixels framerate: u16, // number of circles to display color: u32, // color in hex, eg.: 0x00FECA animation: Kind, // 'Grow' | 'Shrink' | 'GrowOutline' | 'ShrinkOutline' } // sane defaults impl std::default::Default for IndicatorConfig { fn default() -> IndicatorConfig { IndicatorConfig { max_size: 300u16, duration: 500u64, thickness: 1, framerate: 30, color: 0xFFFFFF, animation: Kind::Grow, } } } fn main() { let config: IndicatorConfig = confy::load("xcursorlocate").unwrap(); let padding = config.thickness as u16; // (???) largest circle gets clipped let win_size = config.max_size + padding; let (conn, screen_num) = xcb::Connection::connect(None) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Unable to connect to X session: {}", e)); let setup = conn.get_setup(); let screen = setup .roots() .nth(screen_num as usize) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Error accessing screen!")); // fetch all depths let depths = screen.allowed_depths(); let mut alpha_depths = depths.filter(|d| d.depth() == 32u8).peekable(); if alpha_depths.peek().is_none() { panic!("Alpha channel not found!"); } // fetch a visual supporting alpha channels let visual = alpha_depths .next() .unwrap() .visuals() .nth(1 as usize) .unwrap(); let win_start_x = 0; let win_start_y = 0; let colormap = conn.generate_id(); xcb::create_colormap( &conn, xcb::COLORMAP_ALLOC_NONE as u8, colormap, screen.root(), visual.visual_id(), ); let win = conn.generate_id(); xcb::create_window( &conn, 32u8, win, screen.root(), win_start_x, win_start_y, win_size, win_size, 0, xcb::WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT as u16, visual.visual_id(), &[ (xcb::CW_BACK_PIXEL, 0x00), (xcb::CW_BORDER_PIXEL, 0x00), // you need this if you use alpha apparently (xcb::CW_OVERRIDE_REDIRECT, 1u32), // dont take focus (xcb::CW_EVENT_MASK, xcb::EVENT_MASK_EXPOSURE), (xcb::CW_COLORMAP, colormap), ], ); let gfx_ctx = conn.generate_id(); xcb::create_gc( &conn, gfx_ctx, win, &[ (xcb::GC_FOREGROUND, config.color), (xcb::GC_GRAPHICS_EXPOSURES, 0), (xcb::GC_LINE_WIDTH, config.thickness), ], ); xcb::free_colormap(&conn, colormap); let win_type_atom = xcb::intern_atom(&conn, true, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE") .get_reply() .unwrap() .atom(); let win_menu_atom = xcb::intern_atom(&conn, true, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH") .get_reply() .unwrap() .atom(); let win_state_atom = xcb::intern_atom(&conn, true, "_NET_WM_STATE") .get_reply() .unwrap() .atom(); let win_on_top_atom = xcb::intern_atom(&conn, true, "_NET_WM_STATE_STAYS_ON_TOP") .get_reply() .unwrap() .atom(); xcb::change_property( &conn, xcb::PROP_MODE_REPLACE as u8, win, win_type_atom, xcb::ATOM_ATOM, 32, &[win_menu_atom], ); xcb::change_property( &conn, xcb::PROP_MODE_APPEND as u8, win, win_state_atom, xcb::ATOM_ATOM, 32, &[win_on_top_atom], ); let fr = config.framerate; let animation = match config.animation { Kind::Grow => Animation::circles(config, Box::new((, false), Kind::GrowOutline => Animation::circles(config, Box::new((, true), Kind::Shrink => Animation::circles(config, Box::new(, false), Kind::ShrinkOutline => Animation::circles(config, Box::new(, true), }; xcb::map_window(&conn, win); conn.flush(); // wait till window is mapped let event = conn.wait_for_event(); match event { None => {} Some(e) => { let r = e.response_type() & !0x80; match r { // the window is mapped to display xcb::EXPOSE => { let pointer = xcb::query_pointer(&conn, win).get_reply().unwrap(); let p_x = pointer.root_x(); let p_y = pointer.root_y(); move_win_to_cursor(&conn, win, win_size, p_x, p_y);, win, gfx_ctx); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } _ => eprintln!("how did you even get here: {}", r), } } } } fn move_win_to_cursor( conn: &xcb::Connection, win: u32, win_size: u16, p_x: i16, p_y: i16, ) -> (u32, u32) { let win_x = p_x - (win_size as i16) / 2; let win_y = p_y - (win_size as i16) / 2; let win_x = if win_x < 0 { 0 } else { win_x as u32 }; let win_y = if win_y < 0 { 0 } else { win_y as u32 }; xcb::configure_window( &conn, win, &[ (xcb::CONFIG_WINDOW_X as u16, win_x), (xcb::CONFIG_WINDOW_Y as u16, win_y), ], ); conn.flush(); return (win_x, win_y); }