" This is a fork of vim-cute-python " with a few character replacements to " play well with scientifica " we need the conceal feature (vim ≥ 7.3) if !has('conceal') finish endif syntax clear pythonOperator syntax match pythonOperator "\" syntax match pyNiceOperator "\" conceal cchar=∈ syntax match pyNiceOperator "\" conceal cchar=∨ syntax match pyNiceOperator "\" conceal cchar=∧ syntax match pyNiceOperator "<=" conceal cchar=≤ syntax match pyNiceOperator ">=" conceal cchar=≥ syntax match pyNiceOperator "=\@" conceal cchar=√ syntax match pyNiceKeyword "\<\%(math\.\)\?pi\>" conceal cchar=π syntax match pyNiceOperator " \* " conceal cchar=· syntax keyword pyNiceStatement lambda conceal cchar=λ hi link pyNiceOperator Operator hi link pyNiceStatement Statement hi link pyNiceKeyword Keyword hi! link Conceal Operator setlocal conceallevel=1