cache: cargo before_cache: - find ./target/debug -type f -maxdepth 1 -delete - rm -fr ./target/debug/{deps,.fingerprint}/{*ra_*,*test*,*tools*,*gen_lsp*,*thread_worker*} - rm -f ./target/.rustc_info.json build: &rust_build language: rust rust: 1.31.1 script: - rustup component add rustfmt - rustup component add rust-src - cargo gen-tests --verify - cargo gen-syntax --verify - cargo test --no-run # let's measure compile time separately - cargo test env: - RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings", CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0 matrix: include: - os: linux <<: *rust_build - language: node_js node_js: node before_script: false script: - cd editors/code && npm ci && npm run travis - os: windows if: branch = master AND type = push before_script: - dos2unix ./crates/ra_syntax/tests/data/parser/**/*.txt - dos2unix ./crates/ra_syntax/tests/data/parser/**/*.rs <<: *rust_build allow_failures: # Because Travis-Windows-Rust can be flaky # We still support Windows and want the tests to be succeeding, # but there are too many spurious failures - os: windows branches: only: - staging - master - trying