use std::iter; use hir::Semantics; use ide_db::RootDatabase; use syntax::{ ast, ted, AstNode, NodeOrToken, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken, TokenAtOffset, WalkEvent, T, }; use crate::FilePosition; pub struct ExpandedMacro { pub name: String, pub expansion: String, } // Feature: Expand Macro Recursively // // Shows the full macro expansion of the macro at current cursor. // // |=== // | Editor | Action Name // // | VS Code | **Rust Analyzer: Expand macro recursively** // |=== // // image::[] pub(crate) fn expand_macro(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Option { let sema = Semantics::new(db); let file = sema.parse(position.file_id); let tok = pick_best(file.syntax().token_at_offset(position.offset))?; let mut expanded = None; let mut name = None; for node in tok.ancestors() { if let Some(item) = ast::Item::cast(node.clone()) { expanded = sema.expand_attr_macro(&item); if expanded.is_some() { // FIXME: add the macro name // FIXME: make this recursive too name = Some("?".to_string()); break; } } if let Some(mac) = ast::MacroCall::cast(node) { name = Some(mac.path()?.segment()?.name_ref()?.to_string()); expanded = expand_macro_recur(&sema, &mac); break; } } // FIXME: // macro expansion may lose all white space information // But we hope someday we can use ra_fmt for that let expansion = insert_whitespaces(expanded?); Some(ExpandedMacro { name: name?, expansion }) } fn pick_best(tokens: TokenAtOffset) -> Option { return tokens.max_by_key(priority); fn priority(n: &SyntaxToken) -> usize { match n.kind() { IDENT => 1, _ => 0, } } } fn expand_macro_recur( sema: &Semantics, macro_call: &ast::MacroCall, ) -> Option { let expanded = sema.expand(macro_call)?.clone_for_update(); let children = expanded.descendants().filter_map(ast::MacroCall::cast); let mut replacements = Vec::new(); for child in children { if let Some(new_node) = expand_macro_recur(sema, &child) { // check if the whole original syntax is replaced if expanded == *child.syntax() { return Some(new_node); } replacements.push((child, new_node)); } } replacements.into_iter().rev().for_each(|(old, new)| ted::replace(old.syntax(), new)); Some(expanded) } // FIXME: It would also be cool to share logic here and in the mbe tests, // which are pretty unreadable at the moment. fn insert_whitespaces(syn: SyntaxNode) -> String { let mut res = String::new(); let mut token_iter = syn .preorder_with_tokens() .filter_map(|event| { if let WalkEvent::Enter(NodeOrToken::Token(token)) = event { Some(token) } else { None } }) .peekable(); let mut indent = 0; let mut last: Option = None; while let Some(token) = { let mut is_next = |f: fn(SyntaxKind) -> bool, default| -> bool { token_iter.peek().map(|it| f(it.kind())).unwrap_or(default) }; let is_last = |f: fn(SyntaxKind) -> bool, default| -> bool { }; match token.kind() { k if is_text(k) && is_next(|it| !it.is_punct(), true) => { res.push_str(token.text()); res.push(' '); } L_CURLY if is_next(|it| it != R_CURLY, true) => { indent += 1; if is_last(is_text, false) { res.push(' '); } res.push_str("{\n"); res.extend(iter::repeat(" ").take(2 * indent)); } R_CURLY if is_last(|it| it != L_CURLY, true) => { indent = indent.saturating_sub(1); res.push('\n'); res.extend(iter::repeat(" ").take(2 * indent)); res.push_str("}"); } R_CURLY => { res.push_str("}\n"); res.extend(iter::repeat(" ").take(2 * indent)); } LIFETIME_IDENT if is_next(|it| it == IDENT, true) => { res.push_str(token.text()); res.push(' '); } T![;] => { res.push_str(";\n"); res.extend(iter::repeat(" ").take(2 * indent)); } T![->] => res.push_str(" -> "), T![=] => res.push_str(" = "), T![=>] => res.push_str(" => "), _ => res.push_str(token.text()), } last = Some(token.kind()); } return res; fn is_text(k: SyntaxKind) -> bool { k.is_keyword() || k.is_literal() || k == IDENT } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use expect_test::{expect, Expect}; use crate::fixture; fn check(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let (analysis, pos) = fixture::position(ra_fixture); let expansion = analysis.expand_macro(pos).unwrap().unwrap(); let actual = format!("{}\n{}",, expansion.expansion); expect.assert_eq(&actual); } #[test] fn macro_expand_recursive_expansion() { check( r#" macro_rules! bar { () => { fn b() {} } } macro_rules! foo { () => { bar!(); } } macro_rules! baz { () => { foo!(); } } f$0oo!(); "#, expect![[r#" foo fn b(){} "#]], ); } #[test] fn macro_expand_multiple_lines() { check( r#" macro_rules! foo { () => { fn some_thing() -> u32 { let a = 0; a + 10 } } } f$0oo!(); "#, expect![[r#" foo fn some_thing() -> u32 { let a = 0; a+10 }"#]], ); } #[test] fn macro_expand_match_ast() { check( r#" macro_rules! match_ast { (match $node:ident { $($tt:tt)* }) => { match_ast!(match ($node) { $($tt)* }) }; (match ($node:expr) { $( ast::$ast:ident($it:ident) => $res:block, )* _ => $catch_all:expr $(,)? }) => {{ $( if let Some($it) = ast::$ast::cast($node.clone()) $res else )* { $catch_all } }}; } fn main() { mat$0ch_ast! { match container { ast::TraitDef(it) => {}, ast::ImplDef(it) => {}, _ => { continue }, } } } "#, expect![[r#" match_ast { if let Some(it) = ast::TraitDef::cast(container.clone()){} else if let Some(it) = ast::ImplDef::cast(container.clone()){} else { { continue } } }"#]], ); } #[test] fn macro_expand_match_ast_inside_let_statement() { check( r#" macro_rules! match_ast { (match $node:ident { $($tt:tt)* }) => { match_ast!(match ($node) { $($tt)* }) }; (match ($node:expr) {}) => {{}}; } fn main() { let p = f(|it| { let res = mat$0ch_ast! { match c {}}; Some(res) })?; } "#, expect![[r#" match_ast {} "#]], ); } #[test] fn macro_expand_inner_macro_fail_to_expand() { check( r#" macro_rules! bar { (BAD) => {}; } macro_rules! foo { () => {bar!()}; } fn main() { let res = fo$0o!(); } "#, expect![[r#" foo "#]], ); } #[test] fn macro_expand_with_dollar_crate() { check( r#" #[macro_export] macro_rules! bar { () => {0}; } macro_rules! foo { () => {$crate::bar!()}; } fn main() { let res = fo$0o!(); } "#, expect![[r#" foo 0 "#]], ); } }