//! Generated file, do not edit by hand, see `xtask/src/codegen` use super::check_doc_test; #[test] fn doctest_add_explicit_type() { check_doc_test( "add_explicit_type", r#####" fn main() { let x$0 = 92; } "#####, r#####" fn main() { let x: i32 = 92; } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_add_hash() { check_doc_test( "add_hash", r#####" fn main() { r#"Hello,$0 World!"#; } "#####, r#####" fn main() { r##"Hello, World!"##; } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_add_impl_default_members() { check_doc_test( "add_impl_default_members", r#####" trait Trait { type X; fn foo(&self); fn bar(&self) {} } impl Trait for () { type X = (); fn foo(&self) {}$0 } "#####, r#####" trait Trait { type X; fn foo(&self); fn bar(&self) {} } impl Trait for () { type X = (); fn foo(&self) {} $0fn bar(&self) {} } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_add_impl_missing_members() { check_doc_test( "add_impl_missing_members", r#####" trait Trait<T> { type X; fn foo(&self) -> T; fn bar(&self) {} } impl Trait<u32> for () {$0 } "#####, r#####" trait Trait<T> { type X; fn foo(&self) -> T; fn bar(&self) {} } impl Trait<u32> for () { $0type X; fn foo(&self) -> u32 { todo!() } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_add_lifetime_to_type() { check_doc_test( "add_lifetime_to_type", r#####" struct Point { x: &$0u32, y: u32, } "#####, r#####" struct Point<'a> { x: &'a u32, y: u32, } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_add_turbo_fish() { check_doc_test( "add_turbo_fish", r#####" fn make<T>() -> T { todo!() } fn main() { let x = make$0(); } "#####, r#####" fn make<T>() -> T { todo!() } fn main() { let x = make::<${0:_}>(); } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_apply_demorgan() { check_doc_test( "apply_demorgan", r#####" fn main() { if x != 4 ||$0 y < 3.14 {} } "#####, r#####" fn main() { if !(x == 4 && !(y < 3.14)) {} } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_auto_import() { check_doc_test( "auto_import", r#####" fn main() { let map = HashMap$0::new(); } pub mod std { pub mod collections { pub struct HashMap { } } } "#####, r#####" use std::collections::HashMap; fn main() { let map = HashMap::new(); } pub mod std { pub mod collections { pub struct HashMap { } } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_change_visibility() { check_doc_test( "change_visibility", r#####" $0fn frobnicate() {} "#####, r#####" pub(crate) fn frobnicate() {} "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_convert_integer_literal() { check_doc_test( "convert_integer_literal", r#####" const _: i32 = 10$0; "#####, r#####" const _: i32 = 0b1010; "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_convert_into_to_from() { check_doc_test( "convert_into_to_from", r#####" //- /lib.rs crate:core pub mod convert { pub trait Into<T> { pub fn into(self) -> T; } } //- /lib.rs crate:main deps:core use core::convert::Into; impl $0Into<Thing> for usize { fn into(self) -> Thing { Thing { b: self.to_string(), a: self } } } "#####, r#####" use core::convert::Into; impl From<usize> for Thing { fn from(val: usize) -> Self { Thing { b: val.to_string(), a: val } } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_convert_iter_for_each_to_for() { check_doc_test( "convert_iter_for_each_to_for", r#####" //- /lib.rs crate:core pub mod iter { pub mod traits { pub mod iterator { pub trait Iterator {} } } } pub struct SomeIter; impl self::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator for SomeIter {} //- /lib.rs crate:main deps:core use core::SomeIter; fn main() { let iter = SomeIter; iter.for_each$0(|(x, y)| { println!("x: {}, y: {}", x, y); }); } "#####, r#####" use core::SomeIter; fn main() { let iter = SomeIter; for (x, y) in iter { println!("x: {}, y: {}", x, y); } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_convert_to_guarded_return() { check_doc_test( "convert_to_guarded_return", r#####" fn main() { $0if cond { foo(); bar(); } } "#####, r#####" fn main() { if !cond { return; } foo(); bar(); } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_convert_tuple_struct_to_named_struct() { check_doc_test( "convert_tuple_struct_to_named_struct", r#####" struct Point$0(f32, f32); impl Point { pub fn new(x: f32, y: f32) -> Self { Point(x, y) } pub fn x(&self) -> f32 { self.0 } pub fn y(&self) -> f32 { self.1 } } "#####, r#####" struct Point { field1: f32, field2: f32 } impl Point { pub fn new(x: f32, y: f32) -> Self { Point { field1: x, field2: y } } pub fn x(&self) -> f32 { self.field1 } pub fn y(&self) -> f32 { self.field2 } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_expand_glob_import() { check_doc_test( "expand_glob_import", r#####" mod foo { pub struct Bar; pub struct Baz; } use foo::*$0; fn qux(bar: Bar, baz: Baz) {} "#####, r#####" mod foo { pub struct Bar; pub struct Baz; } use foo::{Baz, Bar}; fn qux(bar: Bar, baz: Baz) {} "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_extract_function() { check_doc_test( "extract_function", r#####" fn main() { let n = 1; $0let m = n + 2; let k = m + n;$0 let g = 3; } "#####, r#####" fn main() { let n = 1; fun_name(n); let g = 3; } fn $0fun_name(n: i32) { let m = n + 2; let k = m + n; } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_extract_struct_from_enum_variant() { check_doc_test( "extract_struct_from_enum_variant", r#####" enum A { $0One(u32, u32) } "#####, r#####" struct One(pub u32, pub u32); enum A { One(One) } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_extract_type_alias() { check_doc_test( "extract_type_alias", r#####" struct S { field: $0(u8, u8, u8)$0, } "#####, r#####" type $0Type = (u8, u8, u8); struct S { field: Type, } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_extract_variable() { check_doc_test( "extract_variable", r#####" fn main() { $0(1 + 2)$0 * 4; } "#####, r#####" fn main() { let $0var_name = (1 + 2); var_name * 4; } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_fill_match_arms() { check_doc_test( "fill_match_arms", r#####" enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } fn handle(action: Action) { match action { $0 } } "#####, r#####" enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } fn handle(action: Action) { match action { $0Action::Move { distance } => todo!(), Action::Stop => todo!(), } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_fix_visibility() { check_doc_test( "fix_visibility", r#####" mod m { fn frobnicate() {} } fn main() { m::frobnicate$0() {} } "#####, r#####" mod m { $0pub(crate) fn frobnicate() {} } fn main() { m::frobnicate() {} } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_flip_binexpr() { check_doc_test( "flip_binexpr", r#####" fn main() { let _ = 90 +$0 2; } "#####, r#####" fn main() { let _ = 2 + 90; } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_flip_comma() { check_doc_test( "flip_comma", r#####" fn main() { ((1, 2),$0 (3, 4)); } "#####, r#####" fn main() { ((3, 4), (1, 2)); } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_flip_trait_bound() { check_doc_test( "flip_trait_bound", r#####" fn foo<T: Clone +$0 Copy>() { } "#####, r#####" fn foo<T: Copy + Clone>() { } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_generate_default_from_enum_variant() { check_doc_test( "generate_default_from_enum_variant", r#####" enum Version { Undefined, Minor$0, Major, } "#####, r#####" enum Version { Undefined, Minor, Major, } impl Default for Version { fn default() -> Self { Self::Minor } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_generate_default_from_new() { check_doc_test( "generate_default_from_new", r#####" struct Example { _inner: () } impl Example { pub fn n$0ew() -> Self { Self { _inner: () } } } "#####, r#####" struct Example { _inner: () } impl Example { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { _inner: () } } } impl Default for Example { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_generate_deref() { check_doc_test( "generate_deref", r#####" struct A; struct B { $0a: A } "#####, r#####" struct A; struct B { a: A } impl std::ops::Deref for B { type Target = A; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.a } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_generate_derive() { check_doc_test( "generate_derive", r#####" struct Point { x: u32, y: u32,$0 } "#####, r#####" #[derive($0)] struct Point { x: u32, y: u32, } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_generate_enum_as_method() { check_doc_test( "generate_enum_as_method", r#####" enum Value { Number(i32), Text(String)$0, } "#####, r#####" enum Value { Number(i32), Text(String), } impl Value { fn as_text(&self) -> Option<&String> { if let Self::Text(v) = self { Some(v) } else { None } } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_generate_enum_is_method() { check_doc_test( "generate_enum_is_method", r#####" enum Version { Undefined, Minor$0, Major, } "#####, r#####" enum Version { Undefined, Minor, Major, } impl Version { /// Returns `true` if the version is [`Minor`]. fn is_minor(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, Self::Minor) } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_generate_enum_try_into_method() { check_doc_test( "generate_enum_try_into_method", r#####" enum Value { Number(i32), Text(String)$0, } "#####, r#####" enum Value { Number(i32), Text(String), } impl Value { fn try_into_text(self) -> Result<String, Self> { if let Self::Text(v) = self { Ok(v) } else { Err(self) } } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_generate_from_impl_for_enum() { check_doc_test( "generate_from_impl_for_enum", r#####" enum A { $0One(u32) } "#####, r#####" enum A { One(u32) } impl From<u32> for A { fn from(v: u32) -> Self { Self::One(v) } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_generate_function() { check_doc_test( "generate_function", r#####" struct Baz; fn baz() -> Baz { Baz } fn foo() { bar$0("", baz()); } "#####, r#####" struct Baz; fn baz() -> Baz { Baz } fn foo() { bar("", baz()); } fn bar(arg: &str, baz: Baz) ${0:-> ()} { todo!() } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_generate_getter() { check_doc_test( "generate_getter", r#####" struct Person { nam$0e: String, } "#####, r#####" struct Person { name: String, } impl Person { /// Get a reference to the person's name. fn $0name(&self) -> &str { self.name.as_str() } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_generate_getter_mut() { check_doc_test( "generate_getter_mut", r#####" struct Person { nam$0e: String, } "#####, r#####" struct Person { name: String, } impl Person { /// Get a mutable reference to the person's name. fn $0name_mut(&mut self) -> &mut String { &mut self.name } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_generate_impl() { check_doc_test( "generate_impl", r#####" struct Ctx<T: Clone> { data: T,$0 } "#####, r#####" struct Ctx<T: Clone> { data: T, } impl<T: Clone> Ctx<T> { $0 } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_generate_is_empty_from_len() { check_doc_test( "generate_is_empty_from_len", r#####" struct MyStruct { data: Vec<String> } impl MyStruct { p$0ub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.data.len() } } "#####, r#####" struct MyStruct { data: Vec<String> } impl MyStruct { pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.data.len() } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.len() == 0 } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_generate_new() { check_doc_test( "generate_new", r#####" struct Ctx<T: Clone> { data: T,$0 } "#####, r#####" struct Ctx<T: Clone> { data: T, } impl<T: Clone> Ctx<T> { fn $0new(data: T) -> Self { Self { data } } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_generate_setter() { check_doc_test( "generate_setter", r#####" struct Person { nam$0e: String, } "#####, r#####" struct Person { name: String, } impl Person { /// Set the person's name. fn set_name(&mut self, name: String) { self.name = name; } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_infer_function_return_type() { check_doc_test( "infer_function_return_type", r#####" fn foo() { 4$02i32 } "#####, r#####" fn foo() -> i32 { 42i32 } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_inline_function() { check_doc_test( "inline_function", r#####" fn add(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 { a + b } fn main() { let x = add$0(1, 2); } "#####, r#####" fn add(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 { a + b } fn main() { let x = { let a = 1; let b = 2; a + b }; } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_inline_local_variable() { check_doc_test( "inline_local_variable", r#####" fn main() { let x$0 = 1 + 2; x * 4; } "#####, r#####" fn main() { (1 + 2) * 4; } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_introduce_named_lifetime() { check_doc_test( "introduce_named_lifetime", r#####" impl Cursor<'_$0> { fn node(self) -> &SyntaxNode { match self { Cursor::Replace(node) | Cursor::Before(node) => node, } } } "#####, r#####" impl<'a> Cursor<'a> { fn node(self) -> &SyntaxNode { match self { Cursor::Replace(node) | Cursor::Before(node) => node, } } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_invert_if() { check_doc_test( "invert_if", r#####" fn main() { if$0 !y { A } else { B } } "#####, r#####" fn main() { if y { B } else { A } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_make_raw_string() { check_doc_test( "make_raw_string", r#####" fn main() { "Hello,$0 World!"; } "#####, r#####" fn main() { r#"Hello, World!"#; } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_make_usual_string() { check_doc_test( "make_usual_string", r#####" fn main() { r#"Hello,$0 "World!""#; } "#####, r#####" fn main() { "Hello, \"World!\""; } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_merge_imports() { check_doc_test( "merge_imports", r#####" use std::$0fmt::Formatter; use std::io; "#####, r#####" use std::{fmt::Formatter, io}; "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_merge_match_arms() { check_doc_test( "merge_match_arms", r#####" enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } fn handle(action: Action) { match action { $0Action::Move(..) => foo(), Action::Stop => foo(), } } "#####, r#####" enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } fn handle(action: Action) { match action { Action::Move(..) | Action::Stop => foo(), } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_move_arm_cond_to_match_guard() { check_doc_test( "move_arm_cond_to_match_guard", r#####" enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } fn handle(action: Action) { match action { Action::Move { distance } => $0if distance > 10 { foo() }, _ => (), } } "#####, r#####" enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } fn handle(action: Action) { match action { Action::Move { distance } if distance > 10 => foo(), _ => (), } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_move_bounds_to_where_clause() { check_doc_test( "move_bounds_to_where_clause", r#####" fn apply<T, U, $0F: FnOnce(T) -> U>(f: F, x: T) -> U { f(x) } "#####, r#####" fn apply<T, U, F>(f: F, x: T) -> U where F: FnOnce(T) -> U { f(x) } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_move_guard_to_arm_body() { check_doc_test( "move_guard_to_arm_body", r#####" enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } fn handle(action: Action) { match action { Action::Move { distance } $0if distance > 10 => foo(), _ => (), } } "#####, r#####" enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } fn handle(action: Action) { match action { Action::Move { distance } => if distance > 10 { foo() }, _ => (), } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_move_module_to_file() { check_doc_test( "move_module_to_file", r#####" mod $0foo { fn t() {} } "#####, r#####" mod foo; "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_pull_assignment_up() { check_doc_test( "pull_assignment_up", r#####" fn main() { let mut foo = 6; if true { $0foo = 5; } else { foo = 4; } } "#####, r#####" fn main() { let mut foo = 6; foo = if true { 5 } else { 4 }; } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_qualify_path() { check_doc_test( "qualify_path", r#####" fn main() { let map = HashMap$0::new(); } pub mod std { pub mod collections { pub struct HashMap { } } } "#####, r#####" fn main() { let map = std::collections::HashMap::new(); } pub mod std { pub mod collections { pub struct HashMap { } } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_remove_dbg() { check_doc_test( "remove_dbg", r#####" fn main() { $0dbg!(92); } "#####, r#####" fn main() { 92; } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_remove_hash() { check_doc_test( "remove_hash", r#####" fn main() { r#"Hello,$0 World!"#; } "#####, r#####" fn main() { r"Hello, World!"; } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_remove_mut() { check_doc_test( "remove_mut", r#####" impl Walrus { fn feed(&mut$0 self, amount: u32) {} } "#####, r#####" impl Walrus { fn feed(&self, amount: u32) {} } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_remove_unused_param() { check_doc_test( "remove_unused_param", r#####" fn frobnicate(x: i32$0) {} fn main() { frobnicate(92); } "#####, r#####" fn frobnicate() {} fn main() { frobnicate(); } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_reorder_fields() { check_doc_test( "reorder_fields", r#####" struct Foo {foo: i32, bar: i32}; const test: Foo = $0Foo {bar: 0, foo: 1} "#####, r#####" struct Foo {foo: i32, bar: i32}; const test: Foo = Foo {foo: 1, bar: 0} "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_reorder_impl() { check_doc_test( "reorder_impl", r#####" trait Foo { fn a() {} fn b() {} fn c() {} } struct Bar; $0impl Foo for Bar { fn b() {} fn c() {} fn a() {} } "#####, r#####" trait Foo { fn a() {} fn b() {} fn c() {} } struct Bar; impl Foo for Bar { fn a() {} fn b() {} fn c() {} } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_replace_derive_with_manual_impl() { check_doc_test( "replace_derive_with_manual_impl", r#####" trait Debug { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<()>; } #[derive(Deb$0ug, Display)] struct S; "#####, r#####" trait Debug { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<()>; } #[derive(Display)] struct S; impl Debug for S { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<()> { ${0:todo!()} } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_replace_for_loop_with_for_each() { check_doc_test( "replace_for_loop_with_for_each", r#####" fn main() { let x = vec![1, 2, 3]; for$0 v in x { let y = v * 2; } } "#####, r#####" fn main() { let x = vec![1, 2, 3]; x.into_iter().for_each(|v| { let y = v * 2; }); } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_replace_if_let_with_match() { check_doc_test( "replace_if_let_with_match", r#####" enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } fn handle(action: Action) { $0if let Action::Move { distance } = action { foo(distance) } else { bar() } } "#####, r#####" enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } fn handle(action: Action) { match action { Action::Move { distance } => foo(distance), _ => bar(), } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_replace_impl_trait_with_generic() { check_doc_test( "replace_impl_trait_with_generic", r#####" fn foo(bar: $0impl Bar) {} "#####, r#####" fn foo<B: Bar>(bar: B) {} "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_replace_let_with_if_let() { check_doc_test( "replace_let_with_if_let", r#####" enum Option<T> { Some(T), None } fn main(action: Action) { $0let x = compute(); } fn compute() -> Option<i32> { None } "#####, r#####" enum Option<T> { Some(T), None } fn main(action: Action) { if let Some(x) = compute() { } } fn compute() -> Option<i32> { None } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_replace_match_with_if_let() { check_doc_test( "replace_match_with_if_let", r#####" enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } fn handle(action: Action) { $0match action { Action::Move { distance } => foo(distance), _ => bar(), } } "#####, r#####" enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } fn handle(action: Action) { if let Action::Move { distance } = action { foo(distance) } else { bar() } } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_replace_qualified_name_with_use() { check_doc_test( "replace_qualified_name_with_use", r#####" fn process(map: std::collections::$0HashMap<String, String>) {} "#####, r#####" use std::collections::HashMap; fn process(map: HashMap<String, String>) {} "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_replace_string_with_char() { check_doc_test( "replace_string_with_char", r#####" fn main() { find("{$0"); } "#####, r#####" fn main() { find('{'); } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_replace_unwrap_with_match() { check_doc_test( "replace_unwrap_with_match", r#####" enum Result<T, E> { Ok(T), Err(E) } fn main() { let x: Result<i32, i32> = Result::Ok(92); let y = x.$0unwrap(); } "#####, r#####" enum Result<T, E> { Ok(T), Err(E) } fn main() { let x: Result<i32, i32> = Result::Ok(92); let y = match x { Ok(it) => it, $0_ => unreachable!(), }; } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_split_import() { check_doc_test( "split_import", r#####" use std::$0collections::HashMap; "#####, r#####" use std::{collections::HashMap}; "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_toggle_ignore() { check_doc_test( "toggle_ignore", r#####" $0#[test] fn arithmetics { assert_eq!(2 + 2, 5); } "#####, r#####" #[test] #[ignore] fn arithmetics { assert_eq!(2 + 2, 5); } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_unmerge_use() { check_doc_test( "unmerge_use", r#####" use std::fmt::{Debug, Display$0}; "#####, r#####" use std::fmt::{Debug}; use std::fmt::Display; "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_unwrap_block() { check_doc_test( "unwrap_block", r#####" fn foo() { if true {$0 println!("foo"); } } "#####, r#####" fn foo() { println!("foo"); } "#####, ) } #[test] fn doctest_wrap_return_type_in_result() { check_doc_test( "wrap_return_type_in_result", r#####" fn foo() -> i32$0 { 42i32 } "#####, r#####" fn foo() -> Result<i32, ${0:_}> { Ok(42i32) } "#####, ) }