The project is in its early stages: contributions are welcome and would be **very** helpful, but the project is not *yet* optimized for contribution. Moreover, it is doubly experimental, so there's no guarantee that any work here would reach production. That said, here are some areas where contributions would be **especially** welcome: * Designing internal data structures: RFC only outlines the constraints, it's an open question how to satisfy them in the optimal way. See `` for current design questions. * Porting libsyntax parser to rust-analyzer: currently rust-analyzer parses only a tiny subset of Rust. This should be fixed by porting parsing functions from libsyntax one by one. Take a look at the [libsyntax parser] for "what to port" and at the [Kotlin parser] for "how to port". * Writing validators: by design, rust-analyzer is very lax about the input. For example, the lexer happily accepts unclosed strings. The idea is that there should be a higher level visitor, which walks the syntax tree after parsing and produces all the warnings. Alas, there's no such visitor yet :( Would you like to write one? :) * Creating tests: it would be tremendously helpful to read each of libsyntax and rust-analyzer parser functions and crate a small separate test cases to cover each and every edge case. * Building stuff with rust-analyzer: it would be really cool to compile rust-analyzer to WASM and add *client side* syntax validation to rust playground! Do take a look at the issue tracker. If you don't know where to start, or have *any* questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to chat at [Gitter]! # Code generation Some of the components of this repository are generated through automatic processes. These are outlined below: - `gen-kinds`: The kinds of tokens are reused in several places, so a generator is used. This process uses [tera] to generate, using data in [grammar.ron], the files: - [ast/][ast generated] in `ra_syntax` based on [ast/][ast source] - [syntax_kinds/][syntax_kinds generated] in `ra_syntax` based on [syntax_kinds/][syntax_kinds source] [libsyntax parser]: [Kotlin parser]: [Gitter]: [tera]: [grammar.ron]: ./crates/ra_syntax/src/grammar.ron [ast generated]: ./crates/ra_syntax/src/ast/ [ast source]: ./crates/ra_syntax/src/ast/ [syntax_kinds generated]: ./crates/ra_syntax/src/syntax_kinds/ [syntax_kinds source]: ./crates/ra_syntax/src/syntax_kinds/