use std::sync::Arc; use dot::{Id, LabelText}; use ide_db::{ base_db::{CrateGraph, CrateId, Dependency, SourceDatabase, SourceDatabaseExt}, RootDatabase, }; use rustc_hash::FxHashSet; // Feature: View Crate Graph // // Renders the currently loaded crate graph as an SVG graphic. Requires the `dot` tool, which // is part of graphviz, to be installed. // // Only workspace crates are included, no dependencies or sysroot crates. // // |=== // | Editor | Action Name // // | VS Code | **Rust Analyzer: View Crate Graph** // |=== pub(crate) fn view_crate_graph(db: &RootDatabase) -> Result<String, String> { let crate_graph = db.crate_graph(); let crates_to_render = crate_graph .iter() .filter(|krate| { // Only render workspace crates let root_id = db.file_source_root(crate_graph[*krate].root_file_id); !db.source_root(root_id).is_library }) .collect(); let graph = DotCrateGraph { graph: crate_graph, crates_to_render }; let mut dot = Vec::new(); dot::render(&graph, &mut dot).unwrap(); Ok(String::from_utf8(dot).unwrap()) } struct DotCrateGraph { graph: Arc<CrateGraph>, crates_to_render: FxHashSet<CrateId>, } type Edge<'a> = (CrateId, &'a Dependency); impl<'a> dot::GraphWalk<'a, CrateId, Edge<'a>> for DotCrateGraph { fn nodes(&'a self) -> dot::Nodes<'a, CrateId> { self.crates_to_render.iter().copied().collect() } fn edges(&'a self) -> dot::Edges<'a, Edge<'a>> { self.crates_to_render .iter() .flat_map(|krate| { self.graph[*krate] .dependencies .iter() .filter(|dep| self.crates_to_render.contains(&dep.crate_id)) .map(move |dep| (*krate, dep)) }) .collect() } fn source(&'a self, edge: &Edge<'a>) -> CrateId { edge.0 } fn target(&'a self, edge: &Edge<'a>) -> CrateId { edge.1.crate_id } } impl<'a> dot::Labeller<'a, CrateId, Edge<'a>> for DotCrateGraph { fn graph_id(&'a self) -> Id<'a> { Id::new("rust_analyzer_crate_graph").unwrap() } fn node_id(&'a self, n: &CrateId) -> Id<'a> { Id::new(format!("_{}", n.0)).unwrap() } fn node_shape(&'a self, _node: &CrateId) -> Option<LabelText<'a>> { Some(LabelText::LabelStr("box".into())) } fn node_label(&'a self, n: &CrateId) -> LabelText<'a> { let name = self.graph[*n].display_name.as_ref().map_or("(unnamed crate)", |name| &*name); LabelText::LabelStr(name.into()) } }