//! The condition expression used in `#[cfg(..)]` attributes.
//! See: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/conditional-compilation.html#conditional-compilation

use std::{fmt, slice::Iter as SliceIter};

use tt::SmolStr;

/// A simple configuration value passed in from the outside.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub enum CfgAtom {
    /// eg. `#[cfg(test)]`
    /// eg. `#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]`
    /// Note that a key can have multiple values that are all considered "active" at the same time.
    /// For example, `#[cfg(target_feature = "sse")]` and `#[cfg(target_feature = "sse2")]`.
    KeyValue { key: SmolStr, value: SmolStr },

impl CfgAtom {
    /// Returns `true` when the atom comes from the target specification.
    /// If this returns `true`, then changing this atom requires changing the compilation target. If
    /// it returns `false`, the atom might come from a build script or the build system.
    pub fn is_target_defined(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            CfgAtom::Flag(flag) => matches!(&**flag, "unix" | "windows"),
            CfgAtom::KeyValue { key, value: _ } => matches!(
                    | "target_os"
                    | "target_env"
                    | "target_family"
                    | "target_endian"
                    | "target_pointer_width"
                    | "target_vendor" // NOTE: `target_feature` is left out since it can be configured via `-Ctarget-feature`

impl fmt::Display for CfgAtom {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            CfgAtom::Flag(name) => write!(f, "{}", name),
            CfgAtom::KeyValue { key, value } => write!(f, "{} = {:?}", key, value),

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum CfgExpr {

impl From<CfgAtom> for CfgExpr {
    fn from(atom: CfgAtom) -> Self {

impl CfgExpr {
    pub fn parse(tt: &tt::Subtree) -> CfgExpr {
        next_cfg_expr(&mut tt.token_trees.iter()).unwrap_or(CfgExpr::Invalid)
    /// Fold the cfg by querying all basic `Atom` and `KeyValue` predicates.
    pub fn fold(&self, query: &dyn Fn(&CfgAtom) -> bool) -> Option<bool> {
        match self {
            CfgExpr::Invalid => None,
            CfgExpr::Atom(atom) => Some(query(atom)),
            CfgExpr::All(preds) => {
                preds.iter().try_fold(true, |s, pred| Some(s && pred.fold(query)?))
            CfgExpr::Any(preds) => {
                preds.iter().try_fold(false, |s, pred| Some(s || pred.fold(query)?))
            CfgExpr::Not(pred) => pred.fold(query).map(|s| !s),

fn next_cfg_expr(it: &mut SliceIter<tt::TokenTree>) -> Option<CfgExpr> {
    let name = match it.next() {
        None => return None,
        Some(tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Ident(ident))) => ident.text.clone(),
        Some(_) => return Some(CfgExpr::Invalid),

    // Peek
    let ret = match it.as_slice().first() {
        Some(tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(punct))) if punct.char == '=' => {
            match it.as_slice().get(1) {
                Some(tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Literal(literal))) => {
                    // FIXME: escape? raw string?
                    let value =
                    CfgAtom::KeyValue { key: name, value }.into()
                _ => return Some(CfgExpr::Invalid),
        Some(tt::TokenTree::Subtree(subtree)) => {
            let mut sub_it = subtree.token_trees.iter();
            let mut subs = std::iter::from_fn(|| next_cfg_expr(&mut sub_it)).collect();
            match name.as_str() {
                "all" => CfgExpr::All(subs),
                "any" => CfgExpr::Any(subs),
                "not" => CfgExpr::Not(Box::new(subs.pop().unwrap_or(CfgExpr::Invalid))),
                _ => CfgExpr::Invalid,
        _ => CfgAtom::Flag(name).into(),

    // Eat comma separator
    if let Some(tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(punct))) = it.as_slice().first() {
        if punct.char == ',' {