use expect_test::expect; use super::{check_infer, check_types}; #[test] fn infer_box() { check_types( r#" //- / crate:main deps:std fn test() { let x = box 1; let t = (x, box x, box &1, box [1]); t; } //^ (Box, Box>, Box<&i32>, Box<[i32; 1]>) //- / crate:std #[prelude_import] use prelude::*; mod prelude {} mod boxed { #[lang = "owned_box"] pub struct Box { inner: *mut T, } } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_box_with_allocator() { check_types( r#" //- / crate:main deps:std fn test() { let x = box 1; let t = (x, box x, box &1, box [1]); t; } //^ (Box, Box, {unknown}>, Box<&i32, {unknown}>, Box<[i32; 1], {unknown}>) //- / crate:std #[prelude_import] use prelude::*; mod boxed { #[lang = "owned_box"] pub struct Box { inner: *mut T, allocator: A, } } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_adt_self() { check_types( r#" enum Nat { Succ(Self), Demo(Nat), Zero } fn test() { let foo: Nat = Nat::Zero; if let Nat::Succ(x) = foo { x } //^ Nat } "#, ); } #[test] fn self_in_struct_lit() { check_infer( r#" //- / struct S { x: T } impl S { fn foo() { Self { x: 1 }; } } "#, expect![[r#" 49..79 '{ ... }': () 59..72 'Self { x: 1 }': S 69..70 '1': u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn type_alias_in_struct_lit() { check_infer( r#" //- / struct S { x: T } type SS = S; fn foo() { SS { x: 1 }; } "#, expect![[r#" 50..70 '{ ...1 }; }': () 56..67 'SS { x: 1 }': S 64..65 '1': u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_ranges() { check_types( r#" //- / crate:main deps:core fn test() { let a = ..; let b = 1..; let c = ..2u32; let d = 1..2usize; let e = ..=10; let f = 'a'..='z'; let t = (a, b, c, d, e, f); t; } //^ (RangeFull, RangeFrom, RangeTo, Range, RangeToInclusive, RangeInclusive) //- / crate:core #[prelude_import] use prelude::*; mod prelude {} pub mod ops { pub struct Range { pub start: Idx, pub end: Idx, } pub struct RangeFrom { pub start: Idx, } struct RangeFull; pub struct RangeInclusive { start: Idx, end: Idx, is_empty: u8, } pub struct RangeTo { pub end: Idx, } pub struct RangeToInclusive { pub end: Idx, } } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_while_let() { check_types( r#" enum Option { Some(T), None } fn test() { let foo: Option = None; while let Option::Some(x) = foo { x } //^ f32 } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_basics() { check_infer( r#" fn test(a: u32, b: isize, c: !, d: &str) { a; b; c; d; 1usize; 1isize; "test"; 1.0f32; } "#, expect![[r#" 8..9 'a': u32 16..17 'b': isize 26..27 'c': ! 32..33 'd': &str 41..120 '{ ...f32; }': () 47..48 'a': u32 54..55 'b': isize 61..62 'c': ! 68..69 'd': &str 75..81 '1usize': usize 87..93 '1isize': isize 99..105 '"test"': &str 111..117 '1.0f32': f32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_let() { check_infer( r#" fn test() { let a = 1isize; let b: usize = 1; let c = b; let d: u32; let e; let f: i32 = e; } "#, expect![[r#" 10..117 '{ ...= e; }': () 20..21 'a': isize 24..30 '1isize': isize 40..41 'b': usize 51..52 '1': usize 62..63 'c': usize 66..67 'b': usize 77..78 'd': u32 93..94 'e': i32 104..105 'f': i32 113..114 'e': i32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_paths() { check_infer( r#" fn a() -> u32 { 1 } mod b { fn c() -> u32 { 1 } } fn test() { a(); b::c(); } "#, expect![[r#" 14..19 '{ 1 }': u32 16..17 '1': u32 47..52 '{ 1 }': u32 49..50 '1': u32 66..90 '{ ...c(); }': () 72..73 'a': fn a() -> u32 72..75 'a()': u32 81..85 'b::c': fn c() -> u32 81..87 'b::c()': u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_path_type() { check_infer( r#" struct S; impl S { fn foo() -> i32 { 1 } } fn test() { S::foo(); ::foo(); } "#, expect![[r#" 40..45 '{ 1 }': i32 42..43 '1': i32 59..92 '{ ...o(); }': () 65..71 'S::foo': fn foo() -> i32 65..73 'S::foo()': i32 79..87 '::foo': fn foo() -> i32 79..89 '::foo()': i32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_struct() { check_infer( r#" struct A { b: B, c: C, } struct B; struct C(usize); fn test() { let c = C(1); B; let a: A = A { b: B, c: C(1) }; a.b; a.c; } "#, expect![[r#" 71..153 '{ ...a.c; }': () 81..82 'c': C 85..86 'C': C(usize) -> C 85..89 'C(1)': C 87..88 '1': usize 95..96 'B': B 106..107 'a': A 113..132 'A { b:...C(1) }': A 120..121 'B': B 126..127 'C': C(usize) -> C 126..130 'C(1)': C 128..129 '1': usize 138..139 'a': A 138..141 'a.b': B 147..148 'a': A 147..150 'a.c': C "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_enum() { check_infer( r#" enum E { V1 { field: u32 }, V2 } fn test() { E::V1 { field: 1 }; E::V2; } "#, expect![[r#" 51..89 '{ ...:V2; }': () 57..75 'E::V1 ...d: 1 }': E 72..73 '1': u32 81..86 'E::V2': E "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_union() { check_infer( r#" union MyUnion { foo: u32, bar: f32, } fn test() { let u = MyUnion { foo: 0 }; unsafe { baz(u); } let u = MyUnion { bar: 0.0 }; unsafe { baz(u); } } unsafe fn baz(u: MyUnion) { let inner =; let inner =; } "#, expect![[r#" 57..172 '{ ...); } }': () 67..68 'u': MyUnion 71..89 'MyUnio...o: 0 }': MyUnion 86..87 '0': u32 95..113 'unsafe...(u); }': () 102..113 '{ baz(u); }': () 104..107 'baz': fn baz(MyUnion) 104..110 'baz(u)': () 108..109 'u': MyUnion 122..123 'u': MyUnion 126..146 'MyUnio... 0.0 }': MyUnion 141..144 '0.0': f32 152..170 'unsafe...(u); }': () 159..170 '{ baz(u); }': () 161..164 'baz': fn baz(MyUnion) 161..167 'baz(u)': () 165..166 'u': MyUnion 188..189 'u': MyUnion 200..249 '{; }': () 210..215 'inner': u32 218..219 'u': MyUnion 218..223 '': u32 233..238 'inner': f32 241..242 'u': MyUnion 241..246 '': f32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_refs() { check_infer( r#" fn test(a: &u32, b: &mut u32, c: *const u32, d: *mut u32) { a; *a; &a; &mut a; b; *b; &b; c; *c; d; *d; } "#, expect![[r#" 8..9 'a': &u32 17..18 'b': &mut u32 30..31 'c': *const u32 45..46 'd': *mut u32 58..149 '{ ... *d; }': () 64..65 'a': &u32 71..73 '*a': u32 72..73 'a': &u32 79..81 '&a': &&u32 80..81 'a': &u32 87..93 '&mut a': &mut &u32 92..93 'a': &u32 99..100 'b': &mut u32 106..108 '*b': u32 107..108 'b': &mut u32 114..116 '&b': &&mut u32 115..116 'b': &mut u32 122..123 'c': *const u32 129..131 '*c': u32 130..131 'c': *const u32 137..138 'd': *mut u32 144..146 '*d': u32 145..146 'd': *mut u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_raw_ref() { check_infer( r#" fn test(a: i32) { &raw mut a; &raw const a; } "#, expect![[r#" 8..9 'a': i32 16..53 '{ ...t a; }': () 22..32 '&raw mut a': *mut i32 31..32 'a': i32 38..50 '&raw const a': *const i32 49..50 'a': i32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_literals() { check_infer( r##" fn test() { 5i32; 5f32; 5f64; "hello"; b"bytes"; 'c'; b'b'; 3.14; 5000; false; true; r#" //! doc // non-doc mod foo {} "#; br#"yolo"#; let a = b"a\x20b\ c"; let b = br"g\ h"; let c = br#"x"\"yb"#; } "##, expect![[r##" 18..478 '{ ... }': () 32..36 '5i32': i32 50..54 '5f32': f32 68..72 '5f64': f64 86..93 '"hello"': &str 107..115 'b"bytes"': &[u8; 5] 129..132 ''c'': char 146..150 'b'b'': u8 164..168 '3.14': f64 182..186 '5000': i32 200..205 'false': bool 219..223 'true': bool 237..333 'r#" ... "#': &str 347..357 'br#"yolo"#': &[u8; 4] 375..376 'a': &[u8; 4] 379..403 'b"a\x2... c"': &[u8; 4] 421..422 'b': &[u8; 4] 425..433 'br"g\ h"': &[u8; 4] 451..452 'c': &[u8; 6] 455..467 'br#"x"\"yb"#': &[u8; 6] "##]], ); } #[test] fn infer_unary_op() { check_infer( r#" enum SomeType {} fn test(x: SomeType) { let b = false; let c = !b; let a = 100; let d: i128 = -a; let e = -100; let f = !!!true; let g = !42; let h = !10u32; let j = !a; -3.14; !3; -x; !x; -"hello"; !"hello"; } "#, expect![[r#" 26..27 'x': SomeType 39..271 '{ ...lo"; }': () 49..50 'b': bool 53..58 'false': bool 68..69 'c': bool 72..74 '!b': bool 73..74 'b': bool 84..85 'a': i128 88..91 '100': i128 101..102 'd': i128 111..113 '-a': i128 112..113 'a': i128 123..124 'e': i32 127..131 '-100': i32 128..131 '100': i32 141..142 'f': bool 145..152 '!!!true': bool 146..152 '!!true': bool 147..152 '!true': bool 148..152 'true': bool 162..163 'g': i32 166..169 '!42': i32 167..169 '42': i32 179..180 'h': u32 183..189 '!10u32': u32 184..189 '10u32': u32 199..200 'j': i128 203..205 '!a': i128 204..205 'a': i128 211..216 '-3.14': f64 212..216 '3.14': f64 222..224 '!3': i32 223..224 '3': i32 230..232 '-x': {unknown} 231..232 'x': SomeType 238..240 '!x': {unknown} 239..240 'x': SomeType 246..254 '-"hello"': {unknown} 247..254 '"hello"': &str 260..268 '!"hello"': {unknown} 261..268 '"hello"': &str "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_backwards() { check_infer( r#" fn takes_u32(x: u32) {} struct S { i32_field: i32 } fn test() -> &mut &f64 { let a = unknown_function(); takes_u32(a); let b = unknown_function(); S { i32_field: b }; let c = unknown_function(); &mut &c } "#, expect![[r#" 13..14 'x': u32 21..23 '{}': () 77..230 '{ ...t &c }': &mut &f64 87..88 'a': u32 91..107 'unknow...nction': {unknown} 91..109 'unknow...tion()': u32 115..124 'takes_u32': fn takes_u32(u32) 115..127 'takes_u32(a)': () 125..126 'a': u32 137..138 'b': i32 141..157 'unknow...nction': {unknown} 141..159 'unknow...tion()': i32 165..183 'S { i3...d: b }': S 180..181 'b': i32 193..194 'c': f64 197..213 'unknow...nction': {unknown} 197..215 'unknow...tion()': f64 221..228 '&mut &c': &mut &f64 226..228 '&c': &f64 227..228 'c': f64 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_self() { check_infer( r#" struct S; impl S { fn test(&self) { self; } fn test2(self: &Self) { self; } fn test3() -> Self { S {} } fn test4() -> Self { Self {} } } "#, expect![[r#" 33..37 'self': &S 39..60 '{ ... }': () 49..53 'self': &S 74..78 'self': &S 87..108 '{ ... }': () 97..101 'self': &S 132..152 '{ ... }': S 142..146 'S {}': S 176..199 '{ ... }': S 186..193 'Self {}': S "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_self_as_path() { check_infer( r#" struct S1; struct S2(isize); enum E { V1, V2(u32), } impl S1 { fn test() { Self; } } impl S2 { fn test() { Self(1); } } impl E { fn test() { Self::V1; Self::V2(1); } } "#, expect![[r#" 86..107 '{ ... }': () 96..100 'Self': S1 134..158 '{ ... }': () 144..148 'Self': S2(isize) -> S2 144..151 'Self(1)': S2 149..150 '1': isize 184..230 '{ ... }': () 194..202 'Self::V1': E 212..220 'Self::V2': V2(u32) -> E 212..223 'Self::V2(1)': E 221..222 '1': u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_binary_op() { check_infer( r#" fn f(x: bool) -> i32 { 0i32 } fn test() -> bool { let x = a && b; let y = true || false; let z = x == y; let t = x != y; let minus_forty: isize = -40isize; let h = minus_forty <= CONST_2; let c = f(z || y) + 5; let d = b; let g = minus_forty ^= i; let ten: usize = 10; let ten_is_eleven = ten == some_num; ten < 3 } "#, expect![[r#" 5..6 'x': bool 21..33 '{ 0i32 }': i32 27..31 '0i32': i32 53..369 '{ ... < 3 }': bool 63..64 'x': bool 67..68 'a': bool 67..73 'a && b': bool 72..73 'b': bool 83..84 'y': bool 87..91 'true': bool 87..100 'true || false': bool 95..100 'false': bool 110..111 'z': bool 114..115 'x': bool 114..120 'x == y': bool 119..120 'y': bool 130..131 't': bool 134..135 'x': bool 134..140 'x != y': bool 139..140 'y': bool 150..161 'minus_forty': isize 171..179 '-40isize': isize 172..179 '40isize': isize 189..190 'h': bool 193..204 'minus_forty': isize 193..215 'minus_...ONST_2': bool 208..215 'CONST_2': isize 225..226 'c': i32 229..230 'f': fn f(bool) -> i32 229..238 'f(z || y)': i32 229..242 'f(z || y) + 5': i32 231..232 'z': bool 231..237 'z || y': bool 236..237 'y': bool 241..242 '5': i32 252..253 'd': {unknown} 256..257 'b': {unknown} 267..268 'g': () 271..282 'minus_forty': isize 271..287 'minus_...y ^= i': () 286..287 'i': isize 297..300 'ten': usize 310..312 '10': usize 322..335 'ten_is_eleven': bool 338..341 'ten': usize 338..353 'ten == some_num': bool 345..353 'some_num': usize 360..363 'ten': usize 360..367 'ten < 3': bool 366..367 '3': usize "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_shift_op() { check_infer( r#" fn test() { 1u32 << 5u8; 1u32 >> 5u8; } "#, expect![[r#" 10..47 '{ ...5u8; }': () 16..20 '1u32': u32 16..27 '1u32 << 5u8': u32 24..27 '5u8': u8 33..37 '1u32': u32 33..44 '1u32 >> 5u8': u32 41..44 '5u8': u8 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_field_autoderef() { check_infer( r#" struct A { b: B, } struct B; fn test1(a: A) { let a1 = a; a1.b; let a2 = &a; a2.b; let a3 = &mut a; a3.b; let a4 = &&&&&&&a; a4.b; let a5 = &mut &&mut &&mut a; a5.b; } fn test2(a1: *const A, a2: *mut A) { a1.b; a2.b; } "#, expect![[r#" 43..44 'a': A 49..212 '{ ...5.b; }': () 59..61 'a1': A 64..65 'a': A 71..73 'a1': A 71..75 'a1.b': B 85..87 'a2': &A 90..92 '&a': &A 91..92 'a': A 98..100 'a2': &A 98..102 'a2.b': B 112..114 'a3': &mut A 117..123 '&mut a': &mut A 122..123 'a': A 129..131 'a3': &mut A 129..133 'a3.b': B 143..145 'a4': &&&&&&&A 148..156 '&&&&&&&a': &&&&&&&A 149..156 '&&&&&&a': &&&&&&A 150..156 '&&&&&a': &&&&&A 151..156 '&&&&a': &&&&A 152..156 '&&&a': &&&A 153..156 '&&a': &&A 154..156 '&a': &A 155..156 'a': A 162..164 'a4': &&&&&&&A 162..166 'a4.b': B 176..178 'a5': &mut &&mut &&mut A 181..199 '&mut &...&mut a': &mut &&mut &&mut A 186..199 '&&mut &&mut a': &&mut &&mut A 187..199 '&mut &&mut a': &mut &&mut A 192..199 '&&mut a': &&mut A 193..199 '&mut a': &mut A 198..199 'a': A 205..207 'a5': &mut &&mut &&mut A 205..209 'a5.b': B 223..225 'a1': *const A 237..239 'a2': *mut A 249..272 '{ ...2.b; }': () 255..257 'a1': *const A 255..259 'a1.b': B 265..267 'a2': *mut A 265..269 'a2.b': B "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_argument_autoderef() { check_infer( r#" //- minicore: deref use core::ops::Deref; struct A(T); impl A { fn foo(&self) -> &T { &self.0 } } struct B(T); impl Deref for B { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } fn test() { let t = A::foo(&&B(B(A(42)))); } "#, expect![[r#" 66..70 'self': &A 78..101 '{ ... }': &T 88..95 '&self.0': &T 89..93 'self': &A 89..95 'self.0': T 182..186 'self': &B 205..228 '{ ... }': &T 215..222 '&self.0': &T 216..220 'self': &B 216..222 'self.0': T 242..280 '{ ...))); }': () 252..253 't': &i32 256..262 'A::foo': fn foo(&A) -> &i32 256..277 'A::foo...42))))': &i32 263..276 '&&B(B(A(42)))': &&B>> 264..276 '&B(B(A(42)))': &B>> 265..266 'B': B>>(B>) -> B>> 265..276 'B(B(A(42)))': B>> 267..268 'B': B>(A) -> B> 267..275 'B(A(42))': B> 269..270 'A': A(i32) -> A 269..274 'A(42)': A 271..273 '42': i32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_method_argument_autoderef() { check_infer( r#" //- minicore: deref use core::ops::Deref; struct A(*mut T); impl A { fn foo(&self, x: &A) -> &T { &*x.0 } } struct B(T); impl Deref for B { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } fn test(a: A) { let t = A(0 as *mut _).foo(&&B(B(a))); } "#, expect![[r#" 71..75 'self': &A 77..78 'x': &A 93..114 '{ ... }': &T 103..108 '&*x.0': &T 104..108 '*x.0': T 105..106 'x': &A 105..108 'x.0': *mut T 195..199 'self': &B 218..241 '{ ... }': &T 228..235 '&self.0': &T 229..233 'self': &B 229..235 'self.0': T 253..254 'a': A 264..310 '{ ...))); }': () 274..275 't': &i32 278..279 'A': A(*mut i32) -> A 278..292 'A(0 as *mut _)': A 278..307 'A(0 as...B(a)))': &i32 280..281 '0': i32 280..291 '0 as *mut _': *mut i32 297..306 '&&B(B(a))': &&B>> 298..306 '&B(B(a))': &B>> 299..300 'B': B>>(B>) -> B>> 299..306 'B(B(a))': B>> 301..302 'B': B>(A) -> B> 301..305 'B(a)': B> 303..304 'a': A "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_in_elseif() { check_infer( r#" struct Foo { field: i32 } fn main(foo: Foo) { if true { } else if false { foo.field } } "#, expect![[r#" 34..37 'foo': Foo 44..108 '{ ... } }': () 50..106 'if tru... }': () 53..57 'true': bool 58..66 '{ }': () 72..106 'if fal... }': i32 75..80 'false': bool 81..106 '{ ... }': i32 91..94 'foo': Foo 91..100 'foo.field': i32 "#]], ) } #[test] fn infer_if_match_with_return() { check_infer( r#" fn foo() { let _x1 = if true { 1 } else { return; }; let _x2 = if true { 2 } else { return }; let _x3 = match true { true => 3, _ => { return; } }; let _x4 = match true { true => 4, _ => return }; } "#, expect![[r#" 9..322 '{ ... }; }': () 19..22 '_x1': i32 25..79 'if tru... }': i32 28..32 'true': bool 33..50 '{ ... }': i32 43..44 '1': i32 56..79 '{ ... }': i32 66..72 'return': ! 89..92 '_x2': i32 95..148 'if tru... }': i32 98..102 'true': bool 103..120 '{ ... }': i32 113..114 '2': i32 126..148 '{ ... }': ! 136..142 'return': ! 158..161 '_x3': i32 164..246 'match ... }': i32 170..174 'true': bool 185..189 'true': bool 185..189 'true': bool 193..194 '3': i32 204..205 '_': bool 209..240 '{ ... }': i32 223..229 'return': ! 256..259 '_x4': i32 262..319 'match ... }': i32 268..272 'true': bool 283..287 'true': bool 283..287 'true': bool 291..292 '4': i32 302..303 '_': bool 307..313 'return': ! "#]], ) } #[test] fn infer_inherent_method() { check_infer( r#" struct A; impl A { fn foo(self, x: u32) -> i32 {} } mod b { impl super::A { pub fn bar(&self, x: u64) -> i64 {} } } fn test(a: A) {; (&a).bar(1);; } "#, expect![[r#" 31..35 'self': A 37..38 'x': u32 52..54 '{}': () 106..110 'self': &A 112..113 'x': u64 127..129 '{}': () 147..148 'a': A 153..201 '{ ...(1); }': () 159..160 'a': A 159..167 '': i32 165..166 '1': u32 173..184 '(&a).bar(1)': i64 174..176 '&a': &A 175..176 'a': A 182..183 '1': u64 190..191 'a': A 190..198 '': i64 196..197 '1': u64 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_inherent_method_str() { check_infer( r#" #[lang = "str"] impl str { fn foo(&self) -> i32 {} } fn test() { "foo".foo(); } "#, expect![[r#" 39..43 'self': &str 52..54 '{}': () 68..88 '{ ...o(); }': () 74..79 '"foo"': &str 74..85 '"foo".foo()': i32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_tuple() { check_infer( r#" fn test(x: &str, y: isize) { let a: (u32, &str) = (1, "a"); let b = (a, x); let c = (y, x); let d = (c, x); let e = (1, "e"); let f = (e, "d"); } "#, expect![[r#" 8..9 'x': &str 17..18 'y': isize 27..169 '{ ...d"); }': () 37..38 'a': (u32, &str) 54..62 '(1, "a")': (u32, &str) 55..56 '1': u32 58..61 '"a"': &str 72..73 'b': ((u32, &str), &str) 76..82 '(a, x)': ((u32, &str), &str) 77..78 'a': (u32, &str) 80..81 'x': &str 92..93 'c': (isize, &str) 96..102 '(y, x)': (isize, &str) 97..98 'y': isize 100..101 'x': &str 112..113 'd': ((isize, &str), &str) 116..122 '(c, x)': ((isize, &str), &str) 117..118 'c': (isize, &str) 120..121 'x': &str 132..133 'e': (i32, &str) 136..144 '(1, "e")': (i32, &str) 137..138 '1': i32 140..143 '"e"': &str 154..155 'f': ((i32, &str), &str) 158..166 '(e, "d")': ((i32, &str), &str) 159..160 'e': (i32, &str) 162..165 '"d"': &str "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_array() { check_infer( r#" fn test(x: &str, y: isize) { let a = [x]; let b = [a, a]; let c = [b, b]; let d = [y, 1, 2, 3]; let d = [1, y, 2, 3]; let e = [y]; let f = [d, d]; let g = [e, e]; let h = [1, 2]; let i = ["a", "b"]; let b = [a, ["b"]]; let x: [u8; 0] = []; // FIXME: requires const evaluation/taking type from rhs somehow let y: [u8; 2+2] = [1,2,3,4]; } "#, expect![[r#" 8..9 'x': &str 17..18 'y': isize 27..395 '{ ...,4]; }': () 37..38 'a': [&str; 1] 41..44 '[x]': [&str; 1] 42..43 'x': &str 54..55 'b': [[&str; 1]; 2] 58..64 '[a, a]': [[&str; 1]; 2] 59..60 'a': [&str; 1] 62..63 'a': [&str; 1] 74..75 'c': [[[&str; 1]; 2]; 2] 78..84 '[b, b]': [[[&str; 1]; 2]; 2] 79..80 'b': [[&str; 1]; 2] 82..83 'b': [[&str; 1]; 2] 95..96 'd': [isize; 4] 99..111 '[y, 1, 2, 3]': [isize; 4] 100..101 'y': isize 103..104 '1': isize 106..107 '2': isize 109..110 '3': isize 121..122 'd': [isize; 4] 125..137 '[1, y, 2, 3]': [isize; 4] 126..127 '1': isize 129..130 'y': isize 132..133 '2': isize 135..136 '3': isize 147..148 'e': [isize; 1] 151..154 '[y]': [isize; 1] 152..153 'y': isize 164..165 'f': [[isize; 4]; 2] 168..174 '[d, d]': [[isize; 4]; 2] 169..170 'd': [isize; 4] 172..173 'd': [isize; 4] 184..185 'g': [[isize; 1]; 2] 188..194 '[e, e]': [[isize; 1]; 2] 189..190 'e': [isize; 1] 192..193 'e': [isize; 1] 205..206 'h': [i32; 2] 209..215 '[1, 2]': [i32; 2] 210..211 '1': i32 213..214 '2': i32 225..226 'i': [&str; 2] 229..239 '["a", "b"]': [&str; 2] 230..233 '"a"': &str 235..238 '"b"': &str 250..251 'b': [[&str; 1]; 2] 254..264 '[a, ["b"]]': [[&str; 1]; 2] 255..256 'a': [&str; 1] 258..263 '["b"]': [&str; 1] 259..262 '"b"': &str 274..275 'x': [u8; 0] 287..289 '[]': [u8; 0] 368..369 'y': [u8; _] 383..392 '[1,2,3,4]': [u8; 4] 384..385 '1': u8 386..387 '2': u8 388..389 '3': u8 390..391 '4': u8 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_struct_generics() { check_infer( r#" struct A { x: T, } fn test(a1: A, i: i32) { a1.x; let a2 = A { x: i }; a2.x; let a3 = A:: { x: 1 }; a3.x; } "#, expect![[r#" 35..37 'a1': A 47..48 'i': i32 55..146 '{ ...3.x; }': () 61..63 'a1': A 61..65 'a1.x': u32 75..77 'a2': A 80..90 'A { x: i }': A 87..88 'i': i32 96..98 'a2': A 96..100 'a2.x': i32 110..112 'a3': A 115..133 'A:: 130..131 '1': i128 139..141 'a3': A 139..143 'a3.x': i128 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_tuple_struct_generics() { check_infer( r#" struct A(T); enum Option { Some(T), None } use Option::*; fn test() { A(42); A(42u128); Some("x"); Option::Some("x"); None; let x: Option = None; } "#, expect![[r#" 75..183 '{; }': () 81..82 'A': A(i32) -> A 81..86 'A(42)': A 83..85 '42': i32 92..93 'A': A(u128) -> A 92..101 'A(42u128)': A 94..100 '42u128': u128 107..111 'Some': Some<&str>(&str) -> Option<&str> 107..116 'Some("x")': Option<&str> 112..115 '"x"': &str 122..134 'Option::Some': Some<&str>(&str) -> Option<&str> 122..139 'Option...e("x")': Option<&str> 135..138 '"x"': &str 145..149 'None': Option<{unknown}> 159..160 'x': Option 176..180 'None': Option "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_function_generics() { check_infer( r#" fn id(t: T) -> T { t } fn test() { id(1u32); id::(1); let x: u64 = id(1); } "#, expect![[r#" 9..10 't': T 20..25 '{ t }': T 22..23 't': T 37..97 '{ ...(1); }': () 43..45 'id': fn id(u32) -> u32 43..51 'id(1u32)': u32 46..50 '1u32': u32 57..67 'id::': fn id(i128) -> i128 57..70 'id::(1)': i128 68..69 '1': i128 80..81 'x': u64 89..91 'id': fn id(u64) -> u64 89..94 'id(1)': u64 92..93 '1': u64 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_impl_generics_basic() { check_infer( r#" struct A { x: T1, y: T2, } impl A { fn x(self) -> X { self.x } fn y(self) -> Y { self.y } fn z(self, t: T) -> (X, Y, T) { (self.x, self.y, t) } } fn test() -> i128 { let a = A { x: 1u64, y: 1i64 }; a.x(); a.y(); a.z(1i128); a.z::(1); } "#, expect![[r#" 73..77 'self': A 84..106 '{ ... }': X 94..98 'self': A 94..100 'self.x': X 116..120 'self': A 127..149 '{ ... }': Y 137..141 'self': A 137..143 'self.y': Y 162..166 'self': A 168..169 't': T 187..222 '{ ... }': (X, Y, T) 197..216 '(self.....y, t)': (X, Y, T) 198..202 'self': A 198..204 'self.x': X 206..210 'self': A 206..212 'self.y': Y 214..215 't': T 244..341 '{ ...(1); }': () 254..255 'a': A 258..280 'A { x:...1i64 }': A 265..269 '1u64': u64 274..278 '1i64': i64 286..287 'a': A 286..291 'a.x()': u64 297..298 'a': A 297..302 'a.y()': i64 308..309 'a': A 308..318 'a.z(1i128)': (u64, i64, i128) 312..317 '1i128': i128 324..325 'a': A 324..338 'a.z::(1)': (u64, i64, u128) 336..337 '1': u128 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_impl_generics_with_autoderef() { check_infer( r#" enum Option { Some(T), None, } impl Option { fn as_ref(&self) -> Option<&T> {} } fn test(o: Option) { (&o).as_ref(); o.as_ref(); } "#, expect![[r#" 77..81 'self': &Option 97..99 '{}': () 110..111 'o': Option 126..164 '{ ...f(); }': () 132..145 '(&o).as_ref()': Option<&u32> 133..135 '&o': &Option 134..135 'o': Option 151..152 'o': Option 151..161 'o.as_ref()': Option<&u32> "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_generic_chain() { check_infer( r#" struct A { x: T, } impl A { fn x(self) -> T2 { self.x } } fn id(t: T) -> T { t } fn test() -> i128 { let x = 1; let y = id(x); let a = A { x: id(y) }; let z = id(a.x); let b = A { x: z }; b.x() } "#, expect![[r#" 52..56 'self': A 64..86 '{ ... }': T2 74..78 'self': A 74..80 'self.x': T2 98..99 't': T 109..114 '{ t }': T 111..112 't': T 134..254 '{ ....x() }': i128 144..145 'x': i128 148..149 '1': i128 159..160 'y': i128 163..165 'id': fn id(i128) -> i128 163..168 'id(x)': i128 166..167 'x': i128 178..179 'a': A 182..196 'A { x: id(y) }': A 189..191 'id': fn id(i128) -> i128 189..194 'id(y)': i128 192..193 'y': i128 206..207 'z': i128 210..212 'id': fn id(i128) -> i128 210..217 'id(a.x)': i128 213..214 'a': A 213..216 'a.x': i128 227..228 'b': A 231..241 'A { x: z }': A 238..239 'z': i128 247..248 'b': A 247..252 'b.x()': i128 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_associated_const() { check_infer( r#" struct Struct; impl Struct { const FOO: u32 = 1; } enum Enum {} impl Enum { const BAR: u32 = 2; } trait Trait { const ID: u32; } struct TraitTest; impl Trait for TraitTest { const ID: u32 = 5; } fn test() { let x = Struct::FOO; let y = Enum::BAR; let z = TraitTest::ID; } "#, expect![[r#" 51..52 '1': u32 104..105 '2': u32 212..213 '5': u32 228..306 '{ ...:ID; }': () 238..239 'x': u32 242..253 'Struct::FOO': u32 263..264 'y': u32 267..276 'Enum::BAR': u32 286..287 'z': u32 290..303 'TraitTest::ID': u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_type_alias() { check_infer( r#" struct A { x: X, y: Y } type Foo = A; type Bar = A; type Baz = A; fn test(x: Foo, y: Bar<&str>, z: Baz) { x.x; x.y; y.x; y.y; z.x; z.y; } "#, expect![[r#" 115..116 'x': A 123..124 'y': A<&str, u128> 137..138 'z': A 153..210 '{ ...z.y; }': () 159..160 'x': A 159..162 'x.x': u32 168..169 'x': A 168..171 'x.y': i128 177..178 'y': A<&str, u128> 177..180 'y.x': &str 186..187 'y': A<&str, u128> 186..189 'y.y': u128 195..196 'z': A 195..198 'z.x': u8 204..205 'z': A 204..207 'z.y': i8 "#]], ) } #[test] fn recursive_type_alias() { check_infer( r#" struct A {} type Foo = Foo; type Bar = A; fn test(x: Foo) {} "#, expect![[r#" 58..59 'x': {unknown} 66..68 '{}': () "#]], ) } #[test] fn infer_type_param() { check_infer( r#" fn id(x: T) -> T { x } fn clone(x: &T) -> T { *x } fn test() { let y = 10u32; id(y); let x: bool = clone(z); id::(1); } "#, expect![[r#" 9..10 'x': T 20..29 '{ x }': T 26..27 'x': T 43..44 'x': &T 55..65 '{ *x }': T 61..63 '*x': T 62..63 'x': &T 77..157 '{ ...(1); }': () 87..88 'y': u32 91..96 '10u32': u32 102..104 'id': fn id(u32) -> u32 102..107 'id(y)': u32 105..106 'y': u32 117..118 'x': bool 127..132 'clone': fn clone(&bool) -> bool 127..135 'clone(z)': bool 133..134 'z': &bool 141..151 'id::': fn id(i128) -> i128 141..154 'id::(1)': i128 152..153 '1': i128 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_const() { check_infer( r#" struct Foo; impl Foo { const ASSOC_CONST: u32 = 0; } const GLOBAL_CONST: u32 = 101; fn test() { const LOCAL_CONST: u32 = 99; let x = LOCAL_CONST; let z = GLOBAL_CONST; let id = Foo::ASSOC_CONST; } "#, expect![[r#" 48..49 '0': u32 79..82 '101': u32 94..212 '{ ...NST; }': () 137..138 'x': u32 141..152 'LOCAL_CONST': u32 162..163 'z': u32 166..178 'GLOBAL_CONST': u32 188..190 'id': u32 193..209 'Foo::A..._CONST': u32 125..127 '99': u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_static() { check_infer( r#" static GLOBAL_STATIC: u32 = 101; static mut GLOBAL_STATIC_MUT: u32 = 101; fn test() { static LOCAL_STATIC: u32 = 99; static mut LOCAL_STATIC_MUT: u32 = 99; let x = LOCAL_STATIC; let y = LOCAL_STATIC_MUT; let z = GLOBAL_STATIC; let w = GLOBAL_STATIC_MUT; } "#, expect![[r#" 28..31 '101': u32 69..72 '101': u32 84..279 '{ ...MUT; }': () 172..173 'x': u32 176..188 'LOCAL_STATIC': u32 198..199 'y': u32 202..218 'LOCAL_...IC_MUT': u32 228..229 'z': u32 232..245 'GLOBAL_STATIC': u32 255..256 'w': u32 259..276 'GLOBAL...IC_MUT': u32 117..119 '99': u32 160..162 '99': u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn shadowing_primitive() { check_types( r#" struct i32; struct Foo; impl i32 { fn foo(&self) -> Foo { Foo } } fn main() { let x: i32 = i32;; //^ Foo }"#, ); } #[test] fn shadowing_primitive_with_inner_items() { check_types( r#" struct i32; struct Foo; impl i32 { fn foo(&self) -> Foo { Foo } } fn main() { fn inner() {} let x: i32 = i32;; //^ Foo }"#, ); } #[test] fn not_shadowing_primitive_by_module() { check_types( r#" //- / fn foo() {} //- / mod str; fn foo() -> &'static str { "" } fn main() { foo(); //^ &str }"#, ); } #[test] fn not_shadowing_module_by_primitive() { check_types( r#" //- / fn foo() -> u32 {0} //- / mod str; fn foo() -> &'static str { "" } fn main() { str::foo(); //^ u32 }"#, ); } // This test is actually testing the shadowing behavior within hir_def. It // lives here because the testing infrastructure in hir_def isn't currently // capable of asserting the necessary conditions. #[test] fn should_be_shadowing_imports() { check_types( r#" mod a { pub fn foo() -> i8 {0} pub struct foo { a: i8 } } mod b { pub fn foo () -> u8 {0} } mod c { pub struct foo { a: u8 } } mod d { pub use super::a::*; pub use super::c::foo; pub use super::b::foo; } fn main() { d::foo(); //^ u8 d::foo{a:0}; //^ u8 }"#, ); } #[test] fn closure_return() { check_infer( r#" fn foo() -> u32 { let x = || -> usize { return 1; }; } "#, expect![[r#" 16..58 '{ ...; }; }': () 26..27 'x': || -> usize 30..55 '|| -> ...n 1; }': || -> usize 42..55 '{ return 1; }': usize 44..52 'return 1': ! 51..52 '1': usize "#]], ); } #[test] fn closure_return_unit() { check_infer( r#" fn foo() -> u32 { let x = || { return; }; } "#, expect![[r#" 16..47 '{ ...; }; }': () 26..27 'x': || -> () 30..44 '|| { return; }': || -> () 33..44 '{ return; }': () 35..41 'return': ! "#]], ); } #[test] fn closure_return_inferred() { check_infer( r#" fn foo() -> u32 { let x = || { "test" }; } "#, expect![[r#" 16..46 '{ ..." }; }': () 26..27 'x': || -> &str 30..43 '|| { "test" }': || -> &str 33..43 '{ "test" }': &str 35..41 '"test"': &str "#]], ); } #[test] fn fn_pointer_return() { check_infer( r#" struct Vtable { method: fn(), } fn main() { let vtable = Vtable { method: || {} }; let m = vtable.method; } "#, expect![[r#" 47..120 '{ ...hod; }': () 57..63 'vtable': Vtable 66..90 'Vtable...| {} }': Vtable 83..88 '|| {}': || -> () 86..88 '{}': () 100..101 'm': fn() 104..110 'vtable': Vtable 104..117 'vtable.method': fn() "#]], ); } #[test] fn effects_smoke_test() { check_infer( r#" async fn main() { let x = unsafe { 92 }; let y = async { async { () }.await }; let z = try { () }; let w = const { 92 }; let t = 'a: { 92 }; } #[prelude_import] use future::*; mod future { #[lang = "future_trait"] pub trait Future { type Output; } } "#, expect![[r#" 16..162 '{ ...2 }; }': () 26..27 'x': i32 30..43 'unsafe { 92 }': i32 37..43 '{ 92 }': i32 39..41 '92': i32 53..54 'y': impl Future 57..85 'async ...wait }': impl Future 63..85 '{ asyn...wait }': () 65..77 'async { () }': impl Future 65..83 'async ....await': () 71..77 '{ () }': () 73..75 '()': () 95..96 'z': {unknown} 99..109 'try { () }': {unknown} 103..109 '{ () }': () 105..107 '()': () 119..120 'w': i32 123..135 'const { 92 }': i32 129..135 '{ 92 }': i32 131..133 '92': i32 145..146 't': i32 153..159 '{ 92 }': i32 155..157 '92': i32 "#]], ) } #[test] fn infer_generic_from_later_assignment() { check_infer( r#" enum Option { Some(T), None } use Option::*; fn test() { let mut end = None; loop { end = Some(true); } } "#, expect![[r#" 59..129 '{ ... } }': () 69..76 'mut end': Option 79..83 'None': Option 89..127 'loop {... }': ! 94..127 '{ ... }': () 104..107 'end': Option 104..120 'end = ...(true)': () 110..114 'Some': Some(bool) -> Option 110..120 'Some(true)': Option 115..119 'true': bool "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_loop_break_with_val() { check_infer( r#" enum Option { Some(T), None } use Option::*; fn test() { let x = loop { if false { break None; } break Some(true); }; } "#, expect![[r#" 59..168 '{ ... }; }': () 69..70 'x': Option 73..165 'loop {... }': Option 78..165 '{ ... }': () 88..132 'if fal... }': () 91..96 'false': bool 97..132 '{ ... }': () 111..121 'break None': ! 117..121 'None': Option 142..158 'break ...(true)': ! 148..152 'Some': Some(bool) -> Option 148..158 'Some(true)': Option 153..157 'true': bool "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_loop_break_without_val() { check_infer( r#" enum Option { Some(T), None } use Option::*; fn test() { let x = loop { if false { break; } }; } "#, expect![[r#" 59..136 '{ ... }; }': () 69..70 'x': () 73..133 'loop {... }': () 78..133 '{ ... }': () 88..127 'if fal... }': () 91..96 'false': bool 97..127 '{ ... }': () 111..116 'break': ! "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_labelled_break_with_val() { check_infer( r#" fn foo() { let _x = || 'outer: loop { let inner = 'inner: loop { let i = Default::default(); if (break 'outer i) { loop { break 'inner 5i8; }; } else if true { break 'inner 6; } break 7; }; break inner < 8; }; } "#, expect![[r#" 9..335 '{ ... }; }': () 19..21 '_x': || -> bool 24..332 '|| 'ou... }': || -> bool 27..332 ''outer... }': bool 40..332 '{ ... }': () 54..59 'inner': i8 62..300 ''inner... }': i8 75..300 '{ ... }': () 93..94 'i': bool 97..113 'Defaul...efault': {unknown} 97..115 'Defaul...ault()': bool 129..269 'if (br... }': () 133..147 'break 'outer i': ! 146..147 'i': bool 149..208 '{ ... }': () 167..193 'loop {...5i8; }': ! 172..193 '{ brea...5i8; }': () 174..190 'break 5i8': ! 187..190 '5i8': i8 214..269 'if tru... }': () 217..221 'true': bool 222..269 '{ ... }': () 240..254 'break 'inner 6': ! 253..254 '6': i8 282..289 'break 7': ! 288..289 '7': i8 310..325 'break inner < 8': ! 316..321 'inner': i8 316..325 'inner < 8': bool 324..325 '8': i8 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_labelled_block_break_with_val() { check_infer( r#" fn default() -> T { loop {} } fn foo() { let _x = 'outer: { let inner = 'inner: { let i = default(); if (break 'outer i) { break 'inner 5i8; } else if true { break 'inner 6; } break 'inner 'innermost: { 0 }; 42 }; break 'outer inner < 8; }; } "#, expect![[r#" 21..32 '{ loop {} }': T 23..30 'loop {}': ! 28..30 '{}': () 42..381 '{ ... }; }': () 52..54 '_x': bool 65..378 '{ ... }': bool 79..84 'inner': i8 95..339 '{ ... }': i8 113..114 'i': bool 117..124 'default': fn default() -> bool 117..126 'default()': bool 140..270 'if (br... }': () 144..158 'break 'outer i': ! 157..158 'i': bool 160..209 '{ ... }': () 178..194 'break 5i8': ! 191..194 '5i8': i8 215..270 'if tru... }': () 218..222 'true': bool 223..270 '{ ... }': () 241..255 'break 'inner 6': ! 254..255 '6': i8 283..313 'break ... { 0 }': ! 308..313 '{ 0 }': i8 310..311 '0': i8 327..329 '42': i8 349..371 'break < 8': ! 362..367 'inner': i8 362..371 'inner < 8': bool 370..371 '8': i8 "#]], ); } #[test] fn generic_default() { check_infer( r#" struct Thing { t: T } enum OtherThing { One { t: T }, Two(T), } fn test(t1: Thing, t2: OtherThing, t3: Thing, t4: OtherThing) { t1.t; t3.t; match t2 { OtherThing::One { t } => { t; }, OtherThing::Two(t) => { t; }, } match t4 { OtherThing::One { t } => { t; }, OtherThing::Two(t) => { t; }, } } "#, expect![[r#" 97..99 't1': Thing<()> 108..110 't2': OtherThing<()> 124..126 't3': Thing 140..142 't4': OtherThing 161..384 '{ ... } }': () 167..169 't1': Thing<()> 167..171 't1.t': () 177..179 't3': Thing 177..181 't3.t': i32 187..282 'match ... }': () 193..195 't2': OtherThing<()> 206..227 'OtherT... { t }': OtherThing<()> 224..225 't': () 231..237 '{ t; }': () 233..234 't': () 247..265 'OtherT...Two(t)': OtherThing<()> 263..264 't': () 269..275 '{ t; }': () 271..272 't': () 287..382 'match ... }': () 293..295 't4': OtherThing 306..327 'OtherT... { t }': OtherThing 324..325 't': i32 331..337 '{ t; }': () 333..334 't': i32 347..365 'OtherT...Two(t)': OtherThing 363..364 't': i32 369..375 '{ t; }': () 371..372 't': i32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn generic_default_in_struct_literal() { check_infer( r#" struct Thing { t: T } enum OtherThing { One { t: T }, Two(T), } fn test() { let x = Thing { t: loop {} }; let y = Thing { t: () }; let z = Thing { t: 1i32 }; if let Thing { t } = z { t; } let a = OtherThing::One { t: 1i32 }; let b = OtherThing::Two(1i32); } "#, expect![[r#" 99..319 '{ ...32); }': () 109..110 'x': Thing 113..133 'Thing ...p {} }': Thing 124..131 'loop {}': ! 129..131 '{}': () 143..144 'y': Thing<()> 147..162 'Thing { t: () }': Thing<()> 158..160 '()': () 172..173 'z': Thing 176..193 'Thing ...1i32 }': Thing 187..191 '1i32': i32 199..240 'if let... }': () 206..217 'Thing { t }': Thing 214..215 't': i32 220..221 'z': Thing 222..240 '{ ... }': () 232..233 't': i32 250..251 'a': OtherThing 254..281 'OtherT...1i32 }': OtherThing 275..279 '1i32': i32 291..292 'b': OtherThing 295..310 'OtherThing::Two': Two(i32) -> OtherThing 295..316 'OtherT...(1i32)': OtherThing 311..315 '1i32': i32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn generic_default_depending_on_other_type_arg() { // FIXME: the {unknown} is a bug check_infer( r#" struct Thing T> { t: T } fn test(t1: Thing, t2: Thing) { t1; t2; Thing::<_> { t: 1u32 }; } "#, expect![[r#" 56..58 't1': Thing u32> 72..74 't2': Thing u128> 83..130 '{ ...2 }; }': () 89..91 't1': Thing u32> 97..99 't2': Thing u128> 105..127 'Thing:...1u32 }': Thing {unknown}> 121..125 '1u32': u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn generic_default_depending_on_other_type_arg_forward() { // the {unknown} here is intentional, as defaults are not allowed to // refer to type parameters coming later check_infer( r#" struct Thing T, T = u128> { t: T } fn test(t1: Thing) { t1; } "#, expect![[r#" 56..58 't1': Thing {unknown}, u128> 67..78 '{ t1; }': () 73..75 't1': Thing {unknown}, u128> "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_operator_overload() { cov_mark::check!(infer_expr_inner_binary_operator_overload); check_infer( r#" struct V2([f32; 2]); #[lang = "add"] pub trait Add { /// The resulting type after applying the `+` operator. type Output; /// Performs the `+` operation. #[must_use] fn add(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output; } impl Add for V2 { type Output = V2; fn add(self, rhs: V2) -> V2 { let x = self.0[0] + rhs.0[0]; let y = self.0[1] + rhs.0[1]; V2([x, y]) } } fn test() { let va = V2([0.0, 1.0]); let vb = V2([0.0, 1.0]); let r = va + vb; } "#, expect![[r#" 207..211 'self': Self 213..216 'rhs': Rhs 299..303 'self': V2 305..308 'rhs': V2 320..422 '{ ... }': V2 334..335 'x': f32 338..342 'self': V2 338..344 'self.0': [f32; 2] 338..347 'self.0[0]': {unknown} 338..358 'self.0...s.0[0]': f32 345..346 '0': i32 350..353 'rhs': V2 350..355 'rhs.0': [f32; 2] 350..358 'rhs.0[0]': {unknown} 356..357 '0': i32 372..373 'y': f32 376..380 'self': V2 376..382 'self.0': [f32; 2] 376..385 'self.0[1]': {unknown} 376..396 'self.0...s.0[1]': f32 383..384 '1': i32 388..391 'rhs': V2 388..393 'rhs.0': [f32; 2] 388..396 'rhs.0[1]': {unknown} 394..395 '1': i32 406..408 'V2': V2([f32; 2]) -> V2 406..416 'V2([x, y])': V2 409..415 '[x, y]': [f32; 2] 410..411 'x': f32 413..414 'y': f32 436..519 '{ ... vb; }': () 446..448 'va': V2 451..453 'V2': V2([f32; 2]) -> V2 451..465 'V2([0.0, 1.0])': V2 454..464 '[0.0, 1.0]': [f32; 2] 455..458 '0.0': f32 460..463 '1.0': f32 475..477 'vb': V2 480..482 'V2': V2([f32; 2]) -> V2 480..494 'V2([0.0, 1.0])': V2 483..493 '[0.0, 1.0]': [f32; 2] 484..487 '0.0': f32 489..492 '1.0': f32 505..506 'r': V2 509..511 'va': V2 509..516 'va + vb': V2 514..516 'vb': V2 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_const_params() { check_infer( r#" fn foo() { let bar = FOO; } "#, expect![[r#" 27..49 '{ ...FOO; }': () 37..40 'bar': usize 43..46 'FOO': usize "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_inner_type() { check_infer( r#" fn foo() { struct S { field: u32 } let s = S { field: 0 }; let f = s.field; } "#, expect![[r#" 9..89 '{ ...eld; }': () 47..48 's': S 51..65 'S { field: 0 }': S 62..63 '0': u32 75..76 'f': u32 79..80 's': S 79..86 's.field': u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn infer_nested_inner_type() { check_infer( r#" fn foo() { { let s = S { field: 0 }; let f = s.field; } struct S { field: u32 } } "#, expect![[r#" 9..109 '{ ...32 } }': () 15..79 '{ ... }': () 29..30 's': S 33..47 'S { field: 0 }': S 44..45 '0': u32 61..62 'f': u32 65..66 's': S 65..72 's.field': u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn inner_use_enum_rename() { check_infer( r#" enum Request { Info } fn f() { use Request as R; let r = R::Info; match r { R::Info => {} } } "#, expect![[r#" 34..123 '{ ... } }': () 67..68 'r': Request 71..78 'R::Info': Request 84..121 'match ... }': () 90..91 'r': Request 102..109 'R::Info': Request 113..115 '{}': () "#]], ) } #[test] fn box_into_vec() { check_infer( r#" #[lang = "sized"] pub trait Sized {} #[lang = "unsize"] pub trait Unsize {} #[lang = "coerce_unsized"] pub trait CoerceUnsized {} pub unsafe trait Allocator {} pub struct Global; unsafe impl Allocator for Global {} #[lang = "owned_box"] #[fundamental] pub struct Box; impl, U: ?Sized, A: Allocator> CoerceUnsized> for Box {} pub struct Vec {} #[lang = "slice"] impl [T] {} #[lang = "slice_alloc"] impl [T] { pub fn into_vec(self: Box) -> Vec { unimplemented!() } } fn test() { let vec = <[_]>::into_vec(box [1i32]); } "#, expect![[r#" 569..573 'self': Box<[T], A> 602..634 '{ ... }': Vec 612..628 'unimpl...ted!()': Vec 648..694 '{ ...2]); }': () 658..661 'vec': Vec 664..679 '<[_]>::into_vec': fn into_vec(Box<[i32], Global>) -> Vec 664..691 '<[_]>:...1i32])': Vec 680..690 'box [1i32]': Box<[i32; 1], Global> 684..690 '[1i32]': [i32; 1] 685..689 '1i32': i32 "#]], ) } #[test] fn cfgd_out_assoc_items() { check_types( r#" struct S; impl S { #[cfg(FALSE)] const C: S = S; } fn f() { S::C; //^^^^ {unknown} } "#, ) } #[test] fn infer_type_alias_variant() { check_infer( r#" type Qux = Foo; enum Foo { Bar(i32), Baz { baz: f32 } } fn f() { match Foo::Bar(3) { Qux::Bar(bar) => (), Qux::Baz { baz } => (), } } "#, expect![[r#" 72..166 '{ ... } }': () 78..164 'match ... }': () 84..92 'Foo::Bar': Bar(i32) -> Foo 84..95 'Foo::Bar(3)': Foo 93..94 '3': i32 106..119 'Qux::Bar(bar)': Foo 115..118 'bar': i32 123..125 '()': () 135..151 'Qux::B... baz }': Foo 146..149 'baz': f32 155..157 '()': () "#]], ) } #[test] fn infer_boxed_self_receiver() { check_infer( r#" #[lang = "deref"] pub trait Deref { type Target; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target; } struct Box(T); impl Deref for Box { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target; } struct Foo(T); impl Foo { fn get_inner<'a>(self: &'a Box) -> &'a T {} fn get_self<'a>(self: &'a Box) -> &'a Self {} fn into_inner(self: Box) -> Self {} } fn main() { let boxed = Box(Foo(0_i32)); let bad1 = boxed.get_inner(); let good1 = Foo::get_inner(&boxed); let bad2 = boxed.get_self(); let good2 = Foo::get_self(&boxed); let inner = boxed.into_inner(); } "#, expect![[r#" 67..71 'self': &Self 175..179 'self': &Box 259..263 'self': &Box> 289..291 '{}': () 313..317 'self': &Box> 346..348 '{}': () 368..372 'self': Box> 393..395 '{}': () 409..630 '{ ...r(); }': () 419..424 'boxed': Box> 427..430 'Box': Box>(Foo) -> Box> 427..442 'Box(Foo(0_i32))': Box> 431..434 'Foo': Foo(i32) -> Foo 431..441 'Foo(0_i32)': Foo 435..440 '0_i32': i32 453..457 'bad1': &i32 460..465 'boxed': Box> 460..477 'boxed....nner()': &i32 487..492 'good1': &i32 495..509 'Foo::get_inner': fn get_inner(&Box>) -> &i32 495..517 'Foo::g...boxed)': &i32 510..516 '&boxed': &Box> 511..516 'boxed': Box> 528..532 'bad2': &Foo 535..540 'boxed': Box> 535..551 'boxed....self()': &Foo 561..566 'good2': &Foo 569..582 'Foo::get_self': fn get_self(&Box>) -> &Foo 569..590 'Foo::g...boxed)': &Foo 583..589 '&boxed': &Box> 584..589 'boxed': Box> 601..606 'inner': Foo 609..614 'boxed': Box> 609..627 'boxed....nner()': Foo "#]], ); } #[test] fn prelude_2015() { check_types( r#" //- / edition:2015 crate:main deps:core fn f() { Rust; //^ Rust } //- / crate:core pub mod prelude { pub mod rust_2015 { pub struct Rust; } } "#, ); }