//! Computes color for a single element. use hir::{AsAssocItem, AssocItemContainer, Semantics, VariantDef}; use ide_db::{ defs::{Definition, NameClass, NameRefClass}, RootDatabase, SymbolKind, }; use rustc_hash::FxHashMap; use syntax::{ ast, AstNode, AstToken, NodeOrToken, SyntaxElement, SyntaxKind::{self, *}, SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken, T, }; use crate::{syntax_highlighting::tags::HlPunct, Highlight, HlMod, HlTag}; pub(super) fn element( sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>, bindings_shadow_count: &mut FxHashMap<hir::Name, u32>, syntactic_name_ref_highlighting: bool, element: SyntaxElement, ) -> Option<(Highlight, Option<u64>)> { let db = sema.db; let mut binding_hash = None; let highlight: Highlight = match element.kind() { FN => { bindings_shadow_count.clear(); return None; } // Highlight definitions depending on the "type" of the definition. NAME => { let name = element.into_node().and_then(ast::Name::cast).unwrap(); let name_kind = NameClass::classify(sema, &name); if let Some(NameClass::Definition(Definition::Local(local))) = &name_kind { if let Some(name) = local.name(db) { let shadow_count = bindings_shadow_count.entry(name.clone()).or_default(); *shadow_count += 1; binding_hash = Some(calc_binding_hash(&name, *shadow_count)) } }; match name_kind { Some(NameClass::ExternCrate(_)) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Module).into(), Some(NameClass::Definition(def)) => highlight_def(db, def) | HlMod::Definition, Some(NameClass::ConstReference(def)) => highlight_def(db, def), Some(NameClass::PatFieldShorthand { field_ref, .. }) => { let mut h = HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Field).into(); if let Definition::Field(field) = field_ref { if let VariantDef::Union(_) = field.parent_def(db) { h |= HlMod::Unsafe; } } h } None => highlight_name_by_syntax(name) | HlMod::Definition, } } // Highlight references like the definitions they resolve to NAME_REF if element.ancestors().any(|it| it.kind() == ATTR) => { // even though we track whether we are in an attribute or not we still need this special case // as otherwise we would emit unresolved references for name refs inside attributes Highlight::from(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Function)) } NAME_REF => { let name_ref = element.into_node().and_then(ast::NameRef::cast).unwrap(); highlight_func_by_name_ref(sema, &name_ref).unwrap_or_else(|| { let is_self = name_ref.self_token().is_some(); let h = match NameRefClass::classify(sema, &name_ref) { Some(name_kind) => match name_kind { NameRefClass::ExternCrate(_) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Module).into(), NameRefClass::Definition(def) => { if let Definition::Local(local) = &def { if let Some(name) = local.name(db) { let shadow_count = bindings_shadow_count.entry(name.clone()).or_default(); binding_hash = Some(calc_binding_hash(&name, *shadow_count)) } }; let mut h = highlight_def(db, def); if let Definition::Local(local) = &def { if is_consumed_lvalue(name_ref.syntax().clone().into(), local, db) { h |= HlMod::Consuming; } } if let Some(parent) = name_ref.syntax().parent() { if matches!(parent.kind(), FIELD_EXPR | RECORD_PAT_FIELD) { if let Definition::Field(field) = def { if let VariantDef::Union(_) = field.parent_def(db) { h |= HlMod::Unsafe; } } } } h } NameRefClass::FieldShorthand { .. } => { HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Field).into() } }, None if syntactic_name_ref_highlighting => { highlight_name_ref_by_syntax(name_ref, sema) } None => HlTag::UnresolvedReference.into(), }; if h.tag == HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Module) && is_self { HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::SelfParam).into() } else { h } }) } // Simple token-based highlighting COMMENT => { let comment = element.into_token().and_then(ast::Comment::cast)?; let h = HlTag::Comment; match comment.kind().doc { Some(_) => h | HlMod::Documentation, None => h.into(), } } STRING | BYTE_STRING => HlTag::StringLiteral.into(), ATTR => HlTag::Attribute.into(), INT_NUMBER | FLOAT_NUMBER => HlTag::NumericLiteral.into(), BYTE => HlTag::ByteLiteral.into(), CHAR => HlTag::CharLiteral.into(), QUESTION => Highlight::new(HlTag::Operator) | HlMod::ControlFlow, LIFETIME => { let lifetime = element.into_node().and_then(ast::Lifetime::cast).unwrap(); match NameClass::classify_lifetime(sema, &lifetime) { Some(NameClass::Definition(def)) => highlight_def(db, def) | HlMod::Definition, None => match NameRefClass::classify_lifetime(sema, &lifetime) { Some(NameRefClass::Definition(def)) => highlight_def(db, def), _ => Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::LifetimeParam)), }, _ => Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::LifetimeParam)) | HlMod::Definition, } } p if p.is_punct() => match p { T![&] => { let h = HlTag::Operator.into(); let is_unsafe = element .parent() .and_then(ast::RefExpr::cast) .map(|ref_expr| sema.is_unsafe_ref_expr(&ref_expr)) .unwrap_or(false); if is_unsafe { h | HlMod::Unsafe } else { h } } T![::] | T![->] | T![=>] | T![..] | T![=] | T![@] | T![.] => HlTag::Operator.into(), T![!] if element.parent().and_then(ast::MacroCall::cast).is_some() => { HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Macro).into() } T![!] if element.parent().and_then(ast::NeverType::cast).is_some() => { HlTag::BuiltinType.into() } T![*] if element.parent().and_then(ast::PtrType::cast).is_some() => { HlTag::Keyword.into() } T![*] if element.parent().and_then(ast::PrefixExpr::cast).is_some() => { let prefix_expr = element.parent().and_then(ast::PrefixExpr::cast)?; let expr = prefix_expr.expr()?; let ty = sema.type_of_expr(&expr)?; if ty.is_raw_ptr() { HlTag::Operator | HlMod::Unsafe } else if let Some(ast::PrefixOp::Deref) = prefix_expr.op_kind() { HlTag::Operator.into() } else { HlTag::Punctuation(HlPunct::Other).into() } } T![-] if element.parent().and_then(ast::PrefixExpr::cast).is_some() => { let prefix_expr = element.parent().and_then(ast::PrefixExpr::cast)?; let expr = prefix_expr.expr()?; match expr { ast::Expr::Literal(_) => HlTag::NumericLiteral, _ => HlTag::Operator, } .into() } _ if element.parent().and_then(ast::PrefixExpr::cast).is_some() => { HlTag::Operator.into() } _ if element.parent().and_then(ast::BinExpr::cast).is_some() => HlTag::Operator.into(), _ if element.parent().and_then(ast::RangeExpr::cast).is_some() => { HlTag::Operator.into() } _ if element.parent().and_then(ast::RangePat::cast).is_some() => HlTag::Operator.into(), _ if element.parent().and_then(ast::RestPat::cast).is_some() => HlTag::Operator.into(), _ if element.parent().and_then(ast::Attr::cast).is_some() => HlTag::Attribute.into(), kind => HlTag::Punctuation(match kind { T!['['] | T![']'] => HlPunct::Bracket, T!['{'] | T!['}'] => HlPunct::Brace, T!['('] | T![')'] => HlPunct::Parenthesis, T![<] | T![>] => HlPunct::Angle, T![,] => HlPunct::Comma, T![:] => HlPunct::Colon, T![;] => HlPunct::Semi, T![.] => HlPunct::Dot, _ => HlPunct::Other, }) .into(), }, k if k.is_keyword() => { let h = Highlight::new(HlTag::Keyword); match k { T![break] | T![continue] | T![else] | T![if] | T![loop] | T![match] | T![return] | T![while] | T![in] => h | HlMod::ControlFlow, T![for] if !is_child_of_impl(&element) => h | HlMod::ControlFlow, T![unsafe] => h | HlMod::Unsafe, T![true] | T![false] => HlTag::BoolLiteral.into(), // self is handled as either a Name or NameRef already T![self] => return None, T![ref] => element .parent() .and_then(ast::IdentPat::cast) .and_then(|ident_pat| { if sema.is_unsafe_ident_pat(&ident_pat) { Some(HlMod::Unsafe) } else { None } }) .map(|modifier| h | modifier) .unwrap_or(h), _ => h, } } _ => return None, }; return Some((highlight, binding_hash)); fn calc_binding_hash(name: &hir::Name, shadow_count: u32) -> u64 { fn hash<T: std::hash::Hash + std::fmt::Debug>(x: T) -> u64 { use std::{collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher, hash::Hasher}; let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); x.hash(&mut hasher); hasher.finish() } hash((name, shadow_count)) } } fn highlight_def(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition) -> Highlight { match def { Definition::Macro(_) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Macro), Definition::Field(_) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Field), Definition::ModuleDef(def) => match def { hir::ModuleDef::Module(_) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Module), hir::ModuleDef::Function(func) => { let mut h = Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Function)); if let Some(item) = func.as_assoc_item(db) { h |= HlMod::Associated; if func.self_param(db).is_none() { h |= HlMod::Static } match item.container(db) { AssocItemContainer::Impl(i) => { if i.trait_(db).is_some() { h |= HlMod::Trait; } } AssocItemContainer::Trait(_t) => { h |= HlMod::Trait; } } } if func.is_unsafe(db) { h |= HlMod::Unsafe; } return h; } hir::ModuleDef::Adt(hir::Adt::Struct(_)) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Struct), hir::ModuleDef::Adt(hir::Adt::Enum(_)) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Enum), hir::ModuleDef::Adt(hir::Adt::Union(_)) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Union), hir::ModuleDef::Variant(_) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Variant), hir::ModuleDef::Const(konst) => { let mut h = Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Const)); if let Some(item) = konst.as_assoc_item(db) { h |= HlMod::Associated; match item.container(db) { AssocItemContainer::Impl(i) => { if i.trait_(db).is_some() { h |= HlMod::Trait; } } AssocItemContainer::Trait(_t) => { h |= HlMod::Trait; } } } return h; } hir::ModuleDef::Trait(_) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Trait), hir::ModuleDef::TypeAlias(type_) => { let mut h = Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::TypeAlias)); if type_.as_assoc_item(db).is_some() { h |= HlMod::Associated } return h; } hir::ModuleDef::BuiltinType(_) => HlTag::BuiltinType, hir::ModuleDef::Static(s) => { let mut h = Highlight::new(HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Static)); if s.is_mut(db) { h |= HlMod::Mutable; h |= HlMod::Unsafe; } return h; } }, Definition::SelfType(_) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Impl), Definition::GenericParam(it) => match it { hir::GenericParam::TypeParam(_) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::TypeParam), hir::GenericParam::ConstParam(_) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::ConstParam), hir::GenericParam::LifetimeParam(_) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::LifetimeParam), }, Definition::Local(local) => { let tag = if local.is_self(db) { HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::SelfParam) } else if local.is_param(db) { HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::ValueParam) } else { HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Local) }; let mut h = Highlight::new(tag); let ty = local.ty(db); if local.is_mut(db) || ty.is_mutable_reference() { h |= HlMod::Mutable; } if ty.as_callable(db).is_some() || ty.impls_fnonce(db) { h |= HlMod::Callable; } return h; } Definition::Label(_) => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Label), } .into() } fn highlight_func_by_name_ref( sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>, name_ref: &ast::NameRef, ) -> Option<Highlight> { let mc = name_ref.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::MethodCallExpr::cast)?; highlight_method_call(sema, &mc) } fn highlight_method_call( sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>, method_call: &ast::MethodCallExpr, ) -> Option<Highlight> { let func = sema.resolve_method_call(&method_call)?; let mut h = HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Function).into(); h |= HlMod::Associated; if func.is_unsafe(sema.db) || sema.is_unsafe_method_call(&method_call) { h |= HlMod::Unsafe; } if func.as_assoc_item(sema.db).and_then(|it| it.containing_trait(sema.db)).is_some() { h |= HlMod::Trait } if let Some(self_param) = func.self_param(sema.db) { match self_param.access(sema.db) { hir::Access::Shared => (), hir::Access::Exclusive => h |= HlMod::Mutable, hir::Access::Owned => { if let Some(receiver_ty) = method_call.receiver().and_then(|it| sema.type_of_expr(&it)) { if !receiver_ty.is_copy(sema.db) { h |= HlMod::Consuming } } } } } Some(h) } fn highlight_name_by_syntax(name: ast::Name) -> Highlight { let default = HlTag::UnresolvedReference; let parent = match name.syntax().parent() { Some(it) => it, _ => return default.into(), }; let tag = match parent.kind() { STRUCT => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Struct), ENUM => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Enum), VARIANT => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Variant), UNION => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Union), TRAIT => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Trait), TYPE_ALIAS => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::TypeAlias), TYPE_PARAM => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::TypeParam), RECORD_FIELD => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Field), MODULE => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Module), FN => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Function), CONST => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Const), STATIC => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Static), IDENT_PAT => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Local), _ => default, }; tag.into() } fn highlight_name_ref_by_syntax(name: ast::NameRef, sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>) -> Highlight { let default = HlTag::UnresolvedReference; let parent = match name.syntax().parent() { Some(it) => it, _ => return default.into(), }; match parent.kind() { METHOD_CALL_EXPR => { return ast::MethodCallExpr::cast(parent) .and_then(|it| highlight_method_call(sema, &it)) .unwrap_or_else(|| HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Function).into()); } FIELD_EXPR => { let h = HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Field); let is_union = ast::FieldExpr::cast(parent) .and_then(|field_expr| { let field = sema.resolve_field(&field_expr)?; Some(if let VariantDef::Union(_) = field.parent_def(sema.db) { true } else { false }) }) .unwrap_or(false); if is_union { h | HlMod::Unsafe } else { h.into() } } PATH_SEGMENT => { let path = match parent.parent().and_then(ast::Path::cast) { Some(it) => it, _ => return default.into(), }; let expr = match path.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::PathExpr::cast) { Some(it) => it, _ => { // within path, decide whether it is module or adt by checking for uppercase name return if name.text().chars().next().unwrap_or_default().is_uppercase() { HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Struct) } else { HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Module) } .into(); } }; let parent = match expr.syntax().parent() { Some(it) => it, None => return default.into(), }; match parent.kind() { CALL_EXPR => HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Function).into(), _ => if name.text().chars().next().unwrap_or_default().is_uppercase() { HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Struct) } else { HlTag::Symbol(SymbolKind::Const) } .into(), } } _ => default.into(), } } fn is_consumed_lvalue( node: NodeOrToken<SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken>, local: &hir::Local, db: &RootDatabase, ) -> bool { // When lvalues are passed as arguments and they're not Copy, then mark them as Consuming. parents_match(node, &[PATH_SEGMENT, PATH, PATH_EXPR, ARG_LIST]) && !local.ty(db).is_copy(db) } /// Returns true if the parent nodes of `node` all match the `SyntaxKind`s in `kinds` exactly. fn parents_match(mut node: NodeOrToken<SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken>, mut kinds: &[SyntaxKind]) -> bool { while let (Some(parent), [kind, rest @ ..]) = (&node.parent(), kinds) { if parent.kind() != *kind { return false; } // FIXME: Would be nice to get parent out of the match, but binding by-move and by-value // in the same pattern is unstable: rust-lang/rust#68354. node = node.parent().unwrap().into(); kinds = rest; } // Only true if we matched all expected kinds kinds.len() == 0 } fn is_child_of_impl(element: &SyntaxElement) -> bool { match element.parent() { Some(e) => e.kind() == IMPL, _ => false, } }