/// ```
/// let _ = "early doctests should not go boom";
/// ```
struct Foo {
    bar: bool,

impl Foo {
    /// ```
    /// let _ = "Call me
    //    KILLER WHALE
    ///     Ishmael.";
    /// ```
    pub const bar: bool = true;

    /// Constructs a new `Foo`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # #![allow(unused_mut)]
    /// let mut foo: Foo = Foo::new();
    /// ```
    pub const fn new() -> Foo {
        Foo { bar: true }

    /// `bar` method on `Foo`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use x::y;
    /// let foo = Foo::new();
    /// // calls bar on foo
    /// assert!(foo.bar());
    /// let bar = foo.bar || Foo::bar;
    /// /* multi-line
    ///        comment */
    /// let multi_line_string = "Foo
    ///   bar\n
    ///          ";
    /// ```
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// let foobar = Foo::new().bar();
    /// ```
    /// ```sh
    /// echo 1
    /// ```
    pub fn foo(&self) -> bool {

/// [`Foo`](Foo) is a struct
/// This function is > [`all_the_links`](all_the_links) <
/// [`noop`](noop) is a macro below
/// [`Item`] is a struct in the module [`module`]
/// [`Item`]: module::Item
/// [mix_and_match]: ThisShouldntResolve
pub fn all_the_links() {}

pub mod module {
    pub struct Item;

/// ```
/// noop!(1);
/// ```
macro_rules! noop {
    ($expr:expr) => {

/// ```rust
/// let _ = example(&[1, 2, 3]);
/// ```
/// ```
/// loop {}
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "false"), doc = "loop {}")]
#[doc = "loop {}"]
/// ```
#[cfg_attr(feature = "alloc", doc = "```rust")]
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "alloc"), doc = "```ignore")]
/// let _ = example(&alloc::vec![1, 2, 3]);
/// ```
pub fn mix_and_match() {}

It is beyond me why you'd use these when you got ///
let _ = example(&[1, 2, 3]);
[`block_comments2`] tests these with indentation
pub fn block_comments() {}

    Really, I don't get it
    let _ = example(&[1, 2, 3]);
    [`block_comments`] tests these without indentation
pub fn block_comments2() {}