//! Defines token tags we use for syntax highlighting. //! A tag is not unlike a CSS class. use std::{fmt, ops}; use crate::SymbolKind; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub struct Highlight { pub tag: HlTag, pub mods: HlMods, } #[derive(Default, Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub struct HlMods(u32); #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub enum HlTag { Symbol(SymbolKind), BoolLiteral, BuiltinType, ByteLiteral, CharLiteral, NumericLiteral, StringLiteral, Attribute, Comment, EscapeSequence, FormatSpecifier, Keyword, Punctuation, Operator, UnresolvedReference, // For things which don't have a specific highlight. None, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)] #[repr(u8)] pub enum HlMod { /// Used to differentiate individual elements within attributes. Attribute = 0, /// Used with keywords like `if` and `break`. ControlFlow, /// `foo` in `fn foo(x: i32)` is a definition, `foo` in `foo(90 + 2)` is /// not. Definition, Documentation, Injected, Mutable, Consuming, Callable, /// Used for associated functions Static, /// Used for items in impls&traits. Associated, /// Keep this last! Unsafe, } impl HlTag { fn as_str(self) -> &'static str { match self { HlTag::Symbol(symbol) => match symbol { SymbolKind::Const => "constant", SymbolKind::Static => "static", SymbolKind::Enum => "enum", SymbolKind::Variant => "enum_variant", SymbolKind::Struct => "struct", SymbolKind::Union => "union", SymbolKind::Field => "field", SymbolKind::Module => "module", SymbolKind::Trait => "trait", SymbolKind::Function => "function", SymbolKind::TypeAlias => "type_alias", SymbolKind::TypeParam => "type_param", SymbolKind::ConstParam => "const_param", SymbolKind::LifetimeParam => "lifetime", SymbolKind::Macro => "macro", SymbolKind::Local => "variable", SymbolKind::Label => "label", SymbolKind::ValueParam => "value_param", SymbolKind::SelfParam => "self_keyword", SymbolKind::Impl => "self_type", }, HlTag::Attribute => "attribute", HlTag::BoolLiteral => "bool_literal", HlTag::BuiltinType => "builtin_type", HlTag::ByteLiteral => "byte_literal", HlTag::CharLiteral => "char_literal", HlTag::Comment => "comment", HlTag::EscapeSequence => "escape_sequence", HlTag::FormatSpecifier => "format_specifier", HlTag::Keyword => "keyword", HlTag::Punctuation => "punctuation", HlTag::NumericLiteral => "numeric_literal", HlTag::Operator => "operator", HlTag::StringLiteral => "string_literal", HlTag::UnresolvedReference => "unresolved_reference", HlTag::None => "none", } } } impl fmt::Display for HlTag { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Display::fmt(self.as_str(), f) } } impl HlMod { const ALL: &'static [HlMod; HlMod::Unsafe as u8 as usize + 1] = &[ HlMod::Attribute, HlMod::ControlFlow, HlMod::Definition, HlMod::Documentation, HlMod::Injected, HlMod::Mutable, HlMod::Consuming, HlMod::Callable, HlMod::Static, HlMod::Associated, HlMod::Unsafe, ]; fn as_str(self) -> &'static str { match self { HlMod::Attribute => "attribute", HlMod::ControlFlow => "control", HlMod::Definition => "declaration", HlMod::Documentation => "documentation", HlMod::Injected => "injected", HlMod::Mutable => "mutable", HlMod::Consuming => "consuming", HlMod::Unsafe => "unsafe", HlMod::Callable => "callable", HlMod::Static => "static", HlMod::Associated => "associated", } } fn mask(self) -> u32 { 1 << (self as u32) } } impl fmt::Display for HlMod { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Display::fmt(self.as_str(), f) } } impl fmt::Display for Highlight { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.tag)?; for modifier in self.mods.iter() { write!(f, ".{}", modifier)? } Ok(()) } } impl From for Highlight { fn from(tag: HlTag) -> Highlight { Highlight::new(tag) } } impl Highlight { pub(crate) fn new(tag: HlTag) -> Highlight { Highlight { tag, mods: HlMods::default() } } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.tag == HlTag::None && self.mods == HlMods::default() } } impl ops::BitOr for HlTag { type Output = Highlight; fn bitor(self, rhs: HlMod) -> Highlight { Highlight::new(self) | rhs } } impl ops::BitOrAssign for HlMods { fn bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: HlMod) { self.0 |= rhs.mask(); } } impl ops::BitOrAssign for Highlight { fn bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: HlMod) { self.mods |= rhs; } } impl ops::BitOr for Highlight { type Output = Highlight; fn bitor(mut self, rhs: HlMod) -> Highlight { self |= rhs; self } } impl HlMods { pub fn contains(self, m: HlMod) -> bool { self.0 & m.mask() == m.mask() } pub fn iter(self) -> impl Iterator { HlMod::ALL.iter().copied().filter(move |it| self.0 & it.mask() == it.mask()) } }