//! Provides validators for the item declarations. //! //! This includes the following items: //! //! - variable bindings (e.g. `let x = foo();`) //! - struct fields (e.g. `struct Foo { field: u8 }`) //! - enum variants (e.g. `enum Foo { Variant { field: u8 } }`) //! - function/method arguments (e.g. `fn foo(arg: u8)`) //! - constants (e.g. `const FOO: u8 = 10;`) //! - static items (e.g. `static FOO: u8 = 10;`) //! - match arm bindings (e.g. `foo @ Some(_)`) mod case_conv; use base_db::CrateId; use hir_def::{ adt::VariantData, expr::{Pat, PatId}, src::HasSource, AdtId, AttrDefId, ConstId, EnumId, FunctionId, Lookup, ModuleDefId, StaticId, StructId, }; use hir_expand::name::{AsName, Name}; use stdx::{always, never}; use syntax::{ ast::{self, NameOwner}, AstNode, AstPtr, }; use crate::{ db::HirDatabase, diagnostics::{decl_check::case_conv::*, CaseType, IdentType, IncorrectCase}, diagnostics_sink::DiagnosticSink, }; mod allow { pub(super) const BAD_STYLE: &str = "bad_style"; pub(super) const NONSTANDARD_STYLE: &str = "nonstandard_style"; pub(super) const NON_SNAKE_CASE: &str = "non_snake_case"; pub(super) const NON_UPPER_CASE_GLOBAL: &str = "non_upper_case_globals"; pub(super) const NON_CAMEL_CASE_TYPES: &str = "non_camel_case_types"; } pub(super) struct DeclValidator<'a, 'b> { db: &'a dyn HirDatabase, krate: CrateId, sink: &'a mut DiagnosticSink<'b>, } #[derive(Debug)] struct Replacement { current_name: Name, suggested_text: String, expected_case: CaseType, } impl<'a, 'b> DeclValidator<'a, 'b> { pub(super) fn new( db: &'a dyn HirDatabase, krate: CrateId, sink: &'a mut DiagnosticSink<'b>, ) -> DeclValidator<'a, 'b> { DeclValidator { db, krate, sink } } pub(super) fn validate_item(&mut self, item: ModuleDefId) { match item { ModuleDefId::FunctionId(func) => self.validate_func(func), ModuleDefId::AdtId(adt) => self.validate_adt(adt), ModuleDefId::ConstId(const_id) => self.validate_const(const_id), ModuleDefId::StaticId(static_id) => self.validate_static(static_id), _ => return, } } fn validate_adt(&mut self, adt: AdtId) { match adt { AdtId::StructId(struct_id) => self.validate_struct(struct_id), AdtId::EnumId(enum_id) => self.validate_enum(enum_id), AdtId::UnionId(_) => { // FIXME: Unions aren't yet supported by this validator. } } } /// Checks whether not following the convention is allowed for this item. fn allowed(&self, id: AttrDefId, allow_name: &str, recursing: bool) -> bool { let is_allowed = |def_id| { let attrs = self.db.attrs(def_id); // don't bug the user about directly no_mangle annotated stuff, they can't do anything about it (!recursing && attrs.by_key("no_mangle").exists()) || attrs.by_key("allow").tt_values().any(|tt| { let allows = tt.to_string(); allows.contains(allow_name) || allows.contains(allow::BAD_STYLE) || allows.contains(allow::NONSTANDARD_STYLE) }) }; is_allowed(id) // go upwards one step or give up || match id { AttrDefId::ModuleId(m) => m.containing_module(self.db.upcast()).map(|v| v.into()), AttrDefId::FunctionId(f) => Some(f.lookup(self.db.upcast()).container.into()), AttrDefId::StaticId(sid) => Some(sid.lookup(self.db.upcast()).container.into()), AttrDefId::ConstId(cid) => Some(cid.lookup(self.db.upcast()).container.into()), AttrDefId::TraitId(tid) => Some(tid.lookup(self.db.upcast()).container.into()), AttrDefId::ImplId(iid) => Some(iid.lookup(self.db.upcast()).container.into()), // These warnings should not explore macro definitions at all AttrDefId::MacroDefId(_) => None, // Will never occur under an enum/struct/union/type alias AttrDefId::AdtId(_) => None, AttrDefId::FieldId(_) => None, AttrDefId::EnumVariantId(_) => None, AttrDefId::TypeAliasId(_) => None, AttrDefId::GenericParamId(_) => None, } .map(|mid| self.allowed(mid, allow_name, true)) .unwrap_or(false) } fn validate_func(&mut self, func: FunctionId) { let data = self.db.function_data(func); if data.is_in_extern_block() { cov_mark::hit!(extern_func_incorrect_case_ignored); return; } let body = self.db.body(func.into()); // Recursively validate inner scope items, such as static variables and constants. for (_, block_def_map) in body.blocks(self.db.upcast()) { for (_, module) in block_def_map.modules() { for def_id in module.scope.declarations() { let mut validator = DeclValidator::new(self.db, self.krate, self.sink); validator.validate_item(def_id); } } } // Check whether non-snake case identifiers are allowed for this function. if self.allowed(func.into(), allow::NON_SNAKE_CASE, false) { return; } // Check the function name. let function_name = data.name.to_string(); let fn_name_replacement = to_lower_snake_case(&function_name).map(|new_name| Replacement { current_name: data.name.clone(), suggested_text: new_name, expected_case: CaseType::LowerSnakeCase, }); // Check the patterns inside the function body. // This includes function parameters. let pats_replacements = body .pats .iter() .filter_map(|(id, pat)| match pat { Pat::Bind { name, .. } => Some((id, name)), _ => None, }) .filter_map(|(id, bind_name)| { Some(( id, Replacement { current_name: bind_name.clone(), suggested_text: to_lower_snake_case(&bind_name.to_string())?, expected_case: CaseType::LowerSnakeCase, }, )) }) .collect(); // If there is at least one element to spawn a warning on, go to the source map and generate a warning. if let Some(fn_name_replacement) = fn_name_replacement { self.create_incorrect_case_diagnostic_for_func(func, fn_name_replacement); } self.create_incorrect_case_diagnostic_for_variables(func, pats_replacements); } /// Given the information about incorrect names in the function declaration, looks up into the source code /// for exact locations and adds diagnostics into the sink. fn create_incorrect_case_diagnostic_for_func( &mut self, func: FunctionId, fn_name_replacement: Replacement, ) { let fn_loc = func.lookup(self.db.upcast()); let fn_src = fn_loc.source(self.db.upcast()); // Diagnostic for function name. let ast_ptr = match fn_src.value.name() { Some(name) => name, None => { never!( "Replacement ({:?}) was generated for a function without a name: {:?}", fn_name_replacement, fn_src ); return; } }; let diagnostic = IncorrectCase { file: fn_src.file_id, ident_type: IdentType::Function, ident: AstPtr::new(&ast_ptr), expected_case: fn_name_replacement.expected_case, ident_text: fn_name_replacement.current_name.to_string(), suggested_text: fn_name_replacement.suggested_text, }; self.sink.push(diagnostic); } /// Given the information about incorrect variable names, looks up into the source code /// for exact locations and adds diagnostics into the sink. fn create_incorrect_case_diagnostic_for_variables( &mut self, func: FunctionId, pats_replacements: Vec<(PatId, Replacement)>, ) { // XXX: only look at source_map if we do have missing fields if pats_replacements.is_empty() { return; } let (_, source_map) = self.db.body_with_source_map(func.into()); for (id, replacement) in pats_replacements { if let Ok(source_ptr) = source_map.pat_syntax(id) { if let Some(expr) = source_ptr.value.as_ref().left() { let root = source_ptr.file_syntax(self.db.upcast()); if let ast::Pat::IdentPat(ident_pat) = expr.to_node(&root) { let parent = match ident_pat.syntax().parent() { Some(parent) => parent, None => continue, }; let name_ast = match ident_pat.name() { Some(name_ast) => name_ast, None => continue, }; let is_param = ast::Param::can_cast(parent.kind()); // We have to check that it's either `let var = ...` or `var @ Variant(_)` statement, // because e.g. match arms are patterns as well. // In other words, we check that it's a named variable binding. let is_binding = ast::LetStmt::can_cast(parent.kind()) || (ast::MatchArm::can_cast(parent.kind()) && ident_pat.at_token().is_some()); if !(is_param || is_binding) { // This pattern is not an actual variable declaration, e.g. `Some(val) => {..}` match arm. continue; } let ident_type = if is_param { IdentType::Parameter } else { IdentType::Variable }; let diagnostic = IncorrectCase { file: source_ptr.file_id, ident_type, ident: AstPtr::new(&name_ast), expected_case: replacement.expected_case, ident_text: replacement.current_name.to_string(), suggested_text: replacement.suggested_text, }; self.sink.push(diagnostic); } } } } } fn validate_struct(&mut self, struct_id: StructId) { let data = self.db.struct_data(struct_id); let non_camel_case_allowed = self.allowed(struct_id.into(), allow::NON_CAMEL_CASE_TYPES, false); let non_snake_case_allowed = self.allowed(struct_id.into(), allow::NON_SNAKE_CASE, false); // Check the structure name. let struct_name = data.name.to_string(); let struct_name_replacement = if !non_camel_case_allowed { to_camel_case(&struct_name).map(|new_name| Replacement { current_name: data.name.clone(), suggested_text: new_name, expected_case: CaseType::UpperCamelCase, }) } else { None }; // Check the field names. let mut struct_fields_replacements = Vec::new(); if !non_snake_case_allowed { if let VariantData::Record(fields) = data.variant_data.as_ref() { for (_, field) in fields.iter() { let field_name = field.name.to_string(); if let Some(new_name) = to_lower_snake_case(&field_name) { let replacement = Replacement { current_name: field.name.clone(), suggested_text: new_name, expected_case: CaseType::LowerSnakeCase, }; struct_fields_replacements.push(replacement); } } } } // If there is at least one element to spawn a warning on, go to the source map and generate a warning. self.create_incorrect_case_diagnostic_for_struct( struct_id, struct_name_replacement, struct_fields_replacements, ); } /// Given the information about incorrect names in the struct declaration, looks up into the source code /// for exact locations and adds diagnostics into the sink. fn create_incorrect_case_diagnostic_for_struct( &mut self, struct_id: StructId, struct_name_replacement: Option<Replacement>, struct_fields_replacements: Vec<Replacement>, ) { // XXX: Only look at sources if we do have incorrect names. if struct_name_replacement.is_none() && struct_fields_replacements.is_empty() { return; } let struct_loc = struct_id.lookup(self.db.upcast()); let struct_src = struct_loc.source(self.db.upcast()); if let Some(replacement) = struct_name_replacement { let ast_ptr = match struct_src.value.name() { Some(name) => name, None => { never!( "Replacement ({:?}) was generated for a structure without a name: {:?}", replacement, struct_src ); return; } }; let diagnostic = IncorrectCase { file: struct_src.file_id, ident_type: IdentType::Structure, ident: AstPtr::new(&ast_ptr), expected_case: replacement.expected_case, ident_text: replacement.current_name.to_string(), suggested_text: replacement.suggested_text, }; self.sink.push(diagnostic); } let struct_fields_list = match struct_src.value.field_list() { Some(ast::FieldList::RecordFieldList(fields)) => fields, _ => { always!( struct_fields_replacements.is_empty(), "Replacements ({:?}) were generated for a structure fields which had no fields list: {:?}", struct_fields_replacements, struct_src ); return; } }; let mut struct_fields_iter = struct_fields_list.fields(); for field_to_rename in struct_fields_replacements { // We assume that parameters in replacement are in the same order as in the // actual params list, but just some of them (ones that named correctly) are skipped. let ast_ptr = loop { match struct_fields_iter.next().and_then(|field| field.name()) { Some(field_name) => { if field_name.as_name() == field_to_rename.current_name { break field_name; } } None => { never!( "Replacement ({:?}) was generated for a structure field which was not found: {:?}", field_to_rename, struct_src ); return; } } }; let diagnostic = IncorrectCase { file: struct_src.file_id, ident_type: IdentType::Field, ident: AstPtr::new(&ast_ptr), expected_case: field_to_rename.expected_case, ident_text: field_to_rename.current_name.to_string(), suggested_text: field_to_rename.suggested_text, }; self.sink.push(diagnostic); } } fn validate_enum(&mut self, enum_id: EnumId) { let data = self.db.enum_data(enum_id); // Check whether non-camel case names are allowed for this enum. if self.allowed(enum_id.into(), allow::NON_CAMEL_CASE_TYPES, false) { return; } // Check the enum name. let enum_name = data.name.to_string(); let enum_name_replacement = to_camel_case(&enum_name).map(|new_name| Replacement { current_name: data.name.clone(), suggested_text: new_name, expected_case: CaseType::UpperCamelCase, }); // Check the field names. let enum_fields_replacements = data .variants .iter() .filter_map(|(_, variant)| { Some(Replacement { current_name: variant.name.clone(), suggested_text: to_camel_case(&variant.name.to_string())?, expected_case: CaseType::UpperCamelCase, }) }) .collect(); // If there is at least one element to spawn a warning on, go to the source map and generate a warning. self.create_incorrect_case_diagnostic_for_enum( enum_id, enum_name_replacement, enum_fields_replacements, ) } /// Given the information about incorrect names in the struct declaration, looks up into the source code /// for exact locations and adds diagnostics into the sink. fn create_incorrect_case_diagnostic_for_enum( &mut self, enum_id: EnumId, enum_name_replacement: Option<Replacement>, enum_variants_replacements: Vec<Replacement>, ) { // XXX: only look at sources if we do have incorrect names if enum_name_replacement.is_none() && enum_variants_replacements.is_empty() { return; } let enum_loc = enum_id.lookup(self.db.upcast()); let enum_src = enum_loc.source(self.db.upcast()); if let Some(replacement) = enum_name_replacement { let ast_ptr = match enum_src.value.name() { Some(name) => name, None => { never!( "Replacement ({:?}) was generated for a enum without a name: {:?}", replacement, enum_src ); return; } }; let diagnostic = IncorrectCase { file: enum_src.file_id, ident_type: IdentType::Enum, ident: AstPtr::new(&ast_ptr), expected_case: replacement.expected_case, ident_text: replacement.current_name.to_string(), suggested_text: replacement.suggested_text, }; self.sink.push(diagnostic); } let enum_variants_list = match enum_src.value.variant_list() { Some(variants) => variants, _ => { always!( enum_variants_replacements.is_empty(), "Replacements ({:?}) were generated for a enum variants which had no fields list: {:?}", enum_variants_replacements, enum_src ); return; } }; let mut enum_variants_iter = enum_variants_list.variants(); for variant_to_rename in enum_variants_replacements { // We assume that parameters in replacement are in the same order as in the // actual params list, but just some of them (ones that named correctly) are skipped. let ast_ptr = loop { match enum_variants_iter.next().and_then(|v| v.name()) { Some(variant_name) => { if variant_name.as_name() == variant_to_rename.current_name { break variant_name; } } None => { never!( "Replacement ({:?}) was generated for a enum variant which was not found: {:?}", variant_to_rename, enum_src ); return; } } }; let diagnostic = IncorrectCase { file: enum_src.file_id, ident_type: IdentType::Variant, ident: AstPtr::new(&ast_ptr), expected_case: variant_to_rename.expected_case, ident_text: variant_to_rename.current_name.to_string(), suggested_text: variant_to_rename.suggested_text, }; self.sink.push(diagnostic); } } fn validate_const(&mut self, const_id: ConstId) { let data = self.db.const_data(const_id); if self.allowed(const_id.into(), allow::NON_UPPER_CASE_GLOBAL, false) { return; } let name = match &data.name { Some(name) => name, None => return, }; let const_name = name.to_string(); let replacement = if let Some(new_name) = to_upper_snake_case(&const_name) { Replacement { current_name: name.clone(), suggested_text: new_name, expected_case: CaseType::UpperSnakeCase, } } else { // Nothing to do here. return; }; let const_loc = const_id.lookup(self.db.upcast()); let const_src = const_loc.source(self.db.upcast()); let ast_ptr = match const_src.value.name() { Some(name) => name, None => return, }; let diagnostic = IncorrectCase { file: const_src.file_id, ident_type: IdentType::Constant, ident: AstPtr::new(&ast_ptr), expected_case: replacement.expected_case, ident_text: replacement.current_name.to_string(), suggested_text: replacement.suggested_text, }; self.sink.push(diagnostic); } fn validate_static(&mut self, static_id: StaticId) { let data = self.db.static_data(static_id); if data.is_extern { cov_mark::hit!(extern_static_incorrect_case_ignored); return; } if self.allowed(static_id.into(), allow::NON_UPPER_CASE_GLOBAL, false) { return; } let name = match &data.name { Some(name) => name, None => return, }; let static_name = name.to_string(); let replacement = if let Some(new_name) = to_upper_snake_case(&static_name) { Replacement { current_name: name.clone(), suggested_text: new_name, expected_case: CaseType::UpperSnakeCase, } } else { // Nothing to do here. return; }; let static_loc = static_id.lookup(self.db.upcast()); let static_src = static_loc.source(self.db.upcast()); let ast_ptr = match static_src.value.name() { Some(name) => name, None => return, }; let diagnostic = IncorrectCase { file: static_src.file_id, ident_type: IdentType::StaticVariable, ident: AstPtr::new(&ast_ptr), expected_case: replacement.expected_case, ident_text: replacement.current_name.to_string(), suggested_text: replacement.suggested_text, }; self.sink.push(diagnostic); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::diagnostics::tests::check_diagnostics; #[test] fn incorrect_function_name() { check_diagnostics( r#" fn NonSnakeCaseName() {} // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Function `NonSnakeCaseName` should have snake_case name, e.g. `non_snake_case_name` "#, ); } #[test] fn incorrect_function_params() { check_diagnostics( r#" fn foo(SomeParam: u8) {} // ^^^^^^^^^ Parameter `SomeParam` should have snake_case name, e.g. `some_param` fn foo2(ok_param: &str, CAPS_PARAM: u8) {} // ^^^^^^^^^^ Parameter `CAPS_PARAM` should have snake_case name, e.g. `caps_param` "#, ); } #[test] fn incorrect_variable_names() { check_diagnostics( r#" fn foo() { let SOME_VALUE = 10; // ^^^^^^^^^^ Variable `SOME_VALUE` should have snake_case name, e.g. `some_value` let AnotherValue = 20; // ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Variable `AnotherValue` should have snake_case name, e.g. `another_value` } "#, ); } #[test] fn incorrect_struct_names() { check_diagnostics( r#" struct non_camel_case_name {} // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Structure `non_camel_case_name` should have CamelCase name, e.g. `NonCamelCaseName` struct SCREAMING_CASE {} // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Structure `SCREAMING_CASE` should have CamelCase name, e.g. `ScreamingCase` "#, ); } #[test] fn no_diagnostic_for_camel_cased_acronyms_in_struct_name() { check_diagnostics( r#" struct AABB {} "#, ); } #[test] fn incorrect_struct_field() { check_diagnostics( r#" struct SomeStruct { SomeField: u8 } // ^^^^^^^^^ Field `SomeField` should have snake_case name, e.g. `some_field` "#, ); } #[test] fn incorrect_enum_names() { check_diagnostics( r#" enum some_enum { Val(u8) } // ^^^^^^^^^ Enum `some_enum` should have CamelCase name, e.g. `SomeEnum` enum SOME_ENUM // ^^^^^^^^^ Enum `SOME_ENUM` should have CamelCase name, e.g. `SomeEnum` "#, ); } #[test] fn no_diagnostic_for_camel_cased_acronyms_in_enum_name() { check_diagnostics( r#" enum AABB {} "#, ); } #[test] fn incorrect_enum_variant_name() { check_diagnostics( r#" enum SomeEnum { SOME_VARIANT(u8) } // ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Variant `SOME_VARIANT` should have CamelCase name, e.g. `SomeVariant` "#, ); } #[test] fn incorrect_const_name() { check_diagnostics( r#" const some_weird_const: u8 = 10; // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Constant `some_weird_const` should have UPPER_SNAKE_CASE name, e.g. `SOME_WEIRD_CONST` fn func() { const someConstInFunc: &str = "hi there"; // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Constant `someConstInFunc` should have UPPER_SNAKE_CASE name, e.g. `SOME_CONST_IN_FUNC` } "#, ); } #[test] fn incorrect_static_name() { check_diagnostics( r#" static some_weird_const: u8 = 10; // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Static variable `some_weird_const` should have UPPER_SNAKE_CASE name, e.g. `SOME_WEIRD_CONST` fn func() { static someConstInFunc: &str = "hi there"; // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Static variable `someConstInFunc` should have UPPER_SNAKE_CASE name, e.g. `SOME_CONST_IN_FUNC` } "#, ); } #[test] fn fn_inside_impl_struct() { check_diagnostics( r#" struct someStruct; // ^^^^^^^^^^ Structure `someStruct` should have CamelCase name, e.g. `SomeStruct` impl someStruct { fn SomeFunc(&self) { // ^^^^^^^^ Function `SomeFunc` should have snake_case name, e.g. `some_func` static someConstInFunc: &str = "hi there"; // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Static variable `someConstInFunc` should have UPPER_SNAKE_CASE name, e.g. `SOME_CONST_IN_FUNC` let WHY_VAR_IS_CAPS = 10; // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Variable `WHY_VAR_IS_CAPS` should have snake_case name, e.g. `why_var_is_caps` } } "#, ); } #[test] fn no_diagnostic_for_enum_varinats() { check_diagnostics( r#" enum Option { Some, None } fn main() { match Option::None { None => (), Some => (), } } "#, ); } #[test] fn non_let_bind() { check_diagnostics( r#" enum Option { Some, None } fn main() { match Option::None { SOME_VAR @ None => (), // ^^^^^^^^ Variable `SOME_VAR` should have snake_case name, e.g. `some_var` Some => (), } } "#, ); } #[test] fn allow_attributes() { check_diagnostics( r#" #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn NonSnakeCaseName(SOME_VAR: u8) -> u8{ // cov_flags generated output from elsewhere in this file extern "C" { #[no_mangle] static lower_case: u8; } let OtherVar = SOME_VAR + 1; OtherVar } #[allow(nonstandard_style)] mod CheckNonstandardStyle { fn HiImABadFnName() {} } #[allow(bad_style)] mod CheckBadStyle { fn HiImABadFnName() {} } mod F { #![allow(non_snake_case)] fn CheckItWorksWithModAttr(BAD_NAME_HI: u8) {} } #[allow(non_snake_case, non_camel_case_types)] pub struct some_type { SOME_FIELD: u8, SomeField: u16, } #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)] pub const some_const: u8 = 10; #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)] pub static SomeStatic: u8 = 10; "#, ); } #[test] fn allow_attributes_crate_attr() { check_diagnostics( r#" #![allow(non_snake_case)] mod F { fn CheckItWorksWithCrateAttr(BAD_NAME_HI: u8) {} } "#, ); } #[test] #[ignore] fn bug_trait_inside_fn() { // FIXME: // This is broken, and in fact, should not even be looked at by this // lint in the first place. There's weird stuff going on in the // collection phase. // It's currently being brought in by: // * validate_func on `a` recursing into modules // * then it finds the trait and then the function while iterating // through modules // * then validate_func is called on Dirty // * ... which then proceeds to look at some unknown module taking no // attrs from either the impl or the fn a, and then finally to the root // module // // It should find the attribute on the trait, but it *doesn't even see // the trait* as far as I can tell. check_diagnostics( r#" trait T { fn a(); } struct U {} impl T for U { fn a() { // this comes out of bitflags, mostly #[allow(non_snake_case)] trait __BitFlags { const HiImAlsoBad: u8 = 2; #[inline] fn Dirty(&self) -> bool { false } } } } "#, ); } #[test] #[ignore] fn bug_traits_arent_checked() { // FIXME: Traits and functions in traits aren't currently checked by // r-a, even though rustc will complain about them. check_diagnostics( r#" trait BAD_TRAIT { // ^^^^^^^^^ Trait `BAD_TRAIT` should have CamelCase name, e.g. `BadTrait` fn BAD_FUNCTION(); // ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Function `BAD_FUNCTION` should have snake_case name, e.g. `bad_function` fn BadFunction(); // ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Function `BadFunction` should have snake_case name, e.g. `bad_function` } "#, ); } #[test] fn ignores_extern_items() { cov_mark::check!(extern_func_incorrect_case_ignored); cov_mark::check!(extern_static_incorrect_case_ignored); check_diagnostics( r#" extern { fn NonSnakeCaseName(SOME_VAR: u8) -> u8; pub static SomeStatic: u8 = 10; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infinite_loop_inner_items() { check_diagnostics( r#" fn qualify() { mod foo { use super::*; } } "#, ) } #[test] // Issue #8809. fn parenthesized_parameter() { check_diagnostics(r#"fn f((O): _) {}"#) } }