# libsyntax2.0 [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/matklad/libsyntax2.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/matklad/libsyntax2) [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/j56x1hbje8rdg6xk/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/matklad/libsyntax2/branch/master) libsyntax2.0 is an **experimental** parser of the Rust language, intended for the use in IDEs. [RFC](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/2256). ## Quick Start ``` $ cargo test $ cargo parse < crates/libsyntax2/src/lib.rs ``` ## Trying It Out This installs experimental VS Code plugin ``` $ cargo install-code ``` It's better to remove existing Rust plugins to avoid interference. Warning: plugin is not intended for general use, has a lot of rough edges and missing features (notably, no code completion). That said, while originally libsyntax2 was developed in IntelliJ, @matklad now uses this plugin (and thus, libsytax2) to develop libsyntax2, and it doesn't hurt too much :-) ### Features: * syntax highlighting (LSP does not have API for it, so impl is hacky and sometimes fall-backs to the horrible built-in highlighting) * commands (`ctrl+shift+p` or keybindings) - **Show Rust Syntax Tree** (use it to verify that plugin works) - **Rust Extend Selection** (works with multiple cursors) - **Rust Matching Brace** (knows the difference between `<` and `<`) - **Rust Parent Module** - **Rust Join Lines** (deals with trailing commas) * **Go to symbol in file** * **Go to symbol in workspace** - `#Foo` searches for `Foo` type in the current workspace - `#foo#` searches for `foo` function in the current workspace - `#Foo*` searches for `Foo` type among dependencies, excluding `stdlib` - Sorry for a weired UI, neither LSP, not VSCode have any sane API for filtering! :) * code actions: - Flip `,` in comma separated lists - Add `#[derive]` to struct/enum - Add `impl` block to struct/enum - Run tests at caret * **Go to definition** ("correct" for `mod foo;` decls, index-based for functions). ## Code Walk-Through ### `crates/libsyntax2` - `yellow`, red/green syntax tree, heavily inspired [by this](https://github.com/apple/swift/tree/ab68f0d4cbf99cdfa672f8ffe18e433fddc8b371/lib/Syntax) - `grammar`, the actual parser - `parser_api/parser_impl` bridges the tree-agnostic parser from `grammar` with `yellow` trees - `grammar.ron` RON description of the grammar, which is used to generate `syntax_kinds` and `ast` modules. - `algo`: generic tree algorithms, including `walk` for O(1) stack space tree traversal (this is cool) and `visit` for type-driven visiting the nodes (this is double plus cool, if you understand how `Visitor` works, you understand libsyntax2). ### `crates/libeditor` Most of IDE features leave here, unlike `libanalysis`, `libeditor` is single-file and is basically a bunch of pure functions. ### `crates/libanalysis` A stateful library for analyzing many Rust files as they change. `WorldState` is a mutable entity (clojure's atom) which holds current state, incorporates changes and handles out `World`s --- immutable consistent snapshots of `WorldState`, which actually power analysis. ### `crates/server` An LSP implementation which uses `libanalysis` for managing state and `libeditor` for actually doing useful stuff. ### `crates/cli` A CLI interface to libsyntax ### `crate/tools` Code-gen tasks, used to develop libsyntax2: - `cargo gen-kinds` -- generate `ast` and `syntax_kinds` - `cargo gen-tests` -- collect inline tests from grammar - `cargo install-code` -- build and install VS Code extension and server ### `code` VS Code plugin ## Performance Non-incremental, but seems pretty fast: ``` $ cargo build --release --package cli $ wc -l ~/projects/rust/src/libsyntax/parse/parser.rs 7546 /home/matklad/projects/rust/src/libsyntax/parse/parser.rs $ ./target/release/cli parse < ~/projects/rust/src/libsyntax/parse/parser.rs --no-dump > /dev/null parsing: 21.067065ms ``` ## Getting in touch @matklad can be found at Rust [discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/rust-lang), in #ides-and-editors. ## License libsyntax2 is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0). See LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT for details.