//! Provides validators for the item declarations. //! This includes the following items: //! - variable bindings (e.g. `let x = foo();`) //! - struct fields (e.g. `struct Foo { field: u8 }`) //! - enum fields (e.g. `enum Foo { Variant { field: u8 } }`) //! - function/method arguments (e.g. `fn foo(arg: u8)`) // TODO: Temporary, to not see warnings until module is somewhat complete. // If you see these lines in the pull request, feel free to call me stupid :P. #![allow(dead_code, unused_imports, unused_variables)] mod str_helpers; use std::sync::Arc; use hir_def::{ adt::VariantData, body::Body, db::DefDatabase, expr::{Expr, ExprId, UnaryOp}, item_tree::ItemTreeNode, resolver::{resolver_for_expr, ResolveValueResult, ValueNs}, src::HasSource, AdtId, EnumId, FunctionId, Lookup, ModuleDefId, StructId, }; use hir_expand::{ diagnostics::DiagnosticSink, name::{AsName, Name}, }; use syntax::{ ast::{self, NameOwner}, AstPtr, }; use crate::{ db::HirDatabase, diagnostics::{decl_check::str_helpers::*, CaseType, IncorrectCase}, lower::CallableDefId, ApplicationTy, InferenceResult, Ty, TypeCtor, }; pub(super) struct DeclValidator<'a, 'b: 'a> { owner: ModuleDefId, sink: &'a mut DiagnosticSink<'b>, } #[derive(Debug)] struct Replacement { current_name: Name, suggested_text: String, expected_case: CaseType, } impl<'a, 'b> DeclValidator<'a, 'b> { pub(super) fn new( owner: ModuleDefId, sink: &'a mut DiagnosticSink<'b>, ) -> DeclValidator<'a, 'b> { DeclValidator { owner, sink } } pub(super) fn validate_item(&mut self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) { // let def = self.owner.into(); match self.owner { ModuleDefId::FunctionId(func) => self.validate_func(db, func), ModuleDefId::AdtId(adt) => self.validate_adt(db, adt), _ => return, } } fn validate_func(&mut self, db: &dyn HirDatabase, func: FunctionId) { let data = db.function_data(func); // 1. Check the function name. let function_name = data.name.to_string(); let fn_name_replacement = if let Some(new_name) = to_lower_snake_case(&function_name) { let replacement = Replacement { current_name: data.name.clone(), suggested_text: new_name, expected_case: CaseType::LowerSnakeCase, }; Some(replacement) } else { None }; // 2. Check the param names. let mut fn_param_replacements = Vec::new(); for param_name in data.param_names.iter().cloned().filter_map(|i| i) { let name = param_name.to_string(); if let Some(new_name) = to_lower_snake_case(&name) { let replacement = Replacement { current_name: param_name, suggested_text: new_name, expected_case: CaseType::LowerSnakeCase, }; fn_param_replacements.push(replacement); } } // 3. If there is at least one element to spawn a warning on, go to the source map and generate a warning. self.create_incorrect_case_diagnostic_for_func( func, db, fn_name_replacement, fn_param_replacements, ) } /// Given the information about incorrect names in the function declaration, looks up into the source code /// for exact locations and adds diagnostics into the sink. fn create_incorrect_case_diagnostic_for_func( &mut self, func: FunctionId, db: &dyn HirDatabase, fn_name_replacement: Option, fn_param_replacements: Vec, ) { // XXX: only look at sources if we do have incorrect names if fn_name_replacement.is_none() && fn_param_replacements.is_empty() { return; } let fn_loc = func.lookup(db.upcast()); let fn_src = fn_loc.source(db.upcast()); if let Some(replacement) = fn_name_replacement { let ast_ptr = if let Some(name) = fn_src.value.name() { name } else { // We don't want rust-analyzer to panic over this, but it is definitely some kind of error in the logic. log::error!( "Replacement ({:?}) was generated for a function without a name: {:?}", replacement, fn_src ); return; }; let diagnostic = IncorrectCase { file: fn_src.file_id, ident_type: "Function".to_string(), ident: AstPtr::new(&ast_ptr).into(), expected_case: replacement.expected_case, ident_text: replacement.current_name.to_string(), suggested_text: replacement.suggested_text, }; self.sink.push(diagnostic); } let fn_params_list = match fn_src.value.param_list() { Some(params) => params, None => { if !fn_param_replacements.is_empty() { log::error!( "Replacements ({:?}) were generated for a function parameters which had no parameters list: {:?}", fn_param_replacements, fn_src ); } return; } }; let mut fn_params_iter = fn_params_list.params(); for param_to_rename in fn_param_replacements { // We assume that parameters in replacement are in the same order as in the // actual params list, but just some of them (ones that named correctly) are skipped. let ast_ptr = loop { match fn_params_iter.next() { Some(element) if pat_equals_to_name(element.pat(), ¶m_to_rename.current_name) => { break element.pat().unwrap() } Some(_) => {} None => { log::error!( "Replacement ({:?}) was generated for a function parameter which was not found: {:?}", param_to_rename, fn_src ); return; } } }; let diagnostic = IncorrectCase { file: fn_src.file_id, ident_type: "Argument".to_string(), ident: AstPtr::new(&ast_ptr).into(), expected_case: param_to_rename.expected_case, ident_text: param_to_rename.current_name.to_string(), suggested_text: param_to_rename.suggested_text, }; self.sink.push(diagnostic); } } fn validate_adt(&mut self, db: &dyn HirDatabase, adt: AdtId) { match adt { AdtId::StructId(struct_id) => self.validate_struct(db, struct_id), AdtId::EnumId(enum_id) => self.validate_enum(db, enum_id), AdtId::UnionId(_) => { // Unions aren't yet supported by this validator. } } } fn validate_struct(&mut self, db: &dyn HirDatabase, struct_id: StructId) { let data = db.struct_data(struct_id); // 1. Check the structure name. let struct_name = data.name.to_string(); let struct_name_replacement = if let Some(new_name) = to_camel_case(&struct_name) { let replacement = Replacement { current_name: data.name.clone(), suggested_text: new_name, expected_case: CaseType::UpperCamelCase, }; Some(replacement) } else { None }; // 2. Check the field names. let mut struct_fields_replacements = Vec::new(); if let VariantData::Record(fields) = data.variant_data.as_ref() { for (_, field) in fields.iter() { let field_name = field.name.to_string(); if let Some(new_name) = to_lower_snake_case(&field_name) { let replacement = Replacement { current_name: field.name.clone(), suggested_text: new_name, expected_case: CaseType::LowerSnakeCase, }; struct_fields_replacements.push(replacement); } } } // 3. If there is at least one element to spawn a warning on, go to the source map and generate a warning. self.create_incorrect_case_diagnostic_for_struct( struct_id, db, struct_name_replacement, struct_fields_replacements, ) } /// Given the information about incorrect names in the struct declaration, looks up into the source code /// for exact locations and adds diagnostics into the sink. fn create_incorrect_case_diagnostic_for_struct( &mut self, struct_id: StructId, db: &dyn HirDatabase, struct_name_replacement: Option, struct_fields_replacements: Vec, ) { // XXX: only look at sources if we do have incorrect names if struct_name_replacement.is_none() && struct_fields_replacements.is_empty() { return; } let struct_loc = struct_id.lookup(db.upcast()); let struct_src = struct_loc.source(db.upcast()); if let Some(replacement) = struct_name_replacement { let ast_ptr = if let Some(name) = struct_src.value.name() { name } else { // We don't want rust-analyzer to panic over this, but it is definitely some kind of error in the logic. log::error!( "Replacement ({:?}) was generated for a structure without a name: {:?}", replacement, struct_src ); return; }; let diagnostic = IncorrectCase { file: struct_src.file_id, ident_type: "Structure".to_string(), ident: AstPtr::new(&ast_ptr).into(), expected_case: replacement.expected_case, ident_text: replacement.current_name.to_string(), suggested_text: replacement.suggested_text, }; self.sink.push(diagnostic); } let struct_fields_list = match struct_src.value.field_list() { Some(ast::FieldList::RecordFieldList(fields)) => fields, _ => { if !struct_fields_replacements.is_empty() { log::error!( "Replacements ({:?}) were generated for a structure fields which had no fields list: {:?}", struct_fields_replacements, struct_src ); } return; } }; let mut struct_fields_iter = struct_fields_list.fields(); for field_to_rename in struct_fields_replacements { // We assume that parameters in replacement are in the same order as in the // actual params list, but just some of them (ones that named correctly) are skipped. let ast_ptr = loop { match struct_fields_iter.next() { Some(element) if names_equal(element.name(), &field_to_rename.current_name) => { break element.name().unwrap() } Some(_) => {} None => { log::error!( "Replacement ({:?}) was generated for a structure field which was not found: {:?}", field_to_rename, struct_src ); return; } } }; let diagnostic = IncorrectCase { file: struct_src.file_id, ident_type: "Field".to_string(), ident: AstPtr::new(&ast_ptr).into(), expected_case: field_to_rename.expected_case, ident_text: field_to_rename.current_name.to_string(), suggested_text: field_to_rename.suggested_text, }; self.sink.push(diagnostic); } } fn validate_enum(&mut self, db: &dyn HirDatabase, enum_id: EnumId) { let data = db.enum_data(enum_id); // 1. Check the enum name. let enum_name = data.name.to_string(); let enum_name_replacement = if let Some(new_name) = to_camel_case(&enum_name) { let replacement = Replacement { current_name: data.name.clone(), suggested_text: new_name, expected_case: CaseType::UpperCamelCase, }; Some(replacement) } else { None }; // 2. Check the field names. let mut enum_fields_replacements = Vec::new(); for (_, variant) in data.variants.iter() { let variant_name = variant.name.to_string(); if let Some(new_name) = to_camel_case(&variant_name) { let replacement = Replacement { current_name: variant.name.clone(), suggested_text: new_name, expected_case: CaseType::UpperCamelCase, }; enum_fields_replacements.push(replacement); } } // 3. If there is at least one element to spawn a warning on, go to the source map and generate a warning. self.create_incorrect_case_diagnostic_for_enum( enum_id, db, enum_name_replacement, enum_fields_replacements, ) } /// Given the information about incorrect names in the struct declaration, looks up into the source code /// for exact locations and adds diagnostics into the sink. fn create_incorrect_case_diagnostic_for_enum( &mut self, enum_id: EnumId, db: &dyn HirDatabase, enum_name_replacement: Option, enum_variants_replacements: Vec, ) { // XXX: only look at sources if we do have incorrect names if enum_name_replacement.is_none() && enum_variants_replacements.is_empty() { return; } let enum_loc = enum_id.lookup(db.upcast()); let enum_src = enum_loc.source(db.upcast()); if let Some(replacement) = enum_name_replacement { let ast_ptr = if let Some(name) = enum_src.value.name() { name } else { // We don't want rust-analyzer to panic over this, but it is definitely some kind of error in the logic. log::error!( "Replacement ({:?}) was generated for a enum without a name: {:?}", replacement, enum_src ); return; }; let diagnostic = IncorrectCase { file: enum_src.file_id, ident_type: "Enum".to_string(), ident: AstPtr::new(&ast_ptr).into(), expected_case: replacement.expected_case, ident_text: replacement.current_name.to_string(), suggested_text: replacement.suggested_text, }; self.sink.push(diagnostic); } let enum_variants_list = match enum_src.value.variant_list() { Some(variants) => variants, _ => { if !enum_variants_replacements.is_empty() { log::error!( "Replacements ({:?}) were generated for a enum variants which had no fields list: {:?}", enum_variants_replacements, enum_src ); } return; } }; let mut enum_variants_iter = enum_variants_list.variants(); for variant_to_rename in enum_variants_replacements { // We assume that parameters in replacement are in the same order as in the // actual params list, but just some of them (ones that named correctly) are skipped. let ast_ptr = loop { match enum_variants_iter.next() { Some(variant) if names_equal(variant.name(), &variant_to_rename.current_name) => { break variant.name().unwrap() } Some(_) => {} None => { log::error!( "Replacement ({:?}) was generated for a enum variant which was not found: {:?}", variant_to_rename, enum_src ); return; } } }; let diagnostic = IncorrectCase { file: enum_src.file_id, ident_type: "Variant".to_string(), ident: AstPtr::new(&ast_ptr).into(), expected_case: variant_to_rename.expected_case, ident_text: variant_to_rename.current_name.to_string(), suggested_text: variant_to_rename.suggested_text, }; self.sink.push(diagnostic); } } } fn names_equal(left: Option, right: &Name) -> bool { if let Some(left) = left { &left.as_name() == right } else { false } } fn pat_equals_to_name(pat: Option, name: &Name) -> bool { if let Some(ast::Pat::IdentPat(ident)) = pat { ident.to_string() == name.to_string() } else { false } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::diagnostics::tests::check_diagnostics; #[test] fn incorrect_function_name() { check_diagnostics( r#" fn NonSnakeCaseName() {} // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Function `NonSnakeCaseName` should have a snake_case name, e.g. `non_snake_case_name` "#, ); } #[test] fn incorrect_function_params() { check_diagnostics( r#" fn foo(SomeParam: u8) {} // ^^^^^^^^^ Argument `SomeParam` should have a snake_case name, e.g. `some_param` fn foo2(ok_param: &str, CAPS_PARAM: u8) {} // ^^^^^^^^^^ Argument `CAPS_PARAM` should have a snake_case name, e.g. `caps_param` "#, ); } #[test] fn incorrect_struct_name() { check_diagnostics( r#" struct non_camel_case_name {} // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Structure `non_camel_case_name` should have a CamelCase name, e.g. `NonCamelCaseName` "#, ); } #[test] fn incorrect_struct_field() { check_diagnostics( r#" struct SomeStruct { SomeField: u8 } // ^^^^^^^^^ Field `SomeField` should have a snake_case name, e.g. `some_field` "#, ); } #[test] fn incorrect_enum_name() { check_diagnostics( r#" enum some_enum { Val(u8) } // ^^^^^^^^^ Enum `some_enum` should have a CamelCase name, e.g. `SomeEnum` "#, ); } #[test] fn incorrect_enum_variant_name() { check_diagnostics( r#" enum SomeEnum { SOME_VARIANT(u8) } // ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Variant `SOME_VARIANT` should have a CamelCase name, e.g. `SomeVariant` "#, ); } }