From 6bca91af532d79abbced5b151cb4188ff8625c04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aleksey Kladov <>
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2019 22:30:56 +0300
Subject: rename ra_analysis -> ra_ide_api

 crates/ra_analysis/tests/test/      | 249 -----------------------------
 crates/ra_analysis/tests/test/ | 109 -------------
 2 files changed, 358 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 crates/ra_analysis/tests/test/
 delete mode 100644 crates/ra_analysis/tests/test/

(limited to 'crates/ra_analysis/tests')

diff --git a/crates/ra_analysis/tests/test/ b/crates/ra_analysis/tests/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c0735cb5..000000000
--- a/crates/ra_analysis/tests/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-mod runnables;
-use ra_syntax::TextRange;
-use test_utils::{assert_eq_dbg, assert_eq_text};
-use ra_analysis::{
-    mock_analysis::{analysis_and_position, single_file, single_file_with_position, MockAnalysis},
-    AnalysisChange, CrateGraph, FileId, Query
-fn test_unresolved_module_diagnostic() {
-    let (analysis, file_id) = single_file("mod foo;");
-    let diagnostics = analysis.diagnostics(file_id).unwrap();
-    assert_eq_dbg(
-        r#"[Diagnostic {
-            message: "unresolved module",
-            range: [4; 7),
-            fix: Some(SourceChange {
-                label: "create module",
-                source_file_edits: [],
-                file_system_edits: [CreateFile { source_root: SourceRootId(0), path: "" }],
-                cursor_position: None }),
-                severity: Error }]"#,
-        &diagnostics,
-    );
-// FIXME: move this test to hir
-fn test_unresolved_module_diagnostic_no_diag_for_inline_mode() {
-    let (analysis, file_id) = single_file("mod foo {}");
-    let diagnostics = analysis.diagnostics(file_id).unwrap();
-    assert_eq_dbg(r#"[]"#, &diagnostics);
-fn test_resolve_parent_module() {
-    let (analysis, pos) = analysis_and_position(
-        "
-        //- /
-        mod foo;
-        //- /
-        <|>// empty
-    ",
-    );
-    let symbols = analysis.parent_module(pos).unwrap();
-    assert_eq_dbg(
-        r#"[NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId(1), name: "foo", kind: MODULE, range: [4; 7), ptr: None }]"#,
-        &symbols,
-    );
-fn test_resolve_parent_module_for_inline() {
-    let (analysis, pos) = analysis_and_position(
-        "
-        //- /
-        mod foo {
-            mod bar {
-                mod baz { <|> }
-            }
-        }
-    ",
-    );
-    let symbols = analysis.parent_module(pos).unwrap();
-    assert_eq_dbg(
-        r#"[NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId(1), name: "baz", kind: MODULE, range: [36; 39), ptr: None }]"#,
-        &symbols,
-    );
-fn test_resolve_crate_root() {
-    let mock = MockAnalysis::with_files(
-        "
-        //- /
-        mod foo;
-        //- /bar/
-        // emtpy <|>
-    ",
-    );
-    let root_file = mock.id_of("/");
-    let mod_file = mock.id_of("/bar/");
-    let mut host = mock.analysis_host();
-    assert!(host.analysis().crate_for(mod_file).unwrap().is_empty());
-    let mut crate_graph = CrateGraph::default();
-    let crate_id = crate_graph.add_crate_root(root_file);
-    let mut change = AnalysisChange::new();
-    change.set_crate_graph(crate_graph);
-    host.apply_change(change);
-    assert_eq!(host.analysis().crate_for(mod_file).unwrap(), vec![crate_id]);
-fn get_all_refs(text: &str) -> Vec<(FileId, TextRange)> {
-    let (analysis, position) = single_file_with_position(text);
-    analysis.find_all_refs(position).unwrap()
-fn test_find_all_refs_for_local() {
-    let code = r#"
-    fn main() {
-        let mut i = 1;
-        let j = 1;
-        i = i<|> + j;
-        {
-            i = 0;
-        }
-        i = 5;
-    }"#;
-    let refs = get_all_refs(code);
-    assert_eq!(refs.len(), 5);
-fn test_find_all_refs_for_param_inside() {
-    let code = r#"
-    fn foo(i : u32) -> u32 {
-        i<|>
-    }"#;
-    let refs = get_all_refs(code);
-    assert_eq!(refs.len(), 2);
-fn test_find_all_refs_for_fn_param() {
-    let code = r#"
-    fn foo(i<|> : u32) -> u32 {
-        i
-    }"#;
-    let refs = get_all_refs(code);
-    assert_eq!(refs.len(), 2);
-fn test_rename_for_local() {
-    test_rename(
-        r#"
-    fn main() {
-        let mut i = 1;
-        let j = 1;
-        i = i<|> + j;
-        {
-            i = 0;
-        }
-        i = 5;
-    }"#,
-        "k",
-        r#"
-    fn main() {
-        let mut k = 1;
-        let j = 1;
-        k = k + j;
-        {
-            k = 0;
-        }
-        k = 5;
-    }"#,
-    );
-fn test_rename_for_param_inside() {
-    test_rename(
-        r#"
-    fn foo(i : u32) -> u32 {
-        i<|>
-    }"#,
-        "j",
-        r#"
-    fn foo(j : u32) -> u32 {
-        j
-    }"#,
-    );
-fn test_rename_refs_for_fn_param() {
-    test_rename(
-        r#"
-    fn foo(i<|> : u32) -> u32 {
-        i
-    }"#,
-        "new_name",
-        r#"
-    fn foo(new_name : u32) -> u32 {
-        new_name
-    }"#,
-    );
-fn test_rename_for_mut_param() {
-    test_rename(
-        r#"
-    fn foo(mut i<|> : u32) -> u32 {
-        i
-    }"#,
-        "new_name",
-        r#"
-    fn foo(mut new_name : u32) -> u32 {
-        new_name
-    }"#,
-    );
-fn test_rename(text: &str, new_name: &str, expected: &str) {
-    let (analysis, position) = single_file_with_position(text);
-    let edits = analysis.rename(position, new_name).unwrap();
-    let mut text_edit_bulder = ra_text_edit::TextEditBuilder::default();
-    let mut file_id: Option<FileId> = None;
-    for edit in edits {
-        file_id = Some(edit.file_id);
-        for atom in edit.edit.as_atoms() {
-            text_edit_bulder.replace(atom.delete, atom.insert.clone());
-        }
-    }
-    let result = text_edit_bulder
-        .finish()
-        .apply(&*analysis.file_text(file_id.unwrap()));
-    assert_eq_text!(expected, &*result);
-fn world_symbols_include_stuff_from_macros() {
-    let (analysis, _) = single_file(
-        "
-salsa::query_group! {
-pub trait HirDatabase: SyntaxDatabase {}
-    ",
-    );
-    let mut symbols = analysis.symbol_search(Query::new("Hir".into())).unwrap();
-    let s = symbols.pop().unwrap();
-    assert_eq!(, "HirDatabase");
-    assert_eq!(s.range(), TextRange::from_to(33.into(), 44.into()));
diff --git a/crates/ra_analysis/tests/test/ b/crates/ra_analysis/tests/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index e6e0afbc3..000000000
--- a/crates/ra_analysis/tests/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-use test_utils::assert_eq_dbg;
-use ra_analysis::mock_analysis::analysis_and_position;
-fn test_runnables() {
-    let (analysis, pos) = analysis_and_position(
-        r#"
-        //- /
-        <|> //empty
-        fn main() {}
-        #[test]
-        fn test_foo() {}
-        #[test]
-        #[ignore]
-        fn test_foo() {}
-        "#,
-    );
-    let runnables = analysis.runnables(pos.file_id).unwrap();
-    assert_eq_dbg(
-        r#"[Runnable { range: [1; 21), kind: Bin },
-                Runnable { range: [22; 46), kind: Test { name: "test_foo" } },
-                Runnable { range: [47; 81), kind: Test { name: "test_foo" } }]"#,
-        &runnables,
-    )
-fn test_runnables_module() {
-    let (analysis, pos) = analysis_and_position(
-        r#"
-        //- /
-        <|> //empty
-        mod test_mod {
-            #[test]
-            fn test_foo1() {}
-        }
-        "#,
-    );
-    let runnables = analysis.runnables(pos.file_id).unwrap();
-    assert_eq_dbg(
-        r#"[Runnable { range: [1; 59), kind: TestMod { path: "test_mod" } },
-                Runnable { range: [28; 57), kind: Test { name: "test_foo1" } }]"#,
-        &runnables,
-    )
-fn test_runnables_one_depth_layer_module() {
-    let (analysis, pos) = analysis_and_position(
-        r#"
-        //- /
-        <|> //empty
-        mod foo {
-            mod test_mod {
-                #[test]
-                fn test_foo1() {}
-            }
-        }
-        "#,
-    );
-    let runnables = analysis.runnables(pos.file_id).unwrap();
-    assert_eq_dbg(
-        r#"[Runnable { range: [23; 85), kind: TestMod { path: "foo::test_mod" } },
-                Runnable { range: [46; 79), kind: Test { name: "test_foo1" } }]"#,
-        &runnables,
-    )
-fn test_runnables_multiple_depth_module() {
-    let (analysis, pos) = analysis_and_position(
-        r#"
-        //- /
-        <|> //empty
-        mod foo {
-            mod bar {
-                mod test_mod {
-                    #[test]
-                    fn test_foo1() {}
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        "#,
-    );
-    let runnables = analysis.runnables(pos.file_id).unwrap();
-    assert_eq_dbg(
-        r#"[Runnable { range: [41; 115), kind: TestMod { path: "foo::bar::test_mod" } },
-                Runnable { range: [68; 105), kind: Test { name: "test_foo1" } }]"#,
-        &runnables,
-    )
-fn test_runnables_no_test_function_in_module() {
-    let (analysis, pos) = analysis_and_position(
-        r#"
-        //- /
-        <|> //empty
-        mod test_mod {
-            fn foo1() {}
-        }
-        "#,
-    );
-    let runnables = analysis.runnables(pos.file_id).unwrap();
-    assert_eq_dbg(r#"[]"#, &runnables)
cgit v1.2.3