pub(crate) mod tags; mod highlights; mod injector; mod highlight; mod format; mod macro_; mod inject; mod html; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; use hir::{InFile, Name, Semantics}; use ide_db::{RootDatabase, SymbolKind}; use rustc_hash::FxHashMap; use syntax::{ ast::{self, HasFormatSpecifier}, AstNode, AstToken, Direction, NodeOrToken, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxNode, TextRange, WalkEvent, T, }; use crate::{ syntax_highlighting::{ format::highlight_format_string, highlights::Highlights, macro_::MacroHighlighter, tags::Highlight, }, FileId, HlMod, HlTag, }; pub(crate) use html::highlight_as_html; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub struct HlRange { pub range: TextRange, pub highlight: Highlight, pub binding_hash: Option<u64>, } // Feature: Semantic Syntax Highlighting // // rust-analyzer highlights the code semantically. // For example, `bar` in `foo::Bar` might be colored differently depending on whether `Bar` is an enum or a trait. // rust-analyzer does not specify colors directly, instead it assigns tag (like `struct`) and a set of modifiers (like `declaration`) to each token. // It's up to the client to map those to specific colors. // // The general rule is that a reference to an entity gets colored the same way as the entity itself. // We also give special modifier for `mut` and `&mut` local variables. // // image::[] // image::[] pub(crate) fn highlight( db: &RootDatabase, file_id: FileId, range_to_highlight: Option<TextRange>, syntactic_name_ref_highlighting: bool, ) -> Vec<HlRange> { let _p = profile::span("highlight"); let sema = Semantics::new(db); // Determine the root based on the given range. let (root, range_to_highlight) = { let source_file = sema.parse(file_id); match range_to_highlight { Some(range) => { let node = match source_file.syntax().covering_element(range) { NodeOrToken::Node(it) => it, NodeOrToken::Token(it) => it.parent().unwrap(), }; (node, range) } None => (source_file.syntax().clone(), source_file.syntax().text_range()), } }; let mut hl = highlights::Highlights::new(root.text_range()); traverse( &mut hl, &sema, InFile::new(file_id.into(), &root), range_to_highlight, syntactic_name_ref_highlighting, ); hl.to_vec() } fn traverse( hl: &mut Highlights, sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>, root: InFile<&SyntaxNode>, range_to_highlight: TextRange, syntactic_name_ref_highlighting: bool, ) { let mut bindings_shadow_count: FxHashMap<Name, u32> = FxHashMap::default(); let mut current_macro_call: Option<ast::MacroCall> = None; let mut current_macro: Option<ast::Macro> = None; let mut macro_highlighter = MacroHighlighter::default(); let mut inside_attribute = false; // Walk all nodes, keeping track of whether we are inside a macro or not. // If in macro, expand it first and highlight the expanded code. for event in root.value.preorder_with_tokens() { let event_range = match &event { WalkEvent::Enter(it) | WalkEvent::Leave(it) => it.text_range(), }; // Element outside of the viewport, no need to highlight if range_to_highlight.intersect(event_range).is_none() { continue; } // Track "inside macro" state match event.clone().map(|it| it.into_node().and_then(ast::MacroCall::cast)) { WalkEvent::Enter(Some(mc)) => { if let Some(range) = macro_call_range(&mc) { hl.add(HlRange { range, highlight: HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Macro).into(), binding_hash: None, }); } current_macro_call = Some(mc.clone()); continue; } WalkEvent::Leave(Some(mc)) => { assert_eq!(current_macro_call, Some(mc)); current_macro_call = None; } _ => (), } match event.clone().map(|it| it.into_node().and_then(ast::Macro::cast)) { WalkEvent::Enter(Some(mac)) => { macro_highlighter.init(); current_macro = Some(mac); continue; } WalkEvent::Leave(Some(mac)) => { assert_eq!(current_macro, Some(mac)); current_macro = None; macro_highlighter = MacroHighlighter::default(); } _ => (), } match &event { WalkEvent::Enter(NodeOrToken::Node(node)) if ast::Attr::can_cast(node.kind()) => { inside_attribute = true } WalkEvent::Leave(NodeOrToken::Node(node)) if ast::Attr::can_cast(node.kind()) => { inside_attribute = false } _ => (), } let element = match event { WalkEvent::Enter(it) => it, WalkEvent::Leave(it) => { if let Some(node) = it.as_node() { inject::doc_comment(hl, sema, root.with_value(node)); } continue; } }; let range = element.text_range(); if current_macro.is_some() { if let Some(tok) = element.as_token() { macro_highlighter.advance(tok); } } let element_to_highlight = if current_macro_call.is_some() && element.kind() != COMMENT { // Inside a macro -- expand it first let token = match element.clone().into_token() { Some(it) if it.parent().map_or(false, |it| it.kind() == TOKEN_TREE) => it, _ => continue, }; let token = sema.descend_into_macros(token.clone()); match token.parent() { Some(parent) => { // We only care Name and Name_ref match (token.kind(), parent.kind()) { (IDENT, NAME) | (IDENT, NAME_REF) => parent.into(), _ => token.into(), } } None => token.into(), } } else { element.clone() }; if let Some(token) = element.as_token().cloned().and_then(ast::String::cast) { if token.is_raw() { let expanded = element_to_highlight.as_token().unwrap().clone(); if inject::ra_fixture(hl, &sema, token, expanded).is_some() { continue; } } } if let Some(_) = macro_highlighter.highlight(element_to_highlight.clone()) { continue; } if let Some((mut highlight, binding_hash)) = highlight::element( &sema, &mut bindings_shadow_count, syntactic_name_ref_highlighting, element_to_highlight.clone(), ) { if inside_attribute { highlight = highlight | HlMod::Attribute; } hl.add(HlRange { range, highlight, binding_hash }); } if let Some(string) = element_to_highlight.as_token().cloned().and_then(ast::String::cast) { highlight_format_string(hl, &string, range); // Highlight escape sequences if let Some(char_ranges) = string.char_ranges() { for (piece_range, _) in char_ranges.iter().filter(|(_, char)| char.is_ok()) { if string.text()[piece_range.start().into()..].starts_with('\\') { hl.add(HlRange { range: piece_range + range.start(), highlight: HlTag::EscapeSequence.into(), binding_hash: None, }); } } } } } } fn macro_call_range(macro_call: &ast::MacroCall) -> Option<TextRange> { let path = macro_call.path()?; let name_ref = path.segment()?.name_ref()?; let range_start = name_ref.syntax().text_range().start(); let mut range_end = name_ref.syntax().text_range().end(); for sibling in path.syntax().siblings_with_tokens(Direction::Next) { match sibling.kind() { T![!] | IDENT => range_end = sibling.text_range().end(), _ => (), } } Some(TextRange::new(range_start, range_end)) }