A experimental mouse based 1-bit pixel art editor, written in Rust and SDL2. It reads and writes to a homemade image format, [OBI](https://git.peppe.rs/graphics/obi). ### Run Requires SDL2 and SDL2_ttf. ``` # creates a new file if it dosen't exist cargo run -- .obi ``` ### Usage `z/c`: zoom in/out `w/a/s/d`: pan up/left/down/right `Shift-c`: fit iamge to window `q/e`: increase/decrease brush size `1/3`: increase/decrease dither level `x`: flip color `tab`: show/hide grid `i`: invert pixmap (breaks undo for now) `f`: draw line from last point of contact with grid `v`: cycle symmetry options, horizontal, vertical, radial, none `u/r`: undo/redo ### Lisp REPL Enter the REPL by pressing `(` on the keyboard. Complete the lisp expression with a closing parenthesis and hit enter to execute it. The REPL supports basic readline operations. ``` (define (fac n) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (fac (- n 1))))) (fac 5) ``` #### Supported commands: `(toggle-grid)`: similar to pressing `tab` on the keyboard `(save )`: saves the current file. optional argument to save to a different filename than the one opened from. `(quit)`: quit the [editor](editor)