From a4e9681c79095d6c10a851cfefe64cf1a3570ec5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aleksey Kladov <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2020 18:13:43 +0200
Subject: Better module structure

 crates/ra_ide/src/           |   6 +-
 crates/ra_ide/src/display/ | 441 ---------------------------------
 crates/ra_ide/src/    | 441 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 crates/ra_ide/src/               |  37 +--
 4 files changed, 463 insertions(+), 462 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 crates/ra_ide/src/display/
 create mode 100644 crates/ra_ide/src/

(limited to 'crates/ra_ide')

diff --git a/crates/ra_ide/src/ b/crates/ra_ide/src/
index b59d4bbdf..1ec946369 100644
--- a/crates/ra_ide/src/
+++ b/crates/ra_ide/src/
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 pub(crate) mod function_signature;
 mod navigation_target;
-mod structure;
 mod short_label;
 use ra_syntax::{
@@ -11,12 +10,11 @@ use ra_syntax::{
     SyntaxKind::{ATTR, COMMENT},
-pub use navigation_target::NavigationTarget;
-pub use structure::{file_structure, StructureNode};
 pub(crate) use navigation_target::{ToNav, TryToNav};
 pub(crate) use short_label::ShortLabel;
+pub use navigation_target::NavigationTarget;
 pub(crate) fn function_label(node: &ast::FnDef) -> String {
diff --git a/crates/ra_ide/src/display/ b/crates/ra_ide/src/display/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f6a3febf..000000000
--- a/crates/ra_ide/src/display/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
-use ra_syntax::{
-    ast::{self, AttrsOwner, NameOwner, TypeAscriptionOwner, TypeParamsOwner},
-    match_ast, AstNode, SourceFile, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode, TextRange, WalkEvent,
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct StructureNode {
-    pub parent: Option<usize>,
-    pub label: String,
-    pub navigation_range: TextRange,
-    pub node_range: TextRange,
-    pub kind: SyntaxKind,
-    pub detail: Option<String>,
-    pub deprecated: bool,
-// Feature: File Structure
-// Provides a tree of the symbols defined in the file. Can be used to
-// * fuzzy search symbol in a file (super useful)
-// * draw breadcrumbs to describe the context around the cursor
-// * draw outline of the file
-// |===
-// | Editor  | Shortcut
-// | VS Code | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+O]
-// |===
-pub fn file_structure(file: &SourceFile) -> Vec<StructureNode> {
-    let mut res = Vec::new();
-    let mut stack = Vec::new();
-    for event in file.syntax().preorder() {
-        match event {
-            WalkEvent::Enter(node) => {
-                if let Some(mut symbol) = structure_node(&node) {
-                    symbol.parent = stack.last().copied();
-                    stack.push(res.len());
-                    res.push(symbol);
-                }
-            }
-            WalkEvent::Leave(node) => {
-                if structure_node(&node).is_some() {
-                    stack.pop().unwrap();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    res
-fn structure_node(node: &SyntaxNode) -> Option<StructureNode> {
-    fn decl<N: NameOwner + AttrsOwner>(node: N) -> Option<StructureNode> {
-        decl_with_detail(node, None)
-    }
-    fn decl_with_ascription<N: NameOwner + AttrsOwner + TypeAscriptionOwner>(
-        node: N,
-    ) -> Option<StructureNode> {
-        let ty = node.ascribed_type();
-        decl_with_type_ref(node, ty)
-    }
-    fn decl_with_type_ref<N: NameOwner + AttrsOwner>(
-        node: N,
-        type_ref: Option<ast::TypeRef>,
-    ) -> Option<StructureNode> {
-        let detail =|type_ref| {
-            let mut detail = String::new();
-            collapse_ws(type_ref.syntax(), &mut detail);
-            detail
-        });
-        decl_with_detail(node, detail)
-    }
-    fn decl_with_detail<N: NameOwner + AttrsOwner>(
-        node: N,
-        detail: Option<String>,
-    ) -> Option<StructureNode> {
-        let name =;
-        Some(StructureNode {
-            parent: None,
-            label: name.text().to_string(),
-            navigation_range: name.syntax().text_range(),
-            node_range: node.syntax().text_range(),
-            kind: node.syntax().kind(),
-            detail,
-            deprecated: node.attrs().filter_map(|x| x.simple_name()).any(|x| x == "deprecated"),
-        })
-    }
-    fn collapse_ws(node: &SyntaxNode, output: &mut String) {
-        let mut can_insert_ws = false;
-        node.text().for_each_chunk(|chunk| {
-            for line in chunk.lines() {
-                let line = line.trim();
-                if line.is_empty() {
-                    if can_insert_ws {
-                        output.push(' ');
-                        can_insert_ws = false;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    output.push_str(line);
-                    can_insert_ws = true;
-                }
-            }
-        })
-    }
-    match_ast! {
-        match node {
-            ast::FnDef(it) => {
-                let mut detail = String::from("fn");
-                if let Some(type_param_list) = it.type_param_list() {
-                    collapse_ws(type_param_list.syntax(), &mut detail);
-                }
-                if let Some(param_list) = it.param_list() {
-                    collapse_ws(param_list.syntax(), &mut detail);
-                }
-                if let Some(ret_type) = it.ret_type() {
-                    detail.push_str(" ");
-                    collapse_ws(ret_type.syntax(), &mut detail);
-                }
-                decl_with_detail(it, Some(detail))
-            },
-            ast::StructDef(it) => decl(it),
-            ast::UnionDef(it) => decl(it),
-            ast::EnumDef(it) => decl(it),
-            ast::EnumVariant(it) => decl(it),
-            ast::TraitDef(it) => decl(it),
-            ast::Module(it) => decl(it),
-            ast::TypeAliasDef(it) => {
-                let ty = it.type_ref();
-                decl_with_type_ref(it, ty)
-            },
-            ast::RecordFieldDef(it) => decl_with_ascription(it),
-            ast::ConstDef(it) => decl_with_ascription(it),
-            ast::StaticDef(it) => decl_with_ascription(it),
-            ast::ImplDef(it) => {
-                let target_type = it.target_type()?;
-                let target_trait = it.target_trait();
-                let label = match target_trait {
-                    None => format!("impl {}", target_type.syntax().text()),
-                    Some(t) => {
-                        format!("impl {} for {}", t.syntax().text(), target_type.syntax().text(),)
-                    }
-                };
-                let node = StructureNode {
-                    parent: None,
-                    label,
-                    navigation_range: target_type.syntax().text_range(),
-                    node_range: it.syntax().text_range(),
-                    kind: it.syntax().kind(),
-                    detail: None,
-                    deprecated: false,
-                };
-                Some(node)
-            },
-            ast::MacroCall(it) => {
-                match it.path().and_then(|it| it.segment()).and_then(|it| it.name_ref()) {
-                    Some(path_segment) if path_segment.text() == "macro_rules"
-                    => decl(it),
-                    _ => None,
-                }
-            },
-            _ => None,
-        }
-    }
-mod tests {
-    use expect::{expect, Expect};
-    use super::*;
-    fn check(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) {
-        let file = SourceFile::parse(ra_fixture).ok().unwrap();
-        let structure = file_structure(&file);
-        expect.assert_debug_eq(&structure)
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_file_structure() {
-        check(
-            r#"
-struct Foo {
-    x: i32
-mod m {
-    fn bar1() {}
-    fn bar2<T>(t: T) -> T {}
-    fn bar3<A,
-        B>(a: A,
-        b: B) -> Vec<
-        u32
-    > {}
-enum E { X, Y(i32) }
-type T = ();
-static S: i32 = 92;
-const C: i32 = 92;
-impl E {}
-impl fmt::Debug for E {}
-macro_rules! mc {
-    () => {}
-macro_rules! mcexp {
-    () => {}
-/// Doc comment
-macro_rules! mcexp {
-    () => {}
-fn obsolete() {}
-#[deprecated(note = "for awhile")]
-fn very_obsolete() {}
-            expect![[r#"
-                [
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: None,
-                        label: "Foo",
-                        navigation_range: 8..11,
-                        node_range: 1..26,
-                        kind: STRUCT_DEF,
-                        detail: None,
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: Some(
-                            0,
-                        ),
-                        label: "x",
-                        navigation_range: 18..19,
-                        node_range: 18..24,
-                        kind: RECORD_FIELD_DEF,
-                        detail: Some(
-                            "i32",
-                        ),
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: None,
-                        label: "m",
-                        navigation_range: 32..33,
-                        node_range: 28..158,
-                        kind: MODULE,
-                        detail: None,
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: Some(
-                            2,
-                        ),
-                        label: "bar1",
-                        navigation_range: 43..47,
-                        node_range: 40..52,
-                        kind: FN_DEF,
-                        detail: Some(
-                            "fn()",
-                        ),
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: Some(
-                            2,
-                        ),
-                        label: "bar2",
-                        navigation_range: 60..64,
-                        node_range: 57..81,
-                        kind: FN_DEF,
-                        detail: Some(
-                            "fn<T>(t: T) -> T",
-                        ),
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: Some(
-                            2,
-                        ),
-                        label: "bar3",
-                        navigation_range: 89..93,
-                        node_range: 86..156,
-                        kind: FN_DEF,
-                        detail: Some(
-                            "fn<A, B>(a: A, b: B) -> Vec< u32 >",
-                        ),
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: None,
-                        label: "E",
-                        navigation_range: 165..166,
-                        node_range: 160..180,
-                        kind: ENUM_DEF,
-                        detail: None,
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: Some(
-                            6,
-                        ),
-                        label: "X",
-                        navigation_range: 169..170,
-                        node_range: 169..170,
-                        kind: ENUM_VARIANT,
-                        detail: None,
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: Some(
-                            6,
-                        ),
-                        label: "Y",
-                        navigation_range: 172..173,
-                        node_range: 172..178,
-                        kind: ENUM_VARIANT,
-                        detail: None,
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: None,
-                        label: "T",
-                        navigation_range: 186..187,
-                        node_range: 181..193,
-                        kind: TYPE_ALIAS_DEF,
-                        detail: Some(
-                            "()",
-                        ),
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: None,
-                        label: "S",
-                        navigation_range: 201..202,
-                        node_range: 194..213,
-                        kind: STATIC_DEF,
-                        detail: Some(
-                            "i32",
-                        ),
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: None,
-                        label: "C",
-                        navigation_range: 220..221,
-                        node_range: 214..232,
-                        kind: CONST_DEF,
-                        detail: Some(
-                            "i32",
-                        ),
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: None,
-                        label: "impl E",
-                        navigation_range: 239..240,
-                        node_range: 234..243,
-                        kind: IMPL_DEF,
-                        detail: None,
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: None,
-                        label: "impl fmt::Debug for E",
-                        navigation_range: 265..266,
-                        node_range: 245..269,
-                        kind: IMPL_DEF,
-                        detail: None,
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: None,
-                        label: "mc",
-                        navigation_range: 284..286,
-                        node_range: 271..303,
-                        kind: MACRO_CALL,
-                        detail: None,
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: None,
-                        label: "mcexp",
-                        navigation_range: 334..339,
-                        node_range: 305..356,
-                        kind: MACRO_CALL,
-                        detail: None,
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: None,
-                        label: "mcexp",
-                        navigation_range: 387..392,
-                        node_range: 358..409,
-                        kind: MACRO_CALL,
-                        detail: None,
-                        deprecated: false,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: None,
-                        label: "obsolete",
-                        navigation_range: 428..436,
-                        node_range: 411..441,
-                        kind: FN_DEF,
-                        detail: Some(
-                            "fn()",
-                        ),
-                        deprecated: true,
-                    },
-                    StructureNode {
-                        parent: None,
-                        label: "very_obsolete",
-                        navigation_range: 481..494,
-                        node_range: 443..499,
-                        kind: FN_DEF,
-                        detail: Some(
-                            "fn()",
-                        ),
-                        deprecated: true,
-                    },
-                ]
-            "#]],
-        );
-    }
diff --git a/crates/ra_ide/src/ b/crates/ra_ide/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f6a3febf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/ra_ide/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+use ra_syntax::{
+    ast::{self, AttrsOwner, NameOwner, TypeAscriptionOwner, TypeParamsOwner},
+    match_ast, AstNode, SourceFile, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode, TextRange, WalkEvent,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct StructureNode {
+    pub parent: Option<usize>,
+    pub label: String,
+    pub navigation_range: TextRange,
+    pub node_range: TextRange,
+    pub kind: SyntaxKind,
+    pub detail: Option<String>,
+    pub deprecated: bool,
+// Feature: File Structure
+// Provides a tree of the symbols defined in the file. Can be used to
+// * fuzzy search symbol in a file (super useful)
+// * draw breadcrumbs to describe the context around the cursor
+// * draw outline of the file
+// |===
+// | Editor  | Shortcut
+// | VS Code | kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+O]
+// |===
+pub fn file_structure(file: &SourceFile) -> Vec<StructureNode> {
+    let mut res = Vec::new();
+    let mut stack = Vec::new();
+    for event in file.syntax().preorder() {
+        match event {
+            WalkEvent::Enter(node) => {
+                if let Some(mut symbol) = structure_node(&node) {
+                    symbol.parent = stack.last().copied();
+                    stack.push(res.len());
+                    res.push(symbol);
+                }
+            }
+            WalkEvent::Leave(node) => {
+                if structure_node(&node).is_some() {
+                    stack.pop().unwrap();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    res
+fn structure_node(node: &SyntaxNode) -> Option<StructureNode> {
+    fn decl<N: NameOwner + AttrsOwner>(node: N) -> Option<StructureNode> {
+        decl_with_detail(node, None)
+    }
+    fn decl_with_ascription<N: NameOwner + AttrsOwner + TypeAscriptionOwner>(
+        node: N,
+    ) -> Option<StructureNode> {
+        let ty = node.ascribed_type();
+        decl_with_type_ref(node, ty)
+    }
+    fn decl_with_type_ref<N: NameOwner + AttrsOwner>(
+        node: N,
+        type_ref: Option<ast::TypeRef>,
+    ) -> Option<StructureNode> {
+        let detail =|type_ref| {
+            let mut detail = String::new();
+            collapse_ws(type_ref.syntax(), &mut detail);
+            detail
+        });
+        decl_with_detail(node, detail)
+    }
+    fn decl_with_detail<N: NameOwner + AttrsOwner>(
+        node: N,
+        detail: Option<String>,
+    ) -> Option<StructureNode> {
+        let name =;
+        Some(StructureNode {
+            parent: None,
+            label: name.text().to_string(),
+            navigation_range: name.syntax().text_range(),
+            node_range: node.syntax().text_range(),
+            kind: node.syntax().kind(),
+            detail,
+            deprecated: node.attrs().filter_map(|x| x.simple_name()).any(|x| x == "deprecated"),
+        })
+    }
+    fn collapse_ws(node: &SyntaxNode, output: &mut String) {
+        let mut can_insert_ws = false;
+        node.text().for_each_chunk(|chunk| {
+            for line in chunk.lines() {
+                let line = line.trim();
+                if line.is_empty() {
+                    if can_insert_ws {
+                        output.push(' ');
+                        can_insert_ws = false;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    output.push_str(line);
+                    can_insert_ws = true;
+                }
+            }
+        })
+    }
+    match_ast! {
+        match node {
+            ast::FnDef(it) => {
+                let mut detail = String::from("fn");
+                if let Some(type_param_list) = it.type_param_list() {
+                    collapse_ws(type_param_list.syntax(), &mut detail);
+                }
+                if let Some(param_list) = it.param_list() {
+                    collapse_ws(param_list.syntax(), &mut detail);
+                }
+                if let Some(ret_type) = it.ret_type() {
+                    detail.push_str(" ");
+                    collapse_ws(ret_type.syntax(), &mut detail);
+                }
+                decl_with_detail(it, Some(detail))
+            },
+            ast::StructDef(it) => decl(it),
+            ast::UnionDef(it) => decl(it),
+            ast::EnumDef(it) => decl(it),
+            ast::EnumVariant(it) => decl(it),
+            ast::TraitDef(it) => decl(it),
+            ast::Module(it) => decl(it),
+            ast::TypeAliasDef(it) => {
+                let ty = it.type_ref();
+                decl_with_type_ref(it, ty)
+            },
+            ast::RecordFieldDef(it) => decl_with_ascription(it),
+            ast::ConstDef(it) => decl_with_ascription(it),
+            ast::StaticDef(it) => decl_with_ascription(it),
+            ast::ImplDef(it) => {
+                let target_type = it.target_type()?;
+                let target_trait = it.target_trait();
+                let label = match target_trait {
+                    None => format!("impl {}", target_type.syntax().text()),
+                    Some(t) => {
+                        format!("impl {} for {}", t.syntax().text(), target_type.syntax().text(),)
+                    }
+                };
+                let node = StructureNode {
+                    parent: None,
+                    label,
+                    navigation_range: target_type.syntax().text_range(),
+                    node_range: it.syntax().text_range(),
+                    kind: it.syntax().kind(),
+                    detail: None,
+                    deprecated: false,
+                };
+                Some(node)
+            },
+            ast::MacroCall(it) => {
+                match it.path().and_then(|it| it.segment()).and_then(|it| it.name_ref()) {
+                    Some(path_segment) if path_segment.text() == "macro_rules"
+                    => decl(it),
+                    _ => None,
+                }
+            },
+            _ => None,
+        }
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use expect::{expect, Expect};
+    use super::*;
+    fn check(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) {
+        let file = SourceFile::parse(ra_fixture).ok().unwrap();
+        let structure = file_structure(&file);
+        expect.assert_debug_eq(&structure)
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_file_structure() {
+        check(
+            r#"
+struct Foo {
+    x: i32
+mod m {
+    fn bar1() {}
+    fn bar2<T>(t: T) -> T {}
+    fn bar3<A,
+        B>(a: A,
+        b: B) -> Vec<
+        u32
+    > {}
+enum E { X, Y(i32) }
+type T = ();
+static S: i32 = 92;
+const C: i32 = 92;
+impl E {}
+impl fmt::Debug for E {}
+macro_rules! mc {
+    () => {}
+macro_rules! mcexp {
+    () => {}
+/// Doc comment
+macro_rules! mcexp {
+    () => {}
+fn obsolete() {}
+#[deprecated(note = "for awhile")]
+fn very_obsolete() {}
+            expect![[r#"
+                [
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: None,
+                        label: "Foo",
+                        navigation_range: 8..11,
+                        node_range: 1..26,
+                        kind: STRUCT_DEF,
+                        detail: None,
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: Some(
+                            0,
+                        ),
+                        label: "x",
+                        navigation_range: 18..19,
+                        node_range: 18..24,
+                        kind: RECORD_FIELD_DEF,
+                        detail: Some(
+                            "i32",
+                        ),
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: None,
+                        label: "m",
+                        navigation_range: 32..33,
+                        node_range: 28..158,
+                        kind: MODULE,
+                        detail: None,
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: Some(
+                            2,
+                        ),
+                        label: "bar1",
+                        navigation_range: 43..47,
+                        node_range: 40..52,
+                        kind: FN_DEF,
+                        detail: Some(
+                            "fn()",
+                        ),
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: Some(
+                            2,
+                        ),
+                        label: "bar2",
+                        navigation_range: 60..64,
+                        node_range: 57..81,
+                        kind: FN_DEF,
+                        detail: Some(
+                            "fn<T>(t: T) -> T",
+                        ),
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: Some(
+                            2,
+                        ),
+                        label: "bar3",
+                        navigation_range: 89..93,
+                        node_range: 86..156,
+                        kind: FN_DEF,
+                        detail: Some(
+                            "fn<A, B>(a: A, b: B) -> Vec< u32 >",
+                        ),
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: None,
+                        label: "E",
+                        navigation_range: 165..166,
+                        node_range: 160..180,
+                        kind: ENUM_DEF,
+                        detail: None,
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: Some(
+                            6,
+                        ),
+                        label: "X",
+                        navigation_range: 169..170,
+                        node_range: 169..170,
+                        kind: ENUM_VARIANT,
+                        detail: None,
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: Some(
+                            6,
+                        ),
+                        label: "Y",
+                        navigation_range: 172..173,
+                        node_range: 172..178,
+                        kind: ENUM_VARIANT,
+                        detail: None,
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: None,
+                        label: "T",
+                        navigation_range: 186..187,
+                        node_range: 181..193,
+                        kind: TYPE_ALIAS_DEF,
+                        detail: Some(
+                            "()",
+                        ),
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: None,
+                        label: "S",
+                        navigation_range: 201..202,
+                        node_range: 194..213,
+                        kind: STATIC_DEF,
+                        detail: Some(
+                            "i32",
+                        ),
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: None,
+                        label: "C",
+                        navigation_range: 220..221,
+                        node_range: 214..232,
+                        kind: CONST_DEF,
+                        detail: Some(
+                            "i32",
+                        ),
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: None,
+                        label: "impl E",
+                        navigation_range: 239..240,
+                        node_range: 234..243,
+                        kind: IMPL_DEF,
+                        detail: None,
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: None,
+                        label: "impl fmt::Debug for E",
+                        navigation_range: 265..266,
+                        node_range: 245..269,
+                        kind: IMPL_DEF,
+                        detail: None,
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: None,
+                        label: "mc",
+                        navigation_range: 284..286,
+                        node_range: 271..303,
+                        kind: MACRO_CALL,
+                        detail: None,
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: None,
+                        label: "mcexp",
+                        navigation_range: 334..339,
+                        node_range: 305..356,
+                        kind: MACRO_CALL,
+                        detail: None,
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: None,
+                        label: "mcexp",
+                        navigation_range: 387..392,
+                        node_range: 358..409,
+                        kind: MACRO_CALL,
+                        detail: None,
+                        deprecated: false,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: None,
+                        label: "obsolete",
+                        navigation_range: 428..436,
+                        node_range: 411..441,
+                        kind: FN_DEF,
+                        detail: Some(
+                            "fn()",
+                        ),
+                        deprecated: true,
+                    },
+                    StructureNode {
+                        parent: None,
+                        label: "very_obsolete",
+                        navigation_range: 481..494,
+                        node_range: 443..499,
+                        kind: FN_DEF,
+                        detail: Some(
+                            "fn()",
+                        ),
+                        deprecated: true,
+                    },
+                ]
+            "#]],
+        );
+    }
diff --git a/crates/ra_ide/src/ b/crates/ra_ide/src/
index 6810c1c6a..d3b20f371 100644
--- a/crates/ra_ide/src/
+++ b/crates/ra_ide/src/
@@ -19,29 +19,31 @@ pub mod mock_analysis;
 mod markup;
 mod prime_caches;
-mod status;
+mod display;
+mod call_hierarchy;
+mod call_info;
 mod completion;
-mod runnables;
+mod diagnostics;
+mod expand_macro;
+mod extend_selection;
+mod file_structure;
+mod folding_ranges;
 mod goto_definition;
-mod goto_type_definition;
 mod goto_implementation;
-mod extend_selection;
+mod goto_type_definition;
 mod hover;
-mod call_hierarchy;
-mod call_info;
-mod syntax_highlighting;
+mod inlay_hints;
+mod join_lines;
+mod matching_brace;
 mod parent_module;
 mod references;
-mod diagnostics;
+mod runnables;
+mod ssr;
+mod status;
+mod syntax_highlighting;
 mod syntax_tree;
-mod folding_ranges;
-mod join_lines;
 mod typing;
-mod matching_brace;
-mod display;
-mod inlay_hints;
-mod expand_macro;
-mod ssr;
 use std::sync::Arc;
@@ -65,8 +67,9 @@ pub use crate::{
         CompletionConfig, CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, CompletionScore, InsertTextFormat,
-    display::{file_structure, NavigationTarget, StructureNode},
+    display::NavigationTarget,
+    file_structure::StructureNode,
     folding_ranges::{Fold, FoldKind},
     hover::{HoverAction, HoverConfig, HoverGotoTypeData, HoverResult},
     inlay_hints::{InlayHint, InlayHintsConfig, InlayKind},
@@ -323,7 +326,7 @@ impl Analysis {
     /// Returns a tree representation of symbols in the file. Useful to draw a
     /// file outline.
     pub fn file_structure(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Cancelable<Vec<StructureNode>> {
-        self.with_db(|db| file_structure(&db.parse(file_id).tree()))
+        self.with_db(|db| file_structure::file_structure(&db.parse(file_id).tree()))
     /// Returns a list of the places in the file where type hints can be displayed.
cgit v1.2.3