mod event; mod input; use { grammar, lexer::Token, parser_api::Parser, parser_impl::{ event::{process, Event}, input::{InputPosition, ParserInput}, }, TextUnit, }; use SyntaxKind::{self, EOF, TOMBSTONE}; pub(crate) trait Sink<'a> { type Tree; fn new(text: &'a str) -> Self; fn leaf(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind, len: TextUnit); fn start_internal(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind); fn finish_internal(&mut self); fn error(&mut self, err: String); fn finish(self) -> Self::Tree; } /// Parse a sequence of tokens into the representative node tree pub(crate) fn parse<'a, S: Sink<'a>>(text: &'a str, tokens: &[Token]) -> S::Tree { let events = { let input = input::ParserInput::new(text, tokens); let parser_impl = ParserImpl::new(&input); let mut parser_api = Parser(parser_impl); grammar::file(&mut parser_api); parser_api.0.into_events() }; let mut sink = S::new(text); process(&mut sink, tokens, events); sink.finish() } /// Implementation details of `Parser`, extracted /// to a separate struct in order not to pollute /// the public API of the `Parser`. pub(crate) struct ParserImpl<'t> { inp: &'t ParserInput<'t>, pos: InputPosition, events: Vec<Event>, } impl<'t> ParserImpl<'t> { pub(crate) fn new(inp: &'t ParserInput<'t>) -> ParserImpl<'t> { ParserImpl { inp, pos: InputPosition::new(), events: Vec::new(), } } pub(crate) fn into_events(self) -> Vec<Event> { assert_eq!(self.nth(0), EOF); } pub(super) fn at_compound2(&self, c1: SyntaxKind, c2: SyntaxKind) -> bool { self.inp.kind(self.pos) == c1 && self.inp.kind(self.pos + 1) == c2 && self.inp.start(self.pos + 1) == self.inp.start(self.pos) + self.inp.len(self.pos) } pub(super) fn at_compound3(&self, c1: SyntaxKind, c2: SyntaxKind, c3: SyntaxKind) -> bool { self.inp.kind(self.pos) == c1 && self.inp.kind(self.pos + 1) == c2 && self.inp.kind(self.pos + 2) == c3 && self.inp.start(self.pos + 1) == self.inp.start(self.pos) + self.inp.len(self.pos) && self.inp.start(self.pos + 2) == self.inp.start(self.pos + 1) + self.inp.len(self.pos + 1) } pub(super) fn nth(&self, n: u32) -> SyntaxKind { self.inp.kind(self.pos + n) } pub(super) fn at_kw(&self, t: &str) -> bool { self.inp.text(self.pos) == t } pub(super) fn start(&mut self) -> u32 { let pos = as u32; self.event(Event::Start { kind: TOMBSTONE, forward_parent: None, }); pos } pub(super) fn bump(&mut self) { let kind = self.nth(0); if kind == EOF { return; } self.do_bump(kind, 1); } pub(super) fn bump_remap(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind) { if self.nth(0) == EOF { // TODO: panic!? return; } self.do_bump(kind, 1); } pub(super) fn bump_compound(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind, n: u8) { self.do_bump(kind, n); } fn do_bump(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind, n_raw_tokens: u8) { self.pos += u32::from(n_raw_tokens); self.event(Event::Token { kind, n_raw_tokens, }); } pub(super) fn error(&mut self, msg: String) { self.event(Event::Error { msg }) } pub(super) fn complete(&mut self, pos: u32, kind: SyntaxKind) { match[pos as usize] { Event::Start { kind: ref mut slot, .. } => { *slot = kind; } _ => unreachable!(), } self.event(Event::Finish); } pub(super) fn abandon(&mut self, pos: u32) { let idx = pos as usize; if idx == - 1 { match { Some(Event::Start { kind: TOMBSTONE, forward_parent: None, }) => (), _ => unreachable!(), } } } pub(super) fn precede(&mut self, pos: u32) -> u32 { let new_pos = self.start(); match[pos as usize] { Event::Start { ref mut forward_parent, .. } => { *forward_parent = Some(new_pos - pos); } _ => unreachable!(), } new_pos } fn event(&mut self, event: Event) { } }