//! Rename infrastructure for rust-analyzer. It is used primarily for the //! literal "rename" in the ide (look for tests there), but it is also available //! as a general-purpose service. For example, it is used by the fix for the //! "incorrect case" diagnostic. //! //! It leverages the [`crate::search`] functionality to find what needs to be //! renamed. The actual renames are tricky -- field shorthands need special //! attention, and, when renaming modules, you also want to rename files on the //! file system. //! //! Another can of worms are macros: //! //! ``` //! macro_rules! m { () => { fn f() {} } } //! m!(); //! fn main() { //! f() // <- rename me //! } //! ``` //! //! The correct behavior in such cases is probably to show a dialog to the user. //! Our current behavior is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. use std::fmt; use base_db::{AnchoredPathBuf, FileId, FileRange}; use either::Either; use hir::{AsAssocItem, FieldSource, HasSource, InFile, ModuleSource, Semantics}; use stdx::never; use syntax::{ ast::{self, NameOwner}, lex_single_syntax_kind, AstNode, SyntaxKind, TextRange, T, }; use text_edit::TextEdit; use crate::{ defs::Definition, search::FileReference, source_change::{FileSystemEdit, SourceChange}, RootDatabase, }; pub type Result<T, E = RenameError> = std::result::Result<T, E>; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RenameError(pub String); impl fmt::Display for RenameError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Display::fmt(&self.0, f) } } #[macro_export] macro_rules! _format_err { ($fmt:expr) => { RenameError(format!($fmt)) }; ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => { RenameError(format!($fmt, $($arg)+)) } } pub use _format_err as format_err; #[macro_export] macro_rules! _bail { ($($tokens:tt)*) => { return Err(format_err!($($tokens)*)) } } pub use _bail as bail; impl Definition { pub fn rename(&self, sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>, new_name: &str) -> Result<SourceChange> { match *self { Definition::ModuleDef(hir::ModuleDef::Module(module)) => { rename_mod(sema, module, new_name) } Definition::ModuleDef(hir::ModuleDef::BuiltinType(_)) => { bail!("Cannot rename builtin type") } Definition::SelfType(_) => bail!("Cannot rename `Self`"), def => rename_reference(sema, def, new_name), } } /// Textual range of the identifier which will change when renaming this /// `Definition`. Note that some definitions, like buitin types, can't be /// renamed. pub fn range_for_rename(self, sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>) -> Option<FileRange> { // FIXME: the `original_file_range` calls here are wrong -- they never fail, // and _fall back_ to the entirety of the macro call. Such fall back is // incorrect for renames. The safe behavior would be to return an error for // such cases. The correct behavior would be to return an auxiliary list of // "can't rename these occurrences in macros" items, and then show some kind // of a dialog to the user. See: cov_mark::hit!(macros_are_broken_lol); let res = match self { Definition::Macro(mac) => { let src = mac.source(sema.db)?; let name = match &src.value { Either::Left(it) => it.name()?, Either::Right(it) => it.name()?, }; src.with_value(name.syntax()).original_file_range(sema.db) } Definition::Field(field) => { let src = field.source(sema.db)?; match &src.value { FieldSource::Named(record_field) => { let name = record_field.name()?; src.with_value(name.syntax()).original_file_range(sema.db) } FieldSource::Pos(_) => { return None; } } } Definition::ModuleDef(module_def) => match module_def { hir::ModuleDef::Module(module) => { let src = module.declaration_source(sema.db)?; let name = src.value.name()?; src.with_value(name.syntax()).original_file_range(sema.db) } hir::ModuleDef::Function(it) => name_range(it, sema)?, hir::ModuleDef::Adt(adt) => match adt { hir::Adt::Struct(it) => name_range(it, sema)?, hir::Adt::Union(it) => name_range(it, sema)?, hir::Adt::Enum(it) => name_range(it, sema)?, }, hir::ModuleDef::Variant(it) => name_range(it, sema)?, hir::ModuleDef::Const(it) => name_range(it, sema)?, hir::ModuleDef::Static(it) => name_range(it, sema)?, hir::ModuleDef::Trait(it) => name_range(it, sema)?, hir::ModuleDef::TypeAlias(it) => name_range(it, sema)?, hir::ModuleDef::BuiltinType(_) => return None, }, Definition::SelfType(_) => return None, Definition::Local(local) => { let src = local.source(sema.db); let name = match &src.value { Either::Left(bind_pat) => bind_pat.name()?, Either::Right(_) => return None, }; src.with_value(name.syntax()).original_file_range(sema.db) } Definition::GenericParam(generic_param) => match generic_param { hir::GenericParam::TypeParam(type_param) => { let src = type_param.source(sema.db)?; let name = match &src.value { Either::Left(type_param) => type_param.name()?, Either::Right(_trait) => return None, }; src.with_value(name.syntax()).original_file_range(sema.db) } hir::GenericParam::LifetimeParam(lifetime_param) => { let src = lifetime_param.source(sema.db)?; let lifetime = src.value.lifetime()?; src.with_value(lifetime.syntax()).original_file_range(sema.db) } hir::GenericParam::ConstParam(it) => name_range(it, sema)?, }, Definition::Label(label) => { let src = label.source(sema.db); let lifetime = src.value.lifetime()?; src.with_value(lifetime.syntax()).original_file_range(sema.db) } }; return Some(res); fn name_range<D>(def: D, sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>) -> Option<FileRange> where D: HasSource, D::Ast: ast::NameOwner, { let src = def.source(sema.db)?; let name = src.value.name()?; let res = src.with_value(name.syntax()).original_file_range(sema.db); Some(res) } } } fn rename_mod( sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>, module: hir::Module, new_name: &str, ) -> Result<SourceChange> { if IdentifierKind::classify(new_name)? != IdentifierKind::Ident { bail!("Invalid name `{0}`: cannot rename module to {0}", new_name); } let mut source_change = SourceChange::default(); let InFile { file_id, value: def_source } = module.definition_source(sema.db); let file_id = file_id.original_file(sema.db); if let ModuleSource::SourceFile(..) = def_source { // mod is defined in path/to/dir/mod.rs let path = if module.is_mod_rs(sema.db) { format!("../{}/mod.rs", new_name) } else { format!("{}.rs", new_name) }; let dst = AnchoredPathBuf { anchor: file_id, path }; let move_file = FileSystemEdit::MoveFile { src: file_id, dst }; source_change.push_file_system_edit(move_file); } if let Some(InFile { file_id, value: decl_source }) = module.declaration_source(sema.db) { let file_id = file_id.original_file(sema.db); match decl_source.name() { Some(name) => source_change.insert_source_edit( file_id, TextEdit::replace(name.syntax().text_range(), new_name.to_string()), ), _ => never!("Module source node is missing a name"), } } let def = Definition::ModuleDef(hir::ModuleDef::Module(module)); let usages = def.usages(sema).all(); let ref_edits = usages.iter().map(|(&file_id, references)| { (file_id, source_edit_from_references(references, def, new_name)) }); source_change.extend(ref_edits); Ok(source_change) } fn rename_reference( sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>, mut def: Definition, new_name: &str, ) -> Result<SourceChange> { let ident_kind = IdentifierKind::classify(new_name)?; if matches!( def, // is target a lifetime? Definition::GenericParam(hir::GenericParam::LifetimeParam(_)) | Definition::Label(_) ) { match ident_kind { IdentifierKind::Ident | IdentifierKind::Underscore => { cov_mark::hit!(rename_not_a_lifetime_ident_ref); bail!("Invalid name `{}`: not a lifetime identifier", new_name); } IdentifierKind::Lifetime => cov_mark::hit!(rename_lifetime), } } else { match (ident_kind, def) { (IdentifierKind::Lifetime, _) => { cov_mark::hit!(rename_not_an_ident_ref); bail!("Invalid name `{}`: not an identifier", new_name); } (IdentifierKind::Ident, _) => cov_mark::hit!(rename_non_local), (IdentifierKind::Underscore, _) => (), } } def = match def { // HACK: resolve trait impl items to the item def of the trait definition // so that we properly resolve all trait item references Definition::ModuleDef(mod_def) => mod_def .as_assoc_item(sema.db) .and_then(|it| it.containing_trait_impl(sema.db)) .and_then(|it| { it.items(sema.db).into_iter().find_map(|it| match (it, mod_def) { (hir::AssocItem::Function(trait_func), hir::ModuleDef::Function(func)) if trait_func.name(sema.db) == func.name(sema.db) => { Some(Definition::ModuleDef(hir::ModuleDef::Function(trait_func))) } (hir::AssocItem::Const(trait_konst), hir::ModuleDef::Const(konst)) if trait_konst.name(sema.db) == konst.name(sema.db) => { Some(Definition::ModuleDef(hir::ModuleDef::Const(trait_konst))) } ( hir::AssocItem::TypeAlias(trait_type_alias), hir::ModuleDef::TypeAlias(type_alias), ) if trait_type_alias.name(sema.db) == type_alias.name(sema.db) => { Some(Definition::ModuleDef(hir::ModuleDef::TypeAlias(trait_type_alias))) } _ => None, }) }) .unwrap_or(def), _ => def, }; let usages = def.usages(sema).all(); if !usages.is_empty() && ident_kind == IdentifierKind::Underscore { cov_mark::hit!(rename_underscore_multiple); bail!("Cannot rename reference to `_` as it is being referenced multiple times"); } let mut source_change = SourceChange::default(); source_change.extend(usages.iter().map(|(&file_id, references)| { (file_id, source_edit_from_references(references, def, new_name)) })); let (file_id, edit) = source_edit_from_def(sema, def, new_name)?; source_change.insert_source_edit(file_id, edit); Ok(source_change) } pub fn source_edit_from_references( references: &[FileReference], def: Definition, new_name: &str, ) -> TextEdit { let mut edit = TextEdit::builder(); for reference in references { let (range, replacement) = match &reference.name { // if the ranges differ then the node is inside a macro call, we can't really attempt // to make special rewrites like shorthand syntax and such, so just rename the node in // the macro input ast::NameLike::NameRef(name_ref) if name_ref.syntax().text_range() == reference.range => { source_edit_from_name_ref(name_ref, new_name, def) } ast::NameLike::Name(name) if name.syntax().text_range() == reference.range => { source_edit_from_name(name, new_name) } _ => None, } .unwrap_or_else(|| (reference.range, new_name.to_string())); edit.replace(range, replacement); } edit.finish() } fn source_edit_from_name(name: &ast::Name, new_name: &str) -> Option<(TextRange, String)> { if let Some(_) = ast::RecordPatField::for_field_name(name) { if let Some(ident_pat) = name.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::IdentPat::cast) { return Some(( TextRange::empty(ident_pat.syntax().text_range().start()), [new_name, ": "].concat(), )); } } None } fn source_edit_from_name_ref( name_ref: &ast::NameRef, new_name: &str, def: Definition, ) -> Option<(TextRange, String)> { if let Some(record_field) = ast::RecordExprField::for_name_ref(name_ref) { let rcf_name_ref = record_field.name_ref(); let rcf_expr = record_field.expr(); match (rcf_name_ref, rcf_expr.and_then(|it| it.name_ref())) { // field: init-expr, check if we can use a field init shorthand (Some(field_name), Some(init)) => { if field_name == *name_ref { if init.text() == new_name { cov_mark::hit!(test_rename_field_put_init_shorthand); // same names, we can use a shorthand here instead. // we do not want to erase attributes hence this range start let s = field_name.syntax().text_range().start(); let e = record_field.syntax().text_range().end(); return Some((TextRange::new(s, e), new_name.to_owned())); } } else if init == *name_ref { if field_name.text() == new_name { cov_mark::hit!(test_rename_local_put_init_shorthand); // same names, we can use a shorthand here instead. // we do not want to erase attributes hence this range start let s = field_name.syntax().text_range().start(); let e = record_field.syntax().text_range().end(); return Some((TextRange::new(s, e), new_name.to_owned())); } } None } // init shorthand // FIXME: instead of splitting the shorthand, recursively trigger a rename of the // other name https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/issues/6547 (None, Some(_)) if matches!(def, Definition::Field(_)) => { cov_mark::hit!(test_rename_field_in_field_shorthand); let s = name_ref.syntax().text_range().start(); Some((TextRange::empty(s), format!("{}: ", new_name))) } (None, Some(_)) if matches!(def, Definition::Local(_)) => { cov_mark::hit!(test_rename_local_in_field_shorthand); let s = name_ref.syntax().text_range().end(); Some((TextRange::empty(s), format!(": {}", new_name))) } _ => None, } } else if let Some(record_field) = ast::RecordPatField::for_field_name_ref(name_ref) { let rcf_name_ref = record_field.name_ref(); let rcf_pat = record_field.pat(); match (rcf_name_ref, rcf_pat) { // field: rename (Some(field_name), Some(ast::Pat::IdentPat(pat))) if field_name == *name_ref => { // field name is being renamed if pat.name().map_or(false, |it| it.text() == new_name) { cov_mark::hit!(test_rename_field_put_init_shorthand_pat); // same names, we can use a shorthand here instead/ // we do not want to erase attributes hence this range start let s = field_name.syntax().text_range().start(); let e = record_field.syntax().text_range().end(); Some((TextRange::new(s, e), pat.to_string())) } else { None } } _ => None, } } else { None } } fn source_edit_from_def( sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>, def: Definition, new_name: &str, ) -> Result<(FileId, TextEdit)> { let frange = def .range_for_rename(sema) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("No identifier available to rename"))?; let mut replacement_text = String::new(); let mut repl_range = frange.range; if let Definition::Local(local) = def { if let Either::Left(pat) = local.source(sema.db).value { if matches!( pat.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::RecordPatField::cast), Some(pat_field) if pat_field.name_ref().is_none() ) { replacement_text.push_str(": "); replacement_text.push_str(new_name); repl_range = TextRange::new( pat.syntax().text_range().end(), pat.syntax().text_range().end(), ); } } } if replacement_text.is_empty() { replacement_text.push_str(new_name); } let edit = TextEdit::replace(repl_range, replacement_text); Ok((frange.file_id, edit)) } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum IdentifierKind { Ident, Lifetime, Underscore, } impl IdentifierKind { pub fn classify(new_name: &str) -> Result<IdentifierKind> { match lex_single_syntax_kind(new_name) { Some(res) => match res { (SyntaxKind::IDENT, _) => Ok(IdentifierKind::Ident), (T![_], _) => Ok(IdentifierKind::Underscore), (SyntaxKind::LIFETIME_IDENT, _) if new_name != "'static" && new_name != "'_" => { Ok(IdentifierKind::Lifetime) } (SyntaxKind::LIFETIME_IDENT, _) => { bail!("Invalid name `{}`: not a lifetime identifier", new_name) } (_, Some(syntax_error)) => bail!("Invalid name `{}`: {}", new_name, syntax_error), (_, None) => bail!("Invalid name `{}`: not an identifier", new_name), }, None => bail!("Invalid name `{}`: not an identifier", new_name), } } }