//! keys to be used with `DynMap` use std::marker::PhantomData; use hir_expand::{InFile, MacroDefId}; use rustc_hash::FxHashMap; use syntax::{ast, AstNode, AstPtr}; use crate::{ dyn_map::{DynMap, Policy}, ConstId, ConstParamId, EnumId, EnumVariantId, FieldId, FunctionId, ImplId, LifetimeParamId, StaticId, StructId, TraitId, TypeAliasId, TypeParamId, UnionId, }; pub type Key<K, V> = crate::dyn_map::Key<InFile<K>, V, AstPtrPolicy<K, V>>; pub const FUNCTION: Key<ast::Fn, FunctionId> = Key::new(); pub const CONST: Key<ast::Const, ConstId> = Key::new(); pub const STATIC: Key<ast::Static, StaticId> = Key::new(); pub const TYPE_ALIAS: Key<ast::TypeAlias, TypeAliasId> = Key::new(); pub const IMPL: Key<ast::Impl, ImplId> = Key::new(); pub const TRAIT: Key<ast::Trait, TraitId> = Key::new(); pub const STRUCT: Key<ast::Struct, StructId> = Key::new(); pub const UNION: Key<ast::Union, UnionId> = Key::new(); pub const ENUM: Key<ast::Enum, EnumId> = Key::new(); pub const VARIANT: Key<ast::Variant, EnumVariantId> = Key::new(); pub const TUPLE_FIELD: Key<ast::TupleField, FieldId> = Key::new(); pub const RECORD_FIELD: Key<ast::RecordField, FieldId> = Key::new(); pub const TYPE_PARAM: Key<ast::TypeParam, TypeParamId> = Key::new(); pub const LIFETIME_PARAM: Key<ast::LifetimeParam, LifetimeParamId> = Key::new(); pub const CONST_PARAM: Key<ast::ConstParam, ConstParamId> = Key::new(); pub const MACRO: Key<ast::MacroCall, MacroDefId> = Key::new(); /// XXX: AST Nodes and SyntaxNodes have identity equality semantics: nodes are /// equal if they point to exactly the same object. /// /// In general, we do not guarantee that we have exactly one instance of a /// syntax tree for each file. We probably should add such guarantee, but, for /// the time being, we will use identity-less AstPtr comparison. pub struct AstPtrPolicy<AST, ID> { _phantom: PhantomData<(AST, ID)>, } impl<AST: AstNode + 'static, ID: 'static> Policy for AstPtrPolicy<AST, ID> { type K = InFile<AST>; type V = ID; fn insert(map: &mut DynMap, key: InFile<AST>, value: ID) { let key = key.as_ref().map(AstPtr::new); map.map .entry::<FxHashMap<InFile<AstPtr<AST>>, ID>>() .or_insert_with(Default::default) .insert(key, value); } fn get<'a>(map: &'a DynMap, key: &InFile<AST>) -> Option<&'a ID> { let key = key.as_ref().map(AstPtr::new); map.map.get::<FxHashMap<InFile<AstPtr<AST>>, ID>>()?.get(&key) } }