//! Provides a way to attach fixes to the diagnostics. //! The same module also has all curret custom fixes for the diagnostics implemented. use hir::{ db::AstDatabase, diagnostics::{ Diagnostic, IncorrectCase, MissingFields, MissingOkInTailExpr, NoSuchField, RemoveThisSemicolon, UnresolvedModule, }, HasSource, HirDisplay, Semantics, VariantDef, }; use ide_db::base_db::FileId; use ide_db::{ source_change::{FileSystemEdit, SourceFileEdit}, RootDatabase, }; use syntax::{AstNode, Direction, T, algo, ast::{self, edit::IndentLevel, make}}; use text_edit::TextEdit; use crate::{diagnostics::Fix, references::rename::rename_with_semantics, FilePosition}; /// A [Diagnostic] that potentially has a fix available. /// /// [Diagnostic]: hir::diagnostics::Diagnostic pub(crate) trait DiagnosticWithFix: Diagnostic { fn fix(&self, sema: &Semantics) -> Option; } impl DiagnosticWithFix for UnresolvedModule { fn fix(&self, sema: &Semantics) -> Option { let root = sema.db.parse_or_expand(self.file)?; let unresolved_module = self.decl.to_node(&root); Some(Fix::new( "Create module", FileSystemEdit::CreateFile { anchor: self.file.original_file(sema.db), dst: self.candidate.clone(), } .into(), unresolved_module.syntax().text_range(), )) } } impl DiagnosticWithFix for NoSuchField { fn fix(&self, sema: &Semantics) -> Option { let root = sema.db.parse_or_expand(self.file)?; missing_record_expr_field_fix( &sema, self.file.original_file(sema.db), &self.field.to_node(&root), ) } } impl DiagnosticWithFix for MissingFields { fn fix(&self, sema: &Semantics) -> Option { // Note that although we could add a diagnostics to // fill the missing tuple field, e.g : // `struct A(usize);` // `let a = A { 0: () }` // but it is uncommon usage and it should not be encouraged. if self.missed_fields.iter().any(|it| it.as_tuple_index().is_some()) { return None; } let root = sema.db.parse_or_expand(self.file)?; let old_field_list = self.field_list_parent.to_node(&root).record_expr_field_list()?; let mut new_field_list = old_field_list.clone(); for f in self.missed_fields.iter() { let field = make::record_expr_field(make::name_ref(&f.to_string()), Some(make::expr_unit())); new_field_list = new_field_list.append_field(&field); } let edit = { let mut builder = TextEdit::builder(); algo::diff(&old_field_list.syntax(), &new_field_list.syntax()) .into_text_edit(&mut builder); builder.finish() }; Some(Fix::new( "Fill struct fields", SourceFileEdit { file_id: self.file.original_file(sema.db), edit }.into(), sema.original_range(&old_field_list.syntax()).range, )) } } impl DiagnosticWithFix for MissingOkInTailExpr { fn fix(&self, sema: &Semantics) -> Option { let root = sema.db.parse_or_expand(self.file)?; let tail_expr = self.expr.to_node(&root); let tail_expr_range = tail_expr.syntax().text_range(); let edit = TextEdit::replace(tail_expr_range, format!("Ok({})", tail_expr.syntax())); let source_change = SourceFileEdit { file_id: self.file.original_file(sema.db), edit }.into(); Some(Fix::new("Wrap with ok", source_change, tail_expr_range)) } } impl DiagnosticWithFix for RemoveThisSemicolon { fn fix(&self, sema: &Semantics) -> Option { let root = sema.db.parse_or_expand(self.file)?; let semicolon = self.expr.to_node(&root) .syntax() .siblings_with_tokens(Direction::Next) .filter_map(|it| it.into_token()) .find(|it| it.kind() == T![;])? .text_range(); let edit = TextEdit::delete(semicolon); let source_change = SourceFileEdit { file_id: self.file.original_file(sema.db), edit }.into(); Some(Fix::new("Remove this semicolon", source_change, semicolon)) } } impl DiagnosticWithFix for IncorrectCase { fn fix(&self, sema: &Semantics) -> Option { let root = sema.db.parse_or_expand(self.file)?; let name_node = self.ident.to_node(&root); let file_id = self.file.original_file(sema.db); let offset = name_node.syntax().text_range().start(); let file_position = FilePosition { file_id, offset }; let rename_changes = rename_with_semantics(sema, file_position, &self.suggested_text).ok()?; let label = format!("Rename to {}", self.suggested_text); Some(Fix::new(&label, rename_changes.info, rename_changes.range)) } } fn missing_record_expr_field_fix( sema: &Semantics, usage_file_id: FileId, record_expr_field: &ast::RecordExprField, ) -> Option { let record_lit = ast::RecordExpr::cast(record_expr_field.syntax().parent()?.parent()?)?; let def_id = sema.resolve_variant(record_lit)?; let module; let def_file_id; let record_fields = match VariantDef::from(def_id) { VariantDef::Struct(s) => { module = s.module(sema.db); let source = s.source(sema.db); def_file_id = source.file_id; let fields = source.value.field_list()?; record_field_list(fields)? } VariantDef::Union(u) => { module = u.module(sema.db); let source = u.source(sema.db); def_file_id = source.file_id; source.value.record_field_list()? } VariantDef::EnumVariant(e) => { module = e.module(sema.db); let source = e.source(sema.db); def_file_id = source.file_id; let fields = source.value.field_list()?; record_field_list(fields)? } }; let def_file_id = def_file_id.original_file(sema.db); let new_field_type = sema.type_of_expr(&record_expr_field.expr()?)?; if new_field_type.is_unknown() { return None; } let new_field = make::record_field( None, make::name(record_expr_field.field_name()?.text()), make::ty(&new_field_type.display_source_code(sema.db, module.into()).ok()?), ); let last_field = record_fields.fields().last()?; let last_field_syntax = last_field.syntax(); let indent = IndentLevel::from_node(last_field_syntax); let mut new_field = new_field.to_string(); if usage_file_id != def_file_id { new_field = format!("pub(crate) {}", new_field); } new_field = format!("\n{}{}", indent, new_field); let needs_comma = !last_field_syntax.to_string().ends_with(','); if needs_comma { new_field = format!(",{}", new_field); } let source_change = SourceFileEdit { file_id: def_file_id, edit: TextEdit::insert(last_field_syntax.text_range().end(), new_field), }; return Some(Fix::new( "Create field", source_change.into(), record_expr_field.syntax().text_range(), )); fn record_field_list(field_def_list: ast::FieldList) -> Option { match field_def_list { ast::FieldList::RecordFieldList(it) => Some(it), ast::FieldList::TupleFieldList(_) => None, } } }