From 8b8a11ded73df2c2e8a0549a3c7c9ddd2760b0a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aleksey Kladov <>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2019 17:50:08 +0300
Subject: always use \n newlines

 crates/ra_ide_api/src/ | 714 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 357 insertions(+), 357 deletions(-)

(limited to 'crates/ra_ide_api/src')

diff --git a/crates/ra_ide_api/src/ b/crates/ra_ide_api/src/
index 914759709..e2bb120b4 100644
--- a/crates/ra_ide_api/src/
+++ b/crates/ra_ide_api/src/
@@ -1,357 +1,357 @@
-use crate::db::RootDatabase;
-use ra_db::SourceDatabase;
-use ra_syntax::{
-    algo, AstNode, NodeOrToken, SourceFile,
-    SyntaxKind::{RAW_STRING, STRING},
-    SyntaxToken, TextRange,
-pub use ra_db::FileId;
-pub(crate) fn syntax_tree(
-    db: &RootDatabase,
-    file_id: FileId,
-    text_range: Option<TextRange>,
-) -> String {
-    let parse = db.parse(file_id);
-    if let Some(text_range) = text_range {
-        let node = match algo::find_covering_element(parse.tree().syntax(), text_range) {
-            NodeOrToken::Node(node) => node,
-            NodeOrToken::Token(token) => {
-                if let Some(tree) = syntax_tree_for_string(&token, text_range) {
-                    return tree;
-                }
-                token.parent()
-            }
-        };
-        format!("{:#?}", node)
-    } else {
-        format!("{:#?}", parse.tree().syntax())
-    }
-/// Attempts parsing the selected contents of a string literal
-/// as rust syntax and returns its syntax tree
-fn syntax_tree_for_string(token: &SyntaxToken, text_range: TextRange) -> Option<String> {
-    // When the range is inside a string
-    // we'll attempt parsing it as rust syntax
-    // to provide the syntax tree of the contents of the string
-    match token.kind() {
-        STRING | RAW_STRING => syntax_tree_for_token(token, text_range),
-        _ => None,
-    }
-fn syntax_tree_for_token(node: &SyntaxToken, text_range: TextRange) -> Option<String> {
-    // Range of the full node
-    let node_range = node.text_range();
-    let text = node.text().to_string();
-    // We start at some point inside the node
-    // Either we have selected the whole string
-    // or our selection is inside it
-    let start = text_range.start() - node_range.start();
-    // how many characters we have selected
-    let len = text_range.len().to_usize();
-    let node_len = node_range.len().to_usize();
-    let start = start.to_usize();
-    // We want to cap our length
-    let len = len.min(node_len);
-    // Ensure our slice is inside the actual string
-    let end = if start + len < text.len() { start + len } else { text.len() - start };
-    let text = &text[start..end];
-    // Remove possible extra string quotes from the start
-    // and the end of the string
-    let text = text
-        .trim_start_matches('r')
-        .trim_start_matches('#')
-        .trim_start_matches('"')
-        .trim_end_matches('#')
-        .trim_end_matches('"')
-        .trim()
-        // Remove custom markers
-        .replace("<|>", "");
-    let parsed = SourceFile::parse(&text);
-    // If the "file" parsed without errors,
-    // return its syntax
-    if parsed.errors().is_empty() {
-        return Some(format!("{:#?}", parsed.tree().syntax()));
-    }
-    None
-mod tests {
-    use test_utils::assert_eq_text;
-    use crate::mock_analysis::{single_file, single_file_with_range};
-    #[test]
-    fn test_syntax_tree_without_range() {
-        // Basic syntax
-        let (analysis, file_id) = single_file(r#"fn foo() {}"#);
-        let syn = analysis.syntax_tree(file_id, None).unwrap();
-        assert_eq_text!(
-            syn.trim(),
-            r#"
-SOURCE_FILE@[0; 11)
-  FN_DEF@[0; 11)
-    FN_KW@[0; 2) "fn"
-    WHITESPACE@[2; 3) " "
-    NAME@[3; 6)
-      IDENT@[3; 6) "foo"
-    PARAM_LIST@[6; 8)
-      L_PAREN@[6; 7) "("
-      R_PAREN@[7; 8) ")"
-    WHITESPACE@[8; 9) " "
-    BLOCK_EXPR@[9; 11)
-      BLOCK@[9; 11)
-        L_CURLY@[9; 10) "{"
-        R_CURLY@[10; 11) "}"
-            .trim()
-        );
-        let (analysis, file_id) = single_file(
-            r#"
-fn test() {
-    assert!("
-    fn foo() {
-    }
-    ", "");
-            .trim(),
-        );
-        let syn = analysis.syntax_tree(file_id, None).unwrap();
-        assert_eq_text!(
-            syn.trim(),
-            r#"
-SOURCE_FILE@[0; 60)
-  FN_DEF@[0; 60)
-    FN_KW@[0; 2) "fn"
-    WHITESPACE@[2; 3) " "
-    NAME@[3; 7)
-      IDENT@[3; 7) "test"
-    PARAM_LIST@[7; 9)
-      L_PAREN@[7; 8) "("
-      R_PAREN@[8; 9) ")"
-    WHITESPACE@[9; 10) " "
-    BLOCK_EXPR@[10; 60)
-      BLOCK@[10; 60)
-        L_CURLY@[10; 11) "{"
-        WHITESPACE@[11; 16) "\n    "
-        EXPR_STMT@[16; 58)
-          MACRO_CALL@[16; 57)
-            PATH@[16; 22)
-              PATH_SEGMENT@[16; 22)
-                NAME_REF@[16; 22)
-                  IDENT@[16; 22) "assert"
-            EXCL@[22; 23) "!"
-            TOKEN_TREE@[23; 57)
-              L_PAREN@[23; 24) "("
-              STRING@[24; 52) "\"\n    fn foo() {\n     ..."
-              COMMA@[52; 53) ","
-              WHITESPACE@[53; 54) " "
-              STRING@[54; 56) "\"\""
-              R_PAREN@[56; 57) ")"
-          SEMI@[57; 58) ";"
-        WHITESPACE@[58; 59) "\n"
-        R_CURLY@[59; 60) "}"
-            .trim()
-        );
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_syntax_tree_with_range() {
-        let (analysis, range) = single_file_with_range(r#"<|>fn foo() {}<|>"#.trim());
-        let syn = analysis.syntax_tree(range.file_id, Some(range.range)).unwrap();
-        assert_eq_text!(
-            syn.trim(),
-            r#"
-FN_DEF@[0; 11)
-  FN_KW@[0; 2) "fn"
-  WHITESPACE@[2; 3) " "
-  NAME@[3; 6)
-    IDENT@[3; 6) "foo"
-  PARAM_LIST@[6; 8)
-    L_PAREN@[6; 7) "("
-    R_PAREN@[7; 8) ")"
-  WHITESPACE@[8; 9) " "
-  BLOCK_EXPR@[9; 11)
-    BLOCK@[9; 11)
-      L_CURLY@[9; 10) "{"
-      R_CURLY@[10; 11) "}"
-            .trim()
-        );
-        let (analysis, range) = single_file_with_range(
-            r#"fn test() {
-    <|>assert!("
-    fn foo() {
-    }
-    ", "");<|>
-            .trim(),
-        );
-        let syn = analysis.syntax_tree(range.file_id, Some(range.range)).unwrap();
-        assert_eq_text!(
-            syn.trim(),
-            r#"
-EXPR_STMT@[16; 58)
-  MACRO_CALL@[16; 57)
-    PATH@[16; 22)
-      PATH_SEGMENT@[16; 22)
-        NAME_REF@[16; 22)
-          IDENT@[16; 22) "assert"
-    EXCL@[22; 23) "!"
-    TOKEN_TREE@[23; 57)
-      L_PAREN@[23; 24) "("
-      STRING@[24; 52) "\"\n    fn foo() {\n     ..."
-      COMMA@[52; 53) ","
-      WHITESPACE@[53; 54) " "
-      STRING@[54; 56) "\"\""
-      R_PAREN@[56; 57) ")"
-  SEMI@[57; 58) ";"
-            .trim()
-        );
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_syntax_tree_inside_string() {
-        let (analysis, range) = single_file_with_range(
-            r#"fn test() {
-    assert!("
-<|>fn foo() {
-fn bar() {
-    ", "");
-            .trim(),
-        );
-        let syn = analysis.syntax_tree(range.file_id, Some(range.range)).unwrap();
-        assert_eq_text!(
-            syn.trim(),
-            r#"
-SOURCE_FILE@[0; 12)
-  FN_DEF@[0; 12)
-    FN_KW@[0; 2) "fn"
-    WHITESPACE@[2; 3) " "
-    NAME@[3; 6)
-      IDENT@[3; 6) "foo"
-    PARAM_LIST@[6; 8)
-      L_PAREN@[6; 7) "("
-      R_PAREN@[7; 8) ")"
-    WHITESPACE@[8; 9) " "
-    BLOCK_EXPR@[9; 12)
-      BLOCK@[9; 12)
-        L_CURLY@[9; 10) "{"
-        WHITESPACE@[10; 11) "\n"
-        R_CURLY@[11; 12) "}"
-            .trim()
-        );
-        // With a raw string
-        let (analysis, range) = single_file_with_range(
-            r###"fn test() {
-    assert!(r#"
-<|>fn foo() {
-fn bar() {
-    "#, "");
-                .trim(),
-        );
-        let syn = analysis.syntax_tree(range.file_id, Some(range.range)).unwrap();
-        assert_eq_text!(
-            syn.trim(),
-            r#"
-SOURCE_FILE@[0; 12)
-  FN_DEF@[0; 12)
-    FN_KW@[0; 2) "fn"
-    WHITESPACE@[2; 3) " "
-    NAME@[3; 6)
-      IDENT@[3; 6) "foo"
-    PARAM_LIST@[6; 8)
-      L_PAREN@[6; 7) "("
-      R_PAREN@[7; 8) ")"
-    WHITESPACE@[8; 9) " "
-    BLOCK_EXPR@[9; 12)
-      BLOCK@[9; 12)
-        L_CURLY@[9; 10) "{"
-        WHITESPACE@[10; 11) "\n"
-        R_CURLY@[11; 12) "}"
-            .trim()
-        );
-        // With a raw string
-        let (analysis, range) = single_file_with_range(
-            r###"fn test() {
-    assert!(r<|>#"
-fn foo() {
-fn bar() {
-}"<|>#, "");
-                .trim(),
-        );
-        let syn = analysis.syntax_tree(range.file_id, Some(range.range)).unwrap();
-        assert_eq_text!(
-            syn.trim(),
-            r#"
-SOURCE_FILE@[0; 25)
-  FN_DEF@[0; 12)
-    FN_KW@[0; 2) "fn"
-    WHITESPACE@[2; 3) " "
-    NAME@[3; 6)
-      IDENT@[3; 6) "foo"
-    PARAM_LIST@[6; 8)
-      L_PAREN@[6; 7) "("
-      R_PAREN@[7; 8) ")"
-    WHITESPACE@[8; 9) " "
-    BLOCK_EXPR@[9; 12)
-      BLOCK@[9; 12)
-        L_CURLY@[9; 10) "{"
-        WHITESPACE@[10; 11) "\n"
-        R_CURLY@[11; 12) "}"
-  WHITESPACE@[12; 13) "\n"
-  FN_DEF@[13; 25)
-    FN_KW@[13; 15) "fn"
-    WHITESPACE@[15; 16) " "
-    NAME@[16; 19)
-      IDENT@[16; 19) "bar"
-    PARAM_LIST@[19; 21)
-      L_PAREN@[19; 20) "("
-      R_PAREN@[20; 21) ")"
-    WHITESPACE@[21; 22) " "
-    BLOCK_EXPR@[22; 25)
-      BLOCK@[22; 25)
-        L_CURLY@[22; 23) "{"
-        WHITESPACE@[23; 24) "\n"
-        R_CURLY@[24; 25) "}"
-            .trim()
-        );
-    }
+use crate::db::RootDatabase;
+use ra_db::SourceDatabase;
+use ra_syntax::{
+    algo, AstNode, NodeOrToken, SourceFile,
+    SyntaxKind::{RAW_STRING, STRING},
+    SyntaxToken, TextRange,
+pub use ra_db::FileId;
+pub(crate) fn syntax_tree(
+    db: &RootDatabase,
+    file_id: FileId,
+    text_range: Option<TextRange>,
+) -> String {
+    let parse = db.parse(file_id);
+    if let Some(text_range) = text_range {
+        let node = match algo::find_covering_element(parse.tree().syntax(), text_range) {
+            NodeOrToken::Node(node) => node,
+            NodeOrToken::Token(token) => {
+                if let Some(tree) = syntax_tree_for_string(&token, text_range) {
+                    return tree;
+                }
+                token.parent()
+            }
+        };
+        format!("{:#?}", node)
+    } else {
+        format!("{:#?}", parse.tree().syntax())
+    }
+/// Attempts parsing the selected contents of a string literal
+/// as rust syntax and returns its syntax tree
+fn syntax_tree_for_string(token: &SyntaxToken, text_range: TextRange) -> Option<String> {
+    // When the range is inside a string
+    // we'll attempt parsing it as rust syntax
+    // to provide the syntax tree of the contents of the string
+    match token.kind() {
+        STRING | RAW_STRING => syntax_tree_for_token(token, text_range),
+        _ => None,
+    }
+fn syntax_tree_for_token(node: &SyntaxToken, text_range: TextRange) -> Option<String> {
+    // Range of the full node
+    let node_range = node.text_range();
+    let text = node.text().to_string();
+    // We start at some point inside the node
+    // Either we have selected the whole string
+    // or our selection is inside it
+    let start = text_range.start() - node_range.start();
+    // how many characters we have selected
+    let len = text_range.len().to_usize();
+    let node_len = node_range.len().to_usize();
+    let start = start.to_usize();
+    // We want to cap our length
+    let len = len.min(node_len);
+    // Ensure our slice is inside the actual string
+    let end = if start + len < text.len() { start + len } else { text.len() - start };
+    let text = &text[start..end];
+    // Remove possible extra string quotes from the start
+    // and the end of the string
+    let text = text
+        .trim_start_matches('r')
+        .trim_start_matches('#')
+        .trim_start_matches('"')
+        .trim_end_matches('#')
+        .trim_end_matches('"')
+        .trim()
+        // Remove custom markers
+        .replace("<|>", "");
+    let parsed = SourceFile::parse(&text);
+    // If the "file" parsed without errors,
+    // return its syntax
+    if parsed.errors().is_empty() {
+        return Some(format!("{:#?}", parsed.tree().syntax()));
+    }
+    None
+mod tests {
+    use test_utils::assert_eq_text;
+    use crate::mock_analysis::{single_file, single_file_with_range};
+    #[test]
+    fn test_syntax_tree_without_range() {
+        // Basic syntax
+        let (analysis, file_id) = single_file(r#"fn foo() {}"#);
+        let syn = analysis.syntax_tree(file_id, None).unwrap();
+        assert_eq_text!(
+            syn.trim(),
+            r#"
+SOURCE_FILE@[0; 11)
+  FN_DEF@[0; 11)
+    FN_KW@[0; 2) "fn"
+    WHITESPACE@[2; 3) " "
+    NAME@[3; 6)
+      IDENT@[3; 6) "foo"
+    PARAM_LIST@[6; 8)
+      L_PAREN@[6; 7) "("
+      R_PAREN@[7; 8) ")"
+    WHITESPACE@[8; 9) " "
+    BLOCK_EXPR@[9; 11)
+      BLOCK@[9; 11)
+        L_CURLY@[9; 10) "{"
+        R_CURLY@[10; 11) "}"
+            .trim()
+        );
+        let (analysis, file_id) = single_file(
+            r#"
+fn test() {
+    assert!("
+    fn foo() {
+    }
+    ", "");
+            .trim(),
+        );
+        let syn = analysis.syntax_tree(file_id, None).unwrap();
+        assert_eq_text!(
+            syn.trim(),
+            r#"
+SOURCE_FILE@[0; 60)
+  FN_DEF@[0; 60)
+    FN_KW@[0; 2) "fn"
+    WHITESPACE@[2; 3) " "
+    NAME@[3; 7)
+      IDENT@[3; 7) "test"
+    PARAM_LIST@[7; 9)
+      L_PAREN@[7; 8) "("
+      R_PAREN@[8; 9) ")"
+    WHITESPACE@[9; 10) " "
+    BLOCK_EXPR@[10; 60)
+      BLOCK@[10; 60)
+        L_CURLY@[10; 11) "{"
+        WHITESPACE@[11; 16) "\n    "
+        EXPR_STMT@[16; 58)
+          MACRO_CALL@[16; 57)
+            PATH@[16; 22)
+              PATH_SEGMENT@[16; 22)
+                NAME_REF@[16; 22)
+                  IDENT@[16; 22) "assert"
+            EXCL@[22; 23) "!"
+            TOKEN_TREE@[23; 57)
+              L_PAREN@[23; 24) "("
+              STRING@[24; 52) "\"\n    fn foo() {\n     ..."
+              COMMA@[52; 53) ","
+              WHITESPACE@[53; 54) " "
+              STRING@[54; 56) "\"\""
+              R_PAREN@[56; 57) ")"
+          SEMI@[57; 58) ";"
+        WHITESPACE@[58; 59) "\n"
+        R_CURLY@[59; 60) "}"
+            .trim()
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_syntax_tree_with_range() {
+        let (analysis, range) = single_file_with_range(r#"<|>fn foo() {}<|>"#.trim());
+        let syn = analysis.syntax_tree(range.file_id, Some(range.range)).unwrap();
+        assert_eq_text!(
+            syn.trim(),
+            r#"
+FN_DEF@[0; 11)
+  FN_KW@[0; 2) "fn"
+  WHITESPACE@[2; 3) " "
+  NAME@[3; 6)
+    IDENT@[3; 6) "foo"
+  PARAM_LIST@[6; 8)
+    L_PAREN@[6; 7) "("
+    R_PAREN@[7; 8) ")"
+  WHITESPACE@[8; 9) " "
+  BLOCK_EXPR@[9; 11)
+    BLOCK@[9; 11)
+      L_CURLY@[9; 10) "{"
+      R_CURLY@[10; 11) "}"
+            .trim()
+        );
+        let (analysis, range) = single_file_with_range(
+            r#"fn test() {
+    <|>assert!("
+    fn foo() {
+    }
+    ", "");<|>
+            .trim(),
+        );
+        let syn = analysis.syntax_tree(range.file_id, Some(range.range)).unwrap();
+        assert_eq_text!(
+            syn.trim(),
+            r#"
+EXPR_STMT@[16; 58)
+  MACRO_CALL@[16; 57)
+    PATH@[16; 22)
+      PATH_SEGMENT@[16; 22)
+        NAME_REF@[16; 22)
+          IDENT@[16; 22) "assert"
+    EXCL@[22; 23) "!"
+    TOKEN_TREE@[23; 57)
+      L_PAREN@[23; 24) "("
+      STRING@[24; 52) "\"\n    fn foo() {\n     ..."
+      COMMA@[52; 53) ","
+      WHITESPACE@[53; 54) " "
+      STRING@[54; 56) "\"\""
+      R_PAREN@[56; 57) ")"
+  SEMI@[57; 58) ";"
+            .trim()
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_syntax_tree_inside_string() {
+        let (analysis, range) = single_file_with_range(
+            r#"fn test() {
+    assert!("
+<|>fn foo() {
+fn bar() {
+    ", "");
+            .trim(),
+        );
+        let syn = analysis.syntax_tree(range.file_id, Some(range.range)).unwrap();
+        assert_eq_text!(
+            syn.trim(),
+            r#"
+SOURCE_FILE@[0; 12)
+  FN_DEF@[0; 12)
+    FN_KW@[0; 2) "fn"
+    WHITESPACE@[2; 3) " "
+    NAME@[3; 6)
+      IDENT@[3; 6) "foo"
+    PARAM_LIST@[6; 8)
+      L_PAREN@[6; 7) "("
+      R_PAREN@[7; 8) ")"
+    WHITESPACE@[8; 9) " "
+    BLOCK_EXPR@[9; 12)
+      BLOCK@[9; 12)
+        L_CURLY@[9; 10) "{"
+        WHITESPACE@[10; 11) "\n"
+        R_CURLY@[11; 12) "}"
+            .trim()
+        );
+        // With a raw string
+        let (analysis, range) = single_file_with_range(
+            r###"fn test() {
+    assert!(r#"
+<|>fn foo() {
+fn bar() {
+    "#, "");
+                .trim(),
+        );
+        let syn = analysis.syntax_tree(range.file_id, Some(range.range)).unwrap();
+        assert_eq_text!(
+            syn.trim(),
+            r#"
+SOURCE_FILE@[0; 12)
+  FN_DEF@[0; 12)
+    FN_KW@[0; 2) "fn"
+    WHITESPACE@[2; 3) " "
+    NAME@[3; 6)
+      IDENT@[3; 6) "foo"
+    PARAM_LIST@[6; 8)
+      L_PAREN@[6; 7) "("
+      R_PAREN@[7; 8) ")"
+    WHITESPACE@[8; 9) " "
+    BLOCK_EXPR@[9; 12)
+      BLOCK@[9; 12)
+        L_CURLY@[9; 10) "{"
+        WHITESPACE@[10; 11) "\n"
+        R_CURLY@[11; 12) "}"
+            .trim()
+        );
+        // With a raw string
+        let (analysis, range) = single_file_with_range(
+            r###"fn test() {
+    assert!(r<|>#"
+fn foo() {
+fn bar() {
+}"<|>#, "");
+                .trim(),
+        );
+        let syn = analysis.syntax_tree(range.file_id, Some(range.range)).unwrap();
+        assert_eq_text!(
+            syn.trim(),
+            r#"
+SOURCE_FILE@[0; 25)
+  FN_DEF@[0; 12)
+    FN_KW@[0; 2) "fn"
+    WHITESPACE@[2; 3) " "
+    NAME@[3; 6)
+      IDENT@[3; 6) "foo"
+    PARAM_LIST@[6; 8)
+      L_PAREN@[6; 7) "("
+      R_PAREN@[7; 8) ")"
+    WHITESPACE@[8; 9) " "
+    BLOCK_EXPR@[9; 12)
+      BLOCK@[9; 12)
+        L_CURLY@[9; 10) "{"
+        WHITESPACE@[10; 11) "\n"
+        R_CURLY@[11; 12) "}"
+  WHITESPACE@[12; 13) "\n"
+  FN_DEF@[13; 25)
+    FN_KW@[13; 15) "fn"
+    WHITESPACE@[15; 16) " "
+    NAME@[16; 19)
+      IDENT@[16; 19) "bar"
+    PARAM_LIST@[19; 21)
+      L_PAREN@[19; 20) "("
+      R_PAREN@[20; 21) ")"
+    WHITESPACE@[21; 22) " "
+    BLOCK_EXPR@[22; 25)
+      BLOCK@[22; 25)
+        L_CURLY@[22; 23) "{"
+        WHITESPACE@[23; 24) "\n"
+        R_CURLY@[24; 25) "}"
+            .trim()
+        );
+    }
cgit v1.2.3