//! Completes references after dot (fields and method calls). use hir::{HasVisibility, Type}; use rustc_hash::FxHashSet; use test_utils::mark; use crate::{context::CompletionContext, Completions}; /// Complete dot accesses, i.e. fields or methods. pub(crate) fn complete_dot(acc: &mut Completions, ctx: &CompletionContext) { let dot_receiver = match &ctx.dot_receiver { Some(expr) => expr, _ => return, }; let receiver_ty = match ctx.sema.type_of_expr(&dot_receiver) { Some(ty) => ty, _ => return, }; if ctx.is_call { mark::hit!(test_no_struct_field_completion_for_method_call); } else { complete_fields(acc, ctx, &receiver_ty); } complete_methods(acc, ctx, &receiver_ty); } fn complete_fields(acc: &mut Completions, ctx: &CompletionContext, receiver: &Type) { for receiver in receiver.autoderef(ctx.db) { for (field, ty) in receiver.fields(ctx.db) { if ctx.scope.module().map_or(false, |m| !field.is_visible_from(ctx.db, m)) { // Skip private field. FIXME: If the definition location of the // field is editable, we should show the completion continue; } acc.add_field(ctx, field, &ty); } for (i, ty) in receiver.tuple_fields(ctx.db).into_iter().enumerate() { // FIXME: Handle visibility acc.add_tuple_field(ctx, i, &ty); } } } fn complete_methods(acc: &mut Completions, ctx: &CompletionContext, receiver: &Type) { if let Some(krate) = ctx.krate { let mut seen_methods = FxHashSet::default(); let traits_in_scope = ctx.scope.traits_in_scope(); receiver.iterate_method_candidates(ctx.db, krate, &traits_in_scope, None, |_ty, func| { if func.self_param(ctx.db).is_some() && ctx.scope.module().map_or(true, |m| func.is_visible_from(ctx.db, m)) && seen_methods.insert(func.name(ctx.db)) { acc.add_function(ctx, func, None); } None::<()> }); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use expect_test::{expect, Expect}; use test_utils::mark; use crate::{test_utils::completion_list, CompletionKind}; fn check(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let actual = completion_list(ra_fixture, CompletionKind::Reference); expect.assert_eq(&actual); } #[test] fn test_struct_field_and_method_completion() { check( r#" struct S { foo: u32 } impl S { fn bar(&self) {} } fn foo(s: S) { s.$0 } "#, expect![[r#" fd foo u32 me bar() -> () "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_struct_field_completion_self() { check( r#" struct S { the_field: (u32,) } impl S { fn foo(self) { self.$0 } } "#, expect![[r#" fd the_field (u32,) me foo() -> () "#]], ) } #[test] fn test_struct_field_completion_autoderef() { check( r#" struct A { the_field: (u32, i32) } impl A { fn foo(&self) { self.$0 } } "#, expect![[r#" fd the_field (u32, i32) me foo() -> () "#]], ) } #[test] fn test_no_struct_field_completion_for_method_call() { mark::check!(test_no_struct_field_completion_for_method_call); check( r#" struct A { the_field: u32 } fn foo(a: A) { a.$0() } "#, expect![[""]], ); } #[test] fn test_visibility_filtering() { check( r#" mod inner { pub struct A { private_field: u32, pub pub_field: u32, pub(crate) crate_field: u32, pub(crate) super_field: u32, } } fn foo(a: inner::A) { a.$0 } "#, expect![[r#" fd pub_field u32 fd crate_field u32 fd super_field u32 "#]], ); check( r#" struct A {} mod m { impl super::A { fn private_method(&self) {} pub(crate) fn the_method(&self) {} } } fn foo(a: A) { a.$0 } "#, expect![[r#" me the_method() -> () "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_union_field_completion() { check( r#" union U { field: u8, other: u16 } fn foo(u: U) { u.$0 } "#, expect![[r#" fd field u8 fd other u16 "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_method_completion_only_fitting_impls() { check( r#" struct A<T> {} impl A<u32> { fn the_method(&self) {} } impl A<i32> { fn the_other_method(&self) {} } fn foo(a: A<u32>) { a.$0 } "#, expect![[r#" me the_method() -> () "#]], ) } #[test] fn test_trait_method_completion() { check( r#" struct A {} trait Trait { fn the_method(&self); } impl Trait for A {} fn foo(a: A) { a.$0 } "#, expect![[r#" me the_method() -> () "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_trait_method_completion_deduplicated() { check( r" struct A {} trait Trait { fn the_method(&self); } impl<T> Trait for T {} fn foo(a: &A) { a.$0 } ", expect![[r#" me the_method() -> () "#]], ); } #[test] fn completes_trait_method_from_other_module() { check( r" struct A {} mod m { pub trait Trait { fn the_method(&self); } } use m::Trait; impl Trait for A {} fn foo(a: A) { a.$0 } ", expect![[r#" me the_method() -> () "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_no_non_self_method() { check( r#" struct A {} impl A { fn the_method() {} } fn foo(a: A) { a.$0 } "#, expect![[""]], ); } #[test] fn test_tuple_field_completion() { check( r#" fn foo() { let b = (0, 3.14); b.$0 } "#, expect![[r#" fd 0 i32 fd 1 f64 "#]], ) } #[test] fn test_tuple_field_inference() { check( r#" pub struct S; impl S { pub fn blah(&self) {} } struct T(S); impl T { fn foo(&self) { // FIXME: This doesn't work without the trailing `a` as `0.` is a float self.0.a$0 } } "#, expect![[r#" me blah() -> () "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_completion_works_in_consts() { check( r#" struct A { the_field: u32 } const X: u32 = { A { the_field: 92 }.$0 }; "#, expect![[r#" fd the_field u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn works_in_simple_macro_1() { check( r#" macro_rules! m { ($e:expr) => { $e } } struct A { the_field: u32 } fn foo(a: A) { m!(a.x$0) } "#, expect![[r#" fd the_field u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn works_in_simple_macro_2() { // this doesn't work yet because the macro doesn't expand without the token -- maybe it can be fixed with better recovery check( r#" macro_rules! m { ($e:expr) => { $e } } struct A { the_field: u32 } fn foo(a: A) { m!(a.$0) } "#, expect![[r#" fd the_field u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn works_in_simple_macro_recursive_1() { check( r#" macro_rules! m { ($e:expr) => { $e } } struct A { the_field: u32 } fn foo(a: A) { m!(m!(m!(a.x$0))) } "#, expect![[r#" fd the_field u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn macro_expansion_resilient() { check( r#" macro_rules! d { () => {}; ($val:expr) => { match $val { tmp => { tmp } } }; // Trailing comma with single argument is ignored ($val:expr,) => { $crate::d!($val) }; ($($val:expr),+ $(,)?) => { ($($crate::d!($val)),+,) }; } struct A { the_field: u32 } fn foo(a: A) { d!(a.$0) } "#, expect![[r#" fd the_field u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_method_completion_issue_3547() { check( r#" struct HashSet<T> {} impl<T> HashSet<T> { pub fn the_method(&self) {} } fn foo() { let s: HashSet<_>; s.$0 } "#, expect![[r#" me the_method() -> () "#]], ); } #[test] fn completes_method_call_when_receiver_is_a_macro_call() { check( r#" struct S; impl S { fn foo(&self) {} } macro_rules! make_s { () => { S }; } fn main() { make_s!().f$0; } "#, expect![[r#" me foo() -> () "#]], ) } }