//! Unification and canonicalization logic.

use std::borrow::Cow;

use chalk_ir::{FloatTy, IntTy, TyVariableKind};
use ena::unify::{InPlaceUnificationTable, NoError, UnifyKey, UnifyValue};

use super::{InferenceContext, Obligation};
use crate::{
    BoundVar, Canonical, DebruijnIndex, GenericPredicate, InEnvironment, InferenceVar, Scalar,
    Substs, Ty, TypeWalk,

impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> {
    pub(super) fn canonicalizer<'b>(&'b mut self) -> Canonicalizer<'a, 'b>
        'a: 'b,
        Canonicalizer { ctx: self, free_vars: Vec::new(), var_stack: Vec::new() }

pub(super) struct Canonicalizer<'a, 'b>
    'a: 'b,
    ctx: &'b mut InferenceContext<'a>,
    free_vars: Vec<(InferenceVar, TyVariableKind)>,
    /// A stack of type variables that is used to detect recursive types (which
    /// are an error, but we need to protect against them to avoid stack
    /// overflows).
    var_stack: Vec<TypeVarId>,

pub(super) struct Canonicalized<T> {
    pub(super) value: Canonical<T>,
    free_vars: Vec<(InferenceVar, TyVariableKind)>,

impl<'a, 'b> Canonicalizer<'a, 'b> {
    fn add(&mut self, free_var: InferenceVar, kind: TyVariableKind) -> usize {
        self.free_vars.iter().position(|&(v, _)| v == free_var).unwrap_or_else(|| {
            let next_index = self.free_vars.len();
            self.free_vars.push((free_var, kind));

    fn do_canonicalize<T: TypeWalk>(&mut self, t: T, binders: DebruijnIndex) -> T {
            &mut |ty, binders| match ty {
                Ty::InferenceVar(var, kind) => {
                    let inner = var.to_inner();
                    if self.var_stack.contains(&inner) {
                        // recursive type
                        return self.ctx.table.type_variable_table.fallback_value(var, kind);
                    if let Some(known_ty) =
                        let result = self.do_canonicalize(known_ty.clone(), binders);
                    } else {
                        let root = self.ctx.table.var_unification_table.find(inner);
                        let position = self.add(InferenceVar::from_inner(root), kind);
                        Ty::BoundVar(BoundVar::new(binders, position))
                _ => ty,

    fn into_canonicalized<T>(self, result: T) -> Canonicalized<T> {
        let kinds = self.free_vars.iter().map(|&(_, k)| k).collect();
        Canonicalized { value: Canonical { value: result, kinds }, free_vars: self.free_vars }

    pub(crate) fn canonicalize_ty(mut self, ty: Ty) -> Canonicalized<Ty> {
        let result = self.do_canonicalize(ty, DebruijnIndex::INNERMOST);

    pub(crate) fn canonicalize_obligation(
        mut self,
        obligation: InEnvironment<Obligation>,
    ) -> Canonicalized<InEnvironment<Obligation>> {
        let result = match obligation.value {
            Obligation::Trait(tr) => {
                Obligation::Trait(self.do_canonicalize(tr, DebruijnIndex::INNERMOST))
            Obligation::Projection(pr) => {
                Obligation::Projection(self.do_canonicalize(pr, DebruijnIndex::INNERMOST))
        self.into_canonicalized(InEnvironment {
            value: result,
            environment: obligation.environment,

impl<T> Canonicalized<T> {
    pub(super) fn decanonicalize_ty(&self, mut ty: Ty) -> Ty {
            &mut |ty, binders| {
                if let &mut Ty::BoundVar(bound) = ty {
                    if bound.debruijn >= binders {
                        let (v, k) = self.free_vars[bound.index];
                        *ty = Ty::InferenceVar(v, k);

    pub(super) fn apply_solution(
        ctx: &mut InferenceContext<'_>,
        solution: Canonical<Substs>,
    ) {
        // the solution may contain new variables, which we need to convert to new inference vars
        let new_vars = Substs(
                .map(|k| match k {
                    TyVariableKind::General => ctx.table.new_type_var(),
                    TyVariableKind::Integer => ctx.table.new_integer_var(),
                    TyVariableKind::Float => ctx.table.new_float_var(),
        for (i, ty) in solution.value.into_iter().enumerate() {
            let (v, k) = self.free_vars[i];
            // eagerly replace projections in the type; we may be getting types
            // e.g. from where clauses where this hasn't happened yet
            let ty = ctx.normalize_associated_types_in(ty.clone().subst_bound_vars(&new_vars));
            ctx.table.unify(&Ty::InferenceVar(v, k), &ty);

pub(crate) fn unify(tys: &Canonical<(Ty, Ty)>) -> Option<Substs> {
    let mut table = InferenceTable::new();
    let vars = Substs(
            // we always use type vars here because we want everything to
            // fallback to Unknown in the end (kind of hacky, as below)
            .map(|_| table.new_type_var())
    let ty1_with_vars = tys.value.0.clone().subst_bound_vars(&vars);
    let ty2_with_vars = tys.value.1.clone().subst_bound_vars(&vars);
    if !table.unify(&ty1_with_vars, &ty2_with_vars) {
        return None;
    // default any type vars that weren't unified back to their original bound vars
    // (kind of hacky)
    for (i, var) in vars.iter().enumerate() {
        if &*table.resolve_ty_shallow(var) == var {
            table.unify(var, &Ty::BoundVar(BoundVar::new(DebruijnIndex::INNERMOST, i)));
            .fill(vars.iter().map(|v| table.resolve_ty_completely(v.clone())))

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(super) struct TypeVariableTable {
    inner: Vec<TypeVariableData>,

impl TypeVariableTable {
    fn push(&mut self, data: TypeVariableData) {

    pub(super) fn set_diverging(&mut self, iv: InferenceVar, diverging: bool) {
        self.inner[iv.to_inner().0 as usize].diverging = diverging;

    fn is_diverging(&mut self, iv: InferenceVar) -> bool {
        self.inner[iv.to_inner().0 as usize].diverging

    fn fallback_value(&self, iv: InferenceVar, kind: TyVariableKind) -> Ty {
        match kind {
            _ if self.inner[iv.to_inner().0 as usize].diverging => Ty::Never,
            TyVariableKind::General => Ty::Unknown,
            TyVariableKind::Integer => Ty::Scalar(Scalar::Int(IntTy::I32)),
            TyVariableKind::Float => Ty::Scalar(Scalar::Float(FloatTy::F64)),

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct TypeVariableData {
    diverging: bool,

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct InferenceTable {
    pub(super) var_unification_table: InPlaceUnificationTable<TypeVarId>,
    pub(super) type_variable_table: TypeVariableTable,

impl InferenceTable {
    pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
        InferenceTable {
            var_unification_table: InPlaceUnificationTable::new(),
            type_variable_table: TypeVariableTable { inner: Vec::new() },

    fn new_var(&mut self, kind: TyVariableKind, diverging: bool) -> Ty {
        self.type_variable_table.push(TypeVariableData { diverging });
        let key = self.var_unification_table.new_key(TypeVarValue::Unknown);
        assert_eq!(key.0 as usize, self.type_variable_table.inner.len() - 1);
        Ty::InferenceVar(InferenceVar::from_inner(key), kind)

    pub(crate) fn new_type_var(&mut self) -> Ty {
        self.new_var(TyVariableKind::General, false)

    pub(crate) fn new_integer_var(&mut self) -> Ty {
        self.new_var(TyVariableKind::Integer, false)

    pub(crate) fn new_float_var(&mut self) -> Ty {
        self.new_var(TyVariableKind::Float, false)

    pub(crate) fn new_maybe_never_var(&mut self) -> Ty {
        self.new_var(TyVariableKind::General, true)

    pub(crate) fn resolve_ty_completely(&mut self, ty: Ty) -> Ty {
        self.resolve_ty_completely_inner(&mut Vec::new(), ty)

    pub(crate) fn resolve_ty_as_possible(&mut self, ty: Ty) -> Ty {
        self.resolve_ty_as_possible_inner(&mut Vec::new(), ty)

    pub(crate) fn unify(&mut self, ty1: &Ty, ty2: &Ty) -> bool {
        self.unify_inner(ty1, ty2, 0)

    pub(crate) fn unify_substs(
        &mut self,
        substs1: &Substs,
        substs2: &Substs,
        depth: usize,
    ) -> bool {
        substs1.0.iter().zip(substs2.0.iter()).all(|(t1, t2)| self.unify_inner(t1, t2, depth))

    fn unify_inner(&mut self, ty1: &Ty, ty2: &Ty, depth: usize) -> bool {
        if depth > 1000 {
            // prevent stackoverflows
            panic!("infinite recursion in unification");
        if ty1 == ty2 {
            return true;
        // try to resolve type vars first
        let ty1 = self.resolve_ty_shallow(ty1);
        let ty2 = self.resolve_ty_shallow(ty2);
        if ty1.equals_ctor(&ty2) {
            match (ty1.substs(), ty2.substs()) {
                (Some(st1), Some(st2)) => self.unify_substs(st1, st2, depth + 1),
                (None, None) => true,
                _ => false,
        } else {
            self.unify_inner_trivial(&ty1, &ty2, depth)

    pub(super) fn unify_inner_trivial(&mut self, ty1: &Ty, ty2: &Ty, depth: usize) -> bool {
        match (ty1, ty2) {
            (Ty::Unknown, _) | (_, Ty::Unknown) => true,

            (Ty::Placeholder(p1), Ty::Placeholder(p2)) if *p1 == *p2 => true,

            (Ty::Dyn(dyn1), Ty::Dyn(dyn2)) if dyn1.len() == dyn2.len() => {
                for (pred1, pred2) in dyn1.iter().zip(dyn2.iter()) {
                    if !self.unify_preds(pred1, pred2, depth + 1) {
                        return false;

                Ty::InferenceVar(tv1, TyVariableKind::General),
                Ty::InferenceVar(tv2, TyVariableKind::General),
            | (
                Ty::InferenceVar(tv1, TyVariableKind::Integer),
                Ty::InferenceVar(tv2, TyVariableKind::Integer),
            | (
                Ty::InferenceVar(tv1, TyVariableKind::Float),
                Ty::InferenceVar(tv2, TyVariableKind::Float),
            ) if self.type_variable_table.is_diverging(*tv1)
                == self.type_variable_table.is_diverging(*tv2) =>
                // both type vars are unknown since we tried to resolve them
                self.var_unification_table.union(tv1.to_inner(), tv2.to_inner());

            // The order of MaybeNeverTypeVar matters here.
            // Unifying MaybeNeverTypeVar and TypeVar will let the latter become MaybeNeverTypeVar.
            // Unifying MaybeNeverTypeVar and other concrete type will let the former become it.
            (Ty::InferenceVar(tv, TyVariableKind::General), other)
            | (other, Ty::InferenceVar(tv, TyVariableKind::General))
            | (Ty::InferenceVar(tv, TyVariableKind::Integer), other @ Ty::Scalar(Scalar::Int(_)))
            | (other @ Ty::Scalar(Scalar::Int(_)), Ty::InferenceVar(tv, TyVariableKind::Integer))
            | (
                Ty::InferenceVar(tv, TyVariableKind::Integer),
                other @ Ty::Scalar(Scalar::Uint(_)),
            | (
                other @ Ty::Scalar(Scalar::Uint(_)),
                Ty::InferenceVar(tv, TyVariableKind::Integer),
            | (Ty::InferenceVar(tv, TyVariableKind::Float), other @ Ty::Scalar(Scalar::Float(_)))
            | (other @ Ty::Scalar(Scalar::Float(_)), Ty::InferenceVar(tv, TyVariableKind::Float)) =>
                // the type var is unknown since we tried to resolve it
                    .union_value(tv.to_inner(), TypeVarValue::Known(other.clone()));

            _ => false,

    fn unify_preds(
        &mut self,
        pred1: &GenericPredicate,
        pred2: &GenericPredicate,
        depth: usize,
    ) -> bool {
        match (pred1, pred2) {
            (GenericPredicate::Implemented(tr1), GenericPredicate::Implemented(tr2))
                if tr1.trait_ == tr2.trait_ =>
                self.unify_substs(&tr1.substs, &tr2.substs, depth + 1)
            (GenericPredicate::Projection(proj1), GenericPredicate::Projection(proj2))
                if proj1.projection_ty.associated_ty == proj2.projection_ty.associated_ty =>
                    depth + 1,
                ) && self.unify_inner(&proj1.ty, &proj2.ty, depth + 1)
            _ => false,

    /// If `ty` is a type variable with known type, returns that type;
    /// otherwise, return ty.
    pub(crate) fn resolve_ty_shallow<'b>(&mut self, ty: &'b Ty) -> Cow<'b, Ty> {
        let mut ty = Cow::Borrowed(ty);
        // The type variable could resolve to a int/float variable. Hence try
        // resolving up to three times; each type of variable shouldn't occur
        // more than once
        for i in 0..3 {
            if i > 0 {
            match &*ty {
                Ty::InferenceVar(tv, _) => {
                    let inner = tv.to_inner();
                    match self.var_unification_table.inlined_probe_value(inner).known() {
                        Some(known_ty) => {
                            // The known_ty can't be a type var itself
                            ty = Cow::Owned(known_ty.clone());
                        _ => return ty,
                _ => return ty,
        log::error!("Inference variable still not resolved: {:?}", ty);

    /// Resolves the type as far as currently possible, replacing type variables
    /// by their known types. All types returned by the infer_* functions should
    /// be resolved as far as possible, i.e. contain no type variables with
    /// known type.
    fn resolve_ty_as_possible_inner(&mut self, tv_stack: &mut Vec<TypeVarId>, ty: Ty) -> Ty {
        ty.fold(&mut |ty| match ty {
            Ty::InferenceVar(tv, kind) => {
                let inner = tv.to_inner();
                if tv_stack.contains(&inner) {
                    // recursive type
                    return self.type_variable_table.fallback_value(tv, kind);
                if let Some(known_ty) =
                    // known_ty may contain other variables that are known by now
                    let result = self.resolve_ty_as_possible_inner(tv_stack, known_ty.clone());
                } else {
            _ => ty,

    /// Resolves the type completely; type variables without known type are
    /// replaced by Ty::Unknown.
    fn resolve_ty_completely_inner(&mut self, tv_stack: &mut Vec<TypeVarId>, ty: Ty) -> Ty {
        ty.fold(&mut |ty| match ty {
            Ty::InferenceVar(tv, kind) => {
                let inner = tv.to_inner();
                if tv_stack.contains(&inner) {
                    // recursive type
                    return self.type_variable_table.fallback_value(tv, kind);
                if let Some(known_ty) =
                    // known_ty may contain other variables that are known by now
                    let result = self.resolve_ty_completely_inner(tv_stack, known_ty.clone());
                } else {
                    self.type_variable_table.fallback_value(tv, kind)
            _ => ty,

/// The ID of a type variable.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub(super) struct TypeVarId(pub(super) u32);

impl UnifyKey for TypeVarId {
    type Value = TypeVarValue;

    fn index(&self) -> u32 {

    fn from_index(i: u32) -> Self {

    fn tag() -> &'static str {

/// The value of a type variable: either we already know the type, or we don't
/// know it yet.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub(super) enum TypeVarValue {

impl TypeVarValue {
    fn known(&self) -> Option<&Ty> {
        match self {
            TypeVarValue::Known(ty) => Some(ty),
            TypeVarValue::Unknown => None,

impl UnifyValue for TypeVarValue {
    type Error = NoError;

    fn unify_values(value1: &Self, value2: &Self) -> Result<Self, NoError> {
        match (value1, value2) {
            // We should never equate two type variables, both of which have
            // known types. Instead, we recursively equate those types.
            (TypeVarValue::Known(t1), TypeVarValue::Known(t2)) => panic!(
                "equating two type variables, both of which have known types: {:?} and {:?}",
                t1, t2

            // If one side is known, prefer that one.
            (TypeVarValue::Known(..), TypeVarValue::Unknown) => Ok(value1.clone()),
            (TypeVarValue::Unknown, TypeVarValue::Known(..)) => Ok(value2.clone()),

            (TypeVarValue::Unknown, TypeVarValue::Unknown) => Ok(TypeVarValue::Unknown),