//! FIXME: write short doc here use std::{ convert::TryInto, error::Error, fmt::{self, Display}, }; use hir::{Module, ModuleDef, ModuleSource, Semantics}; use ide_db::{ base_db::{AnchoredPathBuf, FileId, FileRange, SourceDatabaseExt}, defs::{Definition, NameClass, NameRefClass}, search::FileReferences, RootDatabase, }; use syntax::{ algo::find_node_at_offset, ast::{self, NameOwner}, lex_single_syntax_kind, match_ast, AstNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken, T, }; use test_utils::mark; use text_edit::TextEdit; use crate::{ FilePosition, FileSystemEdit, RangeInfo, ReferenceKind, ReferenceSearchResult, SourceChange, SourceFileEdit, TextRange, TextSize, }; type RenameResult = Result; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RenameError(pub(crate) String); impl fmt::Display for RenameError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { Display::fmt(&self.0, f) } } impl Error for RenameError {} macro_rules! format_err { ($fmt:expr) => {RenameError(format!($fmt))}; ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {RenameError(format!($fmt, $($arg)+))} } macro_rules! bail { ($($tokens:tt)*) => {return Err(format_err!($($tokens)*))} } pub(crate) fn prepare_rename( db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition, ) -> RenameResult> { let sema = Semantics::new(db); let source_file = sema.parse(position.file_id); let syntax = source_file.syntax(); if let Some(module) = find_module_at_offset(&sema, position, syntax) { rename_mod(&sema, position, module, "dummy") } else if let Some(self_token) = syntax.token_at_offset(position.offset).find(|t| t.kind() == T![self]) { rename_self_to_param(&sema, position, self_token, "dummy") } else { let RangeInfo { range, .. } = find_all_refs(&sema, position)?; Ok(RangeInfo::new(range, SourceChange::from(vec![]))) } .map(|info| RangeInfo::new(info.range, ())) } pub(crate) fn rename( db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition, new_name: &str, ) -> RenameResult> { let sema = Semantics::new(db); rename_with_semantics(&sema, position, new_name) } pub(crate) fn rename_with_semantics( sema: &Semantics, position: FilePosition, new_name: &str, ) -> RenameResult> { let source_file = sema.parse(position.file_id); let syntax = source_file.syntax(); if let Some(module) = find_module_at_offset(&sema, position, syntax) { rename_mod(&sema, position, module, new_name) } else if let Some(self_token) = syntax.token_at_offset(position.offset).find(|t| t.kind() == T![self]) { rename_self_to_param(&sema, position, self_token, new_name) } else { rename_reference(&sema, position, new_name) } } pub(crate) fn will_rename_file( db: &RootDatabase, file_id: FileId, new_name_stem: &str, ) -> Option { let sema = Semantics::new(db); let module = sema.to_module_def(file_id)?; let decl = module.declaration_source(db)?; let range = decl.value.name()?.syntax().text_range(); let position = FilePosition { file_id: decl.file_id.original_file(db), offset: range.start() }; let mut change = rename_mod(&sema, position, module, new_name_stem).ok()?.info; change.file_system_edits.clear(); Some(change) } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] enum IdentifierKind { Ident, Lifetime, ToSelf, Underscore, } fn check_identifier(new_name: &str) -> RenameResult { match lex_single_syntax_kind(new_name) { Some(res) => match res { (SyntaxKind::IDENT, _) => Ok(IdentifierKind::Ident), (T![_], _) => Ok(IdentifierKind::Underscore), (T![self], _) => Ok(IdentifierKind::ToSelf), (SyntaxKind::LIFETIME_IDENT, _) if new_name != "'static" && new_name != "'_" => { Ok(IdentifierKind::Lifetime) } (SyntaxKind::LIFETIME_IDENT, _) => { bail!("Invalid name `{0}`: Cannot rename lifetime to {0}", new_name) } (_, Some(syntax_error)) => bail!("Invalid name `{}`: {}", new_name, syntax_error), (_, None) => bail!("Invalid name `{}`: not an identifier", new_name), }, None => bail!("Invalid name `{}`: not an identifier", new_name), } } fn find_module_at_offset( sema: &Semantics, position: FilePosition, syntax: &SyntaxNode, ) -> Option { let ident = syntax.token_at_offset(position.offset).find(|t| t.kind() == SyntaxKind::IDENT)?; let module = match_ast! { match (ident.parent()) { ast::NameRef(name_ref) => { match NameRefClass::classify(sema, &name_ref)? { NameRefClass::Definition(Definition::ModuleDef(ModuleDef::Module(module))) => module, _ => return None, } }, ast::Name(name) => { match NameClass::classify(&sema, &name)? { NameClass::Definition(Definition::ModuleDef(ModuleDef::Module(module))) => module, _ => return None, } }, _ => return None, } }; Some(module) } fn find_all_refs( sema: &Semantics, position: FilePosition, ) -> RenameResult> { crate::references::find_all_refs(sema, position, None) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("No references found at position")) } fn source_edit_from_references( sema: &Semantics, &FileReferences { file_id, ref references }: &FileReferences, new_name: &str, ) -> SourceFileEdit { let mut edit = TextEdit::builder(); for reference in references { let mut replacement_text = String::new(); let range = match reference.kind { ReferenceKind::FieldShorthandForField => { mark::hit!(test_rename_struct_field_for_shorthand); replacement_text.push_str(new_name); replacement_text.push_str(": "); TextRange::new(reference.range.start(), reference.range.start()) } ReferenceKind::FieldShorthandForLocal => { mark::hit!(test_rename_local_for_field_shorthand); replacement_text.push_str(": "); replacement_text.push_str(new_name); TextRange::new(reference.range.end(), reference.range.end()) } ReferenceKind::RecordFieldExprOrPat => { mark::hit!(test_rename_field_expr_pat); replacement_text.push_str(new_name); edit_text_range_for_record_field_expr_or_pat( sema, FileRange { file_id, range: reference.range }, new_name, ) } _ => { replacement_text.push_str(new_name); reference.range } }; edit.replace(range, replacement_text); } SourceFileEdit { file_id, edit: edit.finish() } } fn edit_text_range_for_record_field_expr_or_pat( sema: &Semantics, file_range: FileRange, new_name: &str, ) -> TextRange { let source_file = sema.parse(file_range.file_id); let file_syntax = source_file.syntax(); let original_range = file_range.range; syntax::algo::find_node_at_range::(file_syntax, original_range) .and_then(|field_expr| match field_expr.expr().and_then(|e| e.name_ref()) { Some(name) if &name.to_string() == new_name => Some(field_expr.syntax().text_range()), _ => None, }) .or_else(|| { syntax::algo::find_node_at_range::(file_syntax, original_range) .and_then(|field_pat| match field_pat.pat() { Some(ast::Pat::IdentPat(pat)) if pat.name().map(|n| n.to_string()).as_deref() == Some(new_name) => { Some(field_pat.syntax().text_range()) } _ => None, }) }) .unwrap_or(original_range) } fn rename_mod( sema: &Semantics, position: FilePosition, module: Module, new_name: &str, ) -> RenameResult> { if IdentifierKind::Ident != check_identifier(new_name)? { bail!("Invalid name `{0}`: cannot rename module to {0}", new_name); } let mut source_file_edits = Vec::new(); let mut file_system_edits = Vec::new(); let src = module.definition_source(sema.db); let file_id = src.file_id.original_file(sema.db); match src.value { ModuleSource::SourceFile(..) => { // mod is defined in path/to/dir/mod.rs let path = if module.is_mod_rs(sema.db) { format!("../{}/mod.rs", new_name) } else { format!("{}.rs", new_name) }; let dst = AnchoredPathBuf { anchor: file_id, path }; let move_file = FileSystemEdit::MoveFile { src: file_id, dst }; file_system_edits.push(move_file); } ModuleSource::Module(..) => {} } if let Some(src) = module.declaration_source(sema.db) { let file_id = src.file_id.original_file(sema.db); let name = src.value.name().unwrap(); let edit = SourceFileEdit { file_id, edit: TextEdit::replace(name.syntax().text_range(), new_name.into()), }; source_file_edits.push(edit); } let RangeInfo { range, info: refs } = find_all_refs(sema, position)?; let ref_edits = refs .references() .iter() .map(|reference| source_edit_from_references(sema, reference, new_name)); source_file_edits.extend(ref_edits); Ok(RangeInfo::new(range, SourceChange::from_edits(source_file_edits, file_system_edits))) } fn rename_to_self( sema: &Semantics, position: FilePosition, ) -> Result, RenameError> { let source_file = sema.parse(position.file_id); let syn = source_file.syntax(); let (fn_def, fn_ast) = find_node_at_offset::(syn, position.offset) .and_then(|fn_ast| sema.to_def(&fn_ast).zip(Some(fn_ast))) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("No surrounding method declaration found"))?; let param_range = fn_ast .param_list() .and_then(|p| p.params().next()) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Method has no parameters"))? .syntax() .text_range(); if !param_range.contains(position.offset) { bail!("Only the first parameter can be self"); } let impl_block = find_node_at_offset::(syn, position.offset) .and_then(|def| sema.to_def(&def)) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("No impl block found for function"))?; if fn_def.self_param(sema.db).is_some() { bail!("Method already has a self parameter"); } let params = fn_def.assoc_fn_params(sema.db); let first_param = params.first().ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Method has no parameters"))?; let first_param_ty = first_param.ty(); let impl_ty = impl_block.target_ty(sema.db); let (ty, self_param) = if impl_ty.remove_ref().is_some() { // if the impl is a ref to the type we can just match the `&T` with self directly (first_param_ty.clone(), "self") } else { first_param_ty.remove_ref().map_or((first_param_ty.clone(), "self"), |ty| { (ty, if first_param_ty.is_mutable_reference() { "&mut self" } else { "&self" }) }) }; if ty != impl_ty { bail!("Parameter type differs from impl block type"); } let RangeInfo { range, info: refs } = find_all_refs(sema, position)?; let mut edits = refs .references() .iter() .map(|reference| source_edit_from_references(sema, reference, "self")) .collect::>(); edits.push(SourceFileEdit { file_id: position.file_id, edit: TextEdit::replace(param_range, String::from(self_param)), }); Ok(RangeInfo::new(range, SourceChange::from(edits))) } fn text_edit_from_self_param( syn: &SyntaxNode, self_param: &ast::SelfParam, new_name: &str, ) -> Option { fn target_type_name(impl_def: &ast::Impl) -> Option { if let Some(ast::Type::PathType(p)) = impl_def.self_ty() { return Some(p.path()?.segment()?.name_ref()?.text().to_string()); } None } let impl_def = find_node_at_offset::(syn, self_param.syntax().text_range().start())?; let type_name = target_type_name(&impl_def)?; let mut replacement_text = String::from(new_name); replacement_text.push_str(": "); match (self_param.amp_token(), self_param.mut_token()) { (None, None) => (), (Some(_), None) => replacement_text.push('&'), (_, Some(_)) => replacement_text.push_str("&mut "), }; replacement_text.push_str(type_name.as_str()); Some(TextEdit::replace(self_param.syntax().text_range(), replacement_text)) } fn rename_self_to_param( sema: &Semantics, position: FilePosition, self_token: SyntaxToken, new_name: &str, ) -> Result, RenameError> { let ident_kind = check_identifier(new_name)?; match ident_kind { IdentifierKind::Lifetime => bail!("Invalid name `{}`: not an identifier", new_name), IdentifierKind::ToSelf => { // no-op mark::hit!(rename_self_to_self); return Ok(RangeInfo::new(self_token.text_range(), SourceChange::default())); } _ => (), } let source_file = sema.parse(position.file_id); let syn = source_file.syntax(); let text = sema.db.file_text(position.file_id); let fn_def = find_node_at_offset::(syn, position.offset) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("No surrounding method declaration found"))?; let search_range = fn_def.syntax().text_range(); let mut edits: Vec = vec![]; for (idx, _) in text.match_indices("self") { let offset: TextSize = idx.try_into().unwrap(); if !search_range.contains_inclusive(offset) { continue; } if let Some(ref usage) = syn.token_at_offset(offset).find(|t| t.kind() == T![self]) { let edit = if let Some(ref self_param) = ast::SelfParam::cast(usage.parent()) { text_edit_from_self_param(syn, self_param, new_name) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("No target type found"))? } else { TextEdit::replace(usage.text_range(), String::from(new_name)) }; edits.push(SourceFileEdit { file_id: position.file_id, edit }); } } if edits.len() > 1 && ident_kind == IdentifierKind::Underscore { bail!("Cannot rename reference to `_` as it is being referenced multiple times"); } let range = ast::SelfParam::cast(self_token.parent()) .map_or(self_token.text_range(), |p| p.syntax().text_range()); Ok(RangeInfo::new(range, SourceChange::from(edits))) } fn rename_reference( sema: &Semantics, position: FilePosition, new_name: &str, ) -> Result, RenameError> { let ident_kind = check_identifier(new_name)?; let RangeInfo { range, info: refs } = find_all_refs(sema, position)?; match (ident_kind, &refs.declaration.kind) { (IdentifierKind::ToSelf, ReferenceKind::Lifetime) | (IdentifierKind::Underscore, ReferenceKind::Lifetime) | (IdentifierKind::Ident, ReferenceKind::Lifetime) => { mark::hit!(rename_not_a_lifetime_ident_ref); bail!("Invalid name `{}`: not a lifetime identifier", new_name) } (IdentifierKind::Lifetime, ReferenceKind::Lifetime) => mark::hit!(rename_lifetime), (IdentifierKind::Lifetime, _) => { mark::hit!(rename_not_an_ident_ref); bail!("Invalid name `{}`: not an identifier", new_name) } (IdentifierKind::ToSelf, ReferenceKind::SelfKw) => { unreachable!("rename_self_to_param should've been called instead") } (IdentifierKind::ToSelf, _) => { mark::hit!(rename_to_self); return rename_to_self(sema, position); } (IdentifierKind::Underscore, _) if !refs.references.is_empty() => { mark::hit!(rename_underscore_multiple); bail!("Cannot rename reference to `_` as it is being referenced multiple times") } (IdentifierKind::Ident, _) | (IdentifierKind::Underscore, _) => mark::hit!(rename_ident), } let edit = refs .into_iter() .map(|reference| source_edit_from_references(sema, &reference, new_name)) .collect::>(); Ok(RangeInfo::new(range, SourceChange::from(edit))) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use expect_test::{expect, Expect}; use stdx::trim_indent; use test_utils::{assert_eq_text, mark}; use text_edit::TextEdit; use crate::{fixture, FileId}; fn check(new_name: &str, ra_fixture_before: &str, ra_fixture_after: &str) { let ra_fixture_after = &trim_indent(ra_fixture_after); let (analysis, position) = fixture::position(ra_fixture_before); let rename_result = analysis .rename(position, new_name) .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Rename to '{}' was cancelled: {}", new_name, err)); match rename_result { Ok(source_change) => { let mut text_edit_builder = TextEdit::builder(); let mut file_id: Option = None; for edit in source_change.info.source_file_edits { file_id = Some(edit.file_id); for indel in edit.edit.into_iter() { text_edit_builder.replace(indel.delete, indel.insert); } } if let Some(file_id) = file_id { let mut result = analysis.file_text(file_id).unwrap().to_string(); text_edit_builder.finish().apply(&mut result); assert_eq_text!(ra_fixture_after, &*result); } } Err(err) => { if ra_fixture_after.starts_with("error:") { let error_message = ra_fixture_after .chars() .into_iter() .skip("error:".len()) .collect::(); assert_eq!(error_message.trim(), err.to_string()); return; } else { panic!("Rename to '{}' failed unexpectedly: {}", new_name, err) } } }; } fn check_expect(new_name: &str, ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let (analysis, position) = fixture::position(ra_fixture); let source_change = analysis .rename(position, new_name) .unwrap() .expect("Expect returned RangeInfo to be Some, but was None"); expect.assert_debug_eq(&source_change) } #[test] fn test_rename_to_underscore() { check("_", r#"fn main() { let i$0 = 1; }"#, r#"fn main() { let _ = 1; }"#); } #[test] fn test_rename_to_raw_identifier() { check("r#fn", r#"fn main() { let i$0 = 1; }"#, r#"fn main() { let r#fn = 1; }"#); } #[test] fn test_rename_to_invalid_identifier1() { check( "invalid!", r#"fn main() { let i$0 = 1; }"#, "error: Invalid name `invalid!`: not an identifier", ); } #[test] fn test_rename_to_invalid_identifier2() { check( "multiple tokens", r#"fn main() { let i$0 = 1; }"#, "error: Invalid name `multiple tokens`: not an identifier", ); } #[test] fn test_rename_to_invalid_identifier3() { check( "let", r#"fn main() { let i$0 = 1; }"#, "error: Invalid name `let`: not an identifier", ); } #[test] fn test_rename_to_invalid_identifier_lifetime() { mark::check!(rename_not_an_ident_ref); check( "'foo", r#"fn main() { let i$0 = 1; }"#, "error: Invalid name `'foo`: not an identifier", ); } #[test] fn test_rename_to_invalid_identifier_lifetime2() { mark::check!(rename_not_a_lifetime_ident_ref); check( "foo", r#"fn main<'a>(_: &'a$0 ()) {}"#, "error: Invalid name `foo`: not a lifetime identifier", ); } #[test] fn test_rename_to_underscore_invalid() { mark::check!(rename_underscore_multiple); check( "_", r#"fn main(foo$0: ()) {foo;}"#, "error: Cannot rename reference to `_` as it is being referenced multiple times", ); } #[test] fn test_rename_mod_invalid() { check( "'foo", r#"mod foo$0 {}"#, "error: Invalid name `'foo`: cannot rename module to 'foo", ); } #[test] fn test_rename_for_local() { mark::check!(rename_ident); check( "k", r#" fn main() { let mut i = 1; let j = 1; i = i$0 + j; { i = 0; } i = 5; } "#, r#" fn main() { let mut k = 1; let j = 1; k = k + j; { k = 0; } k = 5; } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_unresolved_reference() { check( "new_name", r#"fn main() { let _ = unresolved_ref$0; }"#, "error: No references found at position", ); } #[test] fn test_rename_for_macro_args() { check( "b", r#" macro_rules! foo {($i:ident) => {$i} } fn main() { let a$0 = "test"; foo!(a); } "#, r#" macro_rules! foo {($i:ident) => {$i} } fn main() { let b = "test"; foo!(b); } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_for_macro_args_rev() { check( "b", r#" macro_rules! foo {($i:ident) => {$i} } fn main() { let a = "test"; foo!(a$0); } "#, r#" macro_rules! foo {($i:ident) => {$i} } fn main() { let b = "test"; foo!(b); } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_for_macro_define_fn() { check( "bar", r#" macro_rules! define_fn {($id:ident) => { fn $id{} }} define_fn!(foo); fn main() { fo$0o(); } "#, r#" macro_rules! define_fn {($id:ident) => { fn $id{} }} define_fn!(bar); fn main() { bar(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_for_macro_define_fn_rev() { check( "bar", r#" macro_rules! define_fn {($id:ident) => { fn $id{} }} define_fn!(fo$0o); fn main() { foo(); } "#, r#" macro_rules! define_fn {($id:ident) => { fn $id{} }} define_fn!(bar); fn main() { bar(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_for_param_inside() { check("j", r#"fn foo(i : u32) -> u32 { i$0 }"#, r#"fn foo(j : u32) -> u32 { j }"#); } #[test] fn test_rename_refs_for_fn_param() { check("j", r#"fn foo(i$0 : u32) -> u32 { i }"#, r#"fn foo(j : u32) -> u32 { j }"#); } #[test] fn test_rename_for_mut_param() { check("j", r#"fn foo(mut i$0 : u32) -> u32 { i }"#, r#"fn foo(mut j : u32) -> u32 { j }"#); } #[test] fn test_rename_struct_field() { check( "j", r#" struct Foo { i$0: i32 } impl Foo { fn new(i: i32) -> Self { Self { i: i } } } "#, r#" struct Foo { j: i32 } impl Foo { fn new(i: i32) -> Self { Self { j: i } } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_struct_field_for_shorthand() { mark::check!(test_rename_struct_field_for_shorthand); check( "j", r#" struct Foo { i$0: i32 } impl Foo { fn new(i: i32) -> Self { Self { i } } } "#, r#" struct Foo { j: i32 } impl Foo { fn new(i: i32) -> Self { Self { j: i } } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_local_for_field_shorthand() { mark::check!(test_rename_local_for_field_shorthand); check( "j", r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } impl Foo { fn new(i$0: i32) -> Self { Self { i } } } "#, r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } impl Foo { fn new(j: i32) -> Self { Self { i: j } } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_field_shorthand_correct_struct() { check( "j", r#" struct Foo { i$0: i32 } struct Bar { i: i32 } impl Bar { fn new(i: i32) -> Self { Self { i } } } "#, r#" struct Foo { j: i32 } struct Bar { i: i32 } impl Bar { fn new(i: i32) -> Self { Self { i } } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_shadow_local_for_struct_shorthand() { check( "j", r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } fn baz(i$0: i32) -> Self { let x = Foo { i }; { let i = 0; Foo { i } } } "#, r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } fn baz(j: i32) -> Self { let x = Foo { i: j }; { let i = 0; Foo { i } } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_mod() { check_expect( "foo2", r#" //- /lib.rs mod bar; //- /bar.rs mod foo$0; //- /bar/foo.rs // empty "#, expect![[r#" RangeInfo { range: 4..7, info: SourceChange { source_file_edits: [ SourceFileEdit { file_id: FileId( 1, ), edit: TextEdit { indels: [ Indel { insert: "foo2", delete: 4..7, }, ], }, }, ], file_system_edits: [ MoveFile { src: FileId( 2, ), dst: AnchoredPathBuf { anchor: FileId( 2, ), path: "foo2.rs", }, }, ], is_snippet: false, }, } "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_rename_mod_in_use_tree() { check_expect( "quux", r#" //- /main.rs pub mod foo; pub mod bar; fn main() {} //- /foo.rs pub struct FooContent; //- /bar.rs use crate::foo$0::FooContent; "#, expect![[r#" RangeInfo { range: 11..14, info: SourceChange { source_file_edits: [ SourceFileEdit { file_id: FileId( 0, ), edit: TextEdit { indels: [ Indel { insert: "quux", delete: 8..11, }, ], }, }, SourceFileEdit { file_id: FileId( 2, ), edit: TextEdit { indels: [ Indel { insert: "quux", delete: 11..14, }, ], }, }, ], file_system_edits: [ MoveFile { src: FileId( 1, ), dst: AnchoredPathBuf { anchor: FileId( 1, ), path: "quux.rs", }, }, ], is_snippet: false, }, } "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_rename_mod_in_dir() { check_expect( "foo2", r#" //- /lib.rs mod fo$0o; //- /foo/mod.rs // empty "#, expect![[r#" RangeInfo { range: 4..7, info: SourceChange { source_file_edits: [ SourceFileEdit { file_id: FileId( 0, ), edit: TextEdit { indels: [ Indel { insert: "foo2", delete: 4..7, }, ], }, }, ], file_system_edits: [ MoveFile { src: FileId( 1, ), dst: AnchoredPathBuf { anchor: FileId( 1, ), path: "../foo2/mod.rs", }, }, ], is_snippet: false, }, } "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_rename_unusually_nested_mod() { check_expect( "bar", r#" //- /lib.rs mod outer { mod fo$0o; } //- /outer/foo.rs // empty "#, expect![[r#" RangeInfo { range: 16..19, info: SourceChange { source_file_edits: [ SourceFileEdit { file_id: FileId( 0, ), edit: TextEdit { indels: [ Indel { insert: "bar", delete: 16..19, }, ], }, }, ], file_system_edits: [ MoveFile { src: FileId( 1, ), dst: AnchoredPathBuf { anchor: FileId( 1, ), path: "bar.rs", }, }, ], is_snippet: false, }, } "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_module_rename_in_path() { check( "baz", r#" mod $0foo { pub fn bar() {} } fn main() { foo::bar(); } "#, r#" mod baz { pub fn bar() {} } fn main() { baz::bar(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_mod_filename_and_path() { check_expect( "foo2", r#" //- /lib.rs mod bar; fn f() { bar::foo::fun() } //- /bar.rs pub mod foo$0; //- /bar/foo.rs // pub fn fun() {} "#, expect![[r#" RangeInfo { range: 8..11, info: SourceChange { source_file_edits: [ SourceFileEdit { file_id: FileId( 1, ), edit: TextEdit { indels: [ Indel { insert: "foo2", delete: 8..11, }, ], }, }, SourceFileEdit { file_id: FileId( 0, ), edit: TextEdit { indels: [ Indel { insert: "foo2", delete: 27..30, }, ], }, }, ], file_system_edits: [ MoveFile { src: FileId( 2, ), dst: AnchoredPathBuf { anchor: FileId( 2, ), path: "foo2.rs", }, }, ], is_snippet: false, }, } "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_enum_variant_from_module_1() { check( "Baz", r#" mod foo { pub enum Foo { Bar$0 } } fn func(f: foo::Foo) { match f { foo::Foo::Bar => {} } } "#, r#" mod foo { pub enum Foo { Baz } } fn func(f: foo::Foo) { match f { foo::Foo::Baz => {} } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_enum_variant_from_module_2() { check( "baz", r#" mod foo { pub struct Foo { pub bar$0: uint } } fn foo(f: foo::Foo) { let _ = f.bar; } "#, r#" mod foo { pub struct Foo { pub baz: uint } } fn foo(f: foo::Foo) { let _ = f.baz; } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_parameter_to_self() { mark::check!(rename_to_self); check( "self", r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } impl Foo { fn f(foo$0: &mut Foo) -> i32 { foo.i } } "#, r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } impl Foo { fn f(&mut self) -> i32 { self.i } } "#, ); check( "self", r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } impl Foo { fn f(foo$0: Foo) -> i32 { foo.i } } "#, r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } impl Foo { fn f(self) -> i32 { self.i } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_parameter_to_self_error_no_impl() { check( "self", r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } fn f(foo$0: &mut Foo) -> i32 { foo.i } "#, "error: No impl block found for function", ); check( "self", r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } struct Bar; impl Bar { fn f(foo$0: &mut Foo) -> i32 { foo.i } } "#, "error: Parameter type differs from impl block type", ); } #[test] fn test_parameter_to_self_error_not_first() { check( "self", r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } impl Foo { fn f(x: (), foo$0: &mut Foo) -> i32 { foo.i } } "#, "error: Only the first parameter can be self", ); } #[test] fn test_parameter_to_self_impl_ref() { check( "self", r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } impl &Foo { fn f(foo$0: &Foo) -> i32 { foo.i } } "#, r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } impl &Foo { fn f(self) -> i32 { self.i } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_self_to_parameter() { check( "foo", r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } impl Foo { fn f(&mut $0self) -> i32 { self.i } } "#, r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } impl Foo { fn f(foo: &mut Foo) -> i32 { foo.i } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_owned_self_to_parameter() { check( "foo", r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } impl Foo { fn f($0self) -> i32 { self.i } } "#, r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } impl Foo { fn f(foo: Foo) -> i32 { foo.i } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_self_in_path_to_parameter() { check( "foo", r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } impl Foo { fn f(&self) -> i32 { let self_var = 1; self$0.i } } "#, r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } impl Foo { fn f(foo: &Foo) -> i32 { let self_var = 1; foo.i } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_initializer_use_field_init_shorthand() { mark::check!(test_rename_field_expr_pat); check( "bar", r#" struct Foo { i$0: i32 } fn foo(bar: i32) -> Foo { Foo { i: bar } } "#, r#" struct Foo { bar: i32 } fn foo(bar: i32) -> Foo { Foo { bar } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_struct_field_destructure_into_shorthand() { check( "baz", r#" struct Foo { i$0: i32 } fn foo(foo: Foo) { let Foo { i: baz } = foo; let _ = baz; } "#, r#" struct Foo { baz: i32 } fn foo(foo: Foo) { let Foo { baz } = foo; let _ = baz; } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_binding_in_destructure_pat() { let expected_fixture = r#" struct Foo { i: i32, } fn foo(foo: Foo) { let Foo { i: bar } = foo; let _ = bar; } "#; check( "bar", r#" struct Foo { i: i32, } fn foo(foo: Foo) { let Foo { i: b } = foo; let _ = b$0; } "#, expected_fixture, ); check( "bar", r#" struct Foo { i: i32, } fn foo(foo: Foo) { let Foo { i } = foo; let _ = i$0; } "#, expected_fixture, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_binding_in_destructure_param_pat() { check( "bar", r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } fn foo(Foo { i }: foo) -> i32 { i$0 } "#, r#" struct Foo { i: i32 } fn foo(Foo { i: bar }: foo) -> i32 { bar } "#, ) } #[test] fn test_rename_lifetimes() { mark::check!(rename_lifetime); check( "'yeeee", r#" trait Foo<'a> { fn foo() -> &'a (); } impl<'a> Foo<'a> for &'a () { fn foo() -> &'a$0 () { unimplemented!() } } "#, r#" trait Foo<'a> { fn foo() -> &'a (); } impl<'yeeee> Foo<'yeeee> for &'yeeee () { fn foo() -> &'yeeee () { unimplemented!() } } "#, ) } #[test] fn test_rename_bind_pat() { check( "new_name", r#" fn main() { enum CustomOption { None, Some(T), } let test_variable = CustomOption::Some(22); match test_variable { CustomOption::Some(foo$0) if foo == 11 => {} _ => (), } }"#, r#" fn main() { enum CustomOption { None, Some(T), } let test_variable = CustomOption::Some(22); match test_variable { CustomOption::Some(new_name) if new_name == 11 => {} _ => (), } }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_label() { check( "'foo", r#" fn foo<'a>() -> &'a () { 'a: { 'b: loop { break 'a$0; } } } "#, r#" fn foo<'a>() -> &'a () { 'foo: { 'b: loop { break 'foo; } } } "#, ) } #[test] fn test_self_to_self() { mark::check!(rename_self_to_self); check( "self", r#" struct Foo; impl Foo { fn foo(self$0) {} } "#, r#" struct Foo; impl Foo { fn foo(self) {} } "#, ) } }