//! Type inference, i.e. the process of walking through the code and determining
//! the type of each expression and pattern.
//! For type inference, compare the implementations in rustc (the various
//! check_* methods in librustc_typeck/check/mod.rs are a good entry point) and
//! IntelliJ-Rust (org.rust.lang.core.types.infer). Our entry point for
//! inference here is the `infer` function, which infers the types of all
//! expressions in a given function.
//! During inference, types (i.e. the `Ty` struct) can contain type 'variables'
//! which represent currently unknown types; as we walk through the expressions,
//! we might determine that certain variables need to be equal to each other, or
//! to certain types. To record this, we use the union-find implementation from
//! the `ena` crate, which is extracted from rustc.

use std::ops::Index;
use std::sync::Arc;

use chalk_ir::{cast::Cast, DebruijnIndex, Mutability};
use hir_def::{
    data::{ConstData, FunctionData, StaticData},
    expr::{ArithOp, BinaryOp, BindingAnnotation, ExprId, PatId},
    path::{path, Path},
    resolver::{HasResolver, Resolver, TypeNs},
    AdtId, AssocItemId, DefWithBodyId, EnumVariantId, FieldId, FunctionId, HasModule, Lookup,
    TraitId, TypeAliasId, VariantId,
use hir_expand::name::name;
use la_arena::ArenaMap;
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use stdx::impl_from;
use syntax::SmolStr;

use super::{DomainGoal, InEnvironment, ProjectionTy, TraitEnvironment, TraitRef, Ty};
use crate::diagnostics_sink::DiagnosticSink;
use crate::{
    db::HirDatabase, fold_tys, infer::diagnostics::InferenceDiagnostic,
    lower::ImplTraitLoweringMode, to_assoc_type_id, AliasEq, AliasTy, Goal, Interner, Substitution,
    TyBuilder, TyExt, TyKind,

// This lint has a false positive here. See the link below for details.
// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/57411
pub use unify::could_unify;
pub(crate) use unify::unify;

mod unify;
mod path;
mod expr;
mod pat;
mod coerce;

/// The entry point of type inference.
pub(crate) fn infer_query(db: &dyn HirDatabase, def: DefWithBodyId) -> Arc<InferenceResult> {
    let _p = profile::span("infer_query");
    let resolver = def.resolver(db.upcast());
    let mut ctx = InferenceContext::new(db, def, resolver);

    match def {
        DefWithBodyId::ConstId(c) => ctx.collect_const(&db.const_data(c)),
        DefWithBodyId::FunctionId(f) => ctx.collect_fn(&db.function_data(f)),
        DefWithBodyId::StaticId(s) => ctx.collect_static(&db.static_data(s)),



#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum ExprOrPatId {
impl_from!(ExprId, PatId for ExprOrPatId);

/// Binding modes inferred for patterns.
/// https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html#binding-modes
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum BindingMode {

impl BindingMode {
    fn convert(annotation: BindingAnnotation) -> BindingMode {
        match annotation {
            BindingAnnotation::Unannotated | BindingAnnotation::Mutable => BindingMode::Move,
            BindingAnnotation::Ref => BindingMode::Ref(Mutability::Not),
            BindingAnnotation::RefMut => BindingMode::Ref(Mutability::Mut),

impl Default for BindingMode {
    fn default() -> Self {

pub(crate) struct InferOk {
    goals: Vec<InEnvironment<Goal>>,
pub(crate) struct TypeError;
pub(crate) type InferResult = Result<InferOk, TypeError>;

/// A mismatch between an expected and an inferred type.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct TypeMismatch {
    pub expected: Ty,
    pub actual: Ty,

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
struct InternedStandardTypes {
    unknown: Ty,

impl Default for InternedStandardTypes {
    fn default() -> Self {
        InternedStandardTypes { unknown: TyKind::Error.intern(&Interner) }

/// The result of type inference: A mapping from expressions and patterns to types.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Default)]
pub struct InferenceResult {
    /// For each method call expr, records the function it resolves to.
    method_resolutions: FxHashMap<ExprId, (FunctionId, Substitution)>,
    /// For each field access expr, records the field it resolves to.
    field_resolutions: FxHashMap<ExprId, FieldId>,
    /// For each struct literal or pattern, records the variant it resolves to.
    variant_resolutions: FxHashMap<ExprOrPatId, VariantId>,
    /// For each associated item record what it resolves to
    assoc_resolutions: FxHashMap<ExprOrPatId, AssocItemId>,
    diagnostics: Vec<InferenceDiagnostic>,
    pub type_of_expr: ArenaMap<ExprId, Ty>,
    /// For each pattern record the type it resolves to.
    /// **Note**: When a pattern type is resolved it may still contain
    /// unresolved or missing subpatterns or subpatterns of mismatched types.
    pub type_of_pat: ArenaMap<PatId, Ty>,
    type_mismatches: FxHashMap<ExprOrPatId, TypeMismatch>,
    /// Interned Unknown to return references to.
    standard_types: InternedStandardTypes,

impl InferenceResult {
    pub fn method_resolution(&self, expr: ExprId) -> Option<(FunctionId, Substitution)> {
    pub fn field_resolution(&self, expr: ExprId) -> Option<FieldId> {
    pub fn variant_resolution_for_expr(&self, id: ExprId) -> Option<VariantId> {
    pub fn variant_resolution_for_pat(&self, id: PatId) -> Option<VariantId> {
    pub fn assoc_resolutions_for_expr(&self, id: ExprId) -> Option<AssocItemId> {
    pub fn assoc_resolutions_for_pat(&self, id: PatId) -> Option<AssocItemId> {
    pub fn type_mismatch_for_expr(&self, expr: ExprId) -> Option<&TypeMismatch> {
    pub fn type_mismatch_for_pat(&self, pat: PatId) -> Option<&TypeMismatch> {
    pub fn expr_type_mismatches(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (ExprId, &TypeMismatch)> {
        self.type_mismatches.iter().filter_map(|(expr_or_pat, mismatch)| match *expr_or_pat {
            ExprOrPatId::ExprId(expr) => Some((expr, mismatch)),
            _ => None,
    pub fn pat_type_mismatches(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (PatId, &TypeMismatch)> {
        self.type_mismatches.iter().filter_map(|(expr_or_pat, mismatch)| match *expr_or_pat {
            ExprOrPatId::PatId(pat) => Some((pat, mismatch)),
            _ => None,
    pub fn add_diagnostics(
        db: &dyn HirDatabase,
        owner: DefWithBodyId,
        sink: &mut DiagnosticSink,
    ) {
        self.diagnostics.iter().for_each(|it| it.add_to(db, owner, sink))

impl Index<ExprId> for InferenceResult {
    type Output = Ty;

    fn index(&self, expr: ExprId) -> &Ty {

impl Index<PatId> for InferenceResult {
    type Output = Ty;

    fn index(&self, pat: PatId) -> &Ty {

/// The inference context contains all information needed during type inference.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct InferenceContext<'a> {
    db: &'a dyn HirDatabase,
    owner: DefWithBodyId,
    body: Arc<Body>,
    resolver: Resolver,
    table: unify::InferenceTable<'a>,
    trait_env: Arc<TraitEnvironment>,
    result: InferenceResult,
    /// The return type of the function being inferred, or the closure if we're
    /// currently within one.
    /// We might consider using a nested inference context for checking
    /// closures, but currently this is the only field that will change there,
    /// so it doesn't make sense.
    return_ty: Ty,
    diverges: Diverges,
    breakables: Vec<BreakableContext>,

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct BreakableContext {
    may_break: bool,
    break_ty: Ty,
    label: Option<name::Name>,

fn find_breakable<'c>(
    ctxs: &'c mut [BreakableContext],
    label: Option<&name::Name>,
) -> Option<&'c mut BreakableContext> {
    match label {
        Some(_) => ctxs.iter_mut().rev().find(|ctx| ctx.label.as_ref() == label),
        None => ctxs.last_mut(),

impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> {
    fn new(db: &'a dyn HirDatabase, owner: DefWithBodyId, resolver: Resolver) -> Self {
        let krate = owner.module(db.upcast()).krate();
        let trait_env = owner
            .map_or_else(|| Arc::new(TraitEnvironment::empty(krate)), |d| db.trait_environment(d));
        InferenceContext {
            result: InferenceResult::default(),
            table: unify::InferenceTable::new(db, trait_env.clone()),
            return_ty: TyKind::Error.intern(&Interner), // set in collect_fn_signature
            body: db.body(owner),
            diverges: Diverges::Maybe,
            breakables: Vec::new(),

    fn err_ty(&self) -> Ty {

    fn resolve_all(mut self) -> InferenceResult {
        // FIXME resolve obligations as well (use Guidance if necessary)

        // make sure diverging type variables are marked as such
        let mut result = std::mem::take(&mut self.result);
        for ty in result.type_of_expr.values_mut() {
            *ty = self.table.resolve_completely(ty.clone());
        for ty in result.type_of_pat.values_mut() {
            *ty = self.table.resolve_completely(ty.clone());
        for mismatch in result.type_mismatches.values_mut() {
            mismatch.expected = self.table.resolve_completely(mismatch.expected.clone());
            mismatch.actual = self.table.resolve_completely(mismatch.actual.clone());
        for (_, subst) in result.method_resolutions.values_mut() {
            *subst = self.table.resolve_completely(subst.clone());

    fn write_expr_ty(&mut self, expr: ExprId, ty: Ty) {
        self.result.type_of_expr.insert(expr, ty);

    fn write_method_resolution(&mut self, expr: ExprId, func: FunctionId, subst: Substitution) {
        self.result.method_resolutions.insert(expr, (func, subst));

    fn write_field_resolution(&mut self, expr: ExprId, field: FieldId) {
        self.result.field_resolutions.insert(expr, field);

    fn write_variant_resolution(&mut self, id: ExprOrPatId, variant: VariantId) {
        self.result.variant_resolutions.insert(id, variant);

    fn write_assoc_resolution(&mut self, id: ExprOrPatId, item: AssocItemId) {
        self.result.assoc_resolutions.insert(id, item);

    fn write_pat_ty(&mut self, pat: PatId, ty: Ty) {
        self.result.type_of_pat.insert(pat, ty);

    fn push_diagnostic(&mut self, diagnostic: InferenceDiagnostic) {

    fn make_ty_with_mode(
        &mut self,
        type_ref: &TypeRef,
        impl_trait_mode: ImplTraitLoweringMode,
    ) -> Ty {
        // FIXME use right resolver for block
        let ctx = crate::lower::TyLoweringContext::new(self.db, &self.resolver)
        let ty = ctx.lower_ty(type_ref);
        let ty = self.insert_type_vars(ty);

    fn make_ty(&mut self, type_ref: &TypeRef) -> Ty {
        self.make_ty_with_mode(type_ref, ImplTraitLoweringMode::Disallowed)

    /// Replaces Ty::Unknown by a new type var, so we can maybe still infer it.
    fn insert_type_vars_shallow(&mut self, ty: Ty) -> Ty {
        match ty.kind(&Interner) {
            TyKind::Error => self.table.new_type_var(),
            TyKind::InferenceVar(..) => {
                let ty_resolved = self.resolve_ty_shallow(&ty);
                if ty_resolved.is_unknown() {
                } else {
            _ => ty,

    fn insert_type_vars(&mut self, ty: Ty) -> Ty {
        fold_tys(ty, |ty, _| self.insert_type_vars_shallow(ty), DebruijnIndex::INNERMOST)

    fn resolve_obligations_as_possible(&mut self) {

    fn push_obligation(&mut self, o: DomainGoal) {

    fn unify(&mut self, ty1: &Ty, ty2: &Ty) -> bool {
        self.table.unify(ty1, ty2)

    fn resolve_ty_shallow(&mut self, ty: &Ty) -> Ty {

    fn resolve_associated_type(&mut self, inner_ty: Ty, assoc_ty: Option<TypeAliasId>) -> Ty {
        self.resolve_associated_type_with_params(inner_ty, assoc_ty, &[])

    fn resolve_associated_type_with_params(
        &mut self,
        inner_ty: Ty,
        assoc_ty: Option<TypeAliasId>,
        params: &[Ty],
    ) -> Ty {
        match assoc_ty {
            Some(res_assoc_ty) => {
                let trait_ = match res_assoc_ty.lookup(self.db.upcast()).container {
                    hir_def::AssocContainerId::TraitId(trait_) => trait_,
                    _ => panic!("resolve_associated_type called with non-associated type"),
                let ty = self.table.new_type_var();
                let trait_ref = TyBuilder::trait_ref(self.db, trait_)
                let alias_eq = AliasEq {
                    alias: AliasTy::Projection(ProjectionTy {
                        associated_ty_id: to_assoc_type_id(res_assoc_ty),
                        substitution: trait_ref.substitution.clone(),
                    ty: ty.clone(),
            None => self.err_ty(),

    /// Recurses through the given type, normalizing associated types mentioned
    /// in it by replacing them by type variables and registering obligations to
    /// resolve later. This should be done once for every type we get from some
    /// type annotation (e.g. from a let type annotation, field type or function
    /// call). `make_ty` handles this already, but e.g. for field types we need
    /// to do it as well.
    fn normalize_associated_types_in(&mut self, ty: Ty) -> Ty {

    fn resolve_variant(&mut self, path: Option<&Path>) -> (Ty, Option<VariantId>) {
        let path = match path {
            Some(path) => path,
            None => return (self.err_ty(), None),
        let resolver = &self.resolver;
        let ctx = crate::lower::TyLoweringContext::new(self.db, &self.resolver);
        // FIXME: this should resolve assoc items as well, see this example:
        // https://play.rust-lang.org/?gist=087992e9e22495446c01c0d4e2d69521
        let (resolution, unresolved) =
            match resolver.resolve_path_in_type_ns(self.db.upcast(), path.mod_path()) {
                Some(it) => it,
                None => return (self.err_ty(), None),
        return match resolution {
            TypeNs::AdtId(AdtId::StructId(strukt)) => {
                let substs = ctx.substs_from_path(path, strukt.into(), true);
                let ty = self.db.ty(strukt.into());
                let ty = self.insert_type_vars(ty.substitute(&Interner, &substs));
                forbid_unresolved_segments((ty, Some(strukt.into())), unresolved)
            TypeNs::AdtId(AdtId::UnionId(u)) => {
                let substs = ctx.substs_from_path(path, u.into(), true);
                let ty = self.db.ty(u.into());
                let ty = self.insert_type_vars(ty.substitute(&Interner, &substs));
                forbid_unresolved_segments((ty, Some(u.into())), unresolved)
            TypeNs::EnumVariantId(var) => {
                let substs = ctx.substs_from_path(path, var.into(), true);
                let ty = self.db.ty(var.parent.into());
                let ty = self.insert_type_vars(ty.substitute(&Interner, &substs));
                forbid_unresolved_segments((ty, Some(var.into())), unresolved)
            TypeNs::SelfType(impl_id) => {
                let generics = crate::utils::generics(self.db.upcast(), impl_id.into());
                let substs = generics.type_params_subst(self.db);
                let ty = self.db.impl_self_ty(impl_id).substitute(&Interner, &substs);
                self.resolve_variant_on_alias(ty, unresolved, path)
            TypeNs::TypeAliasId(it) => {
                let ty = TyBuilder::def_ty(self.db, it.into())
                    .fill(std::iter::repeat_with(|| self.table.new_type_var()))
                self.resolve_variant_on_alias(ty, unresolved, path)
            TypeNs::AdtSelfType(_) => {
                // FIXME this could happen in array size expressions, once we're checking them
                (self.err_ty(), None)
            TypeNs::GenericParam(_) => {
                // FIXME potentially resolve assoc type
                (self.err_ty(), None)
            TypeNs::AdtId(AdtId::EnumId(_)) | TypeNs::BuiltinType(_) | TypeNs::TraitId(_) => {
                // FIXME diagnostic
                (self.err_ty(), None)

        fn forbid_unresolved_segments(
            result: (Ty, Option<VariantId>),
            unresolved: Option<usize>,
        ) -> (Ty, Option<VariantId>) {
            if unresolved.is_none() {
            } else {
                // FIXME diagnostic
                (TyKind::Error.intern(&Interner), None)

    fn resolve_variant_on_alias(
        &mut self,
        ty: Ty,
        unresolved: Option<usize>,
        path: &Path,
    ) -> (Ty, Option<VariantId>) {
        match unresolved {
            None => {
                let variant = ty.as_adt().and_then(|(adt_id, _)| match adt_id {
                    AdtId::StructId(s) => Some(VariantId::StructId(s)),
                    AdtId::UnionId(u) => Some(VariantId::UnionId(u)),
                    AdtId::EnumId(_) => {
                        // FIXME Error E0071, expected struct, variant or union type, found enum `Foo`
                (ty, variant)
            Some(1) => {
                let segment = path.mod_path().segments().last().unwrap();
                // this could be an enum variant or associated type
                if let Some((AdtId::EnumId(enum_id), _)) = ty.as_adt() {
                    let enum_data = self.db.enum_data(enum_id);
                    if let Some(local_id) = enum_data.variant(segment) {
                        let variant = EnumVariantId { parent: enum_id, local_id };
                        return (ty, Some(variant.into()));
                // FIXME potentially resolve assoc type
                (self.err_ty(), None)
            Some(_) => {
                // FIXME diagnostic
                (self.err_ty(), None)

    fn collect_const(&mut self, data: &ConstData) {
        self.return_ty = self.make_ty(&data.type_ref);

    fn collect_static(&mut self, data: &StaticData) {
        self.return_ty = self.make_ty(&data.type_ref);

    fn collect_fn(&mut self, data: &FunctionData) {
        let body = Arc::clone(&self.body); // avoid borrow checker problem
        let ctx = crate::lower::TyLoweringContext::new(self.db, &self.resolver)
        let param_tys =
            data.params.iter().map(|type_ref| ctx.lower_ty(type_ref)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
        for (ty, pat) in param_tys.into_iter().zip(body.params.iter()) {
            let ty = self.insert_type_vars(ty);
            let ty = self.normalize_associated_types_in(ty);

            self.infer_pat(*pat, &ty, BindingMode::default());
        let return_ty = self.make_ty_with_mode(&data.ret_type, ImplTraitLoweringMode::Disallowed); // FIXME implement RPIT
        self.return_ty = return_ty;

    fn infer_body(&mut self) {
        self.infer_expr_coerce(self.body.body_expr, &Expectation::has_type(self.return_ty.clone()));

    fn resolve_lang_item(&self, name: &str) -> Option<LangItemTarget> {
        let krate = self.resolver.krate()?;
        let name = SmolStr::new_inline(name);
        self.db.lang_item(krate, name)

    fn resolve_into_iter_item(&self) -> Option<TypeAliasId> {
        let path = path![core::iter::IntoIterator];
        let trait_ = self.resolver.resolve_known_trait(self.db.upcast(), &path)?;

    fn resolve_ops_try_ok(&self) -> Option<TypeAliasId> {
        // FIXME resolve via lang_item once try v2 is stable
        let path = path![core::ops::Try];
        let trait_ = self.resolver.resolve_known_trait(self.db.upcast(), &path)?;
        let trait_data = self.db.trait_data(trait_);
            // FIXME remove once try v2 is stable
            .or_else(|| trait_data.associated_type_by_name(&name![Output]))

    fn resolve_ops_neg_output(&self) -> Option<TypeAliasId> {
        let trait_ = self.resolve_lang_item("neg")?.as_trait()?;

    fn resolve_ops_not_output(&self) -> Option<TypeAliasId> {
        let trait_ = self.resolve_lang_item("not")?.as_trait()?;

    fn resolve_future_future_output(&self) -> Option<TypeAliasId> {
        let trait_ = self.resolve_lang_item("future_trait")?.as_trait()?;

    fn resolve_binary_op_output(&self, bop: &BinaryOp) -> Option<TypeAliasId> {
        let lang_item = match bop {
            BinaryOp::ArithOp(aop) => match aop {
                ArithOp::Add => "add",
                ArithOp::Sub => "sub",
                ArithOp::Mul => "mul",
                ArithOp::Div => "div",
                ArithOp::Shl => "shl",
                ArithOp::Shr => "shr",
                ArithOp::Rem => "rem",
                ArithOp::BitXor => "bitxor",
                ArithOp::BitOr => "bitor",
                ArithOp::BitAnd => "bitand",
            _ => return None,

        let trait_ = self.resolve_lang_item(lang_item)?.as_trait();


    fn resolve_boxed_box(&self) -> Option<AdtId> {
        let struct_ = self.resolve_lang_item("owned_box")?.as_struct()?;

    fn resolve_range_full(&self) -> Option<AdtId> {
        let path = path![core::ops::RangeFull];
        let struct_ = self.resolver.resolve_known_struct(self.db.upcast(), &path)?;

    fn resolve_range(&self) -> Option<AdtId> {
        let path = path![core::ops::Range];
        let struct_ = self.resolver.resolve_known_struct(self.db.upcast(), &path)?;

    fn resolve_range_inclusive(&self) -> Option<AdtId> {
        let path = path![core::ops::RangeInclusive];
        let struct_ = self.resolver.resolve_known_struct(self.db.upcast(), &path)?;

    fn resolve_range_from(&self) -> Option<AdtId> {
        let path = path![core::ops::RangeFrom];
        let struct_ = self.resolver.resolve_known_struct(self.db.upcast(), &path)?;

    fn resolve_range_to(&self) -> Option<AdtId> {
        let path = path![core::ops::RangeTo];
        let struct_ = self.resolver.resolve_known_struct(self.db.upcast(), &path)?;

    fn resolve_range_to_inclusive(&self) -> Option<AdtId> {
        let path = path![core::ops::RangeToInclusive];
        let struct_ = self.resolver.resolve_known_struct(self.db.upcast(), &path)?;

    fn resolve_ops_index(&self) -> Option<TraitId> {

    fn resolve_ops_index_output(&self) -> Option<TypeAliasId> {
        let trait_ = self.resolve_ops_index()?;

/// When inferring an expression, we propagate downward whatever type hint we
/// are able in the form of an `Expectation`.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
enum Expectation {
    // Castable(Ty), // rustc has this, we currently just don't propagate an expectation for casts

impl Expectation {
    /// The expectation that the type of the expression needs to equal the given
    /// type.
    fn has_type(ty: Ty) -> Self {
        if ty.is_unknown() {
            // FIXME: get rid of this?
        } else {

    /// The following explanation is copied straight from rustc:
    /// Provides an expectation for an rvalue expression given an *optional*
    /// hint, which is not required for type safety (the resulting type might
    /// be checked higher up, as is the case with `&expr` and `box expr`), but
    /// is useful in determining the concrete type.
    /// The primary use case is where the expected type is a fat pointer,
    /// like `&[isize]`. For example, consider the following statement:
    ///    let x: &[isize] = &[1, 2, 3];
    /// In this case, the expected type for the `&[1, 2, 3]` expression is
    /// `&[isize]`. If however we were to say that `[1, 2, 3]` has the
    /// expectation `ExpectHasType([isize])`, that would be too strong --
    /// `[1, 2, 3]` does not have the type `[isize]` but rather `[isize; 3]`.
    /// It is only the `&[1, 2, 3]` expression as a whole that can be coerced
    /// to the type `&[isize]`. Therefore, we propagate this more limited hint,
    /// which still is useful, because it informs integer literals and the like.
    /// See the test case `test/ui/coerce-expect-unsized.rs` and #20169
    /// for examples of where this comes up,.
    fn rvalue_hint(ty: Ty) -> Self {
        match ty.strip_references().kind(&Interner) {
            TyKind::Slice(_) | TyKind::Str | TyKind::Dyn(_) => Expectation::RValueLikeUnsized(ty),
            _ => Expectation::has_type(ty),

    /// This expresses no expectation on the type.
    fn none() -> Self {

    fn resolve(&self, table: &mut unify::InferenceTable) -> Expectation {
        match self {
            Expectation::None => Expectation::None,
            Expectation::HasType(t) => Expectation::HasType(table.resolve_ty_shallow(t)),
            Expectation::RValueLikeUnsized(t) => {

    fn to_option(&self, table: &mut unify::InferenceTable) -> Option<Ty> {
        match self.resolve(table) {
            Expectation::None => None,
            Expectation::HasType(t) |
            // Expectation::Castable(t) |
            Expectation::RValueLikeUnsized(t) => Some(t),

    fn only_has_type(&self, table: &mut unify::InferenceTable) -> Option<Ty> {
        match self {
            Expectation::HasType(t) => Some(table.resolve_ty_shallow(t)),
            // Expectation::Castable(_) |
            Expectation::RValueLikeUnsized(_) | Expectation::None => None,

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
enum Diverges {

impl Diverges {
    fn is_always(self) -> bool {
        self == Diverges::Always

impl std::ops::BitAnd for Diverges {
    type Output = Self;
    fn bitand(self, other: Self) -> Self {
        std::cmp::min(self, other)

impl std::ops::BitOr for Diverges {
    type Output = Self;
    fn bitor(self, other: Self) -> Self {
        std::cmp::max(self, other)

impl std::ops::BitAndAssign for Diverges {
    fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
        *self = *self & other;

impl std::ops::BitOrAssign for Diverges {
    fn bitor_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
        *self = *self | other;

mod diagnostics {
    use hir_def::{expr::ExprId, DefWithBodyId};

    use crate::{
        diagnostics::{BreakOutsideOfLoop, NoSuchField},

    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
    pub(super) enum InferenceDiagnostic {
        NoSuchField { expr: ExprId },
        BreakOutsideOfLoop { expr: ExprId },

    impl InferenceDiagnostic {
        pub(super) fn add_to(
            db: &dyn HirDatabase,
            owner: DefWithBodyId,
            sink: &mut DiagnosticSink,
        ) {
            match self {
                InferenceDiagnostic::NoSuchField { expr } => {
                    let (_, source_map) = db.body_with_source_map(owner);
                    let field = source_map.field_syntax(*expr);
                    sink.push(NoSuchField { file: field.file_id, field: field.value })
                InferenceDiagnostic::BreakOutsideOfLoop { expr } => {
                    let (_, source_map) = db.body_with_source_map(owner);
                    let ptr = source_map
                        .expect("break outside of loop in synthetic syntax");
                    sink.push(BreakOutsideOfLoop { file: ptr.file_id, expr: ptr.value })