use std::iter; use ast::edit::IndentLevel; use ide_db::base_db::AnchoredPathBuf; use itertools::Itertools; use stdx::format_to; use syntax::{ ast::{self, edit::AstNodeEdit, NameOwner}, AstNode, TextRange, }; use crate::{AssistContext, AssistId, AssistKind, Assists}; // Assist: move_module_to_file // // Moves inline module's contents to a separate file. // // ``` // mod $0foo { // fn t() {} // } // ``` // -> // ``` // mod foo; // ``` pub(crate) fn move_module_to_file(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext) -> Option<()> { let module_ast = ctx.find_node_at_offset::<ast::Module>()?; let module_items = module_ast.item_list()?; let l_curly_offset = module_items.syntax().text_range().start(); if l_curly_offset <= ctx.offset() { cov_mark::hit!(available_before_curly); return None; } let target = TextRange::new(module_ast.syntax().text_range().start(), l_curly_offset); let module_name =; // get to the outermost module syntax so we can grab the module of file we are in let outermost_mod_decl = iter::successors(Some(module_ast.clone()), |module| module.parent()).last()?; let module_def = ctx.sema.to_def(&outermost_mod_decl)?; let parent_module = module_def.parent(ctx.db())?; acc.add( AssistId("move_module_to_file", AssistKind::RefactorExtract), "Extract module to file", target, |builder| { let path = { let mut buf = String::from("./"); match { Some(name) if !parent_module.is_mod_rs(ctx.db()) => { format_to!(buf, "{}/", name) } _ => (), } let segments = iter::successors(Some(module_ast.clone()), |module| module.parent()) .filter_map(|it| .collect::<Vec<_>>(); format_to!(buf, "{}", segments.into_iter().rev().format("/")); format_to!(buf, ".rs"); buf }; let contents = { let items = module_items.dedent(IndentLevel(1)).to_string(); let mut items = items.trim_start_matches('{').trim_end_matches('}').trim().to_string(); if !items.is_empty() { items.push('\n'); } items }; let buf = format!("mod {};", module_name); let replacement_start = match module_ast.mod_token() { Some(mod_token) => mod_token.text_range(), None => module_ast.syntax().text_range(), } .start(); builder.replace( TextRange::new(replacement_start, module_ast.syntax().text_range().end()), buf, ); let dst = AnchoredPathBuf { anchor: ctx.frange.file_id, path }; builder.create_file(dst, contents); }, ) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::tests::{check_assist, check_assist_not_applicable}; use super::*; #[test] fn extract_from_root() { check_assist( move_module_to_file, r#" mod $0tests { #[test] fn t() {} } "#, r#" //- / mod tests; //- / #[test] fn t() {} "#, ); } #[test] fn extract_from_submodule() { check_assist( move_module_to_file, r#" //- / mod submod; //- / $0mod inner { fn f() {} } fn g() {} "#, r#" //- / mod inner; fn g() {} //- /submod/ fn f() {} "#, ); } #[test] fn extract_from_mod_rs() { check_assist( move_module_to_file, r#" //- / mod submodule; //- /submodule/ mod inner$0 { fn f() {} } fn g() {} "#, r#" //- /submodule/ mod inner; fn g() {} //- /submodule/ fn f() {} "#, ); } #[test] fn extract_public() { check_assist( move_module_to_file, r#" pub mod $0tests { #[test] fn t() {} } "#, r#" //- / pub mod tests; //- / #[test] fn t() {} "#, ); } #[test] fn extract_public_crate() { check_assist( move_module_to_file, r#" pub(crate) mod $0tests { #[test] fn t() {} } "#, r#" //- / pub(crate) mod tests; //- / #[test] fn t() {} "#, ); } #[test] fn available_before_curly() { cov_mark::check!(available_before_curly); check_assist_not_applicable(move_module_to_file, r#"mod m { $0 }"#); } #[test] fn keep_outer_comments_and_attributes() { check_assist( move_module_to_file, r#" /// doc comment #[attribute] mod $0tests { #[test] fn t() {} } "#, r#" //- / /// doc comment #[attribute] mod tests; //- / #[test] fn t() {} "#, ); } #[test] fn extract_nested() { check_assist( move_module_to_file, r#" //- / mod foo; //- / mod bar { mod baz { mod qux$0 {} } } "#, r#" //- / mod bar { mod baz { mod qux; } } //- /foo/bar/baz/ "#, ); } }