use hir::{AsAssocItem, Impl, Semantics}; use ide_db::{ defs::{Definition, NameClass, NameRefClass}, RootDatabase, }; use syntax::{ast, AstNode}; use crate::{display::TryToNav, FilePosition, NavigationTarget, RangeInfo}; // Feature: Go to Implementation // // Navigates to the impl block of structs, enums or traits. Also implemented as a code lens. // // |=== // | Editor | Shortcut // // | VS Code | kbd:[Ctrl+F12] // |=== // // image::[] pub(crate) fn goto_implementation( db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition, ) -> Option<RangeInfo<Vec<NavigationTarget>>> { let sema = Semantics::new(db); let source_file = sema.parse(position.file_id); let syntax = source_file.syntax().clone(); let node = sema.find_node_at_offset_with_descend(&syntax, position.offset)?; let def = match &node { ast::NameLike::Name(name) => { NameClass::classify(&sema, name).map(|class| class.referenced_or_defined(sema.db)) } ast::NameLike::NameRef(name_ref) => { NameRefClass::classify(&sema, name_ref).map(|class| class.referenced(sema.db)) } ast::NameLike::Lifetime(_) => None, }?; let def = match def { Definition::ModuleDef(def) => def, _ => return None, }; let navs = match def { hir::ModuleDef::Trait(trait_) => impls_for_trait(&sema, trait_), hir::ModuleDef::Adt(adt) => impls_for_ty(&sema, adt.ty(sema.db)), hir::ModuleDef::TypeAlias(alias) => impls_for_ty(&sema, alias.ty(sema.db)), hir::ModuleDef::BuiltinType(builtin) => { let module = sema.to_module_def(position.file_id)?; impls_for_ty(&sema, builtin.ty(sema.db, module)) } hir::ModuleDef::Function(f) => { let assoc = f.as_assoc_item(sema.db)?; let name =; let trait_ = assoc.containing_trait(sema.db)?; impls_for_trait_item(&sema, trait_, name) } hir::ModuleDef::Const(c) => { let assoc = c.as_assoc_item(sema.db)?; let name =; let trait_ = assoc.containing_trait(sema.db)?; impls_for_trait_item(&sema, trait_, name) } _ => return None, }; Some(RangeInfo { range: node.syntax().text_range(), info: navs }) } fn impls_for_ty(sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>, ty: hir::Type) -> Vec<NavigationTarget> { Impl::all_for_type(sema.db, ty).into_iter().filter_map(|imp| imp.try_to_nav(sema.db)).collect() } fn impls_for_trait(sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>, trait_: hir::Trait) -> Vec<NavigationTarget> { Impl::all_for_trait(sema.db, trait_) .into_iter() .filter_map(|imp| imp.try_to_nav(sema.db)) .collect() } fn impls_for_trait_item( sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>, trait_: hir::Trait, fun_name: hir::Name, ) -> Vec<NavigationTarget> { Impl::all_for_trait(sema.db, trait_) .into_iter() .filter_map(|imp| { let item = imp.items(sema.db).iter().find_map(|itm| { let itm_name =; (itm_name == fun_name).then(|| itm.clone()) })?; item.try_to_nav(sema.db) }) .collect() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use ide_db::base_db::FileRange; use crate::fixture; fn check(ra_fixture: &str) { let (analysis, position, annotations) = fixture::annotations(ra_fixture); let navs = analysis.goto_implementation(position).unwrap().unwrap().info; let key = |frange: &FileRange| (frange.file_id, frange.range.start()); let mut expected = annotations .into_iter() .map(|(range, data)| { assert!(data.is_empty()); range }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); expected.sort_by_key(key); let mut actual = navs .into_iter() .map(|nav| FileRange { file_id: nav.file_id, range: nav.focus_or_full_range() }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); actual.sort_by_key(key); assert_eq!(expected, actual); } #[test] fn goto_implementation_works() { check( r#" struct Foo$0; impl Foo {} //^^^ "#, ); } #[test] fn goto_implementation_works_multiple_blocks() { check( r#" struct Foo$0; impl Foo {} //^^^ impl Foo {} //^^^ "#, ); } #[test] fn goto_implementation_works_multiple_mods() { check( r#" struct Foo$0; mod a { impl super::Foo {} //^^^^^^^^^^ } mod b { impl super::Foo {} //^^^^^^^^^^ } "#, ); } #[test] fn goto_implementation_works_multiple_files() { check( r#" //- / struct Foo$0; mod a; mod b; //- / impl crate::Foo {} //^^^^^^^^^^ //- / impl crate::Foo {} //^^^^^^^^^^ "#, ); } #[test] fn goto_implementation_for_trait() { check( r#" trait T$0 {} struct Foo; impl T for Foo {} //^^^ "#, ); } #[test] fn goto_implementation_for_trait_multiple_files() { check( r#" //- / trait T$0 {}; struct Foo; mod a; mod b; //- / impl crate::T for crate::Foo {} //^^^^^^^^^^ //- / impl crate::T for crate::Foo {} //^^^^^^^^^^ "#, ); } #[test] fn goto_implementation_all_impls() { check( r#" //- / trait T {} struct Foo$0; impl Foo {} //^^^ impl T for Foo {} //^^^ impl T for &Foo {} //^^^^ "#, ); } #[test] fn goto_implementation_to_builtin_derive() { check( r#" #[derive(Copy)] //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ struct Foo$0; mod marker { trait Copy {} } #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro Copy {} "#, ); } #[test] fn goto_implementation_type_alias() { check( r#" struct Foo; type Bar$0 = Foo; impl Foo {} //^^^ impl Bar {} //^^^ "#, ); } #[test] fn goto_implementation_adt_generic() { check( r#" struct Foo$0<T>; impl<T> Foo<T> {} //^^^^^^ impl Foo<str> {} //^^^^^^^^ "#, ); } #[test] fn goto_implementation_builtin() { check( r#" //- / crate:main deps:core fn foo(_: bool$0) {{}} //- / crate:core #[lang = "bool"] impl bool {} //^^^^ "#, ); } #[test] fn goto_implementation_trait_functions() { check( r#" trait Tr { fn f$0(); } struct S; impl Tr for S { fn f() { //^ println!("Hello, world!"); } } "#, ); } #[test] fn goto_implementation_trait_assoc_const() { check( r#" trait Tr { const C$0: usize; } struct S; impl Tr for S { const C: usize = 4; //^ } "#, ); } }