" fork of https://gist.github.com/NicolasT/1043747 " set correct conceal setlocal conceallevel=1 " we need the conceal feature (vim ≥ 7.3) if exists('g:no_ocaml_conceal') || !has('conceal') finish endif " fun syntax keyword ocamlNiceKeyword fun conceal cchar=λ " -> syntax match ocamlArrow /->/ contains=ocamlArrowM,ocamlArrowH syntax match ocamlArrowM /-/ contained containedin=ocamlArrow conceal cchar= syntax match ocamlArrowH /-\@<=>/ contained containedin=ocamlArrow conceal cchar=→ " <- syntax match ocamlArrow /<\ze-/ contains=ocamlArrowM,ocamlArrowH syntax match ocamlArrowH /</ contained containedin=ocamlArrow conceal cchar=← " <> syntax match ocamlNiceOperator "<>" conceal cchar=≠ " greek letters syntax match ocamlNiceTypes "'a" conceal cchar=α syntax match ocamlNiceTypes "'b" conceal cchar=β syntax match ocamlNiceTypes "'c" conceal cchar=γ syntax match ocamlNiceTypes "'d" conceal cchar=δ syntax match ocamlNiceTypes "'e" conceal cchar=ε