use itertools::Itertools; use stdx::format_to; use syntax::ast::{self, AstNode, NameOwner, StructKind, VisibilityOwner}; use crate::{ utils::{find_impl_block_start, find_struct_impl, generate_impl_text}, AssistContext, AssistId, AssistKind, Assists, }; // Assist: generate_new // // Adds a new inherent impl for a type. // // ``` // struct Ctx<T: Clone> { // data: T,$0 // } // ``` // -> // ``` // struct Ctx<T: Clone> { // data: T, // } // // impl<T: Clone> Ctx<T> { // fn $0new(data: T) -> Self { Self { data } } // } // ``` pub(crate) fn generate_new(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext) -> Option<()> { let strukt = ctx.find_node_at_offset::<ast::Struct>()?; // We want to only apply this to non-union structs with named fields let field_list = match strukt.kind() { StructKind::Record(named) => named, _ => return None, }; // Return early if we've found an existing new fn let impl_def = find_struct_impl(&ctx, &ast::Adt::Struct(strukt.clone()), "new")?; let target = strukt.syntax().text_range(); acc.add(AssistId("generate_new", AssistKind::Generate), "Generate `new`", target, |builder| { let mut buf = String::with_capacity(512); if impl_def.is_some() { buf.push('\n'); } let vis = strukt.visibility().map_or(String::new(), |v| format!("{} ", v)); let params = field_list .fields() .filter_map(|f| Some(format!("{}: {}",, f.ty()?.syntax()))) .format(", "); let fields = field_list.fields().filter_map(|f|", "); format_to!(buf, " {}fn new({}) -> Self {{ Self {{ {} }} }}", vis, params, fields); let start_offset = impl_def .and_then(|impl_def| find_impl_block_start(impl_def, &mut buf)) .unwrap_or_else(|| { buf = generate_impl_text(&ast::Adt::Struct(strukt.clone()), &buf); strukt.syntax().text_range().end() }); match ctx.config.snippet_cap { None => builder.insert(start_offset, buf), Some(cap) => { buf = buf.replace("fn new", "fn $0new"); builder.insert_snippet(cap, start_offset, buf); } } }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::tests::{check_assist, check_assist_not_applicable, check_assist_target}; use super::*; #[test] fn test_generate_new() { check_assist( generate_new, r#" struct Foo {$0} "#, r#" struct Foo {} impl Foo { fn $0new() -> Self { Self { } } } "#, ); check_assist( generate_new, r#" struct Foo<T: Clone> {$0} "#, r#" struct Foo<T: Clone> {} impl<T: Clone> Foo<T> { fn $0new() -> Self { Self { } } } "#, ); check_assist( generate_new, r#" struct Foo<'a, T: Foo<'a>> {$0} "#, r#" struct Foo<'a, T: Foo<'a>> {} impl<'a, T: Foo<'a>> Foo<'a, T> { fn $0new() -> Self { Self { } } } "#, ); check_assist( generate_new, r#" struct Foo { baz: String $0} "#, r#" struct Foo { baz: String } impl Foo { fn $0new(baz: String) -> Self { Self { baz } } } "#, ); check_assist( generate_new, r#" struct Foo { baz: String, qux: Vec<i32> $0} "#, r#" struct Foo { baz: String, qux: Vec<i32> } impl Foo { fn $0new(baz: String, qux: Vec<i32>) -> Self { Self { baz, qux } } } "#, ); } #[test] fn check_that_visibility_modifiers_dont_get_brought_in() { check_assist( generate_new, r#" struct Foo { pub baz: String, pub qux: Vec<i32> $0} "#, r#" struct Foo { pub baz: String, pub qux: Vec<i32> } impl Foo { fn $0new(baz: String, qux: Vec<i32>) -> Self { Self { baz, qux } } } "#, ); } #[test] fn check_it_reuses_existing_impls() { check_assist( generate_new, r#" struct Foo {$0} impl Foo {} "#, r#" struct Foo {} impl Foo { fn $0new() -> Self { Self { } } } "#, ); check_assist( generate_new, r#" struct Foo {$0} impl Foo { fn qux(&self) {} } "#, r#" struct Foo {} impl Foo { fn $0new() -> Self { Self { } } fn qux(&self) {} } "#, ); check_assist( generate_new, r#" struct Foo {$0} impl Foo { fn qux(&self) {} fn baz() -> i32 { 5 } } "#, r#" struct Foo {} impl Foo { fn $0new() -> Self { Self { } } fn qux(&self) {} fn baz() -> i32 { 5 } } "#, ); } #[test] fn check_visibility_of_new_fn_based_on_struct() { check_assist( generate_new, r#" pub struct Foo {$0} "#, r#" pub struct Foo {} impl Foo { pub fn $0new() -> Self { Self { } } } "#, ); check_assist( generate_new, r#" pub(crate) struct Foo {$0} "#, r#" pub(crate) struct Foo {} impl Foo { pub(crate) fn $0new() -> Self { Self { } } } "#, ); } #[test] fn generate_new_not_applicable_if_fn_exists() { check_assist_not_applicable( generate_new, r#" struct Foo {$0} impl Foo { fn new() -> Self { Self } } "#, ); check_assist_not_applicable( generate_new, r#" struct Foo {$0} impl Foo { fn New() -> Self { Self } } "#, ); } #[test] fn generate_new_target() { check_assist_target( generate_new, r#" struct SomeThingIrrelevant; /// Has a lifetime parameter struct Foo<'a, T: Foo<'a>> {$0} struct EvenMoreIrrelevant; "#, "/// Has a lifetime parameter struct Foo<'a, T: Foo<'a>> {}", ); } #[test] fn test_unrelated_new() { check_assist( generate_new, r#" pub struct AstId<N: AstNode> { file_id: HirFileId, file_ast_id: FileAstId<N>, } impl<N: AstNode> AstId<N> { pub fn new(file_id: HirFileId, file_ast_id: FileAstId<N>) -> AstId<N> { AstId { file_id, file_ast_id } } } pub struct Source<T> { pub file_id: HirFileId,$0 pub ast: T, } impl<T> Source<T> { pub fn map<F: FnOnce(T) -> U, U>(self, f: F) -> Source<U> { Source { file_id: self.file_id, ast: f(self.ast) } } } "#, r#" pub struct AstId<N: AstNode> { file_id: HirFileId, file_ast_id: FileAstId<N>, } impl<N: AstNode> AstId<N> { pub fn new(file_id: HirFileId, file_ast_id: FileAstId<N>) -> AstId<N> { AstId { file_id, file_ast_id } } } pub struct Source<T> { pub file_id: HirFileId, pub ast: T, } impl<T> Source<T> { pub fn $0new(file_id: HirFileId, ast: T) -> Self { Self { file_id, ast } } pub fn map<F: FnOnce(T) -> U, U>(self, f: F) -> Source<U> { Source { file_id: self.file_id, ast: f(self.ast) } } } "#, ); } }