use std::{ hash::{Hash, Hasher}, sync::Arc, cell::RefCell, fmt::Debug, }; use parking_lot::Mutex; use libsyntax2::{File}; use im; use { FileId, imp::{FileResolverImp}, module_map_db::ModuleDescr, }; #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct DbHost { db: Arc, } impl DbHost { pub(crate) fn new() -> DbHost { let db = Db { file_resolver: FileResolverImp::default(), files: im::HashMap::new(), cache: Mutex::new(Cache::new()) }; DbHost { db: Arc::new(db) } } pub(crate) fn change_file(&mut self, file_id: FileId, text: Option) { let db = self.db_mut(); match text { None => { db.files.remove(&file_id); } Some(text) => { db.files.insert(file_id, Arc::new(text)); } } } pub(crate) fn set_file_resolver(&mut self, file_resolver: FileResolverImp) { let db = self.db_mut(); db.file_resolver = file_resolver } pub(crate) fn query_ctx(&self) -> QueryCtx { QueryCtx { db: Arc::clone(&self.db), stack: RefCell::new(Vec::new()), trace: RefCell::new(Vec::new()), } } fn db_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Db { // NB: this "forks" the database let db = Arc::make_mut(&mut self.db); db.cache.get_mut().gen += 1; db } } type QueryInvocationId = (u32, u64); type Gen = u64; type OutputHash = u64; fn id(params: &Q::Params) -> QueryInvocationId { use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); params.hash(&mut hasher); (Q::ID, hasher.finish()) } fn output_hash(output: &Q::Output) -> OutputHash { use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); output.hash(&mut hasher); hasher.finish() } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct Db { file_resolver: FileResolverImp, files: im::HashMap>, cache: Mutex, } impl Clone for Db { fn clone(&self) -> Db { Db { file_resolver: self.file_resolver.clone(), files: self.files.clone(), cache: Mutex::new(Cache::new()), } } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub(crate) struct Cache { pub(crate) module_descr: QueryCache, gen: Gen, green: im::HashMap, deps: im::HashMap>, } #[allow(type_alias_bounds)] pub(crate) type QueryCache = im::HashMap< ::Params, ::Output >; impl Cache { fn new() -> Cache { Default::default() } } pub(crate) struct QueryCtx { db: Arc, stack: RefCell>, pub(crate) trace: RefCell>, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub(crate) struct TraceEvent { pub(crate) query_id: u32, pub(crate) kind: TraceEventKind } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) enum TraceEventKind { Start, Evaluating, Finish } impl QueryCtx { pub(crate) fn get(&self, params: &Q::Params) -> Q::Output { let me = id::(params); eprintln!("eval: {:?}", me); let parent = self.stack.borrow().last().map(|&id| id); self.stack.borrow_mut().push(me); self.trace(TraceEvent { query_id: Q::ID, kind: TraceEventKind::Start }); let res = Q::get(self, params); self.trace(TraceEvent { query_id: Q::ID, kind: TraceEventKind::Finish }); if let Some(parent) = parent { let h = output_hash::(&res); let mut cache = self.db.cache.lock(); cache.deps .entry(parent) .or_insert(Vec::new()) .push((me, h)) } let also_me = self.stack.borrow_mut().pop(); assert_eq!(also_me, Some(me)); res } fn trace(&self, event: TraceEvent) { self.trace.borrow_mut().push(event) } } pub(crate) trait Query { const ID: u32; type Params: Hash + Eq + Debug; type Output: Hash + Debug; } pub(crate) trait Get: Query { fn get(ctx: &QueryCtx, params: &Self::Params) -> Self::Output; } impl Get for Q where Q::Params: Clone, Q::Output: Clone, { fn get(ctx: &QueryCtx, params: &Self::Params) -> Self::Output { if !Self::cacheable() { ctx.trace(TraceEvent { query_id: Q::ID, kind: TraceEventKind::Evaluating }); return Self::eval(ctx, params); } if let Some(res) = try_reuse::(ctx, params) { return res; } ctx.trace(TraceEvent { query_id: Q::ID, kind: TraceEventKind::Evaluating }); let res = Self::eval(ctx, params); let mut cache = ctx.db.cache.lock(); let gen = cache.gen; let output_hash = output_hash::(&res); let id = id::(params);, (gen, output_hash)); let cache = Self::cache(&mut cache); cache.insert(params.clone(), res.clone()); res } } fn try_reuse(ctx: &QueryCtx, params: &Q::Params) -> Option where Q::Params: Clone, Q::Output: Clone, { let id = id::(params); let mut cache = ctx.db.cache.lock(); let curr_gen = cache.gen; let old_hash = match * { (gen, _) if gen == curr_gen => { return Some(Q::cache(&mut cache)[params].clone()); } (_, hash) => hash, }; let deps_are_fresh = cache.deps[&id] .iter() .all(|&(dep_id, dep_hash)| { match { //TODO: store the value of parameters, and re-execute the query Some((gen, hash)) if gen == &curr_gen && hash == &dep_hash => true, _ => false, } }); if !deps_are_fresh { return None; }, (curr_gen, old_hash)); Some(Q::cache(&mut cache)[params].clone()) } pub(crate) trait Eval: Query where Self::Params: Clone, Self::Output: Clone, { fn cacheable() -> bool { false } fn cache(_cache: &mut Cache) -> &mut QueryCache { unimplemented!() } fn eval(ctx: &QueryCtx, params: &Self::Params) -> Self::Output; } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct DbFiles { db: Arc, } impl Hash for DbFiles { fn hash(&self, hasher: &mut H) { self.db.cache.lock().gen.hash(hasher) } } impl DbFiles { pub(crate) fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator + 'a { self.db.files.keys().cloned() } pub(crate) fn file_resolver(&self) -> FileResolverImp { self.db.file_resolver.clone() } } pub(crate) enum Files {} impl Query for Files { const ID: u32 = 1; type Params = (); type Output = DbFiles; } impl Get for Files { fn get(ctx: &QueryCtx, params: &()) -> DbFiles { let res = DbFiles { db: Arc::clone(&ctx.db) }; let id = id::(params); let hash = output_hash::(&res); let mut cache = ctx.db.cache.lock(); let gen = cache.gen;, (gen, hash)); res } } enum FileText {} impl Query for FileText { const ID: u32 = 10; type Params = FileId; type Output = Arc; } impl Get for FileText { fn get(ctx: &QueryCtx, file_id: &FileId) -> Arc { let res = ctx.db.files[file_id].clone(); let id = id::(file_id); let hash = output_hash::(&res); let mut cache = ctx.db.cache.lock(); let gen = cache.gen;, (gen, hash)); res } } pub(crate) enum FileSyntax {} impl Query for FileSyntax { const ID: u32 = 20; type Params = FileId; type Output = File; } impl Eval for FileSyntax { fn eval(ctx: &QueryCtx, file_id: &FileId) -> File { let text = ctx.get::(file_id); File::parse(&text) } }