//! Fixtures are strings containing rust source code with optional metadata. //! A fixture without metadata is parsed into a single source file. //! Use this to test functionality local to one file. //! //! Simple Example: //! ``` //! r#" //! fn main() { //! println!("Hello World") //! } //! "# //! ``` //! //! Metadata can be added to a fixture after a `//-` comment. //! The basic form is specifying filenames, //! which is also how to define multiple files in a single test fixture //! //! Example using two files in the same crate: //! ``` //! " //! //- /main.rs //! mod foo; //! fn main() { //! foo::bar(); //! } //! //! //- /foo.rs //! pub fn bar() {} //! " //! ``` //! //! Example using two crates with one file each, with one crate depending on the other: //! ``` //! r#" //! //- /main.rs crate:a deps:b //! fn main() { //! b::foo(); //! } //! //- /lib.rs crate:b //! pub fn b() { //! println!("Hello World") //! } //! "# //! ``` //! //! Metadata allows specifying all settings and variables //! that are available in a real rust project: //! - crate names via `crate:cratename` //! - dependencies via `deps:dep1,dep2` //! - configuration settings via `cfg:dbg=false,opt_level=2` //! - environment variables via `env:PATH=/bin,RUST_LOG=debug` //! //! Example using all available metadata: //! ``` //! " //! //- /lib.rs crate:foo deps:bar,baz cfg:foo=a,bar=b env:OUTDIR=path/to,OTHER=foo //! fn insert_source_code_here() {} //! " //! ``` use std::{mem, str::FromStr, sync::Arc}; use cfg::CfgOptions; use rustc_hash::FxHashMap; use test_utils::{ extract_range_or_offset, Fixture, RangeOrOffset, CURSOR_MARKER, ESCAPED_CURSOR_MARKER, }; use vfs::{file_set::FileSet, VfsPath}; use crate::{ input::CrateName, Change, CrateGraph, CrateId, Edition, Env, FileId, FilePosition, FileRange, SourceDatabaseExt, SourceRoot, SourceRootId, }; pub const WORKSPACE: SourceRootId = SourceRootId(0); pub trait WithFixture: Default + SourceDatabaseExt + 'static { fn with_single_file(text: &str) -> (Self, FileId) { let fixture = ChangeFixture::parse(text); let mut db = Self::default(); fixture.change.apply(&mut db); assert_eq!(fixture.files.len(), 1); (db, fixture.files[0]) } fn with_files(ra_fixture: &str) -> Self { let fixture = ChangeFixture::parse(ra_fixture); let mut db = Self::default(); fixture.change.apply(&mut db); assert!(fixture.file_position.is_none()); db } fn with_position(ra_fixture: &str) -> (Self, FilePosition) { let (db, file_id, range_or_offset) = Self::with_range_or_offset(ra_fixture); let offset = match range_or_offset { RangeOrOffset::Range(_) => panic!(), RangeOrOffset::Offset(it) => it, }; (db, FilePosition { file_id, offset }) } fn with_range(ra_fixture: &str) -> (Self, FileRange) { let (db, file_id, range_or_offset) = Self::with_range_or_offset(ra_fixture); let range = match range_or_offset { RangeOrOffset::Range(it) => it, RangeOrOffset::Offset(_) => panic!(), }; (db, FileRange { file_id, range }) } fn with_range_or_offset(ra_fixture: &str) -> (Self, FileId, RangeOrOffset) { let fixture = ChangeFixture::parse(ra_fixture); let mut db = Self::default(); fixture.change.apply(&mut db); let (file_id, range_or_offset) = fixture.file_position.unwrap(); (db, file_id, range_or_offset) } fn test_crate(&self) -> CrateId { let crate_graph = self.crate_graph(); let mut it = crate_graph.iter(); let res = it.next().unwrap(); assert!(it.next().is_none()); res } } impl<DB: SourceDatabaseExt + Default + 'static> WithFixture for DB {} pub struct ChangeFixture { pub file_position: Option<(FileId, RangeOrOffset)>, pub files: Vec<FileId>, pub change: Change, } impl ChangeFixture { pub fn parse(ra_fixture: &str) -> ChangeFixture { let fixture = Fixture::parse(ra_fixture); let mut change = Change::new(); let mut files = Vec::new(); let mut crate_graph = CrateGraph::default(); let mut crates = FxHashMap::default(); let mut crate_deps = Vec::new(); let mut default_crate_root: Option<FileId> = None; let mut default_cfg = CfgOptions::default(); let mut file_set = FileSet::default(); let source_root_prefix = "/".to_string(); let mut file_id = FileId(0); let mut roots = Vec::new(); let mut file_position = None; for entry in fixture { let text = if entry.text.contains(CURSOR_MARKER) { if entry.text.contains(ESCAPED_CURSOR_MARKER) { entry.text.replace(ESCAPED_CURSOR_MARKER, CURSOR_MARKER) } else { let (range_or_offset, text) = extract_range_or_offset(&entry.text); assert!(file_position.is_none()); file_position = Some((file_id, range_or_offset)); text.to_string() } } else { entry.text.clone() }; let meta = FileMeta::from(entry); assert!(meta.path.starts_with(&source_root_prefix)); if meta.introduce_new_source_root { roots.push(SourceRoot::new_local(mem::take(&mut file_set))); } if let Some(krate) = meta.krate { let crate_name = CrateName::normalize_dashes(&krate); let crate_id = crate_graph.add_crate_root( file_id, meta.edition, Some(crate_name.clone().into()), meta.cfg, meta.env, Default::default(), ); let prev = crates.insert(crate_name.clone(), crate_id); assert!(prev.is_none()); for dep in meta.deps { let dep = CrateName::normalize_dashes(&dep); crate_deps.push((crate_name.clone(), dep)) } } else if meta.path == "/main.rs" || meta.path == "/lib.rs" { assert!(default_crate_root.is_none()); default_crate_root = Some(file_id); default_cfg = meta.cfg; } change.change_file(file_id, Some(Arc::new(text))); let path = VfsPath::new_virtual_path(meta.path); file_set.insert(file_id, path); files.push(file_id); file_id.0 += 1; } if crates.is_empty() { let crate_root = default_crate_root.unwrap(); crate_graph.add_crate_root( crate_root, Edition::Edition2018, Some(CrateName::new("test").unwrap().into()), default_cfg, Env::default(), Default::default(), ); } else { for (from, to) in crate_deps { let from_id = crates[&from]; let to_id = crates[&to]; crate_graph.add_dep(from_id, CrateName::new(&to).unwrap(), to_id).unwrap(); } } roots.push(SourceRoot::new_local(mem::take(&mut file_set))); change.set_roots(roots); change.set_crate_graph(crate_graph); ChangeFixture { file_position, files, change } } } struct FileMeta { path: String, krate: Option<String>, deps: Vec<String>, cfg: CfgOptions, edition: Edition, env: Env, introduce_new_source_root: bool, } impl From<Fixture> for FileMeta { fn from(f: Fixture) -> FileMeta { let mut cfg = CfgOptions::default(); f.cfg_atoms.iter().for_each(|it| cfg.insert_atom(it.into())); f.cfg_key_values.iter().for_each(|(k, v)| cfg.insert_key_value(k.into(), v.into())); FileMeta { path: f.path, krate: f.krate, deps: f.deps, cfg, edition: f .edition .as_ref() .map_or(Edition::Edition2018, |v| Edition::from_str(&v).unwrap()), env: f.env.into_iter().collect(), introduce_new_source_root: f.introduce_new_source_root, } } }