use super::*; #[test] fn name_res_works_for_broken_modules() { cov_mark::check!(name_res_works_for_broken_modules); check( r" //- / mod foo // no `;`, no body use self::foo::Baz; //- /foo/ pub mod bar; pub use self::bar::Baz; //- /foo/ pub struct Baz; ", expect![[r#" crate Baz: _ foo: t crate::foo "#]], ); } #[test] fn nested_module_resolution() { check( r#" //- / mod n1; //- / mod n2; //- /n1/ struct X; "#, expect![[r#" crate n1: t crate::n1 n2: t crate::n1::n2 X: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn nested_module_resolution_2() { check( r#" //- / mod prelude; mod iter; //- / pub use crate::iter::Iterator; //- / pub use self::traits::Iterator; mod traits; //- /iter/ pub use self::iterator::Iterator; mod iterator; //- /iter/traits/ pub trait Iterator; "#, expect![[r#" crate iter: t prelude: t crate::iter Iterator: t traits: t crate::iter::traits Iterator: t iterator: t crate::iter::traits::iterator Iterator: t crate::prelude Iterator: t "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_works_for_non_standard_filenames() { check( r#" //- / crate:my_library mod foo; use self::foo::Bar; //- /foo/ pub struct Bar; "#, expect![[r#" crate Bar: t v foo: t crate::foo Bar: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_works_for_raw_modules() { check( r#" //- / mod r#async; use self::r#async::Bar; //- / pub struct Bar; "#, expect![[r#" crate Bar: t v async: t crate::async Bar: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_decl_path() { check( r#" //- / #[path = "bar/baz/"] mod foo; use self::foo::Bar; //- /bar/baz/ pub struct Bar; "#, expect![[r#" crate Bar: t v foo: t crate::foo Bar: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_module_with_path_in_mod_rs() { check( r#" //- / mod foo; //- /foo/ #[path = ""] pub mod bar; use self::bar::Baz; //- /foo/ pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo Baz: t v bar: t crate::foo::bar Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_module_with_path_non_crate_root() { check( r#" //- / mod foo; //- / #[path = ""] pub mod bar; use self::bar::Baz; //- / pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo Baz: t v bar: t crate::foo::bar Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_module_decl_path_super() { check( r#" //- / #[path = "bar/baz/"] mod foo; pub struct Baz; //- /bar/baz/ use super::Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate Baz: t v foo: t crate::foo Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_explicit_path_mod_rs() { check( r#" //- / #[path = "module/"] mod foo; //- /module/ pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_relative_path() { check( r#" //- / mod foo; //- / #[path = "./"] pub mod foo_bar; //- / pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo foo_bar: t crate::foo::foo_bar Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_relative_path_2() { check( r#" //- / mod foo; //- /foo/ #[path="../"] pub mod foo_bar; //- / pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo foo_bar: t crate::foo::foo_bar Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_relative_path_outside_root() { check( r#" //- /a/b/c/d/e/ crate:main #[path="../../../../../"] mod foo; //- / mod bar; //- / pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo bar: t crate::foo::bar Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_explicit_path_mod_rs_2() { check( r#" //- / #[path = "module/bar/"] mod foo; //- /module/bar/ pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_explicit_path_mod_rs_with_win_separator() { check( r#" //- / #[path = r"module\bar\"] mod foo; //- /module/bar/ pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_decl_inside_inline_module_with_path_attribute() { check( r#" //- / #[path = "models"] mod foo { mod bar; } //- /models/ pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo bar: t crate::foo::bar Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_decl_inside_inline_module() { check( r#" //- / mod foo { mod bar; } //- /foo/ pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo bar: t crate::foo::bar Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_decl_inside_inline_module_2_with_path_attribute() { check( r#" //- / #[path = "models/db"] mod foo { mod bar; } //- /models/db/ pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo bar: t crate::foo::bar Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_decl_inside_inline_module_3() { check( r#" //- / #[path = "models/db"] mod foo { #[path = ""] mod bar; } //- /models/db/ pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo bar: t crate::foo::bar Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_decl_inside_inline_module_empty_path() { check( r#" //- / #[path = ""] mod foo { #[path = ""] mod bar; } //- / pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo bar: t crate::foo::bar Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_decl_empty_path() { check( r#" //- / #[path = ""] // Should try to read `/` (a directory) mod foo; //- / pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_decl_inside_inline_module_relative_path() { check( r#" //- / #[path = "./models"] mod foo { mod bar; } //- /models/ pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo bar: t crate::foo::bar Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_decl_inside_inline_module_in_crate_root() { check( r#" //- / mod foo { #[path = ""] mod bar; } use self::foo::bar::Baz; //- /foo/ pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate Baz: t v foo: t crate::foo bar: t crate::foo::bar Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_decl_inside_inline_module_in_mod_rs() { check( r#" //- / mod foo; //- /foo/ mod bar { #[path = ""] pub mod baz; } use self::bar::baz::Baz; //- /foo/bar/ pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo Baz: t v bar: t crate::foo::bar baz: t crate::foo::bar::baz Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_decl_inside_inline_module_in_non_crate_root() { check( r#" //- / mod foo; //- / mod bar { #[path = ""] pub mod baz; } use self::bar::baz::Baz; //- /foo/bar/ pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo Baz: t v bar: t crate::foo::bar baz: t crate::foo::bar::baz Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_decl_inside_inline_module_in_non_crate_root_2() { check( r#" //- / mod foo; //- / #[path = "bar"] mod bar { pub mod baz; } use self::bar::baz::Baz; //- /bar/ pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate foo: t crate::foo Baz: t v bar: t crate::foo::bar baz: t crate::foo::bar::baz Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn module_resolution_decl_inside_module_in_non_crate_root_2() { check( r#" //- / #[path="module/"] mod module; //- /module/ pub mod submod; //- /module/ pub struct Baz; "#, expect![[r#" crate module: t crate::module submod: t crate::module::submod Baz: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn nested_out_of_line_module() { check( r#" //- / mod a { mod b { mod c; } } //- /a/b/ struct X; "#, expect![[r#" crate a: t crate::a b: t crate::a::b c: t crate::a::b::c X: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn nested_out_of_line_module_with_path() { check( r#" //- / mod a { #[path = "d/e"] mod b { mod c; } } //- /a/d/e/ struct X; "#, expect![[r#" crate a: t crate::a b: t crate::a::b c: t crate::a::b::c X: t v "#]], ); } #[test] fn circular_mods() { cov_mark::check!(circular_mods); compute_crate_def_map( r#" //- / mod foo; //- / #[path = "./"] mod foo; "#, ); compute_crate_def_map( r#" //- / mod foo; //- / #[path = "./"] mod bar; //- / #[path = "./"] mod foo; "#, ); } #[test] fn abs_path_ignores_local() { check( r#" //- / crate:main deps:core pub use ::core::hash::Hash; pub mod core {} //- / crate:core pub mod hash { pub trait Hash {} } "#, expect![[r#" crate Hash: t core: t crate::core "#]], ); } #[test] fn cfg_in_module_file() { // Inner `#![cfg]` in a module file makes the whole module disappear. check( r#" //- / mod module; //- / #![cfg(NEVER)] struct AlsoShoulntAppear; "#, expect![[r#" crate "#]], ) }