//! Trait solving using Chalk.

use std::env::var;

use chalk_ir::cast::Cast;
use chalk_solve::{logging_db::LoggingRustIrDatabase, Solver};

use base_db::CrateId;
use hir_def::{lang_item::LangItemTarget, TraitId};
use stdx::panic_context;

use crate::{
    db::HirDatabase, AliasEq, AliasTy, Canonical, DomainGoal, Guidance, HirDisplay, InEnvironment,
    Interner, Solution, TraitRefExt, Ty, TyKind, WhereClause,

/// This controls how much 'time' we give the Chalk solver before giving up.
const CHALK_SOLVER_FUEL: i32 = 100;

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct ChalkContext<'a> {
    pub(crate) db: &'a dyn HirDatabase,
    pub(crate) krate: CrateId,

fn create_chalk_solver() -> chalk_recursive::RecursiveSolver<Interner> {
    let overflow_depth =
        var("CHALK_OVERFLOW_DEPTH").ok().and_then(|s| s.parse().ok()).unwrap_or(100);
    let caching_enabled = true;
    let max_size = var("CHALK_SOLVER_MAX_SIZE").ok().and_then(|s| s.parse().ok()).unwrap_or(30);
    chalk_recursive::RecursiveSolver::new(overflow_depth, max_size, caching_enabled)

/// A set of clauses that we assume to be true. E.g. if we are inside this function:
/// ```rust
/// fn foo<T: Default>(t: T) {}
/// ```
/// we assume that `T: Default`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct TraitEnvironment {
    // When we're using Chalk's Ty we can make this a BTreeMap since it's Ord,
    // but for now it's too annoying...
    pub(crate) traits_from_clauses: Vec<(Ty, TraitId)>,
    pub env: chalk_ir::Environment<Interner>,

impl TraitEnvironment {
    pub(crate) fn traits_in_scope_from_clauses<'a>(
        &'a self,
        ty: &'a Ty,
    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = TraitId> + 'a {
        self.traits_from_clauses.iter().filter_map(move |(self_ty, trait_id)| {
            if self_ty == ty {
            } else {

impl Default for TraitEnvironment {
    fn default() -> Self {
        TraitEnvironment {
            traits_from_clauses: Vec::new(),
            env: chalk_ir::Environment::new(&Interner),

/// Solve a trait goal using Chalk.
pub(crate) fn trait_solve_query(
    db: &dyn HirDatabase,
    krate: CrateId,
    goal: Canonical<InEnvironment<DomainGoal>>,
) -> Option<Solution> {
    let _p = profile::span("trait_solve_query").detail(|| match &goal.value.goal {
        DomainGoal::Holds(WhereClause::Implemented(it)) => {
        DomainGoal::Holds(WhereClause::AliasEq(_)) => "alias_eq".to_string(),
        _ => "??".to_string(),
    log::info!("trait_solve_query({})", goal.value.goal.display(db));

    if let DomainGoal::Holds(WhereClause::AliasEq(AliasEq {
        alias: AliasTy::Projection(projection_ty),
    })) = &goal.value.goal
        if let TyKind::BoundVar(_) = projection_ty.self_type_parameter(&Interner).kind(&Interner) {
            // Hack: don't ask Chalk to normalize with an unknown self type, it'll say that's impossible
            return Some(Solution::Ambig(Guidance::Unknown));

    let canonical = goal.cast(&Interner);

    // We currently don't deal with universes (I think / hope they're not yet
    // relevant for our use cases?)
    let u_canonical = chalk_ir::UCanonical { canonical, universes: 1 };
    solve(db, krate, &u_canonical)

fn solve(
    db: &dyn HirDatabase,
    krate: CrateId,
    goal: &chalk_ir::UCanonical<chalk_ir::InEnvironment<chalk_ir::Goal<Interner>>>,
) -> Option<chalk_solve::Solution<Interner>> {
    let context = ChalkContext { db, krate };
    log::debug!("solve goal: {:?}", goal);
    let mut solver = create_chalk_solver();

    let fuel = std::cell::Cell::new(CHALK_SOLVER_FUEL);

    let should_continue = || {
        let remaining = fuel.get();
        fuel.set(remaining - 1);
        if remaining == 0 {
            log::debug!("fuel exhausted");
        remaining > 0

    let mut solve = || {
        let _ctx = if is_chalk_debug() || is_chalk_print() {
            Some(panic_context::enter(format!("solving {:?}", goal)))
        } else {
        let solution = if is_chalk_print() {
            let logging_db =
            let solution = solver.solve_limited(&logging_db.0, goal, &should_continue);
        } else {
            solver.solve_limited(&context, goal, &should_continue)

        log::debug!("solve({:?}) => {:?}", goal, solution);


    // don't set the TLS for Chalk unless Chalk debugging is active, to make
    // extra sure we only use it for debugging
    let solution =
        if is_chalk_debug() { crate::tls::set_current_program(db, solve) } else { solve() };


struct LoggingRustIrDatabaseLoggingOnDrop<'a>(LoggingRustIrDatabase<Interner, ChalkContext<'a>>);

impl<'a> Drop for LoggingRustIrDatabaseLoggingOnDrop<'a> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        eprintln!("chalk program:\n{}", self.0);

fn is_chalk_debug() -> bool {

fn is_chalk_print() -> bool {

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum FnTrait {

impl FnTrait {
    fn lang_item_name(self) -> &'static str {
        match self {
            FnTrait::FnOnce => "fn_once",
            FnTrait::FnMut => "fn_mut",
            FnTrait::Fn => "fn",

    pub fn get_id(&self, db: &dyn HirDatabase, krate: CrateId) -> Option<TraitId> {
        let target = db.lang_item(krate, self.lang_item_name().into())?;
        match target {
            LangItemTarget::TraitId(t) => Some(t),
            _ => None,