use ast::edit::IndentLevel; use ide_db::base_db::{AnchoredPathBuf, SourceDatabaseExt}; use syntax::{ ast::{self, edit::AstNodeEdit, NameOwner}, AstNode, }; use crate::{AssistContext, AssistId, AssistKind, Assists}; // Assist: extract_module_to_file // // This assist extract module to file. // // ``` // mod foo {<|> // fn t() {} // } // ``` // -> // ``` // mod foo; // ``` pub(crate) fn extract_module_to_file(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext) -> Option<()> { let assist_id = AssistId("extract_module_to_file", AssistKind::RefactorExtract); let assist_label = "Extract module to file"; let db = ctx.db(); let module_ast = ctx.find_node_at_offset::()?; let module_items = module_ast.item_list()?; let dedent_module_items_text = module_items.dedent(IndentLevel(1)).to_string(); let module_name =; let target = module_ast.syntax().text_range(); let anchor_file_id = ctx.frange.file_id; let sr = db.file_source_root(anchor_file_id); let sr = db.source_root(sr); let file_path = sr.path_for_file(&anchor_file_id)?; let (file_name, file_ext) = file_path.name_and_extension()?; acc.add(assist_id, assist_label, target, |builder| { builder.replace(target, format!("mod {};", module_name)); let path = if is_main_or_lib(file_name) { format!("./{}.{}", module_name, file_ext.unwrap()) } else { format!("./{}/{}.{}", file_name, module_name, file_ext.unwrap()) }; let dst = AnchoredPathBuf { anchor: anchor_file_id, path }; let contents = update_module_items_string(dedent_module_items_text); builder.create_file(dst, contents); }) } fn is_main_or_lib(file_name: &str) -> bool { file_name == "main".to_string() || file_name == "lib".to_string() } fn update_module_items_string(items_str: String) -> String { let mut items_string_lines: Vec<&str> = items_str.lines().collect(); items_string_lines.pop(); // Delete last line items_string_lines.reverse(); items_string_lines.pop(); // Delete first line items_string_lines.reverse(); let string = items_string_lines.join("\n"); format!("{}", string) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::tests::check_assist; use super::*; #[test] fn extract_module_to_file_with_basic_module() { check_assist( extract_module_to_file, r#" //- / crate:foo mod tests {<|> #[test] fn t() {} } "#, r#" //- / mod tests; //- /foo/ #[test] fn t() {}"#, ) } #[test] fn extract_module_to_file_with_file_path() { check_assist( extract_module_to_file, r#" //- /src/ crate:foo mod bar {<|> fn f() { } } fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); } "#, r#" //- /src/ mod bar; fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); } //- /src/foo/ fn f() { }"#, ) } #[test] fn extract_module_to_file_with_main_filw() { check_assist( extract_module_to_file, r#" //- / mod foo {<|> fn f() { } } fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); } "#, r#" //- / mod foo; fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); } //- / fn f() { }"#, ) } #[test] fn extract_module_to_file_with_lib_file() { check_assist( extract_module_to_file, r#" //- / mod foo {<|> fn f() { } } fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); } "#, r#" //- / mod foo; fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); } //- / fn f() { }"#, ) } }