use std::iter::once; use hir::Semantics; use ide_db::{base_db::FileRange, RootDatabase}; use itertools::Itertools; use syntax::{ algo, ast, match_ast, AstNode, SyntaxElement, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken, TextRange, TokenAtOffset, }; use text_edit::{TextEdit, TextEditBuilder}; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub enum Direction { Up, Down, } // Feature: Move Item // // Move item under cursor or selection up and down. // // |=== // | Editor | Action Name // // | VS Code | **Rust Analyzer: Move item up** // | VS Code | **Rust Analyzer: Move item down** // |=== // // image::[] pub(crate) fn move_item( db: &RootDatabase, range: FileRange, direction: Direction, ) -> Option<TextEdit> { let sema = Semantics::new(db); let file = sema.parse(range.file_id); let item = if range.range.is_empty() { SyntaxElement::Token(pick_best(file.syntax().token_at_offset(range.range.start()))?) } else { file.syntax().covering_element(range.range) }; find_ancestors(item, direction, range.range) } fn find_ancestors(item: SyntaxElement, direction: Direction, range: TextRange) -> Option<TextEdit> { let root = match item { SyntaxElement::Node(node) => node, SyntaxElement::Token(token) => token.parent()?, }; let movable = [ SyntaxKind::ARG_LIST, SyntaxKind::GENERIC_PARAM_LIST, SyntaxKind::GENERIC_ARG_LIST, SyntaxKind::VARIANT_LIST, SyntaxKind::TYPE_BOUND_LIST, SyntaxKind::MATCH_ARM, SyntaxKind::PARAM, SyntaxKind::LET_STMT, SyntaxKind::EXPR_STMT, SyntaxKind::IF_EXPR, SyntaxKind::FOR_EXPR, SyntaxKind::LOOP_EXPR, SyntaxKind::WHILE_EXPR, SyntaxKind::RETURN_EXPR, SyntaxKind::MATCH_EXPR, SyntaxKind::MACRO_CALL, SyntaxKind::TYPE_ALIAS, SyntaxKind::TRAIT, SyntaxKind::IMPL, SyntaxKind::MACRO_DEF, SyntaxKind::STRUCT, SyntaxKind::UNION, SyntaxKind::ENUM, SyntaxKind::FN, SyntaxKind::MODULE, SyntaxKind::USE, SyntaxKind::STATIC, SyntaxKind::CONST, SyntaxKind::MACRO_RULES, SyntaxKind::MACRO_DEF, ]; let ancestor = once(root.clone()) .chain(root.ancestors()) .find(|ancestor| movable.contains(&ancestor.kind()))?; move_in_direction(&ancestor, direction, range) } fn move_in_direction( node: &SyntaxNode, direction: Direction, range: TextRange, ) -> Option<TextEdit> { match_ast! { match node { ast::ArgList(it) => swap_sibling_in_list(node, it.args(), range, direction), ast::GenericParamList(it) => swap_sibling_in_list(node, it.generic_params(), range, direction), ast::GenericArgList(it) => swap_sibling_in_list(node, it.generic_args(), range, direction), ast::VariantList(it) => swap_sibling_in_list(node, it.variants(), range, direction), ast::TypeBoundList(it) => swap_sibling_in_list(node, it.bounds(), range, direction), _ => Some(replace_nodes(node, &match direction { Direction::Up => node.prev_sibling(), Direction::Down => node.next_sibling(), }?)) } } } fn swap_sibling_in_list<A: AstNode + Clone, I: Iterator<Item = A>>( node: &SyntaxNode, list: I, range: TextRange, direction: Direction, ) -> Option<TextEdit> { let list_lookup = list .tuple_windows() .filter(|(l, r)| match direction { Direction::Up => r.syntax().text_range().contains_range(range), Direction::Down => l.syntax().text_range().contains_range(range), }) .next(); if let Some((l, r)) = list_lookup { Some(replace_nodes(l.syntax(), r.syntax())) } else { // Cursor is beyond any movable list item (for example, on curly brace in enum). // It's not necessary, that parent of list is movable (arg list's parent is not, for example), // and we have to continue tree traversal to find suitable node. find_ancestors(SyntaxElement::Node(node.parent()?), direction, range) } } fn replace_nodes(first: &SyntaxNode, second: &SyntaxNode) -> TextEdit { let mut edit = TextEditBuilder::default(); algo::diff(first, second).into_text_edit(&mut edit); algo::diff(second, first).into_text_edit(&mut edit); edit.finish() } fn pick_best(tokens: TokenAtOffset<SyntaxToken>) -> Option<SyntaxToken> { return tokens.max_by_key(priority); fn priority(n: &SyntaxToken) -> usize { match n.kind() { SyntaxKind::IDENT | SyntaxKind::LIFETIME_IDENT => 2, kind if kind.is_trivia() => 0, _ => 1, } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::fixture; use expect_test::{expect, Expect}; use crate::Direction; fn check(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect, direction: Direction) { let (analysis, range) = fixture::range(ra_fixture); let edit = analysis.move_item(range, direction).unwrap().unwrap_or_default(); let mut file = analysis.file_text(range.file_id).unwrap().to_string(); edit.apply(&mut file); expect.assert_eq(&file); } #[test] fn test_moves_match_arm_up() { check( r#" fn main() { match true { true => { println!("Hello, world"); }, false =>$0$0 { println!("Test"); } }; } "#, expect![[r#" fn main() { match true { false => { println!("Test"); }, true => { println!("Hello, world"); } }; } "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_moves_match_arm_down() { check( r#" fn main() { match true { true =>$0$0 { println!("Hello, world"); }, false => { println!("Test"); } }; } "#, expect![[r#" fn main() { match true { false => { println!("Test"); }, true => { println!("Hello, world"); } }; } "#]], Direction::Down, ); } #[test] fn test_nowhere_to_move() { check( r#" fn main() { match true { true =>$0$0 { println!("Hello, world"); }, false => { println!("Test"); } }; } "#, expect![[r#" fn main() { match true { true => { println!("Hello, world"); }, false => { println!("Test"); } }; } "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_moves_let_stmt_up() { check( r#" fn main() { let test = 123; let test2$0$0 = 456; } "#, expect![[r#" fn main() { let test2 = 456; let test = 123; } "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_moves_expr_up() { check( r#" fn main() { println!("Hello, world"); println!("All I want to say is...");$0$0 } "#, expect![[r#" fn main() { println!("All I want to say is..."); println!("Hello, world"); } "#]], Direction::Up, ); check( r#" fn main() { println!("Hello, world"); if true { println!("Test"); }$0$0 } "#, expect![[r#" fn main() { if true { println!("Test"); } println!("Hello, world"); } "#]], Direction::Up, ); check( r#" fn main() { println!("Hello, world"); for i in 0..10 { println!("Test"); }$0$0 } "#, expect![[r#" fn main() { for i in 0..10 { println!("Test"); } println!("Hello, world"); } "#]], Direction::Up, ); check( r#" fn main() { println!("Hello, world"); loop { println!("Test"); }$0$0 } "#, expect![[r#" fn main() { loop { println!("Test"); } println!("Hello, world"); } "#]], Direction::Up, ); check( r#" fn main() { println!("Hello, world"); while true { println!("Test"); }$0$0 } "#, expect![[r#" fn main() { while true { println!("Test"); } println!("Hello, world"); } "#]], Direction::Up, ); check( r#" fn main() { println!("Hello, world"); return 123;$0$0 } "#, expect![[r#" fn main() { return 123; println!("Hello, world"); } "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_nowhere_to_move_stmt() { check( r#" fn main() { println!("All I want to say is...");$0$0 println!("Hello, world"); } "#, expect![[r#" fn main() { println!("All I want to say is..."); println!("Hello, world"); } "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_move_item() { check( r#" fn main() {} fn foo() {}$0$0 "#, expect![[r#" fn foo() {} fn main() {} "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_move_impl_up() { check( r#" struct Yay; trait Wow {} impl Wow for Yay $0$0{} "#, expect![[r#" struct Yay; impl Wow for Yay {} trait Wow {} "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_move_use_up() { check( r#" use std::vec::Vec; use std::collections::HashMap$0$0; "#, expect![[r#" use std::collections::HashMap; use std::vec::Vec; "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_moves_match_expr_up() { check( r#" fn main() { let test = 123; $0match test { 456 => {}, _ => {} };$0 } "#, expect![[r#" fn main() { match test { 456 => {}, _ => {} }; let test = 123; } "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_moves_param_up() { check( r#" fn test(one: i32, two$0$0: u32) {} fn main() { test(123, 456); } "#, expect![[r#" fn test(two: u32, one: i32) {} fn main() { test(123, 456); } "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_moves_arg_up() { check( r#" fn test(one: i32, two: u32) {} fn main() { test(123, 456$0$0); } "#, expect![[r#" fn test(one: i32, two: u32) {} fn main() { test(456, 123); } "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_moves_arg_down() { check( r#" fn test(one: i32, two: u32) {} fn main() { test(123$0$0, 456); } "#, expect![[r#" fn test(one: i32, two: u32) {} fn main() { test(456, 123); } "#]], Direction::Down, ); } #[test] fn test_nowhere_to_move_arg() { check( r#" fn test(one: i32, two: u32) {} fn main() { test(123$0$0, 456); } "#, expect![[r#" fn test(one: i32, two: u32) {} fn main() { test(123, 456); } "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_moves_generic_param_up() { check( r#" struct Test<A, B$0$0>(A, B); fn main() {} "#, expect![[r#" struct Test<B, A>(A, B); fn main() {} "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_moves_generic_arg_up() { check( r#" struct Test<A, B>(A, B); fn main() { let t = Test::<i32, &str$0$0>(123, "yay"); } "#, expect![[r#" struct Test<A, B>(A, B); fn main() { let t = Test::<&str, i32>(123, "yay"); } "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_moves_variant_up() { check( r#" enum Hello { One, Two$0$0 } fn main() {} "#, expect![[r#" enum Hello { Two, One } fn main() {} "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_moves_type_bound_up() { check( r#" trait One {} trait Two {} fn test<T: One + Two$0$0>(t: T) {} fn main() {} "#, expect![[r#" trait One {} trait Two {} fn test<T: Two + One>(t: T) {} fn main() {} "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_prioritizes_trait_items() { check( r#" struct Test; trait Yay { type One; type Two; fn inner(); } impl Yay for Test { type One = i32; type Two = u32; fn inner() {$0$0 println!("Mmmm"); } } "#, expect![[r#" struct Test; trait Yay { type One; type Two; fn inner(); } impl Yay for Test { type One = i32; fn inner() { println!("Mmmm"); } type Two = u32; } "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_weird_nesting() { check( r#" fn test() { mod hello { fn inner() {} } mod hi {$0$0 fn inner() {} } } "#, expect![[r#" fn test() { mod hi { fn inner() {} } mod hello { fn inner() {} } } "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_cursor_at_item_start() { check( r#" $0$0#[derive(Debug)] enum FooBar { Foo, Bar, } fn main() {} "#, expect![[r#" fn main() {} #[derive(Debug)] enum FooBar { Foo, Bar, } "#]], Direction::Down, ); check( r#" $0$0enum FooBar { Foo, Bar, } fn main() {} "#, expect![[r#" fn main() {} enum FooBar { Foo, Bar, } "#]], Direction::Down, ); check( r#" struct Test; trait SomeTrait {} $0$0impl SomeTrait for Test {} fn main() {} "#, expect![[r#" struct Test; impl SomeTrait for Test {} trait SomeTrait {} fn main() {} "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn test_cursor_at_item_end() { check( r#" enum FooBar { Foo, Bar, }$0$0 fn main() {} "#, expect![[r#" fn main() {} enum FooBar { Foo, Bar, } "#]], Direction::Down, ); check( r#" struct Test; trait SomeTrait {} impl SomeTrait for Test {}$0$0 fn main() {} "#, expect![[r#" struct Test; impl SomeTrait for Test {} trait SomeTrait {} fn main() {} "#]], Direction::Up, ); } #[test] fn handles_empty_file() { check(r#"$0$0"#, expect![[r#""#]], Direction::Up); } }