From 1d0e27254d6376e980dc19e67dfcc598c7e97231 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Florian Diebold <>
Date: Fri, 22 May 2020 17:14:53 +0200
Subject: Split up chalk module a bit

 crates/ra_hir_ty/src/traits/          | 970 +-------------------------
 crates/ra_hir_ty/src/traits/chalk/ | 298 ++++++++
 crates/ra_hir_ty/src/traits/chalk/  | 672 ++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 982 insertions(+), 958 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 crates/ra_hir_ty/src/traits/chalk/
 create mode 100644 crates/ra_hir_ty/src/traits/chalk/

(limited to 'crates/ra_hir_ty/src')

diff --git a/crates/ra_hir_ty/src/traits/ b/crates/ra_hir_ty/src/traits/
index 7d3ad6eb4..6c286ead7 100644
--- a/crates/ra_hir_ty/src/traits/
+++ b/crates/ra_hir_ty/src/traits/
@@ -1,325 +1,29 @@
 //! Conversion code from/to Chalk.
-use std::{fmt, sync::Arc};
+use std::sync::Arc;
 use log::debug;
-use chalk_ir::{
-    cast::Cast, fold::shift::Shift, interner::HasInterner, GenericArg, Goal, GoalData,
-    PlaceholderIndex, Scalar, TypeName, UniverseIndex,
+use chalk_ir::{fold::shift::Shift, GenericArg, TypeName};
 use hir_def::{
     lang_item::{lang_attr, LangItemTarget},
-    type_ref::Mutability,
-    AssocContainerId, AssocItemId, GenericDefId, HasModule, Lookup, TypeAliasId,
-use ra_db::{
-    salsa::{InternId, InternKey},
-    CrateId,
+    AssocContainerId, AssocItemId, HasModule, Lookup, TypeAliasId,
+use ra_db::{salsa::InternKey, CrateId};
-use super::{builtin, AssocTyValue, Canonical, ChalkContext, Impl, Obligation};
+use super::{builtin, AssocTyValue, ChalkContext, Impl};
 use crate::{
-    db::HirDatabase,
-    display::HirDisplay,
-    method_resolution::TyFingerprint,
-    primitive::{FloatBitness, FloatTy, IntBitness, IntTy, Signedness, Uncertain},
-    utils::generics,
-    ApplicationTy, DebruijnIndex, GenericPredicate, ProjectionTy, Substs, TraitRef, Ty, TypeCtor,
+    db::HirDatabase, display::HirDisplay, method_resolution::TyFingerprint, utils::generics,
+    DebruijnIndex, GenericPredicate, Substs, Ty, TypeCtor,
 use chalk_rust_ir::WellKnownTrait;
+use mapping::{convert_where_clauses, generic_predicate_to_inline_bound, make_binders};
-pub(super) mod tls;
-#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub struct Interner;
-impl chalk_ir::interner::Interner for Interner {
-    type InternedType = Box<chalk_ir::TyData<Self>>; // FIXME use Arc?
-    type InternedLifetime = chalk_ir::LifetimeData<Self>;
-    type InternedConst = Arc<chalk_ir::ConstData<Self>>;
-    type InternedConcreteConst = ();
-    type InternedGenericArg = chalk_ir::GenericArgData<Self>;
-    type InternedGoal = Arc<GoalData<Self>>;
-    type InternedGoals = Vec<Goal<Self>>;
-    type InternedSubstitution = Vec<GenericArg<Self>>;
-    type InternedProgramClause = chalk_ir::ProgramClauseData<Self>;
-    type InternedProgramClauses = Arc<[chalk_ir::ProgramClause<Self>]>;
-    type InternedQuantifiedWhereClauses = Vec<chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClause<Self>>;
-    type InternedVariableKinds = Vec<chalk_ir::VariableKind<Self>>;
-    type InternedCanonicalVarKinds = Vec<chalk_ir::CanonicalVarKind<Self>>;
-    type DefId = InternId;
-    type InternedAdtId = InternId;
-    type Identifier = TypeAliasId;
-    fn debug_adt_id(type_kind_id: StructId, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_struct_id(type_kind_id, fmt)))
-    }
-    fn debug_trait_id(type_kind_id: TraitId, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_trait_id(type_kind_id, fmt)))
-    }
-    fn debug_assoc_type_id(id: AssocTypeId, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_assoc_type_id(id, fmt)))
-    }
-    fn debug_alias(
-        alias: &chalk_ir::AliasTy<Interner>,
-        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
-    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_alias(alias, fmt)))
-    }
-    fn debug_projection_ty(
-        proj: &chalk_ir::ProjectionTy<Interner>,
-        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
-    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_projection_ty(proj, fmt)))
-    }
-    fn debug_opaque_ty(
-        opaque_ty: &chalk_ir::OpaqueTy<Interner>,
-        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
-    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_opaque_ty(opaque_ty, fmt)))
-    }
-    fn debug_opaque_ty_id(
-        opaque_ty_id: chalk_ir::OpaqueTyId<Self>,
-        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
-    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_opaque_ty_id(opaque_ty_id, fmt)))
-    }
-    fn debug_ty(ty: &chalk_ir::Ty<Interner>, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_ty(ty, fmt)))
-    }
-    fn debug_lifetime(
-        lifetime: &chalk_ir::Lifetime<Interner>,
-        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
-    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_lifetime(lifetime, fmt)))
-    }
-    fn debug_generic_arg(
-        parameter: &GenericArg<Interner>,
-        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
-    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_generic_arg(parameter, fmt)))
-    }
-    fn debug_goal(goal: &Goal<Interner>, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_goal(goal, fmt)))
-    }
-    fn debug_goals(
-        goals: &chalk_ir::Goals<Interner>,
-        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
-    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_goals(goals, fmt)))
-    }
-    fn debug_program_clause_implication(
-        pci: &chalk_ir::ProgramClauseImplication<Interner>,
-        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
-    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_program_clause_implication(pci, fmt)))
-    }
-    fn debug_application_ty(
-        application_ty: &chalk_ir::ApplicationTy<Interner>,
-        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
-    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_application_ty(application_ty, fmt)))
-    }
-    fn debug_substitution(
-        substitution: &chalk_ir::Substitution<Interner>,
-        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
-    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_substitution(substitution, fmt)))
-    }
-    fn debug_separator_trait_ref(
-        separator_trait_ref: &chalk_ir::SeparatorTraitRef<Interner>,
-        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
-    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
-        tls::with_current_program(|prog| {
-            Some(prog?.debug_separator_trait_ref(separator_trait_ref, fmt))
-        })
-    }
-    fn intern_ty(&self, ty: chalk_ir::TyData<Self>) -> Box<chalk_ir::TyData<Self>> {
-        Box::new(ty)
-    }
-    fn ty_data<'a>(&self, ty: &'a Box<chalk_ir::TyData<Self>>) -> &'a chalk_ir::TyData<Self> {
-        ty
-    }
-    fn intern_lifetime(
-        &self,
-        lifetime: chalk_ir::LifetimeData<Self>,
-    ) -> chalk_ir::LifetimeData<Self> {
-        lifetime
-    }
-    fn lifetime_data<'a>(
-        &self,
-        lifetime: &'a chalk_ir::LifetimeData<Self>,
-    ) -> &'a chalk_ir::LifetimeData<Self> {
-        lifetime
-    }
-    fn intern_const(&self, constant: chalk_ir::ConstData<Self>) -> Arc<chalk_ir::ConstData<Self>> {
-        Arc::new(constant)
-    }
-    fn const_data<'a>(
-        &self,
-        constant: &'a Arc<chalk_ir::ConstData<Self>>,
-    ) -> &'a chalk_ir::ConstData<Self> {
-        constant
-    }
-    fn const_eq(&self, _ty: &Box<chalk_ir::TyData<Self>>, _c1: &(), _c2: &()) -> bool {
-        true
-    }
-    fn intern_generic_arg(
-        &self,
-        parameter: chalk_ir::GenericArgData<Self>,
-    ) -> chalk_ir::GenericArgData<Self> {
-        parameter
-    }
-    fn generic_arg_data<'a>(
-        &self,
-        parameter: &'a chalk_ir::GenericArgData<Self>,
-    ) -> &'a chalk_ir::GenericArgData<Self> {
-        parameter
-    }
-    fn intern_goal(&self, goal: GoalData<Self>) -> Arc<GoalData<Self>> {
-        Arc::new(goal)
-    }
-    fn intern_goals<E>(
-        &self,
-        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<Goal<Self>, E>>,
-    ) -> Result<Self::InternedGoals, E> {
-        data.into_iter().collect()
-    }
-    fn goal_data<'a>(&self, goal: &'a Arc<GoalData<Self>>) -> &'a GoalData<Self> {
-        goal
-    }
-    fn goals_data<'a>(&self, goals: &'a Vec<Goal<Interner>>) -> &'a [Goal<Interner>] {
-        goals
-    }
-    fn intern_substitution<E>(
-        &self,
-        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<GenericArg<Self>, E>>,
-    ) -> Result<Vec<GenericArg<Self>>, E> {
-        data.into_iter().collect()
-    }
-    fn substitution_data<'a>(
-        &self,
-        substitution: &'a Vec<GenericArg<Self>>,
-    ) -> &'a [GenericArg<Self>] {
-        substitution
-    }
-    fn intern_program_clause(
-        &self,
-        data: chalk_ir::ProgramClauseData<Self>,
-    ) -> chalk_ir::ProgramClauseData<Self> {
-        data
-    }
-    fn program_clause_data<'a>(
-        &self,
-        clause: &'a chalk_ir::ProgramClauseData<Self>,
-    ) -> &'a chalk_ir::ProgramClauseData<Self> {
-        clause
-    }
-    fn intern_program_clauses<E>(
-        &self,
-        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<chalk_ir::ProgramClause<Self>, E>>,
-    ) -> Result<Arc<[chalk_ir::ProgramClause<Self>]>, E> {
-        data.into_iter().collect()
-    }
-    fn program_clauses_data<'a>(
-        &self,
-        clauses: &'a Arc<[chalk_ir::ProgramClause<Self>]>,
-    ) -> &'a [chalk_ir::ProgramClause<Self>] {
-        &clauses
-    }
-    fn intern_quantified_where_clauses<E>(
-        &self,
-        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClause<Self>, E>>,
-    ) -> Result<Self::InternedQuantifiedWhereClauses, E> {
-        data.into_iter().collect()
-    }
-    fn quantified_where_clauses_data<'a>(
-        &self,
-        clauses: &'a Self::InternedQuantifiedWhereClauses,
-    ) -> &'a [chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClause<Self>] {
-        clauses
-    }
-    fn intern_generic_arg_kinds<E>(
-        &self,
-        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<chalk_ir::VariableKind<Self>, E>>,
-    ) -> Result<Self::InternedVariableKinds, E> {
-        data.into_iter().collect()
-    }
-    fn variable_kinds_data<'a>(
-        &self,
-        parameter_kinds: &'a Self::InternedVariableKinds,
-    ) -> &'a [chalk_ir::VariableKind<Self>] {
-        &parameter_kinds
-    }
-    fn intern_canonical_var_kinds<E>(
-        &self,
-        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<chalk_ir::CanonicalVarKind<Self>, E>>,
-    ) -> Result<Self::InternedCanonicalVarKinds, E> {
-        data.into_iter().collect()
-    }
-    fn canonical_var_kinds_data<'a>(
-        &self,
-        canonical_var_kinds: &'a Self::InternedCanonicalVarKinds,
-    ) -> &'a [chalk_ir::CanonicalVarKind<Self>] {
-        &canonical_var_kinds
-    }
+pub use self::interner::*;
-impl chalk_ir::interner::HasInterner for Interner {
-    type Interner = Self;
-pub type AssocTypeId = chalk_ir::AssocTypeId<Interner>;
-pub type AssociatedTyDatum = chalk_rust_ir::AssociatedTyDatum<Interner>;
-pub type TraitId = chalk_ir::TraitId<Interner>;
-pub type TraitDatum = chalk_rust_ir::TraitDatum<Interner>;
-pub type StructId = chalk_ir::AdtId<Interner>;
-pub type StructDatum = chalk_rust_ir::AdtDatum<Interner>;
-pub type ImplId = chalk_ir::ImplId<Interner>;
-pub type ImplDatum = chalk_rust_ir::ImplDatum<Interner>;
-pub type AssociatedTyValueId = chalk_rust_ir::AssociatedTyValueId<Interner>;
-pub type AssociatedTyValue = chalk_rust_ir::AssociatedTyValue<Interner>;
+pub(super) mod tls;
+mod interner;
+mod mapping;
 pub(super) trait ToChalk {
     type Chalk;
@@ -334,656 +38,6 @@ where
     T::from_chalk(db, chalk)
-impl ToChalk for Ty {
-    type Chalk = chalk_ir::Ty<Interner>;
-    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::Ty<Interner> {
-        match self {
-            Ty::Apply(apply_ty) => {
-                if let TypeCtor::Ref(m) = apply_ty.ctor {
-                    return ref_to_chalk(db, m, apply_ty.parameters);
-                }
-                let name = apply_ty.ctor.to_chalk(db);
-                let substitution = apply_ty.parameters.to_chalk(db);
-                chalk_ir::ApplicationTy { name, substitution }.cast(&Interner).intern(&Interner)
-            }
-            Ty::Projection(proj_ty) => {
-                let associated_ty_id = proj_ty.associated_ty.to_chalk(db);
-                let substitution = proj_ty.parameters.to_chalk(db);
-                chalk_ir::AliasTy::Projection(chalk_ir::ProjectionTy {
-                    associated_ty_id,
-                    substitution,
-                })
-                .cast(&Interner)
-                .intern(&Interner)
-            }
-            Ty::Placeholder(id) => {
-                let interned_id = db.intern_type_param_id(id);
-                PlaceholderIndex {
-                    ui: UniverseIndex::ROOT,
-                    idx: interned_id.as_intern_id().as_usize(),
-                }
-                .to_ty::<Interner>(&Interner)
-            }
-            Ty::Bound(idx) => chalk_ir::TyData::BoundVar(idx).intern(&Interner),
-            Ty::Infer(_infer_ty) => panic!("uncanonicalized infer ty"),
-            Ty::Dyn(predicates) => {
-                let where_clauses = chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClauses::from(
-                    &Interner,
-                    predicates.iter().filter(|p| !p.is_error()).cloned().map(|p| p.to_chalk(db)),
-                );
-                let bounded_ty = chalk_ir::DynTy { bounds: make_binders(where_clauses, 1) };
-                chalk_ir::TyData::Dyn(bounded_ty).intern(&Interner)
-            }
-            Ty::Opaque(_) | Ty::Unknown => {
-                let substitution = chalk_ir::Substitution::empty(&Interner);
-                let name = TypeName::Error;
-                chalk_ir::ApplicationTy { name, substitution }.cast(&Interner).intern(&Interner)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(db: &dyn HirDatabase, chalk: chalk_ir::Ty<Interner>) -> Self {
-        match {
-            chalk_ir::TyData::Apply(apply_ty) => match {
-                TypeName::Error => Ty::Unknown,
-                TypeName::Ref(m) => ref_from_chalk(db, m, apply_ty.substitution),
-                _ => {
-                    let ctor = from_chalk(db,;
-                    let parameters = from_chalk(db, apply_ty.substitution);
-                    Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { ctor, parameters })
-                }
-            },
-            chalk_ir::TyData::Placeholder(idx) => {
-                assert_eq!(idx.ui, UniverseIndex::ROOT);
-                let interned_id = crate::db::GlobalTypeParamId::from_intern_id(
-                    crate::salsa::InternId::from(idx.idx),
-                );
-                Ty::Placeholder(db.lookup_intern_type_param_id(interned_id))
-            }
-            chalk_ir::TyData::Alias(chalk_ir::AliasTy::Projection(proj)) => {
-                let associated_ty = from_chalk(db, proj.associated_ty_id);
-                let parameters = from_chalk(db, proj.substitution);
-                Ty::Projection(ProjectionTy { associated_ty, parameters })
-            }
-            chalk_ir::TyData::Alias(chalk_ir::AliasTy::Opaque(_)) => unimplemented!(),
-            chalk_ir::TyData::Function(_) => unimplemented!(),
-            chalk_ir::TyData::BoundVar(idx) => Ty::Bound(idx),
-            chalk_ir::TyData::InferenceVar(_iv) => Ty::Unknown,
-            chalk_ir::TyData::Dyn(where_clauses) => {
-                assert_eq!(where_clauses.bounds.binders.len(&Interner), 1);
-                let predicates = where_clauses
-                    .bounds
-                    .skip_binders()
-                    .iter(&Interner)
-                    .map(|c| from_chalk(db, c.clone()))
-                    .collect();
-                Ty::Dyn(predicates)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-const LIFETIME_PLACEHOLDER: PlaceholderIndex =
-    PlaceholderIndex { ui: UniverseIndex::ROOT, idx: usize::MAX };
-/// We currently don't model lifetimes, but Chalk does. So, we have to insert a
-/// fake lifetime here, because Chalks built-in logic may expect it to be there.
-fn ref_to_chalk(
-    db: &dyn HirDatabase,
-    mutability: Mutability,
-    subst: Substs,
-) -> chalk_ir::Ty<Interner> {
-    let arg = subst[0].clone().to_chalk(db);
-    let lifetime = LIFETIME_PLACEHOLDER.to_lifetime(&Interner);
-    chalk_ir::ApplicationTy {
-        name: TypeName::Ref(mutability.to_chalk(db)),
-        substitution: chalk_ir::Substitution::from(
-            &Interner,
-            vec![lifetime.cast(&Interner), arg.cast(&Interner)],
-        ),
-    }
-    .intern(&Interner)
-/// Here we remove the lifetime from the type we got from Chalk.
-fn ref_from_chalk(
-    db: &dyn HirDatabase,
-    mutability: chalk_ir::Mutability,
-    subst: chalk_ir::Substitution<Interner>,
-) -> Ty {
-    let tys = subst
-        .iter(&Interner)
-        .filter_map(|p| Some(from_chalk(db, p.ty(&Interner)?.clone())))
-        .collect();
-    Ty::apply(TypeCtor::Ref(from_chalk(db, mutability)), Substs(tys))
-impl ToChalk for Substs {
-    type Chalk = chalk_ir::Substitution<Interner>;
-    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::Substitution<Interner> {
-        chalk_ir::Substitution::from(&Interner, self.iter().map(|ty| ty.clone().to_chalk(db)))
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(db: &dyn HirDatabase, parameters: chalk_ir::Substitution<Interner>) -> Substs {
-        let tys = parameters
-            .iter(&Interner)
-            .map(|p| match p.ty(&Interner) {
-                Some(ty) => from_chalk(db, ty.clone()),
-                None => unimplemented!(),
-            })
-            .collect();
-        Substs(tys)
-    }
-impl ToChalk for TraitRef {
-    type Chalk = chalk_ir::TraitRef<Interner>;
-    fn to_chalk(self: TraitRef, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::TraitRef<Interner> {
-        let trait_id = self.trait_.to_chalk(db);
-        let substitution = self.substs.to_chalk(db);
-        chalk_ir::TraitRef { trait_id, substitution }
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(db: &dyn HirDatabase, trait_ref: chalk_ir::TraitRef<Interner>) -> Self {
-        let trait_ = from_chalk(db, trait_ref.trait_id);
-        let substs = from_chalk(db, trait_ref.substitution);
-        TraitRef { trait_, substs }
-    }
-impl ToChalk for hir_def::TraitId {
-    type Chalk = TraitId;
-    fn to_chalk(self, _db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> TraitId {
-        chalk_ir::TraitId(self.as_intern_id())
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(_db: &dyn HirDatabase, trait_id: TraitId) -> hir_def::TraitId {
-        InternKey::from_intern_id(trait_id.0)
-    }
-impl ToChalk for TypeCtor {
-    type Chalk = TypeName<Interner>;
-    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> TypeName<Interner> {
-        match self {
-            TypeCtor::AssociatedType(type_alias) => {
-                let type_id = type_alias.to_chalk(db);
-                TypeName::AssociatedType(type_id)
-            }
-            TypeCtor::Bool => TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Bool),
-            TypeCtor::Char => TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Char),
-            TypeCtor::Int(Uncertain::Known(int_ty)) => TypeName::Scalar(int_ty_to_chalk(int_ty)),
-            TypeCtor::Float(Uncertain::Known(FloatTy { bitness: FloatBitness::X32 })) => {
-                TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Float(chalk_ir::FloatTy::F32))
-            }
-            TypeCtor::Float(Uncertain::Known(FloatTy { bitness: FloatBitness::X64 })) => {
-                TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Float(chalk_ir::FloatTy::F64))
-            }
-            TypeCtor::Tuple { cardinality } => TypeName::Tuple(cardinality.into()),
-            TypeCtor::RawPtr(mutability) => TypeName::Raw(mutability.to_chalk(db)),
-            TypeCtor::Slice => TypeName::Slice,
-            TypeCtor::Ref(mutability) => TypeName::Ref(mutability.to_chalk(db)),
-            TypeCtor::Str => TypeName::Str,
-            TypeCtor::Int(Uncertain::Unknown)
-            | TypeCtor::Float(Uncertain::Unknown)
-            | TypeCtor::Adt(_)
-            | TypeCtor::Array
-            | TypeCtor::FnDef(_)
-            | TypeCtor::FnPtr { .. }
-            | TypeCtor::Never
-            | TypeCtor::Closure { .. } => {
-                // other TypeCtors get interned and turned into a chalk StructId
-                let struct_id = db.intern_type_ctor(self).into();
-                TypeName::Adt(struct_id)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(db: &dyn HirDatabase, type_name: TypeName<Interner>) -> TypeCtor {
-        match type_name {
-            TypeName::Adt(struct_id) => db.lookup_intern_type_ctor(struct_id.into()),
-            TypeName::AssociatedType(type_id) => TypeCtor::AssociatedType(from_chalk(db, type_id)),
-            TypeName::OpaqueType(_) => unreachable!(),
-            TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Bool) => TypeCtor::Bool,
-            TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Char) => TypeCtor::Char,
-            TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Int(int_ty)) => TypeCtor::Int(Uncertain::Known(IntTy {
-                signedness: Signedness::Signed,
-                bitness: bitness_from_chalk_int(int_ty),
-            })),
-            TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Uint(uint_ty)) => TypeCtor::Int(Uncertain::Known(IntTy {
-                signedness: Signedness::Unsigned,
-                bitness: bitness_from_chalk_uint(uint_ty),
-            })),
-            TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Float(chalk_ir::FloatTy::F32)) => {
-                TypeCtor::Float(Uncertain::Known(FloatTy { bitness: FloatBitness::X32 }))
-            }
-            TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Float(chalk_ir::FloatTy::F64)) => {
-                TypeCtor::Float(Uncertain::Known(FloatTy { bitness: FloatBitness::X64 }))
-            }
-            TypeName::Tuple(cardinality) => TypeCtor::Tuple { cardinality: cardinality as u16 },
-            TypeName::Raw(mutability) => TypeCtor::RawPtr(from_chalk(db, mutability)),
-            TypeName::Slice => TypeCtor::Slice,
-            TypeName::Ref(mutability) => TypeCtor::Ref(from_chalk(db, mutability)),
-            TypeName::Str => TypeCtor::Str,
-            TypeName::FnDef(_) => unreachable!(),
-            TypeName::Error => {
-                // this should not be reached, since we don't represent TypeName::Error with TypeCtor
-                unreachable!()
-            }
-        }
-    }
-fn bitness_from_chalk_uint(uint_ty: chalk_ir::UintTy) -> IntBitness {
-    use chalk_ir::UintTy;
-    match uint_ty {
-        UintTy::Usize => IntBitness::Xsize,
-        UintTy::U8 => IntBitness::X8,
-        UintTy::U16 => IntBitness::X16,
-        UintTy::U32 => IntBitness::X32,
-        UintTy::U64 => IntBitness::X64,
-        UintTy::U128 => IntBitness::X128,
-    }
-fn bitness_from_chalk_int(int_ty: chalk_ir::IntTy) -> IntBitness {
-    use chalk_ir::IntTy;
-    match int_ty {
-        IntTy::Isize => IntBitness::Xsize,
-        IntTy::I8 => IntBitness::X8,
-        IntTy::I16 => IntBitness::X16,
-        IntTy::I32 => IntBitness::X32,
-        IntTy::I64 => IntBitness::X64,
-        IntTy::I128 => IntBitness::X128,
-    }
-fn int_ty_to_chalk(int_ty: IntTy) -> Scalar {
-    use chalk_ir::{IntTy, UintTy};
-    match int_ty.signedness {
-        Signedness::Signed => Scalar::Int(match int_ty.bitness {
-            IntBitness::Xsize => IntTy::Isize,
-            IntBitness::X8 => IntTy::I8,
-            IntBitness::X16 => IntTy::I16,
-            IntBitness::X32 => IntTy::I32,
-            IntBitness::X64 => IntTy::I64,
-            IntBitness::X128 => IntTy::I128,
-        }),
-        Signedness::Unsigned => Scalar::Uint(match int_ty.bitness {
-            IntBitness::Xsize => UintTy::Usize,
-            IntBitness::X8 => UintTy::U8,
-            IntBitness::X16 => UintTy::U16,
-            IntBitness::X32 => UintTy::U32,
-            IntBitness::X64 => UintTy::U64,
-            IntBitness::X128 => UintTy::U128,
-        }),
-    }
-impl ToChalk for Mutability {
-    type Chalk = chalk_ir::Mutability;
-    fn to_chalk(self, _db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> Self::Chalk {
-        match self {
-            Mutability::Shared => chalk_ir::Mutability::Not,
-            Mutability::Mut => chalk_ir::Mutability::Mut,
-        }
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(_db: &dyn HirDatabase, chalk: Self::Chalk) -> Self {
-        match chalk {
-            chalk_ir::Mutability::Mut => Mutability::Mut,
-            chalk_ir::Mutability::Not => Mutability::Shared,
-        }
-    }
-impl ToChalk for Impl {
-    type Chalk = ImplId;
-    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> ImplId {
-        db.intern_chalk_impl(self).into()
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(db: &dyn HirDatabase, impl_id: ImplId) -> Impl {
-        db.lookup_intern_chalk_impl(impl_id.into())
-    }
-impl ToChalk for TypeAliasId {
-    type Chalk = AssocTypeId;
-    fn to_chalk(self, _db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> AssocTypeId {
-        chalk_ir::AssocTypeId(self.as_intern_id())
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(_db: &dyn HirDatabase, type_alias_id: AssocTypeId) -> TypeAliasId {
-        InternKey::from_intern_id(type_alias_id.0)
-    }
-impl ToChalk for AssocTyValue {
-    type Chalk = AssociatedTyValueId;
-    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> AssociatedTyValueId {
-        db.intern_assoc_ty_value(self).into()
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(db: &dyn HirDatabase, assoc_ty_value_id: AssociatedTyValueId) -> AssocTyValue {
-        db.lookup_intern_assoc_ty_value(assoc_ty_value_id.into())
-    }
-impl ToChalk for GenericPredicate {
-    type Chalk = chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClause<Interner>;
-    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClause<Interner> {
-        match self {
-            GenericPredicate::Implemented(trait_ref) => {
-                let chalk_trait_ref = trait_ref.to_chalk(db);
-                let chalk_trait_ref = chalk_trait_ref.shifted_in(&Interner);
-                make_binders(chalk_ir::WhereClause::Implemented(chalk_trait_ref), 0)
-            }
-            GenericPredicate::Projection(projection_pred) => {
-                let ty = projection_pred.ty.to_chalk(db).shifted_in(&Interner);
-                let projection = projection_pred.projection_ty.to_chalk(db).shifted_in(&Interner);
-                let alias = chalk_ir::AliasTy::Projection(projection);
-                make_binders(chalk_ir::WhereClause::AliasEq(chalk_ir::AliasEq { alias, ty }), 0)
-            }
-            GenericPredicate::Error => panic!("tried passing GenericPredicate::Error to Chalk"),
-        }
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(
-        db: &dyn HirDatabase,
-        where_clause: chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClause<Interner>,
-    ) -> GenericPredicate {
-        // we don't produce any where clauses with binders and can't currently deal with them
-        match where_clause
-            .skip_binders()
-            .shifted_out(&Interner)
-            .expect("unexpected bound vars in where clause")
-        {
-            chalk_ir::WhereClause::Implemented(tr) => {
-                GenericPredicate::Implemented(from_chalk(db, tr))
-            }
-            chalk_ir::WhereClause::AliasEq(projection_eq) => {
-                let projection_ty = from_chalk(
-                    db,
-                    match projection_eq.alias {
-                        chalk_ir::AliasTy::Projection(p) => p,
-                        _ => unimplemented!(),
-                    },
-                );
-                let ty = from_chalk(db, projection_eq.ty);
-                GenericPredicate::Projection(super::ProjectionPredicate { projection_ty, ty })
-            }
-        }
-    }
-impl ToChalk for ProjectionTy {
-    type Chalk = chalk_ir::ProjectionTy<Interner>;
-    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::ProjectionTy<Interner> {
-        chalk_ir::ProjectionTy {
-            associated_ty_id: self.associated_ty.to_chalk(db),
-            substitution: self.parameters.to_chalk(db),
-        }
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(
-        db: &dyn HirDatabase,
-        projection_ty: chalk_ir::ProjectionTy<Interner>,
-    ) -> ProjectionTy {
-        ProjectionTy {
-            associated_ty: from_chalk(db, projection_ty.associated_ty_id),
-            parameters: from_chalk(db, projection_ty.substitution),
-        }
-    }
-impl ToChalk for super::ProjectionPredicate {
-    type Chalk = chalk_ir::AliasEq<Interner>;
-    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::AliasEq<Interner> {
-        chalk_ir::AliasEq {
-            alias: chalk_ir::AliasTy::Projection(self.projection_ty.to_chalk(db)),
-            ty: self.ty.to_chalk(db),
-        }
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(_db: &dyn HirDatabase, _normalize: chalk_ir::AliasEq<Interner>) -> Self {
-        unimplemented!()
-    }
-impl ToChalk for Obligation {
-    type Chalk = chalk_ir::DomainGoal<Interner>;
-    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::DomainGoal<Interner> {
-        match self {
-            Obligation::Trait(tr) => tr.to_chalk(db).cast(&Interner),
-            Obligation::Projection(pr) => pr.to_chalk(db).cast(&Interner),
-        }
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(_db: &dyn HirDatabase, _goal: chalk_ir::DomainGoal<Interner>) -> Self {
-        unimplemented!()
-    }
-impl<T> ToChalk for Canonical<T>
-    T: ToChalk,
-    T::Chalk: HasInterner<Interner = Interner>,
-    type Chalk = chalk_ir::Canonical<T::Chalk>;
-    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::Canonical<T::Chalk> {
-        let parameter = chalk_ir::CanonicalVarKind::new(
-            chalk_ir::VariableKind::Ty,
-            chalk_ir::UniverseIndex::ROOT,
-        );
-        let value = self.value.to_chalk(db);
-        chalk_ir::Canonical {
-            value,
-            binders: chalk_ir::CanonicalVarKinds::from(&Interner, vec![parameter; self.num_vars]),
-        }
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(db: &dyn HirDatabase, canonical: chalk_ir::Canonical<T::Chalk>) -> Canonical<T> {
-        Canonical {
-            num_vars: canonical.binders.len(&Interner),
-            value: from_chalk(db, canonical.value),
-        }
-    }
-impl ToChalk for Arc<super::TraitEnvironment> {
-    type Chalk = chalk_ir::Environment<Interner>;
-    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::Environment<Interner> {
-        let mut clauses = Vec::new();
-        for pred in &self.predicates {
-            if pred.is_error() {
-                // for env, we just ignore errors
-                continue;
-            }
-            let program_clause: chalk_ir::ProgramClause<Interner> =
-                pred.clone().to_chalk(db).cast(&Interner);
-            clauses.push(program_clause.into_from_env_clause(&Interner));
-        }
-        chalk_ir::Environment::new(&Interner).add_clauses(&Interner, clauses)
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(
-        _db: &dyn HirDatabase,
-        _env: chalk_ir::Environment<Interner>,
-    ) -> Arc<super::TraitEnvironment> {
-        unimplemented!()
-    }
-impl<T: ToChalk> ToChalk for super::InEnvironment<T>
-    T::Chalk: chalk_ir::interner::HasInterner<Interner = Interner>,
-    type Chalk = chalk_ir::InEnvironment<T::Chalk>;
-    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::InEnvironment<T::Chalk> {
-        chalk_ir::InEnvironment {
-            environment: self.environment.to_chalk(db),
-            goal: self.value.to_chalk(db),
-        }
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(
-        db: &dyn HirDatabase,
-        in_env: chalk_ir::InEnvironment<T::Chalk>,
-    ) -> super::InEnvironment<T> {
-        super::InEnvironment {
-            environment: from_chalk(db, in_env.environment),
-            value: from_chalk(db, in_env.goal),
-        }
-    }
-impl ToChalk for builtin::BuiltinImplData {
-    type Chalk = ImplDatum;
-    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> ImplDatum {
-        let impl_type = chalk_rust_ir::ImplType::External;
-        let where_clauses = self.where_clauses.into_iter().map(|w| w.to_chalk(db)).collect();
-        let impl_datum_bound =
-            chalk_rust_ir::ImplDatumBound { trait_ref: self.trait_ref.to_chalk(db), where_clauses };
-        let associated_ty_value_ids =
-            self.assoc_ty_values.into_iter().map(|v| v.to_chalk(db)).collect();
-        chalk_rust_ir::ImplDatum {
-            binders: make_binders(impl_datum_bound, self.num_vars),
-            impl_type,
-            polarity: chalk_rust_ir::Polarity::Positive,
-            associated_ty_value_ids,
-        }
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(_db: &dyn HirDatabase, _data: ImplDatum) -> Self {
-        unimplemented!()
-    }
-impl ToChalk for builtin::BuiltinImplAssocTyValueData {
-    type Chalk = AssociatedTyValue;
-    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> AssociatedTyValue {
-        let ty = self.value.to_chalk(db);
-        let value_bound = chalk_rust_ir::AssociatedTyValueBound { ty };
-        chalk_rust_ir::AssociatedTyValue {
-            associated_ty_id: self.assoc_ty_id.to_chalk(db),
-            impl_id: self.impl_.to_chalk(db),
-            value: make_binders(value_bound, self.num_vars),
-        }
-    }
-    fn from_chalk(
-        _db: &dyn HirDatabase,
-        _data: AssociatedTyValue,
-    ) -> builtin::BuiltinImplAssocTyValueData {
-        unimplemented!()
-    }
-fn make_binders<T>(value: T, num_vars: usize) -> chalk_ir::Binders<T>
-    T: HasInterner<Interner = Interner>,
-    chalk_ir::Binders::new(
-        chalk_ir::VariableKinds::from(
-            &Interner,
-            std::iter::repeat(chalk_ir::VariableKind::Ty).take(num_vars),
-        ),
-        value,
-    )
-fn convert_where_clauses(
-    db: &dyn HirDatabase,
-    def: GenericDefId,
-    substs: &Substs,
-) -> Vec<chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClause<Interner>> {
-    let generic_predicates = db.generic_predicates(def);
-    let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(generic_predicates.len());
-    for pred in generic_predicates.iter() {
-        if pred.value.is_error() {
-            // skip errored predicates completely
-            continue;
-        }
-        result.push(pred.clone().subst(substs).to_chalk(db));
-    }
-    result
-fn generic_predicate_to_inline_bound(
-    db: &dyn HirDatabase,
-    pred: &GenericPredicate,
-    self_ty: &Ty,
-) -> Option<chalk_rust_ir::InlineBound<Interner>> {
-    // An InlineBound is like a GenericPredicate, except the self type is left out.
-    // We don't have a special type for this, but Chalk does.
-    match pred {
-        GenericPredicate::Implemented(trait_ref) => {
-            if &trait_ref.substs[0] != self_ty {
-                // we can only convert predicates back to type bounds if they
-                // have the expected self type
-                return None;
-            }
-            let args_no_self = trait_ref.substs[1..]
-                .iter()
-                .map(|ty| ty.clone().to_chalk(db).cast(&Interner))
-                .collect();
-            let trait_bound =
-                chalk_rust_ir::TraitBound { trait_id: trait_ref.trait_.to_chalk(db), args_no_self };
-            Some(chalk_rust_ir::InlineBound::TraitBound(trait_bound))
-        }
-        GenericPredicate::Projection(proj) => {
-            if &proj.projection_ty.parameters[0] != self_ty {
-                return None;
-            }
-            let trait_ = match proj.projection_ty.associated_ty.lookup(db.upcast()).container {
-                AssocContainerId::TraitId(t) => t,
-                _ => panic!("associated type not in trait"),
-            };
-            let args_no_self = proj.projection_ty.parameters[1..]
-                .iter()
-                .map(|ty| ty.clone().to_chalk(db).cast(&Interner))
-                .collect();
-            let alias_eq_bound = chalk_rust_ir::AliasEqBound {
-                value: proj.ty.clone().to_chalk(db),
-                trait_bound: chalk_rust_ir::TraitBound {
-                    trait_id: trait_.to_chalk(db),
-                    args_no_self,
-                },
-                associated_ty_id: proj.projection_ty.associated_ty.to_chalk(db),
-                parameters: Vec::new(), // FIXME we don't support generic associated types yet
-            };
-            Some(chalk_rust_ir::InlineBound::AliasEqBound(alias_eq_bound))
-        }
-        GenericPredicate::Error => None,
-    }
 impl<'a> chalk_solve::RustIrDatabase<Interner> for ChalkContext<'a> {
     fn associated_ty_data(&self, id: AssocTypeId) -> Arc<AssociatedTyDatum> {
diff --git a/crates/ra_hir_ty/src/traits/chalk/ b/crates/ra_hir_ty/src/traits/chalk/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..032deca75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/ra_hir_ty/src/traits/chalk/
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+//! Implementation of the Chalk `Interner` trait, which allows customizing the
+//! representation of the various objects Chalk deals with (types, goals etc.).
+use super::tls;
+use chalk_ir::{GenericArg, Goal, GoalData};
+use hir_def::TypeAliasId;
+use ra_db::salsa::InternId;
+use std::{fmt, sync::Arc};
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct Interner;
+pub type AssocTypeId = chalk_ir::AssocTypeId<Interner>;
+pub type AssociatedTyDatum = chalk_rust_ir::AssociatedTyDatum<Interner>;
+pub type TraitId = chalk_ir::TraitId<Interner>;
+pub type TraitDatum = chalk_rust_ir::TraitDatum<Interner>;
+pub type StructId = chalk_ir::AdtId<Interner>;
+pub type StructDatum = chalk_rust_ir::AdtDatum<Interner>;
+pub type ImplId = chalk_ir::ImplId<Interner>;
+pub type ImplDatum = chalk_rust_ir::ImplDatum<Interner>;
+pub type AssociatedTyValueId = chalk_rust_ir::AssociatedTyValueId<Interner>;
+pub type AssociatedTyValue = chalk_rust_ir::AssociatedTyValue<Interner>;
+impl chalk_ir::interner::Interner for Interner {
+    type InternedType = Box<chalk_ir::TyData<Self>>; // FIXME use Arc?
+    type InternedLifetime = chalk_ir::LifetimeData<Self>;
+    type InternedConst = Arc<chalk_ir::ConstData<Self>>;
+    type InternedConcreteConst = ();
+    type InternedGenericArg = chalk_ir::GenericArgData<Self>;
+    type InternedGoal = Arc<GoalData<Self>>;
+    type InternedGoals = Vec<Goal<Self>>;
+    type InternedSubstitution = Vec<GenericArg<Self>>;
+    type InternedProgramClause = chalk_ir::ProgramClauseData<Self>;
+    type InternedProgramClauses = Arc<[chalk_ir::ProgramClause<Self>]>;
+    type InternedQuantifiedWhereClauses = Vec<chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClause<Self>>;
+    type InternedVariableKinds = Vec<chalk_ir::VariableKind<Self>>;
+    type InternedCanonicalVarKinds = Vec<chalk_ir::CanonicalVarKind<Self>>;
+    type DefId = InternId;
+    type InternedAdtId = InternId;
+    type Identifier = TypeAliasId;
+    fn debug_adt_id(type_kind_id: StructId, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_struct_id(type_kind_id, fmt)))
+    }
+    fn debug_trait_id(type_kind_id: TraitId, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_trait_id(type_kind_id, fmt)))
+    }
+    fn debug_assoc_type_id(id: AssocTypeId, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_assoc_type_id(id, fmt)))
+    }
+    fn debug_alias(
+        alias: &chalk_ir::AliasTy<Interner>,
+        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
+    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_alias(alias, fmt)))
+    }
+    fn debug_projection_ty(
+        proj: &chalk_ir::ProjectionTy<Interner>,
+        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
+    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_projection_ty(proj, fmt)))
+    }
+    fn debug_opaque_ty(
+        opaque_ty: &chalk_ir::OpaqueTy<Interner>,
+        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
+    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_opaque_ty(opaque_ty, fmt)))
+    }
+    fn debug_opaque_ty_id(
+        opaque_ty_id: chalk_ir::OpaqueTyId<Self>,
+        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
+    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_opaque_ty_id(opaque_ty_id, fmt)))
+    }
+    fn debug_ty(ty: &chalk_ir::Ty<Interner>, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_ty(ty, fmt)))
+    }
+    fn debug_lifetime(
+        lifetime: &chalk_ir::Lifetime<Interner>,
+        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
+    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_lifetime(lifetime, fmt)))
+    }
+    fn debug_generic_arg(
+        parameter: &GenericArg<Interner>,
+        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
+    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_generic_arg(parameter, fmt)))
+    }
+    fn debug_goal(goal: &Goal<Interner>, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_goal(goal, fmt)))
+    }
+    fn debug_goals(
+        goals: &chalk_ir::Goals<Interner>,
+        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
+    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_goals(goals, fmt)))
+    }
+    fn debug_program_clause_implication(
+        pci: &chalk_ir::ProgramClauseImplication<Interner>,
+        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
+    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_program_clause_implication(pci, fmt)))
+    }
+    fn debug_application_ty(
+        application_ty: &chalk_ir::ApplicationTy<Interner>,
+        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
+    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_application_ty(application_ty, fmt)))
+    }
+    fn debug_substitution(
+        substitution: &chalk_ir::Substitution<Interner>,
+        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
+    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| Some(prog?.debug_substitution(substitution, fmt)))
+    }
+    fn debug_separator_trait_ref(
+        separator_trait_ref: &chalk_ir::SeparatorTraitRef<Interner>,
+        fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
+    ) -> Option<fmt::Result> {
+        tls::with_current_program(|prog| {
+            Some(prog?.debug_separator_trait_ref(separator_trait_ref, fmt))
+        })
+    }
+    fn intern_ty(&self, ty: chalk_ir::TyData<Self>) -> Box<chalk_ir::TyData<Self>> {
+        Box::new(ty)
+    }
+    fn ty_data<'a>(&self, ty: &'a Box<chalk_ir::TyData<Self>>) -> &'a chalk_ir::TyData<Self> {
+        ty
+    }
+    fn intern_lifetime(
+        &self,
+        lifetime: chalk_ir::LifetimeData<Self>,
+    ) -> chalk_ir::LifetimeData<Self> {
+        lifetime
+    }
+    fn lifetime_data<'a>(
+        &self,
+        lifetime: &'a chalk_ir::LifetimeData<Self>,
+    ) -> &'a chalk_ir::LifetimeData<Self> {
+        lifetime
+    }
+    fn intern_const(&self, constant: chalk_ir::ConstData<Self>) -> Arc<chalk_ir::ConstData<Self>> {
+        Arc::new(constant)
+    }
+    fn const_data<'a>(
+        &self,
+        constant: &'a Arc<chalk_ir::ConstData<Self>>,
+    ) -> &'a chalk_ir::ConstData<Self> {
+        constant
+    }
+    fn const_eq(&self, _ty: &Box<chalk_ir::TyData<Self>>, _c1: &(), _c2: &()) -> bool {
+        true
+    }
+    fn intern_generic_arg(
+        &self,
+        parameter: chalk_ir::GenericArgData<Self>,
+    ) -> chalk_ir::GenericArgData<Self> {
+        parameter
+    }
+    fn generic_arg_data<'a>(
+        &self,
+        parameter: &'a chalk_ir::GenericArgData<Self>,
+    ) -> &'a chalk_ir::GenericArgData<Self> {
+        parameter
+    }
+    fn intern_goal(&self, goal: GoalData<Self>) -> Arc<GoalData<Self>> {
+        Arc::new(goal)
+    }
+    fn intern_goals<E>(
+        &self,
+        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<Goal<Self>, E>>,
+    ) -> Result<Self::InternedGoals, E> {
+        data.into_iter().collect()
+    }
+    fn goal_data<'a>(&self, goal: &'a Arc<GoalData<Self>>) -> &'a GoalData<Self> {
+        goal
+    }
+    fn goals_data<'a>(&self, goals: &'a Vec<Goal<Interner>>) -> &'a [Goal<Interner>] {
+        goals
+    }
+    fn intern_substitution<E>(
+        &self,
+        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<GenericArg<Self>, E>>,
+    ) -> Result<Vec<GenericArg<Self>>, E> {
+        data.into_iter().collect()
+    }
+    fn substitution_data<'a>(
+        &self,
+        substitution: &'a Vec<GenericArg<Self>>,
+    ) -> &'a [GenericArg<Self>] {
+        substitution
+    }
+    fn intern_program_clause(
+        &self,
+        data: chalk_ir::ProgramClauseData<Self>,
+    ) -> chalk_ir::ProgramClauseData<Self> {
+        data
+    }
+    fn program_clause_data<'a>(
+        &self,
+        clause: &'a chalk_ir::ProgramClauseData<Self>,
+    ) -> &'a chalk_ir::ProgramClauseData<Self> {
+        clause
+    }
+    fn intern_program_clauses<E>(
+        &self,
+        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<chalk_ir::ProgramClause<Self>, E>>,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<[chalk_ir::ProgramClause<Self>]>, E> {
+        data.into_iter().collect()
+    }
+    fn program_clauses_data<'a>(
+        &self,
+        clauses: &'a Arc<[chalk_ir::ProgramClause<Self>]>,
+    ) -> &'a [chalk_ir::ProgramClause<Self>] {
+        &clauses
+    }
+    fn intern_quantified_where_clauses<E>(
+        &self,
+        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClause<Self>, E>>,
+    ) -> Result<Self::InternedQuantifiedWhereClauses, E> {
+        data.into_iter().collect()
+    }
+    fn quantified_where_clauses_data<'a>(
+        &self,
+        clauses: &'a Self::InternedQuantifiedWhereClauses,
+    ) -> &'a [chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClause<Self>] {
+        clauses
+    }
+    fn intern_generic_arg_kinds<E>(
+        &self,
+        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<chalk_ir::VariableKind<Self>, E>>,
+    ) -> Result<Self::InternedVariableKinds, E> {
+        data.into_iter().collect()
+    }
+    fn variable_kinds_data<'a>(
+        &self,
+        parameter_kinds: &'a Self::InternedVariableKinds,
+    ) -> &'a [chalk_ir::VariableKind<Self>] {
+        &parameter_kinds
+    }
+    fn intern_canonical_var_kinds<E>(
+        &self,
+        data: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<chalk_ir::CanonicalVarKind<Self>, E>>,
+    ) -> Result<Self::InternedCanonicalVarKinds, E> {
+        data.into_iter().collect()
+    }
+    fn canonical_var_kinds_data<'a>(
+        &self,
+        canonical_var_kinds: &'a Self::InternedCanonicalVarKinds,
+    ) -> &'a [chalk_ir::CanonicalVarKind<Self>] {
+        &canonical_var_kinds
+    }
+impl chalk_ir::interner::HasInterner for Interner {
+    type Interner = Self;
diff --git a/crates/ra_hir_ty/src/traits/chalk/ b/crates/ra_hir_ty/src/traits/chalk/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a83d82fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/ra_hir_ty/src/traits/chalk/
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+//! This module contains the implementations of the `ToChalk` trait, which
+//! handles conversion between our data types and their corresponding types in
+//! Chalk (in both directions); plus some helper functions for more specialized
+//! conversions.
+use chalk_ir::{
+    cast::Cast, fold::shift::Shift, interner::HasInterner, PlaceholderIndex, Scalar, TypeName,
+    UniverseIndex,
+use hir_def::{type_ref::Mutability, AssocContainerId, GenericDefId, Lookup, TypeAliasId};
+use ra_db::salsa::InternKey;
+use crate::{
+    db::HirDatabase,
+    primitive::{FloatBitness, FloatTy, IntBitness, IntTy, Signedness, Uncertain},
+    traits::{builtin, AssocTyValue, Canonical, Impl, Obligation},
+    ApplicationTy, GenericPredicate, InEnvironment, ProjectionPredicate, ProjectionTy, Substs,
+    TraitEnvironment, TraitRef, Ty, TypeCtor,
+use super::interner::*;
+use super::*;
+impl ToChalk for Ty {
+    type Chalk = chalk_ir::Ty<Interner>;
+    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::Ty<Interner> {
+        match self {
+            Ty::Apply(apply_ty) => {
+                if let TypeCtor::Ref(m) = apply_ty.ctor {
+                    return ref_to_chalk(db, m, apply_ty.parameters);
+                }
+                let name = apply_ty.ctor.to_chalk(db);
+                let substitution = apply_ty.parameters.to_chalk(db);
+                chalk_ir::ApplicationTy { name, substitution }.cast(&Interner).intern(&Interner)
+            }
+            Ty::Projection(proj_ty) => {
+                let associated_ty_id = proj_ty.associated_ty.to_chalk(db);
+                let substitution = proj_ty.parameters.to_chalk(db);
+                chalk_ir::AliasTy::Projection(chalk_ir::ProjectionTy {
+                    associated_ty_id,
+                    substitution,
+                })
+                .cast(&Interner)
+                .intern(&Interner)
+            }
+            Ty::Placeholder(id) => {
+                let interned_id = db.intern_type_param_id(id);
+                PlaceholderIndex {
+                    ui: UniverseIndex::ROOT,
+                    idx: interned_id.as_intern_id().as_usize(),
+                }
+                .to_ty::<Interner>(&Interner)
+            }
+            Ty::Bound(idx) => chalk_ir::TyData::BoundVar(idx).intern(&Interner),
+            Ty::Infer(_infer_ty) => panic!("uncanonicalized infer ty"),
+            Ty::Dyn(predicates) => {
+                let where_clauses = chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClauses::from(
+                    &Interner,
+                    predicates.iter().filter(|p| !p.is_error()).cloned().map(|p| p.to_chalk(db)),
+                );
+                let bounded_ty = chalk_ir::DynTy { bounds: make_binders(where_clauses, 1) };
+                chalk_ir::TyData::Dyn(bounded_ty).intern(&Interner)
+            }
+            Ty::Opaque(_) | Ty::Unknown => {
+                let substitution = chalk_ir::Substitution::empty(&Interner);
+                let name = TypeName::Error;
+                chalk_ir::ApplicationTy { name, substitution }.cast(&Interner).intern(&Interner)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(db: &dyn HirDatabase, chalk: chalk_ir::Ty<Interner>) -> Self {
+        match {
+            chalk_ir::TyData::Apply(apply_ty) => match {
+                TypeName::Error => Ty::Unknown,
+                TypeName::Ref(m) => ref_from_chalk(db, m, apply_ty.substitution),
+                _ => {
+                    let ctor = from_chalk(db,;
+                    let parameters = from_chalk(db, apply_ty.substitution);
+                    Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { ctor, parameters })
+                }
+            },
+            chalk_ir::TyData::Placeholder(idx) => {
+                assert_eq!(idx.ui, UniverseIndex::ROOT);
+                let interned_id = crate::db::GlobalTypeParamId::from_intern_id(
+                    crate::salsa::InternId::from(idx.idx),
+                );
+                Ty::Placeholder(db.lookup_intern_type_param_id(interned_id))
+            }
+            chalk_ir::TyData::Alias(chalk_ir::AliasTy::Projection(proj)) => {
+                let associated_ty = from_chalk(db, proj.associated_ty_id);
+                let parameters = from_chalk(db, proj.substitution);
+                Ty::Projection(ProjectionTy { associated_ty, parameters })
+            }
+            chalk_ir::TyData::Alias(chalk_ir::AliasTy::Opaque(_)) => unimplemented!(),
+            chalk_ir::TyData::Function(_) => unimplemented!(),
+            chalk_ir::TyData::BoundVar(idx) => Ty::Bound(idx),
+            chalk_ir::TyData::InferenceVar(_iv) => Ty::Unknown,
+            chalk_ir::TyData::Dyn(where_clauses) => {
+                assert_eq!(where_clauses.bounds.binders.len(&Interner), 1);
+                let predicates = where_clauses
+                    .bounds
+                    .skip_binders()
+                    .iter(&Interner)
+                    .map(|c| from_chalk(db, c.clone()))
+                    .collect();
+                Ty::Dyn(predicates)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+const LIFETIME_PLACEHOLDER: PlaceholderIndex =
+    PlaceholderIndex { ui: UniverseIndex::ROOT, idx: usize::MAX };
+/// We currently don't model lifetimes, but Chalk does. So, we have to insert a
+/// fake lifetime here, because Chalks built-in logic may expect it to be there.
+fn ref_to_chalk(
+    db: &dyn HirDatabase,
+    mutability: Mutability,
+    subst: Substs,
+) -> chalk_ir::Ty<Interner> {
+    let arg = subst[0].clone().to_chalk(db);
+    let lifetime = LIFETIME_PLACEHOLDER.to_lifetime(&Interner);
+    chalk_ir::ApplicationTy {
+        name: TypeName::Ref(mutability.to_chalk(db)),
+        substitution: chalk_ir::Substitution::from(
+            &Interner,
+            vec![lifetime.cast(&Interner), arg.cast(&Interner)],
+        ),
+    }
+    .intern(&Interner)
+/// Here we remove the lifetime from the type we got from Chalk.
+fn ref_from_chalk(
+    db: &dyn HirDatabase,
+    mutability: chalk_ir::Mutability,
+    subst: chalk_ir::Substitution<Interner>,
+) -> Ty {
+    let tys = subst
+        .iter(&Interner)
+        .filter_map(|p| Some(from_chalk(db, p.ty(&Interner)?.clone())))
+        .collect();
+    Ty::apply(TypeCtor::Ref(from_chalk(db, mutability)), Substs(tys))
+impl ToChalk for Substs {
+    type Chalk = chalk_ir::Substitution<Interner>;
+    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::Substitution<Interner> {
+        chalk_ir::Substitution::from(&Interner, self.iter().map(|ty| ty.clone().to_chalk(db)))
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(db: &dyn HirDatabase, parameters: chalk_ir::Substitution<Interner>) -> Substs {
+        let tys = parameters
+            .iter(&Interner)
+            .map(|p| match p.ty(&Interner) {
+                Some(ty) => from_chalk(db, ty.clone()),
+                None => unimplemented!(),
+            })
+            .collect();
+        Substs(tys)
+    }
+impl ToChalk for TraitRef {
+    type Chalk = chalk_ir::TraitRef<Interner>;
+    fn to_chalk(self: TraitRef, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::TraitRef<Interner> {
+        let trait_id = self.trait_.to_chalk(db);
+        let substitution = self.substs.to_chalk(db);
+        chalk_ir::TraitRef { trait_id, substitution }
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(db: &dyn HirDatabase, trait_ref: chalk_ir::TraitRef<Interner>) -> Self {
+        let trait_ = from_chalk(db, trait_ref.trait_id);
+        let substs = from_chalk(db, trait_ref.substitution);
+        TraitRef { trait_, substs }
+    }
+impl ToChalk for hir_def::TraitId {
+    type Chalk = TraitId;
+    fn to_chalk(self, _db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> TraitId {
+        chalk_ir::TraitId(self.as_intern_id())
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(_db: &dyn HirDatabase, trait_id: TraitId) -> hir_def::TraitId {
+        InternKey::from_intern_id(trait_id.0)
+    }
+impl ToChalk for TypeCtor {
+    type Chalk = TypeName<Interner>;
+    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> TypeName<Interner> {
+        match self {
+            TypeCtor::AssociatedType(type_alias) => {
+                let type_id = type_alias.to_chalk(db);
+                TypeName::AssociatedType(type_id)
+            }
+            TypeCtor::Bool => TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Bool),
+            TypeCtor::Char => TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Char),
+            TypeCtor::Int(Uncertain::Known(int_ty)) => TypeName::Scalar(int_ty_to_chalk(int_ty)),
+            TypeCtor::Float(Uncertain::Known(FloatTy { bitness: FloatBitness::X32 })) => {
+                TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Float(chalk_ir::FloatTy::F32))
+            }
+            TypeCtor::Float(Uncertain::Known(FloatTy { bitness: FloatBitness::X64 })) => {
+                TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Float(chalk_ir::FloatTy::F64))
+            }
+            TypeCtor::Tuple { cardinality } => TypeName::Tuple(cardinality.into()),
+            TypeCtor::RawPtr(mutability) => TypeName::Raw(mutability.to_chalk(db)),
+            TypeCtor::Slice => TypeName::Slice,
+            TypeCtor::Ref(mutability) => TypeName::Ref(mutability.to_chalk(db)),
+            TypeCtor::Str => TypeName::Str,
+            TypeCtor::Int(Uncertain::Unknown)
+            | TypeCtor::Float(Uncertain::Unknown)
+            | TypeCtor::Adt(_)
+            | TypeCtor::Array
+            | TypeCtor::FnDef(_)
+            | TypeCtor::FnPtr { .. }
+            | TypeCtor::Never
+            | TypeCtor::Closure { .. } => {
+                // other TypeCtors get interned and turned into a chalk StructId
+                let struct_id = db.intern_type_ctor(self).into();
+                TypeName::Adt(struct_id)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(db: &dyn HirDatabase, type_name: TypeName<Interner>) -> TypeCtor {
+        match type_name {
+            TypeName::Adt(struct_id) => db.lookup_intern_type_ctor(struct_id.into()),
+            TypeName::AssociatedType(type_id) => TypeCtor::AssociatedType(from_chalk(db, type_id)),
+            TypeName::OpaqueType(_) => unreachable!(),
+            TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Bool) => TypeCtor::Bool,
+            TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Char) => TypeCtor::Char,
+            TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Int(int_ty)) => TypeCtor::Int(Uncertain::Known(IntTy {
+                signedness: Signedness::Signed,
+                bitness: bitness_from_chalk_int(int_ty),
+            })),
+            TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Uint(uint_ty)) => TypeCtor::Int(Uncertain::Known(IntTy {
+                signedness: Signedness::Unsigned,
+                bitness: bitness_from_chalk_uint(uint_ty),
+            })),
+            TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Float(chalk_ir::FloatTy::F32)) => {
+                TypeCtor::Float(Uncertain::Known(FloatTy { bitness: FloatBitness::X32 }))
+            }
+            TypeName::Scalar(Scalar::Float(chalk_ir::FloatTy::F64)) => {
+                TypeCtor::Float(Uncertain::Known(FloatTy { bitness: FloatBitness::X64 }))
+            }
+            TypeName::Tuple(cardinality) => TypeCtor::Tuple { cardinality: cardinality as u16 },
+            TypeName::Raw(mutability) => TypeCtor::RawPtr(from_chalk(db, mutability)),
+            TypeName::Slice => TypeCtor::Slice,
+            TypeName::Ref(mutability) => TypeCtor::Ref(from_chalk(db, mutability)),
+            TypeName::Str => TypeCtor::Str,
+            TypeName::FnDef(_) => unreachable!(),
+            TypeName::Error => {
+                // this should not be reached, since we don't represent TypeName::Error with TypeCtor
+                unreachable!()
+            }
+        }
+    }
+fn bitness_from_chalk_uint(uint_ty: chalk_ir::UintTy) -> IntBitness {
+    use chalk_ir::UintTy;
+    match uint_ty {
+        UintTy::Usize => IntBitness::Xsize,
+        UintTy::U8 => IntBitness::X8,
+        UintTy::U16 => IntBitness::X16,
+        UintTy::U32 => IntBitness::X32,
+        UintTy::U64 => IntBitness::X64,
+        UintTy::U128 => IntBitness::X128,
+    }
+fn bitness_from_chalk_int(int_ty: chalk_ir::IntTy) -> IntBitness {
+    use chalk_ir::IntTy;
+    match int_ty {
+        IntTy::Isize => IntBitness::Xsize,
+        IntTy::I8 => IntBitness::X8,
+        IntTy::I16 => IntBitness::X16,
+        IntTy::I32 => IntBitness::X32,
+        IntTy::I64 => IntBitness::X64,
+        IntTy::I128 => IntBitness::X128,
+    }
+fn int_ty_to_chalk(int_ty: IntTy) -> Scalar {
+    use chalk_ir::{IntTy, UintTy};
+    match int_ty.signedness {
+        Signedness::Signed => Scalar::Int(match int_ty.bitness {
+            IntBitness::Xsize => IntTy::Isize,
+            IntBitness::X8 => IntTy::I8,
+            IntBitness::X16 => IntTy::I16,
+            IntBitness::X32 => IntTy::I32,
+            IntBitness::X64 => IntTy::I64,
+            IntBitness::X128 => IntTy::I128,
+        }),
+        Signedness::Unsigned => Scalar::Uint(match int_ty.bitness {
+            IntBitness::Xsize => UintTy::Usize,
+            IntBitness::X8 => UintTy::U8,
+            IntBitness::X16 => UintTy::U16,
+            IntBitness::X32 => UintTy::U32,
+            IntBitness::X64 => UintTy::U64,
+            IntBitness::X128 => UintTy::U128,
+        }),
+    }
+impl ToChalk for Mutability {
+    type Chalk = chalk_ir::Mutability;
+    fn to_chalk(self, _db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> Self::Chalk {
+        match self {
+            Mutability::Shared => chalk_ir::Mutability::Not,
+            Mutability::Mut => chalk_ir::Mutability::Mut,
+        }
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(_db: &dyn HirDatabase, chalk: Self::Chalk) -> Self {
+        match chalk {
+            chalk_ir::Mutability::Mut => Mutability::Mut,
+            chalk_ir::Mutability::Not => Mutability::Shared,
+        }
+    }
+impl ToChalk for Impl {
+    type Chalk = ImplId;
+    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> ImplId {
+        db.intern_chalk_impl(self).into()
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(db: &dyn HirDatabase, impl_id: ImplId) -> Impl {
+        db.lookup_intern_chalk_impl(impl_id.into())
+    }
+impl ToChalk for TypeAliasId {
+    type Chalk = AssocTypeId;
+    fn to_chalk(self, _db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> AssocTypeId {
+        chalk_ir::AssocTypeId(self.as_intern_id())
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(_db: &dyn HirDatabase, type_alias_id: AssocTypeId) -> TypeAliasId {
+        InternKey::from_intern_id(type_alias_id.0)
+    }
+impl ToChalk for AssocTyValue {
+    type Chalk = AssociatedTyValueId;
+    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> AssociatedTyValueId {
+        db.intern_assoc_ty_value(self).into()
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(db: &dyn HirDatabase, assoc_ty_value_id: AssociatedTyValueId) -> AssocTyValue {
+        db.lookup_intern_assoc_ty_value(assoc_ty_value_id.into())
+    }
+impl ToChalk for GenericPredicate {
+    type Chalk = chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClause<Interner>;
+    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClause<Interner> {
+        match self {
+            GenericPredicate::Implemented(trait_ref) => {
+                let chalk_trait_ref = trait_ref.to_chalk(db);
+                let chalk_trait_ref = chalk_trait_ref.shifted_in(&Interner);
+                make_binders(chalk_ir::WhereClause::Implemented(chalk_trait_ref), 0)
+            }
+            GenericPredicate::Projection(projection_pred) => {
+                let ty = projection_pred.ty.to_chalk(db).shifted_in(&Interner);
+                let projection = projection_pred.projection_ty.to_chalk(db).shifted_in(&Interner);
+                let alias = chalk_ir::AliasTy::Projection(projection);
+                make_binders(chalk_ir::WhereClause::AliasEq(chalk_ir::AliasEq { alias, ty }), 0)
+            }
+            GenericPredicate::Error => panic!("tried passing GenericPredicate::Error to Chalk"),
+        }
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(
+        db: &dyn HirDatabase,
+        where_clause: chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClause<Interner>,
+    ) -> GenericPredicate {
+        // we don't produce any where clauses with binders and can't currently deal with them
+        match where_clause
+            .skip_binders()
+            .shifted_out(&Interner)
+            .expect("unexpected bound vars in where clause")
+        {
+            chalk_ir::WhereClause::Implemented(tr) => {
+                GenericPredicate::Implemented(from_chalk(db, tr))
+            }
+            chalk_ir::WhereClause::AliasEq(projection_eq) => {
+                let projection_ty = from_chalk(
+                    db,
+                    match projection_eq.alias {
+                        chalk_ir::AliasTy::Projection(p) => p,
+                        _ => unimplemented!(),
+                    },
+                );
+                let ty = from_chalk(db, projection_eq.ty);
+                GenericPredicate::Projection(ProjectionPredicate { projection_ty, ty })
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl ToChalk for ProjectionTy {
+    type Chalk = chalk_ir::ProjectionTy<Interner>;
+    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::ProjectionTy<Interner> {
+        chalk_ir::ProjectionTy {
+            associated_ty_id: self.associated_ty.to_chalk(db),
+            substitution: self.parameters.to_chalk(db),
+        }
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(
+        db: &dyn HirDatabase,
+        projection_ty: chalk_ir::ProjectionTy<Interner>,
+    ) -> ProjectionTy {
+        ProjectionTy {
+            associated_ty: from_chalk(db, projection_ty.associated_ty_id),
+            parameters: from_chalk(db, projection_ty.substitution),
+        }
+    }
+impl ToChalk for ProjectionPredicate {
+    type Chalk = chalk_ir::AliasEq<Interner>;
+    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::AliasEq<Interner> {
+        chalk_ir::AliasEq {
+            alias: chalk_ir::AliasTy::Projection(self.projection_ty.to_chalk(db)),
+            ty: self.ty.to_chalk(db),
+        }
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(_db: &dyn HirDatabase, _normalize: chalk_ir::AliasEq<Interner>) -> Self {
+        unimplemented!()
+    }
+impl ToChalk for Obligation {
+    type Chalk = chalk_ir::DomainGoal<Interner>;
+    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::DomainGoal<Interner> {
+        match self {
+            Obligation::Trait(tr) => tr.to_chalk(db).cast(&Interner),
+            Obligation::Projection(pr) => pr.to_chalk(db).cast(&Interner),
+        }
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(_db: &dyn HirDatabase, _goal: chalk_ir::DomainGoal<Interner>) -> Self {
+        unimplemented!()
+    }
+impl<T> ToChalk for Canonical<T>
+    T: ToChalk,
+    T::Chalk: HasInterner<Interner = Interner>,
+    type Chalk = chalk_ir::Canonical<T::Chalk>;
+    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::Canonical<T::Chalk> {
+        let parameter = chalk_ir::CanonicalVarKind::new(
+            chalk_ir::VariableKind::Ty,
+            chalk_ir::UniverseIndex::ROOT,
+        );
+        let value = self.value.to_chalk(db);
+        chalk_ir::Canonical {
+            value,
+            binders: chalk_ir::CanonicalVarKinds::from(&Interner, vec![parameter; self.num_vars]),
+        }
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(db: &dyn HirDatabase, canonical: chalk_ir::Canonical<T::Chalk>) -> Canonical<T> {
+        Canonical {
+            num_vars: canonical.binders.len(&Interner),
+            value: from_chalk(db, canonical.value),
+        }
+    }
+impl ToChalk for Arc<TraitEnvironment> {
+    type Chalk = chalk_ir::Environment<Interner>;
+    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::Environment<Interner> {
+        let mut clauses = Vec::new();
+        for pred in &self.predicates {
+            if pred.is_error() {
+                // for env, we just ignore errors
+                continue;
+            }
+            let program_clause: chalk_ir::ProgramClause<Interner> =
+                pred.clone().to_chalk(db).cast(&Interner);
+            clauses.push(program_clause.into_from_env_clause(&Interner));
+        }
+        chalk_ir::Environment::new(&Interner).add_clauses(&Interner, clauses)
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(
+        _db: &dyn HirDatabase,
+        _env: chalk_ir::Environment<Interner>,
+    ) -> Arc<TraitEnvironment> {
+        unimplemented!()
+    }
+impl<T: ToChalk> ToChalk for InEnvironment<T>
+    T::Chalk: chalk_ir::interner::HasInterner<Interner = Interner>,
+    type Chalk = chalk_ir::InEnvironment<T::Chalk>;
+    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> chalk_ir::InEnvironment<T::Chalk> {
+        chalk_ir::InEnvironment {
+            environment: self.environment.to_chalk(db),
+            goal: self.value.to_chalk(db),
+        }
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(
+        db: &dyn HirDatabase,
+        in_env: chalk_ir::InEnvironment<T::Chalk>,
+    ) -> InEnvironment<T> {
+        InEnvironment {
+            environment: from_chalk(db, in_env.environment),
+            value: from_chalk(db, in_env.goal),
+        }
+    }
+impl ToChalk for builtin::BuiltinImplData {
+    type Chalk = ImplDatum;
+    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> ImplDatum {
+        let impl_type = chalk_rust_ir::ImplType::External;
+        let where_clauses = self.where_clauses.into_iter().map(|w| w.to_chalk(db)).collect();
+        let impl_datum_bound =
+            chalk_rust_ir::ImplDatumBound { trait_ref: self.trait_ref.to_chalk(db), where_clauses };
+        let associated_ty_value_ids =
+            self.assoc_ty_values.into_iter().map(|v| v.to_chalk(db)).collect();
+        chalk_rust_ir::ImplDatum {
+            binders: make_binders(impl_datum_bound, self.num_vars),
+            impl_type,
+            polarity: chalk_rust_ir::Polarity::Positive,
+            associated_ty_value_ids,
+        }
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(_db: &dyn HirDatabase, _data: ImplDatum) -> Self {
+        unimplemented!()
+    }
+impl ToChalk for builtin::BuiltinImplAssocTyValueData {
+    type Chalk = AssociatedTyValue;
+    fn to_chalk(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> AssociatedTyValue {
+        let ty = self.value.to_chalk(db);
+        let value_bound = chalk_rust_ir::AssociatedTyValueBound { ty };
+        chalk_rust_ir::AssociatedTyValue {
+            associated_ty_id: self.assoc_ty_id.to_chalk(db),
+            impl_id: self.impl_.to_chalk(db),
+            value: make_binders(value_bound, self.num_vars),
+        }
+    }
+    fn from_chalk(
+        _db: &dyn HirDatabase,
+        _data: AssociatedTyValue,
+    ) -> builtin::BuiltinImplAssocTyValueData {
+        unimplemented!()
+    }
+pub(super) fn make_binders<T>(value: T, num_vars: usize) -> chalk_ir::Binders<T>
+    T: HasInterner<Interner = Interner>,
+    chalk_ir::Binders::new(
+        chalk_ir::VariableKinds::from(
+            &Interner,
+            std::iter::repeat(chalk_ir::VariableKind::Ty).take(num_vars),
+        ),
+        value,
+    )
+pub(super) fn convert_where_clauses(
+    db: &dyn HirDatabase,
+    def: GenericDefId,
+    substs: &Substs,
+) -> Vec<chalk_ir::QuantifiedWhereClause<Interner>> {
+    let generic_predicates = db.generic_predicates(def);
+    let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(generic_predicates.len());
+    for pred in generic_predicates.iter() {
+        if pred.value.is_error() {
+            // skip errored predicates completely
+            continue;
+        }
+        result.push(pred.clone().subst(substs).to_chalk(db));
+    }
+    result
+pub(super) fn generic_predicate_to_inline_bound(
+    db: &dyn HirDatabase,
+    pred: &GenericPredicate,
+    self_ty: &Ty,
+) -> Option<chalk_rust_ir::InlineBound<Interner>> {
+    // An InlineBound is like a GenericPredicate, except the self type is left out.
+    // We don't have a special type for this, but Chalk does.
+    match pred {
+        GenericPredicate::Implemented(trait_ref) => {
+            if &trait_ref.substs[0] != self_ty {
+                // we can only convert predicates back to type bounds if they
+                // have the expected self type
+                return None;
+            }
+            let args_no_self = trait_ref.substs[1..]
+                .iter()
+                .map(|ty| ty.clone().to_chalk(db).cast(&Interner))
+                .collect();
+            let trait_bound =
+                chalk_rust_ir::TraitBound { trait_id: trait_ref.trait_.to_chalk(db), args_no_self };
+            Some(chalk_rust_ir::InlineBound::TraitBound(trait_bound))
+        }
+        GenericPredicate::Projection(proj) => {
+            if &proj.projection_ty.parameters[0] != self_ty {
+                return None;
+            }
+            let trait_ = match proj.projection_ty.associated_ty.lookup(db.upcast()).container {
+                AssocContainerId::TraitId(t) => t,
+                _ => panic!("associated type not in trait"),
+            };
+            let args_no_self = proj.projection_ty.parameters[1..]
+                .iter()
+                .map(|ty| ty.clone().to_chalk(db).cast(&Interner))
+                .collect();
+            let alias_eq_bound = chalk_rust_ir::AliasEqBound {
+                value: proj.ty.clone().to_chalk(db),
+                trait_bound: chalk_rust_ir::TraitBound {
+                    trait_id: trait_.to_chalk(db),
+                    args_no_self,
+                },
+                associated_ty_id: proj.projection_ty.associated_ty.to_chalk(db),
+                parameters: Vec::new(), // FIXME we don't support generic associated types yet
+            };
+            Some(chalk_rust_ir::InlineBound::AliasEqBound(alias_eq_bound))
+        }
+        GenericPredicate::Error => None,
+    }
cgit v1.2.3