mod atom; use super::*; pub(super) use self::atom::literal; const EXPR_FIRST: TokenSet = LHS_FIRST; pub(super) fn expr(p: &mut Parser) -> BlockLike { let r = Restrictions { forbid_structs: false, prefer_stmt: false }; expr_bp(p, r, 1) } pub(super) fn expr_stmt(p: &mut Parser) -> BlockLike { let r = Restrictions { forbid_structs: false, prefer_stmt: true }; expr_bp(p, r, 1) } fn expr_no_struct(p: &mut Parser) { let r = Restrictions { forbid_structs: true, prefer_stmt: false }; expr_bp(p, r, 1); } // test block // fn a() {} // fn b() { let _ = 1; } // fn c() { 1; 2; } // fn d() { 1; 2 } pub(super) fn block(p: &mut Parser) { if ! { p.error("expected block"); return; } atom::block_expr(p); } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct Restrictions { forbid_structs: bool, prefer_stmt: bool, } enum Op { Simple, Composite(SyntaxKind, u8), } fn current_op(p: &Parser) -> (u8, Op) { if p.at_compound2(PLUS, EQ) { return (1, Op::Composite(PLUSEQ, 2)); } if p.at_compound2(MINUS, EQ) { return (1, Op::Composite(MINUSEQ, 2)); } if p.at_compound3(L_ANGLE, L_ANGLE, EQ) { return (1, Op::Composite(SHLEQ, 3)); } if p.at_compound3(R_ANGLE, R_ANGLE, EQ) { return (1, Op::Composite(SHREQ, 3)); } if p.at_compound2(PIPE, PIPE) { return (3, Op::Composite(PIPEPIPE, 2)); } if p.at_compound2(AMP, AMP) { return (4, Op::Composite(AMPAMP, 2)); } if p.at_compound2(L_ANGLE, EQ) { return (5, Op::Composite(LTEQ, 2)); } if p.at_compound2(R_ANGLE, EQ) { return (5, Op::Composite(GTEQ, 2)); } if p.at_compound2(L_ANGLE, L_ANGLE) { return (9, Op::Composite(SHL, 2)); } if p.at_compound2(R_ANGLE, R_ANGLE) { return (9, Op::Composite(SHR, 2)); } let bp = match p.current() { EQ => 1, DOTDOT => 2, EQEQ | NEQ | L_ANGLE | R_ANGLE => 5, PIPE => 6, CARET => 7, AMP => 8, MINUS | PLUS => 10, STAR | SLASH | PERCENT => 11, _ => 0, }; (bp, Op::Simple) } // Parses expression with binding power of at least bp. fn expr_bp(p: &mut Parser, r: Restrictions, bp: u8) -> BlockLike { let mut lhs = match lhs(p, r) { Some(lhs) => { // test stmt_bin_expr_ambiguity // fn foo() { // let _ = {1} & 2; // {1} &2; // } if r.prefer_stmt && is_block(lhs.kind()) { return BlockLike::Block; } lhs } None => return BlockLike::NotBlock, }; loop { let is_range = p.current() == DOTDOT; let (op_bp, op) = current_op(p); if op_bp < bp { break; } let m = lhs.precede(p); match op { Op::Simple => p.bump(), Op::Composite(kind, n) => { p.bump_compound(kind, n); } } expr_bp(p, r, op_bp + 1); lhs = m.complete(p, if is_range { RANGE_EXPR } else { BIN_EXPR }); } BlockLike::NotBlock } // test no_semi_after_block // fn foo() { // if true {} // loop {} // match () {} // while true {} // for _ in () {} // {} // {} // } fn is_block(kind: SyntaxKind) -> bool { match kind { IF_EXPR | WHILE_EXPR | FOR_EXPR | LOOP_EXPR | MATCH_EXPR | BLOCK_EXPR => true, _ => false, } } const LHS_FIRST: TokenSet = token_set_union![ token_set![AMP, STAR, EXCL, DOTDOT, MINUS], atom::ATOM_EXPR_FIRST, ]; fn lhs(p: &mut Parser, r: Restrictions) -> Option { let m; let kind = match p.current() { // test ref_expr // fn foo() { // let _ = &1; // let _ = &mut &f(); // } AMP => { m = p.start(); p.bump();; REF_EXPR } // test unary_expr // fn foo() { // **&1; // !!true; // --1; // } STAR | EXCL | MINUS => { m = p.start(); p.bump(); PREFIX_EXPR } DOTDOT => { m = p.start(); p.bump(); expr_bp(p, r, 2); return Some(m.complete(p, RANGE_EXPR)); } _ => { let lhs = atom::atom_expr(p, r)?; return Some(postfix_expr(p, r, lhs)); } }; expr_bp(p, r, 255); Some(m.complete(p, kind)) } fn postfix_expr(p: &mut Parser, r: Restrictions, mut lhs: CompletedMarker) -> CompletedMarker { let mut allow_calls = !r.prefer_stmt || !is_block(lhs.kind()); loop { lhs = match p.current() { // test stmt_postfix_expr_ambiguity // fn foo() { // match () { // _ => {} // () => {} // [] => {} // } // } L_PAREN if allow_calls => call_expr(p, lhs), L_BRACK if allow_calls => index_expr(p, lhs), DOT if p.nth(1) == IDENT => if p.nth(2) == L_PAREN || p.nth(2) == COLONCOLON { method_call_expr(p, lhs) } else { field_expr(p, lhs) }, DOT if p.nth(1) == INT_NUMBER => field_expr(p, lhs), // test postfix_range // fn foo() { let x = 1..; } DOTDOT if !EXPR_FIRST.contains(p.nth(1)) => { let m = lhs.precede(p); p.bump(); m.complete(p, RANGE_EXPR) } QUESTION => try_expr(p, lhs), AS_KW => cast_expr(p, lhs), _ => break, }; allow_calls = true } lhs } // test call_expr // fn foo() { // let _ = f(); // let _ = f()(1)(1, 2,); // } fn call_expr(p: &mut Parser, lhs: CompletedMarker) -> CompletedMarker { assert!(; let m = lhs.precede(p); arg_list(p); m.complete(p, CALL_EXPR) } // test index_expr // fn foo() { // x[1][2]; // } fn index_expr(p: &mut Parser, lhs: CompletedMarker) -> CompletedMarker { assert!(; let m = lhs.precede(p); p.bump(); expr(p); p.expect(R_BRACK); m.complete(p, INDEX_EXPR) } // test method_call_expr // fn foo() { //; //, 2,); // } fn method_call_expr(p: &mut Parser, lhs: CompletedMarker) -> CompletedMarker { assert!( && p.nth(1) == IDENT && (p.nth(2) == L_PAREN || p.nth(2) == COLONCOLON) ); let m = lhs.precede(p); p.bump(); name_ref(p); type_args::type_arg_list(p, true); if { arg_list(p); } m.complete(p, METHOD_CALL_EXPR) } // test field_expr // fn foo() { //; //; // } fn field_expr(p: &mut Parser, lhs: CompletedMarker) -> CompletedMarker { assert!( && (p.nth(1) == IDENT || p.nth(1) == INT_NUMBER)); let m = lhs.precede(p); p.bump(); if { name_ref(p) } else { p.bump() } m.complete(p, FIELD_EXPR) } // test try_expr // fn foo() { // x?; // } fn try_expr(p: &mut Parser, lhs: CompletedMarker) -> CompletedMarker { assert!(; let m = lhs.precede(p); p.bump(); m.complete(p, TRY_EXPR) } // test cast_expr // fn foo() { // 82 as i32; // } fn cast_expr(p: &mut Parser, lhs: CompletedMarker) -> CompletedMarker { assert!(; let m = lhs.precede(p); p.bump(); types::type_(p); m.complete(p, CAST_EXPR) } fn arg_list(p: &mut Parser) { assert!(; let m = p.start(); p.bump(); while ! && ! { expr(p); if ! && !p.expect(COMMA) { break; } }; m.complete(p, ARG_LIST); } // test path_expr // fn foo() { // let _ = a; // let _ = a::b; // let _ = ::a::; // let _ = format!(); // } fn path_expr(p: &mut Parser, r: Restrictions) -> CompletedMarker { assert!(paths::is_path_start(p)); let m = p.start(); paths::expr_path(p); match p.current() { L_CURLY if !r.forbid_structs => { struct_lit(p); m.complete(p, STRUCT_LIT) } EXCL => { items::macro_call_after_excl(p); m.complete(p, MACRO_CALL) } _ => m.complete(p, PATH_EXPR) } } // test struct_lit // fn foo() { // S {}; // S { x, y: 32, }; // S { x, y: 32, ..Default::default() }; // } fn struct_lit(p: &mut Parser) { assert!(; p.bump(); while ! && ! { match p.current() { IDENT => { let m = p.start(); name_ref(p); if { expr(p); } m.complete(p, STRUCT_LIT_FIELD); } DOTDOT => { p.bump(); expr(p); } _ => p.err_and_bump("expected identifier"), } if ! { p.expect(COMMA); } } p.expect(R_CURLY); }