//! Completion for attributes //! //! This module uses a bit of static metadata to provide completions //! for built-in attributes. use itertools::Itertools; use rustc_hash::FxHashSet; use syntax::{ast, AstNode, SyntaxKind}; use crate::{ context::CompletionContext, generated_lint_completions::{CLIPPY_LINTS, FEATURES}, item::{CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, CompletionKind}, Completions, }; pub(crate) fn complete_attribute(acc: &mut Completions, ctx: &CompletionContext) -> Option<()> { if ctx.mod_declaration_under_caret.is_some() { return None; } let attribute = ctx.attribute_under_caret.as_ref()?; match (attribute.path(), attribute.token_tree()) { (Some(path), Some(token_tree)) if path.to_string() == "derive" => { complete_derive(acc, ctx, token_tree) } (Some(path), Some(token_tree)) if path.to_string() == "feature" => { complete_lint(acc, ctx, token_tree, FEATURES); } (Some(path), Some(token_tree)) if ["allow", "warn", "deny", "forbid"] .iter() .any(|lint_level| lint_level == &path.to_string()) => { complete_lint(acc, ctx, token_tree.clone(), DEFAULT_LINT_COMPLETIONS); complete_lint(acc, ctx, token_tree, CLIPPY_LINTS); } (_, Some(_token_tree)) => {} _ => complete_attribute_start(acc, ctx, attribute), } Some(()) } fn complete_attribute_start(acc: &mut Completions, ctx: &CompletionContext, attribute: &ast::Attr) { for attr_completion in ATTRIBUTES { let mut item = CompletionItem::new( CompletionKind::Attribute, ctx.source_range(), attr_completion.label, ) .kind(CompletionItemKind::Attribute); if let Some(lookup) = attr_completion.lookup { item = item.lookup_by(lookup); } match (attr_completion.snippet, ctx.config.snippet_cap) { (Some(snippet), Some(cap)) => { item = item.insert_snippet(cap, snippet); } _ => {} } if attribute.kind() == ast::AttrKind::Inner || !attr_completion.prefer_inner { acc.add(item.build()); } } } struct AttrCompletion { label: &'static str, lookup: Option<&'static str>, snippet: Option<&'static str>, prefer_inner: bool, } impl AttrCompletion { const fn prefer_inner(self) -> AttrCompletion { AttrCompletion { prefer_inner: true, ..self } } } const fn attr( label: &'static str, lookup: Option<&'static str>, snippet: Option<&'static str>, ) -> AttrCompletion { AttrCompletion { label, lookup, snippet, prefer_inner: false } } /// https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/attributes.html#built-in-attributes-index const ATTRIBUTES: &[AttrCompletion] = &[ attr("allow(…)", Some("allow"), Some("allow(${0:lint})")), attr("automatically_derived", None, None), attr("cfg_attr(…)", Some("cfg_attr"), Some("cfg_attr(${1:predicate}, ${0:attr})")), attr("cfg(…)", Some("cfg"), Some("cfg(${0:predicate})")), attr("cold", None, None), attr(r#"crate_name = """#, Some("crate_name"), Some(r#"crate_name = "${0:crate_name}""#)) .prefer_inner(), attr("deny(…)", Some("deny"), Some("deny(${0:lint})")), attr(r#"deprecated "…""#, Some("deprecated"), Some(r#"deprecated"#)), attr("derive(…)", Some("derive"), Some(r#"derive(${0:Debug})"#)), attr( r#"export_name = "…""#, Some("export_name"), Some(r#"export_name = "${0:exported_symbol_name}""#), ), attr(r#"doc = "…""#, Some("doc"), Some(r#"doc = "${0:docs}""#)), attr("feature(…)", Some("feature"), Some("feature(${0:flag})")).prefer_inner(), attr("forbid(…)", Some("forbid"), Some("forbid(${0:lint})")), // FIXME: resolve through macro resolution? attr("global_allocator", None, None).prefer_inner(), attr(r#"ignore = "…""#, Some("ignore"), Some(r#"ignore = "${0:reason}""#)), attr("inline(…)", Some("inline"), Some("inline(${0:lint})")), attr("link", None, None), attr(r#"link_name = "…""#, Some("link_name"), Some(r#"link_name = "${0:symbol_name}""#)), attr( r#"link_section = "…""#, Some("link_section"), Some(r#"link_section = "${0:section_name}""#), ), attr("macro_export", None, None), attr("macro_use", None, None), attr(r#"must_use = "…""#, Some("must_use"), Some(r#"must_use = "${0:reason}""#)), attr("no_link", None, None).prefer_inner(), attr("no_implicit_prelude", None, None).prefer_inner(), attr("no_main", None, None).prefer_inner(), attr("no_mangle", None, None), attr("no_std", None, None).prefer_inner(), attr("non_exhaustive", None, None), attr("panic_handler", None, None).prefer_inner(), attr(r#"path = "…""#, Some("path"), Some(r#"path ="${0:path}""#)), attr("proc_macro", None, None), attr("proc_macro_attribute", None, None), attr("proc_macro_derive(…)", Some("proc_macro_derive"), Some("proc_macro_derive(${0:Trait})")), attr("recursion_limit = …", Some("recursion_limit"), Some("recursion_limit = ${0:128}")) .prefer_inner(), attr("repr(…)", Some("repr"), Some("repr(${0:C})")), attr( "should_panic(…)", Some("should_panic"), Some(r#"should_panic(expected = "${0:reason}")"#), ), attr( r#"target_feature = "…""#, Some("target_feature"), Some(r#"target_feature = "${0:feature}""#), ), attr("test", None, None), attr("track_caller", None, None), attr("type_length_limit = …", Some("type_length_limit"), Some("type_length_limit = ${0:128}")) .prefer_inner(), attr("used", None, None), attr("warn(…)", Some("warn"), Some("warn(${0:lint})")), attr( r#"windows_subsystem = "…""#, Some("windows_subsystem"), Some(r#"windows_subsystem = "${0:subsystem}""#), ) .prefer_inner(), ]; fn complete_derive(acc: &mut Completions, ctx: &CompletionContext, derive_input: ast::TokenTree) { if let Ok(existing_derives) = parse_comma_sep_input(derive_input) { for derive_completion in DEFAULT_DERIVE_COMPLETIONS .iter() .filter(|completion| !existing_derives.contains(completion.label)) { let mut components = vec![derive_completion.label]; components.extend( derive_completion .dependencies .iter() .filter(|&&dependency| !existing_derives.contains(dependency)), ); let lookup = components.join(", "); let label = components.iter().rev().join(", "); CompletionItem::new(CompletionKind::Attribute, ctx.source_range(), label) .lookup_by(lookup) .kind(CompletionItemKind::Attribute) .add_to(acc) } for custom_derive_name in get_derive_names_in_scope(ctx).difference(&existing_derives) { CompletionItem::new(CompletionKind::Attribute, ctx.source_range(), custom_derive_name) .kind(CompletionItemKind::Attribute) .add_to(acc) } } } fn complete_lint( acc: &mut Completions, ctx: &CompletionContext, derive_input: ast::TokenTree, lints_completions: &[LintCompletion], ) { if let Ok(existing_lints) = parse_comma_sep_input(derive_input) { for lint_completion in lints_completions .into_iter() .filter(|completion| !existing_lints.contains(completion.label)) { CompletionItem::new( CompletionKind::Attribute, ctx.source_range(), lint_completion.label, ) .kind(CompletionItemKind::Attribute) .detail(lint_completion.description) .add_to(acc) } } } fn parse_comma_sep_input(derive_input: ast::TokenTree) -> Result, ()> { match (derive_input.left_delimiter_token(), derive_input.right_delimiter_token()) { (Some(left_paren), Some(right_paren)) if left_paren.kind() == SyntaxKind::L_PAREN && right_paren.kind() == SyntaxKind::R_PAREN => { let mut input_derives = FxHashSet::default(); let mut current_derive = String::new(); for token in derive_input .syntax() .children_with_tokens() .filter_map(|token| token.into_token()) .skip_while(|token| token != &left_paren) .skip(1) .take_while(|token| token != &right_paren) { if SyntaxKind::COMMA == token.kind() { if !current_derive.is_empty() { input_derives.insert(current_derive); current_derive = String::new(); } } else { current_derive.push_str(token.text().trim()); } } if !current_derive.is_empty() { input_derives.insert(current_derive); } Ok(input_derives) } _ => Err(()), } } fn get_derive_names_in_scope(ctx: &CompletionContext) -> FxHashSet { let mut result = FxHashSet::default(); ctx.scope.process_all_names(&mut |name, scope_def| { if let hir::ScopeDef::MacroDef(mac) = scope_def { if mac.is_derive_macro() { result.insert(name.to_string()); } } }); result } struct DeriveCompletion { label: &'static str, dependencies: &'static [&'static str], } /// Standard Rust derives and the information about their dependencies /// (the dependencies are needed so that the main derive don't break the compilation when added) const DEFAULT_DERIVE_COMPLETIONS: &[DeriveCompletion] = &[ DeriveCompletion { label: "Clone", dependencies: &[] }, DeriveCompletion { label: "Copy", dependencies: &["Clone"] }, DeriveCompletion { label: "Debug", dependencies: &[] }, DeriveCompletion { label: "Default", dependencies: &[] }, DeriveCompletion { label: "Hash", dependencies: &[] }, DeriveCompletion { label: "PartialEq", dependencies: &[] }, DeriveCompletion { label: "Eq", dependencies: &["PartialEq"] }, DeriveCompletion { label: "PartialOrd", dependencies: &["PartialEq"] }, DeriveCompletion { label: "Ord", dependencies: &["PartialOrd", "Eq", "PartialEq"] }, ]; pub(crate) struct LintCompletion { pub(crate) label: &'static str, pub(crate) description: &'static str, } #[rustfmt::skip] const DEFAULT_LINT_COMPLETIONS: &[LintCompletion] = &[ LintCompletion { label: "absolute_paths_not_starting_with_crate", description: r#"fully qualified paths that start with a module name instead of `crate`, `self`, or an extern crate name"# }, LintCompletion { label: "anonymous_parameters", description: r#"detects anonymous parameters"# }, LintCompletion { label: "box_pointers", description: r#"use of owned (Box type) heap memory"# }, LintCompletion { label: "deprecated_in_future", description: r#"detects use of items that will be deprecated in a future version"# }, LintCompletion { label: "elided_lifetimes_in_paths", description: r#"hidden lifetime parameters in types are deprecated"# }, LintCompletion { label: "explicit_outlives_requirements", description: r#"outlives requirements can be inferred"# }, LintCompletion { label: "indirect_structural_match", description: r#"pattern with const indirectly referencing non-structural-match type"# }, LintCompletion { label: "keyword_idents", description: r#"detects edition keywords being used as an identifier"# }, LintCompletion { label: "macro_use_extern_crate", description: r#"the `#[macro_use]` attribute is now deprecated in favor of using macros via the module system"# }, LintCompletion { label: "meta_variable_misuse", description: r#"possible meta-variable misuse at macro definition"# }, LintCompletion { label: "missing_copy_implementations", description: r#"detects potentially-forgotten implementations of `Copy`"# }, LintCompletion { label: "missing_crate_level_docs", description: r#"detects crates with no crate-level documentation"# }, LintCompletion { label: "missing_debug_implementations", description: r#"detects missing implementations of Debug"# }, LintCompletion { label: "missing_docs", description: r#"detects missing documentation for public members"# }, LintCompletion { label: "missing_doc_code_examples", description: r#"detects publicly-exported items without code samples in their documentation"# }, LintCompletion { label: "non_ascii_idents", description: r#"detects non-ASCII identifiers"# }, LintCompletion { label: "private_doc_tests", description: r#"detects code samples in docs of private items not documented by rustdoc"# }, LintCompletion { label: "single_use_lifetimes", description: r#"detects lifetime parameters that are only used once"# }, LintCompletion { label: "trivial_casts", description: r#"detects trivial casts which could be removed"# }, LintCompletion { label: "trivial_numeric_casts", description: r#"detects trivial casts of numeric types which could be removed"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unaligned_references", description: r#"detects unaligned references to fields of packed structs"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unreachable_pub", description: r#"`pub` items not reachable from crate root"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unsafe_code", description: r#"usage of `unsafe` code"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn", description: r#"unsafe operations in unsafe functions without an explicit unsafe block are deprecated"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unstable_features", description: r#"enabling unstable features (deprecated. do not use)"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_crate_dependencies", description: r#"crate dependencies that are never used"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_extern_crates", description: r#"extern crates that are never used"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_import_braces", description: r#"unnecessary braces around an imported item"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_lifetimes", description: r#"detects lifetime parameters that are never used"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_qualifications", description: r#"detects unnecessarily qualified names"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_results", description: r#"unused result of an expression in a statement"# }, LintCompletion { label: "variant_size_differences", description: r#"detects enums with widely varying variant sizes"# }, LintCompletion { label: "array_into_iter", description: r#"detects calling `into_iter` on arrays"# }, LintCompletion { label: "asm_sub_register", description: r#"using only a subset of a register for inline asm inputs"# }, LintCompletion { label: "bare_trait_objects", description: r#"suggest using `dyn Trait` for trait objects"# }, LintCompletion { label: "bindings_with_variant_name", description: r#"detects pattern bindings with the same name as one of the matched variants"# }, LintCompletion { label: "cenum_impl_drop_cast", description: r#"a C-like enum implementing Drop is cast"# }, LintCompletion { label: "clashing_extern_declarations", description: r#"detects when an extern fn has been declared with the same name but different types"# }, LintCompletion { label: "coherence_leak_check", description: r#"distinct impls distinguished only by the leak-check code"# }, LintCompletion { label: "confusable_idents", description: r#"detects visually confusable pairs between identifiers"# }, LintCompletion { label: "dead_code", description: r#"detect unused, unexported items"# }, LintCompletion { label: "deprecated", description: r#"detects use of deprecated items"# }, LintCompletion { label: "ellipsis_inclusive_range_patterns", description: r#"`...` range patterns are deprecated"# }, LintCompletion { label: "exported_private_dependencies", description: r#"public interface leaks type from a private dependency"# }, LintCompletion { label: "illegal_floating_point_literal_pattern", description: r#"floating-point literals cannot be used in patterns"# }, LintCompletion { label: "improper_ctypes", description: r#"proper use of libc types in foreign modules"# }, LintCompletion { label: "improper_ctypes_definitions", description: r#"proper use of libc types in foreign item definitions"# }, LintCompletion { label: "incomplete_features", description: r#"incomplete features that may function improperly in some or all cases"# }, LintCompletion { label: "inline_no_sanitize", description: r#"detects incompatible use of `#[inline(always)]` and `#[no_sanitize(...)]`"# }, LintCompletion { label: "intra_doc_link_resolution_failure", description: r#"failures in resolving intra-doc link targets"# }, LintCompletion { label: "invalid_codeblock_attributes", description: r#"codeblock attribute looks a lot like a known one"# }, LintCompletion { label: "invalid_value", description: r#"an invalid value is being created (such as a NULL reference)"# }, LintCompletion { label: "irrefutable_let_patterns", description: r#"detects irrefutable patterns in if-let and while-let statements"# }, LintCompletion { label: "late_bound_lifetime_arguments", description: r#"detects generic lifetime arguments in path segments with late bound lifetime parameters"# }, LintCompletion { label: "mixed_script_confusables", description: r#"detects Unicode scripts whose mixed script confusables codepoints are solely used"# }, LintCompletion { label: "mutable_borrow_reservation_conflict", description: r#"reservation of a two-phased borrow conflicts with other shared borrows"# }, LintCompletion { label: "non_camel_case_types", description: r#"types, variants, traits and type parameters should have camel case names"# }, LintCompletion { label: "non_shorthand_field_patterns", description: r#"using `Struct { x: x }` instead of `Struct { x }` in a pattern"# }, LintCompletion { label: "non_snake_case", description: r#"variables, methods, functions, lifetime parameters and modules should have snake case names"# }, LintCompletion { label: "non_upper_case_globals", description: r#"static constants should have uppercase identifiers"# }, LintCompletion { label: "no_mangle_generic_items", description: r#"generic items must be mangled"# }, LintCompletion { label: "overlapping_patterns", description: r#"detects overlapping patterns"# }, LintCompletion { label: "path_statements", description: r#"path statements with no effect"# }, LintCompletion { label: "private_in_public", description: r#"detect private items in public interfaces not caught by the old implementation"# }, LintCompletion { label: "proc_macro_derive_resolution_fallback", description: r#"detects proc macro derives using inaccessible names from parent modules"# }, LintCompletion { label: "redundant_semicolons", description: r#"detects unnecessary trailing semicolons"# }, LintCompletion { label: "renamed_and_removed_lints", description: r#"lints that have been renamed or removed"# }, LintCompletion { label: "safe_packed_borrows", description: r#"safe borrows of fields of packed structs were erroneously allowed"# }, LintCompletion { label: "stable_features", description: r#"stable features found in `#[feature]` directive"# }, LintCompletion { label: "trivial_bounds", description: r#"these bounds don't depend on an type parameters"# }, LintCompletion { label: "type_alias_bounds", description: r#"bounds in type aliases are not enforced"# }, LintCompletion { label: "tyvar_behind_raw_pointer", description: r#"raw pointer to an inference variable"# }, LintCompletion { label: "uncommon_codepoints", description: r#"detects uncommon Unicode codepoints in identifiers"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unconditional_recursion", description: r#"functions that cannot return without calling themselves"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unknown_lints", description: r#"unrecognized lint attribute"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unnameable_test_items", description: r#"detects an item that cannot be named being marked as `#[test_case]`"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unreachable_code", description: r#"detects unreachable code paths"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unreachable_patterns", description: r#"detects unreachable patterns"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unstable_name_collisions", description: r#"detects name collision with an existing but unstable method"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_allocation", description: r#"detects unnecessary allocations that can be eliminated"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_assignments", description: r#"detect assignments that will never be read"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_attributes", description: r#"detects attributes that were not used by the compiler"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_braces", description: r#"unnecessary braces around an expression"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_comparisons", description: r#"comparisons made useless by limits of the types involved"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_doc_comments", description: r#"detects doc comments that aren't used by rustdoc"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_features", description: r#"unused features found in crate-level `#[feature]` directives"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_imports", description: r#"imports that are never used"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_labels", description: r#"detects labels that are never used"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_macros", description: r#"detects macros that were not used"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_must_use", description: r#"unused result of a type flagged as `#[must_use]`"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_mut", description: r#"detect mut variables which don't need to be mutable"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_parens", description: r#"`if`, `match`, `while` and `return` do not need parentheses"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_unsafe", description: r#"unnecessary use of an `unsafe` block"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unused_variables", description: r#"detect variables which are not used in any way"# }, LintCompletion { label: "warnings", description: r#"mass-change the level for lints which produce warnings"# }, LintCompletion { label: "where_clauses_object_safety", description: r#"checks the object safety of where clauses"# }, LintCompletion { label: "while_true", description: r#"suggest using `loop { }` instead of `while true { }`"# }, LintCompletion { label: "ambiguous_associated_items", description: r#"ambiguous associated items"# }, LintCompletion { label: "arithmetic_overflow", description: r#"arithmetic operation overflows"# }, LintCompletion { label: "conflicting_repr_hints", description: r#"conflicts between `#[repr(..)]` hints that were previously accepted and used in practice"# }, LintCompletion { label: "const_err", description: r#"constant evaluation detected erroneous expression"# }, LintCompletion { label: "ill_formed_attribute_input", description: r#"ill-formed attribute inputs that were previously accepted and used in practice"# }, LintCompletion { label: "incomplete_include", description: r#"trailing content in included file"# }, LintCompletion { label: "invalid_type_param_default", description: r#"type parameter default erroneously allowed in invalid location"# }, LintCompletion { label: "macro_expanded_macro_exports_accessed_by_absolute_paths", description: r#"macro-expanded `macro_export` macros from the current crate cannot be referred to by absolute paths"# }, LintCompletion { label: "missing_fragment_specifier", description: r#"detects missing fragment specifiers in unused `macro_rules!` patterns"# }, LintCompletion { label: "mutable_transmutes", description: r#"mutating transmuted &mut T from &T may cause undefined behavior"# }, LintCompletion { label: "no_mangle_const_items", description: r#"const items will not have their symbols exported"# }, LintCompletion { label: "order_dependent_trait_objects", description: r#"trait-object types were treated as different depending on marker-trait order"# }, LintCompletion { label: "overflowing_literals", description: r#"literal out of range for its type"# }, LintCompletion { label: "patterns_in_fns_without_body", description: r#"patterns in functions without body were erroneously allowed"# }, LintCompletion { label: "pub_use_of_private_extern_crate", description: r#"detect public re-exports of private extern crates"# }, LintCompletion { label: "soft_unstable", description: r#"a feature gate that doesn't break dependent crates"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unconditional_panic", description: r#"operation will cause a panic at runtime"# }, LintCompletion { label: "unknown_crate_types", description: r#"unknown crate type found in `#[crate_type]` directive"# }, ]; #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use expect_test::{expect, Expect}; use crate::{test_utils::completion_list, CompletionKind}; fn check(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let actual = completion_list(ra_fixture, CompletionKind::Attribute); expect.assert_eq(&actual); } #[test] fn empty_derive_completion() { check( r#" #[derive(<|>)] struct Test {} "#, expect![[r#" at Clone at Clone, Copy at Debug at Default at Hash at PartialEq at PartialEq, Eq at PartialEq, PartialOrd at PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord "#]], ); } #[test] fn no_completion_for_incorrect_derive() { check( r#" #[derive{<|>)] struct Test {} "#, expect![[r#""#]], ) } #[test] fn derive_with_input_completion() { check( r#" #[derive(serde::Serialize, PartialEq, <|>)] struct Test {} "#, expect![[r#" at Clone at Clone, Copy at Debug at Default at Hash at Eq at PartialOrd at Eq, PartialOrd, Ord "#]], ) } #[test] fn test_attribute_completion() { check( r#"#[<|>]"#, expect![[r#" at allow(…) at automatically_derived at cfg_attr(…) at cfg(…) at cold at deny(…) at deprecated = "…" at derive(…) at export_name = "…" at doc = "…" at forbid(…) at ignore = "…" at inline(…) at link at link_name = "…" at link_section = "…" at macro_export at macro_use at must_use = "…" at no_mangle at non_exhaustive at path = "…" at proc_macro at proc_macro_attribute at proc_macro_derive(…) at repr(…) at should_panic(…) at target_feature = "…" at test at track_caller at used at warn(…) "#]], ) } #[test] fn test_attribute_completion_inside_nested_attr() { check(r#"#[cfg(<|>)]"#, expect![[]]) } #[test] fn test_inner_attribute_completion() { check( r"#![<|>]", expect![[r#" at allow(…) at automatically_derived at cfg_attr(…) at cfg(…) at cold at crate_name = "" at deny(…) at deprecated = "…" at derive(…) at export_name = "…" at doc = "…" at feature(…) at forbid(…) at global_allocator at ignore = "…" at inline(…) at link at link_name = "…" at link_section = "…" at macro_export at macro_use at must_use = "…" at no_link at no_implicit_prelude at no_main at no_mangle at no_std at non_exhaustive at panic_handler at path = "…" at proc_macro at proc_macro_attribute at proc_macro_derive(…) at recursion_limit = … at repr(…) at should_panic(…) at target_feature = "…" at test at track_caller at type_length_limit = … at used at warn(…) at windows_subsystem = "…" "#]], ); } }